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ApsaraVideo VOD:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 06, 2025
This product(vod/2017-03-21) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Media upload

CreateUploadVideoCreateUploadVideoObtains an upload URL and an upload credential for uploading an audio or video file and generates the audio or video ID. ApsaraVideo VOD issues upload URLs and credentials to perform authorization and ensure security. This prevents unauthorized users from uploading media files. ApsaraVideo VOD generates media IDs, video IDs, and image IDs together with upload URLs and credentials. Media IDs are used in lifecycle management and media processing.
RefreshUploadVideoRefreshUploadVideoObtains a new upload credential after a file failed to be uploaded.
CreateUploadImageCreateUploadImageQueries a URL and a credential for uploading an image.
CreateUploadAttachedMediaCreateUploadAttachedMediaObtain an upload credential and create auxiliary media assets, such as watermarks and subtitles. The upload URL and credential are provided by ApsaraVideo VOD to resolve authorization and security issues, prevent malicious uploads, and automatically create media IDs (Mediaid) for management and processing.
UploadMediaByURLUploadMediaByURLUploads media files based on URLs.
GetURLUploadInfosGetURLUploadInfosQueries the information about URL-based upload tasks.
CancelUrlUploadJobsCancelUrlUploadJobsCancels URL-based upload jobs in the queue.
UploadStreamByURLUploadStreamByURLUploads transcoded streams to ApsaraVideo VOD from external storage.
DeleteMultipartUploadDeleteMultipartUploadDeletes the parts generated during an upload.
GetUploadDetailsGetUploadDetailsQueries the upload details, such as the upload time, upload ratio, and upload source, about one or more media files based on the media IDs.
RegisterMediaRegisterMediaRegisters media files. After you add an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket to ApsaraVideo VOD, you must register the media files in the bucket to generate the required information before you use features such as transcoding and snapshot capture on the media files.

Audio and video playback

GetPlayInfoGetPlayInfoObtains the playback URL by the audio or video ID. Then, you can use ApsaraVideo Player or a third-party player, such as a system player, open source player, orself-developed player, to play the audio or video.
GetVideoPlayAuthGetVideoPlayAuthQueries the credential required for media playback. ApsaraVideo Player SDK automatically obtains the playback URL based on the playback credential. Each playback credential can be used to obtain the playback URL only for a specific video in a specific period of time. You cannot obtain the playback URL if the credential expires or is incorrect. You can use PlayAuth-based playback when you require high security for audio and video playback.

