Community Blog DNA Assemble: Genetic Replication Game

DNA Assemble: Genetic Replication Game

This is a featured project from Alibaba Cloud Project Hub developed by Hartawan Bahari Mulyadi from Indonesia.

This is a featured project from Alibaba Cloud Project Hub and the Re-Cloud Challenges Indonesia 2021. It is developed by Hartawan Bahari Mulyadi from Indonesia.

Project Introduction

DNA Assemble is an educational game around genetic replication in organic biology subjects. This game has 3 difficulty modes and 1 infinite (arcade) mode. Students can play an active role while learning to increase their understanding of this topic.


During the 2019 Covid pandemic, students experienced an interest in learning. Especially in Indonesia, students are required to study independently, or distance learning which certainly feels new. This concept reduces student interaction, resulting in decreased interest in learning. Through educational games, students are expected to be enthusiastic in learning and gain increased academic achievement and strengthening of understanding in lessons.

Educational games are a solution to increasing children's interest in learning. If this game is developed, it is possible for students around the world to compete in solving problems, collaborating, and learning together. This certainly removes the boundaries for gaining knowledge, especially outside of school.

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

  • ECS

Elastic Compute Service (ECS) is easy to deploy and provides the ability to adjust needs based on data traffic. What's more, ECS supports running progressive web apps, so that players (students) don't have to be burdened with installing memory-heavy games. ECS is the best choice for creating website-based games.

  • Web Hosting

Through the Web Hosting technology provided by ECS, it is possible for this game to be accessed on a multi-platform basis, whether Mac, Windows, Mobile, and Linux.

About the Developer

"Tape soft" is a team of Jember University students with a focus on developing the field of Educational Games Applications. We hope to apply educational learning massively to develop an interest in learning.

Education is a measure of national progress. As a team engaged in education, we feel the need to take part in overcoming the decline in student interest in learning during the pandemic or after the pandemic. Because Edu-game technology can help improve student competitiveness for better achievement.

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