Community Blog Cricket, Wickets and Big Data

Cricket, Wickets and Big Data

Alibaba Cloud Academy has just launched a contest to analyze results from cricket games with our big data tools to increase awareness around cloud intelligence for sports.

By Alibaba Cloud Academy Team

Alibaba Cloud Academy has launched a contest to increase awareness around cloud intelligence and how it can be applied to sport by even novice users. The contest runs from the 10th of September to the 11th of October and is open to contestants who have completed the Big Data learning path on Alibaba Cloud Academy.

Visit the official page to learn more.

Globally, the sports analytics market is set to grow to USD4.5 billion in revenue at a CAGR of 43.5 percent by 2024. In the sport of cricket, broadcasters have been using analytics to better engage with audiences and teams, while club managers have been employing analytics to improve player performance, recovery, and nutrition.

Through the Cricket, Wickets and Analytics challenge, fans and technology enthusiasts can get closer to understanding how cricket is played through analyzing sports data patterns. After completing the basic course on Alibaba Cloud Academy, which will expose users to analysis tools, participants will be given a data set of over 1400 international cricket matches along with an evaluation that asks them to manipulate the data in ways that produce compelling results. Outstanding participants will be interviewed on their research, and further publicized on Alibaba Cloud Academy's website and social portals. They will also be awarded with certificates and trophies.

"Alibaba Cloud is committed to nurturing young talents in cloud computing and artificial intelligence. We have very strong technical knowledges and we want to pass on our knowledge to help India grow a talent pool in cloud technology," said Alex Li, Alibaba Cloud General Manager for South Asia. "We will continue to train talents in India through various channels, and build up an ecosystem with artificial intelligence that can bring greater good for the society."

Alibaba Cloud Academy runs more than 130 courses globally online and offline in nine languages. They cover hot topics including elastic computing, storage, database, networking, big data, cloud security and offer students practical solutions in real life scenario, such as how to design discount coupon effectively using algorithms.

Visit https://edu.alibabacloud.com/ to learn more.

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