Media asset management

Media asset searchMedia asset search
SearchMediaSearchMediaQueries information about videos, audio, images, and auxiliary media assets. You can call this operation and specify the search protocol to query media assets based on the return fields, fields used for exact match, fields used for fuzzy match, fields used for a multi-value query, fields used for a range query, and sort fields.
Tiered storageTiered storage
UpdateMediaStorageClassUpdateMediaStorageClassModifies the storage classes of media assets.
RestoreMediaRestoreMediaRestores media assets.
Media asset categoryMedia asset category
AddCategoryAddCategoryCreates a category to classify media assets that are stored in ApsaraVideo VOD. This helps you query and manage resources in a more efficient and convenient way.
UpdateCategoryUpdateCategoryModifies a video category.
DeleteCategoryDeleteCategoryDeletes a category and its subcategories.
GetCategoriesGetCategoriesQueries the information about a specific category and its subcategories based on the ID or type of the category.
Audio and video managementAudio and video management
GetVideoInfoGetVideoInfoObtains the title, description, duration, thumbnail URL, status, creation time, size, snapshots, category, and tags of a media file based on the file ID.
GetVideoInfosGetVideoInfosQueries information such as the title, description, duration, thumbnail URL, status, creation time, size, snapshots, category, and tags about multiple audio or video files based on IDs.
GetVideoListGetVideoListQueries information about media files.
GetMezzanineInfoGetMezzanineInfoQueries the information about the mezzanine file of an audio or video. The information includes the mezzanine file URL, resolution, and bitrate of the audio or video.
UpdateVideoInfoUpdateVideoInfoModifies the information about an audio or video file.
UpdateVideoInfosUpdateVideoInfosModifies information about multiple audio or video files at a time.
DeleteMezzaninesDeleteMezzaninesDeletes one or more source files at a time.
DeleteStreamDeleteStreamDeletes one or more video or audio streams and their storage files at a time.
DeleteVideoDeleteVideoDeletes one or more video files, including their source files, transcoded stream files, and thumbnails
Auxiliary media asset managementAuxiliary media asset management
GetAttachedMediaInfoGetAttachedMediaInfoQueries the URL and basic information about one or more auxiliary media assets such as watermark images, subtitle files, and materials based on IDs.
UpdateAttachedMediaInfosUpdateAttachedMediaInfosModifies the information about multiple auxiliary media assets at a time. After you upload auxiliary media assets, such as images that contain watermarks, subtitle files, or other materials, to ApsaraVideo VOD, you can call this operation to update their titles, descriptions, tags, and categories at a time based on the unique identifiers (IDs) of the auxiliary media assets.
DeleteAttachedMediaDeleteAttachedMediaDeletes auxiliary media assets from ApsaraVideo VOD. You can delete one or more auxiliary media assets such as watermark images, subtitle files, and materials in a batch.
Image managementImage management
GetImageInfoGetImageInfoQueries the basic information and URL of an image based on the image ID after you upload the image to ApsaraVideo VOD.
GetImageInfosGetImageInfosQueries the basic information and access URLs of images based on the image IDs after you upload the images to ApsaraVideo VOD.
UpdateImageInfosUpdateImageInfosModifies the information about multiple images at a time. After you upload images to ApsaraVideo VOD, you can call this operation to update their titles, descriptions, tags, and categories at a time based on the IDs of the images.
ListSnapshotsListSnapshotsQueries snapshots that were captured by submitting snapshot jobs or the thumbnail that was generated by the system when you uploaded a video.
DeleteImageDeleteImageDeletes uploaded images and video snapshots that are automatically captured.
Animated sticker managementAnimated sticker management
ListDynamicImageListDynamicImageQueries the information about animated images of a video based on the video ID.
DeleteDynamicImageDeleteDynamicImageDeletes the information about animated images.

