Community Blog The Bright Sunshine Behind The Cloud -Muhammad's Story with DTS x Alibaba Cloud

The Bright Sunshine Behind The Cloud -Muhammad's Story with DTS x Alibaba Cloud

Today we feature the story of first-hand learning experience from our excellent DTS program participant Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah.

Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah is a fresh graduate of Universitas Indonesia (UI) from Jakarta, Indonesia. Today we are honored to have him in this interview to share his story of learning and growing with Digital Talent Scholarship (DTS) Program. To learn more about the latest DTS plan from Alibaba Cloud in 2022, please check DTS Database Associate.

Alibaba Cloud Journalist: Hello Aditya! Thank you so much for joining us today! Would you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got to know about the DTS program?

Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah: Thank you so much for having me! I’m a materials science freshly graduated from Universitas Indonesia (UI). My journey on the cloud started in May 2021, but I was debuting on another global cloud provider, not Alibaba Cloud. Since then, I have read quite a lot of articles and documentation regarding cloud providers and their “ammunition” to compete in the world market.

Time flies, in September 2021, I saw an offering from the Indonesian government that it has been building a warm relationship with Alibaba Cloud, and they were providing a training and global certification program called DTS. Seeing this as a big opportunity, I grabbed my laptop immediately and fill up the registration form along with the documents. After the registration was completed, I had to wait for the administration selection announcement to pass to the next stage which was an aptitude test, and I did it!


In October 2021, a great learning experience had to come! We all were the awesome 600 young digital talents across Indonesia. A heartwarming onboarding event was held by Kominfo and Alibaba Cloud. Thanks a lot to Ms. Haryati from Kominfo, as well as Mr. Leon Chen, Ms. Cindy Shu, and Ms. Binyu Lu from Alibaba Cloud! All of the learning paths must be finished within three weeks. Following this, every Saturday we had a virtual class, and the rest was a self-learning class. That is true, at least for me, the instructor-led class is better than the self-learning class. Nevertheless, thanks to all of the great instructors from Alibaba Cloud in the self-learning videos, I found that they had succeeded to make the self-learning class as attractive as instructor-led virtual classes. Good job, keep up the good work guys!


Alibaba Cloud Journalist: Thank you for sharing your experience in the DTS program! After completing the program as an excellent student, do you think this program built up your competitiveness in your future career? How would you like to recommend this program to others?

Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah: I am very proud to be a chosen student from the program. Ms. Maharlesa, a Kominfo employee, said that we were so lucky to have an experience with the Alibaba Cloud because it was the only training held by Kominfo which was provisioned directly by the partner’s HQ office. Even if I’m not an IT graduate, I am still quite confident this training and certification program will help my career growth in the near future. We will see in the next few years that cloud technology will be blooming in ALL everyday-life sectors, ranging from computation, simulation, transaction, graphical rendering, and so on. We can do a big world-changing job at our very own desk in our home. Just focus on the job and let Alibaba Cloud do the rest. We can adjust our IT infrastructure in just minutes based on our needs, OR whatever we want, hahaha!


Alibaba Cloud Journalist: I know many people without much IT knowledge in the background are considering developing their IT skillsets but are still a bit afraid to actually start the journey. I believe your experience would be very encouraging to them.

Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah: Yes, so many people have been asking in the cloud “forum” if it is possible to go for a kick-start in the cloud, though they don’t have experience in IT stuff. I can convince you guys that it is VERY possible, but it also depends on if you have a strong spirit and perseverance embedded in your mind….and heart. Yes, working with heart will be much helpful for you. Love what you do, and do what you love! I did ACA and ACP with awesome scores both above 80. Alhamdulillah, thanks God!

Alibaba Cloud Journalist: That's really inspiring! You said you got over 80 points in both ACA and ACP Cloud Computing Certification Exams. Would you like to tell us more about this?

Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah: Yes, I was really excited! It was our crucial moment. Saturday, November 6, 2021. It was a great day. It was my first and only ACA Certification attempted. The clock was ticking to 1 PM (UTC+7), and the coupon redeem started. The exam was beginning at 2 PM till 3.30 PM. And…... I did it! With a pretty good score that was above 80. In conjunction with this, based on DTS Program regulation, I deserved the next milestone, the ACP training, and global certification. Time flies, the training was great, and I can’t wait for the ACP certification day to come. TADA! Monday, November 22, 2021, was a wonderful day. And…... I did it! Again…. with the awesome score that was also above 80 like my ACA before. Alhamdulillah, praise be to God! Because of Him, I have successfully tackled all of this stuff. So, that’s it! That’s my cloud journey with DTS x Alibaba Cloud. Thank you for your attention! I am curious about your version of the story! Let’s get started with Alibaba Cloud!


Alibaba Cloud Journalist: Thank you, Aditya, for sharing your wonderful learning experience with Alibaba Cloud, but many people may still be hesitant to start their journey in IT with Alibaba Cloud. How would you like to comment on this?

Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah: I firmly believe that Alibaba Cloud would take first place in the Gartner Review (reputable IT review) in the years to come. It’s currently sitting in the third position, BUT its infrastructure is competitive head to head with the number one. So guys, don’t ruin your brain! Let’s get started with Alibaba Cloud and we fight together to make this Alibaba Cloud community get bigger and bigger! I sincerely hope Indonesian Kominfo will always strive to engage in collaborations with more big world-class IT companies in order to make our dreams come true, Indonesia Emas 2045! (read: Indonesian heyday in 2045, a hundred years Indonesian independence)!

Alibaba Cloud Journalist: Thank you again Aditya for being here today! Thank you everyone for reading through the blog! Have a great year ahead and stay safe.

About DTS Program: Initiated by the Indonesia Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO), Digital Talent Scholarship Program is sponsored by Alibaba Cloud Academy. It is a training program that aims to improve the digital competence of young Indonesians and support the rapidly growing digital economy in Indonesia. This free training course focused on basic cloud computing knowledge, such as the basics of elastic computing services, server management, auto-scaling, and network services. As the first-time cooperation, Alibaba Cloud trained around 1,000 participants and certified near 200 of them in 2021. After our trainings, 88% of training participants think that their competency level increased significantly or really significantly after the trainings; 98% of them think the trainings are useful or very useful for their future career. As for now, the first round of program applications in 2022 is open for the registry. Please feel free to check out DTS Database Associate.


Written by: Binyu Lu, Muhammad Aditya Ibnu Islamsyah
For more information, please visit: https://edu.alibabacloud.com/


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