Media processing

Process initiationProcess initiation
SubmitTranscodeJobsSubmitTranscodeJobsSubmits a transcoding job to start transcoding in an asynchronous manner.
SubmitSnapshotJobSubmitSnapshotJobSubmits a snapshot job for a video to start asynchronous snapshot processing.
SubmitPreprocessJobsSubmitPreprocessJobsPreprocesses a video by using the production studio feature.
SubmitDynamicImageJobSubmitDynamicImageJobSubmits a frame animation job and starts asynchronous processing.
SubmitWorkflowJobSubmitWorkflowJobInitiates a workflow to process media files.
Transcoding templateTranscoding template
AddTranscodeTemplateGroupAddTranscodeTemplateGroupCreates a transcoding template group or adds transcoding templates to a transcoding template group.
UpdateTranscodeTemplateGroupUpdateTranscodeTemplateGroupModifies the configurations of a transcoding template group or configurations of transcoding templates in the transcoding template group.
SetDefaultTranscodeTemplateGroupSetDefaultTranscodeTemplateGroupSpecifies a transcoding template group as the default one.
ListTranscodeTemplateGroupListTranscodeTemplateGroupQueries transcoding template groups.
GetTranscodeTemplateGroupGetTranscodeTemplateGroupQueries the details of a transcoding template group based on the template group ID.
DeleteTranscodeTemplateGroupDeleteTranscodeTemplateGroupDeletes one or more transcoding templates from a transcoding template group or forcibly deletes a transcoding template group.
Snapshot templateSnapshot template
AddVodTemplateAddVodTemplateAdds a snapshot template or frame animation template.
UpdateVodTemplateUpdateVodTemplateModifies a snapshot template.
GetVodTemplateGetVodTemplateQueries details of a snapshot template.
ListVodTemplateListVodTemplateQueries snapshot templates.
DeleteVodTemplateDeleteVodTemplateDeletes a snapshot template.
Video watermarkVideo watermark
AddWatermarkAddWatermarkCreates an image or text watermark template. ApsaraVideo VOD allows you to create watermark templates to reuse your parameter configurations such as watermark position, size, font, and color. Each watermark template is assigned a unique ID. This simplifies the processing of watermark tasks.
UpdateWatermarkUpdateWatermarkModifies the name and configurations of a watermark template after you create a watermark template.
DeleteWatermarkDeleteWatermarkDeletes an image watermark or text watermark template.
SetDefaultWatermarkSetDefaultWatermarkSets a watermark template as the default one.
GetWatermarkGetWatermarkQueries the configurations of an image or text watermark template based on tits ID. You can call this operation to obtain information such as the position, size, and display time of an image watermark or the content, position, font, and font color of a text watermark.
ListWatermarkListWatermarkQueries the configuration information about all image and text watermark templates in a region. You can call this operation to obtain information such as the position, size, and display time of image watermarks or the content, position, font, and font color of text watermarks.
Transcoding taskTranscoding task
GetTranscodeSummaryGetTranscodeSummaryQueries transcoding summaries of audio and video files based on the file ID. A transcoding summary includes the status and progress of transcoding.
ListTranscodeTaskListTranscodeTaskQueries transcoding tasks based on the media ID. This operation does not return specific job information.
GetTranscodeTaskGetTranscodeTaskQueries details about transcoding jobs based on the transcoding task ID.

Online editing

ProduceEditingProjectVideoProduceEditingProjectVideoProduces a video from one or more source files. You can directly specify source files by configuring the Timeline parameter. Alternatively, you can specify source files after you create an online editing project.
Project management for online editingProject management for online editing
AddEditingProjectAddEditingProjectCreates an online editing project.
UpdateEditingProjectUpdateEditingProjectModifies an online editing project.
DeleteEditingProjectDeleteEditingProjectDeletes online editing projects.
SetEditingProjectMaterialsSetEditingProjectMaterialsSpecifies the media assets that you want to edit in an online editing project.
GetEditingProjectGetEditingProjectQueries the details of an online editing project.
GetEditingProjectMaterialsGetEditingProjectMaterialsQueries materials that are waiting to be edited in an online editing project.
SearchEditingProjectSearchEditingProjectQueries online editing projects.
AddEditingProjectMaterialsAddEditingProjectMaterialsAdds one or more materials to an editing project.
DeleteEditingProjectMaterialsDeleteEditingProjectMaterialsDeletes the materials to be edited for an online editing project.

Media review

Review settingsReview settings
SetAuditSecurityIpSetAuditSecurityIpManages the IP addresses in review security groups.
ListAuditSecurityIpListAuditSecurityIpQueries the IP addresses in a security group.
Automated reviewAutomated review
SubmitAIMediaAuditJobSubmitAIMediaAuditJobSubmits an automated review job for a media file. After the job is submitted, ApsaraVideo VOD asynchronously processes the job. Therefore, the operation may return a response before the job is complete.
SubmitAIImageAuditJobSubmitAIImageAuditJobSubmits an automated review job for an image. After the job is submitted, the job is processed in an asynchronous manner. The operation may return a response before the job is complete.
GetAIMediaAuditJobGetAIMediaAuditJobQueries the information about an intelligent review job. After the job is submitted, it is processed asynchronously. You can call this operation to query the job information in real time.
GetMediaAuditResultGetMediaAuditResultQueries the summary of automated review results.
GetMediaAuditResultDetailGetMediaAuditResultDetailQueries the details of automated review results. You can call this operation to query the details of review results in real time.
GetMediaAuditResultTimelineGetMediaAuditResultTimelineQueries the timelines of all snapshots that violate content regulations.
GetMediaAuditAudioResultDetailGetMediaAuditAudioResultDetailQueries the details of audio review results.
Manual reviewManual review
CreateAuditCreateAuditPerforms manual review on media files, such as audio and video files.
GetAuditHistoryGetAuditHistoryQueries the manual review history.

Video AI

AI templatesAI templates
AddAITemplateAddAITemplateAdds an AI template for automated review and smart thumbnail tasks.
DeleteAITemplateDeleteAITemplateDeletes an AI template.
UpdateAITemplateUpdateAITemplateModifies an AI template.
SetDefaultAITemplateSetDefaultAITemplateSpecifies an AI template as the default template.
GetAITemplateGetAITemplateQueries the details of an AI template.
ListAITemplateListAITemplateQueries AI templates.
GetDefaultAITemplateGetDefaultAITemplateQueries information about the default AI template.
AI jobsAI jobs
ListAIJobListAIJobQueries AI jobs. After a job is submitted, ApsaraVideo VOD asynchronously processes the job. You can call this operation to query the job information in real time.
SubmitAIJobSubmitAIJobSubmits a smart tagging or video fingerprinting job.
Video DNAVideo DNA
GetMediaDNAResultGetMediaDNAResultQueries a media fingerprinting result. After a media fingerprinting job is complete, you can call this operation to query the media fingerprinting result.
SubmitMediaDNADeleteJobSubmitMediaDNADeleteJobDeletes a video fingerprinting job.
Smart taggingSmart tagging
GetAIVideoTagResultGetAIVideoTagResultQueries the results of smart tagging jobs.
Smart thumbnailSmart thumbnail
SubmitAIImageJobSubmitAIImageJobSubmits jobs of image AI processing.
GetAIImageJobsGetAIImageJobsQueries jobs of image AI processing.
ListAIImageInfoListAIImageInfoQueries the AI processing results about the images of a specified video.
DeleteAIImageInfosDeleteAIImageInfosDeletes the information about one or more images that are submitted for AI processing.

Live to VOD

ListLiveRecordVideoListLiveRecordVideoQueries live-to-VOD videos.

CDN for ApsaraVideo VOD

Data monitoringData monitoring
Request statisticsRequest statistics
DescribeVodDomainTrafficDataDescribeVodDomainTrafficDataQueries the traffic data for one or more accelerated domains. The minimum time granularity is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 366 days. Compared with the DescribeVodDomainRealTimeTrafficData operation, this operation provides a greater time granularity, higher data latency, but allows you to query historical data within a longer time period.
DescribeVodDomainBpsDataDescribeVodDomainBpsDataQueries the bandwidth for one or more specified domain names for CDN.
DescribeVodDomainBpsDataByLayerDescribeVodDomainBpsDataByLayerQueries the bandwidth data by protocol.
DescribeVodDomainQpsDataDescribeVodDomainQpsDataQueries the number of queries per second (QPS) for one or more accelerated domain names. Data is collected every 5 minutes. You can query data collected in the last 90 days.
DescribeVodDomainHitRateDataDescribeVodDomainHitRateDataQueries the byte hit ratios of accelerated domain names. Byte hit ratios are measured in percentage.
DescribeVodDomainReqHitRateDataDescribeVodDomainReqHitRateDataQueries the byte hit ratio for one or more accelerated domains. Request hit ratios are measured in percentage.
DescribeVodRangeDataByLocateAndIspServiceDescribeVodRangeDataByLocateAndIspServiceQueries the access data such as bandwidth, average request response rate, page view, cache hit rate, and request hit ratio of accelerated domain names by Internet service provider (ISP) or region.
Back-to-origin statisticsBack-to-origin statistics
DescribeVodDomainSrcTrafficDataDescribeVodDomainSrcTrafficDataQueries origin traffic data for accelerated domain names in ApsaraVideo VOD. The traffic is measured in bytes.
DescribeVodDomainSrcBpsDataDescribeVodDomainSrcBpsDataQueries the bandwidth data during origin fetch for one or more accelerated domain names.
Real-time statisticsReal-time statistics
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeTrafficDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeTrafficDataQueries the traffic data for one or more accelerated domains. The minimum time granularity is 1 minute. The minimum data latency is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 186 days. Compared with the DescribeVodDomainTrafficData operation, this operation provides a smaller time granularity, lower data latency, and allows you to query historical data within a shorter time period.
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeBpsDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeBpsDataQueries the bandwidth data for one or more accelerated domains. The minimum time granularity is 1 minute. The minimum data latency is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 186 days. Compared with the DescribeVodDomainBpsData operation, this operation provides a smaller time granularity, lower data latency, and allows you to query historical data within a shorter time period.
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeHttpCodeDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeHttpCodeDataQueries the total number of HTTP status codes and proportion of each HTTP status code for one or more accelerated domains. The minimum time granularity is 1 minute. The minimum data latency is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 186 days.
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeQpsDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeQpsDataQueries the number of queries per second (QPS) for one or more accelerated domains. The minimum time granularity is 1 minute. The minimum data latency is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 186 days.
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeReqHitRateDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeReqHitRateDataQueries the request hit ratio data for one or more accelerated domain names. The minimum time granularity is 1 minute. The minimum data latency is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 186 days.
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeByteHitRateDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeByteHitRateDataQueries the byte hit ratio for one or more accelerated domains. The minimum time granularity is 1 minute. The minimum data latency is 5 minutes. You can query data in the last 186 days.
DescribeVodDomainRealTimeDetailDataDescribeVodDomainRealTimeDetailDataQueries the real-time access data of one or more accelerated domain names in the previous seven days. The data includes queries per second (QPS), bandwidth, and HTTP status codes.
Domain name managementDomain name management
AddVodDomainAddVodDomainAdds a domain name to accelerate in ApsaraVideo VOD.
DeleteVodDomainDeleteVodDomainRemoves an accelerated domain name from ApsaraVideo VOD.
UpdateVodDomainUpdateVodDomainModifies a specific accelerated domain name.
DescribeVodUserDomainsDescribeVodUserDomainsQueries accelerated domain names in your Alibaba Cloud account.
DescribeVodDomainDetailDescribeVodDomainDetailQueries the basic information about a specified domain name for CDN.
BatchStartVodDomainBatchStartVodDomainEnables accelerated domain names that are in the disabled state.
BatchStopVodDomainBatchStopVodDomainDisables accelerated domain names.
Domain name verificationDomain name verification
VerifyVodDomainOwnerVerifyVodDomainOwnerVerifies the ownership of a domain name.
DescribeVodVerifyContentDescribeVodVerifyContentQueries the ownership verification content.
Domain name configurationsDomain name configurations
DeleteVodSpecificConfigDeleteVodSpecificConfigDeletes the configurations of an accelerated domain name.
SetVodDomainCertificateSetVodDomainCertificateEnables or disables the certificate of a domain name and modifies the certificate information.
DescribeVodDomainConfigsDescribeVodDomainConfigsQueries the configurations of an accelerated domain name. You can query the configurations of one or more features in each request.
DescribeVodCertificateListDescribeVodCertificateListQueries the certificate list.
DescribeVodDomainCertificateInfoDescribeVodDomainCertificateInfoQueries the certificate information about an accelerated domain name.
BatchSetVodDomainConfigsBatchSetVodDomainConfigsConfigures one or more domain names for CDN.
Refresh and prefetchRefresh and prefetch
DescribeVodRefreshTasksDescribeVodRefreshTasksQueries the information about one or more refresh or prefetch tasks.
DescribeVodRefreshQuotaDescribeVodRefreshQuotaQueries the maximum number and remaining number of requests to refresh or prefetch files on the current day. You can prefetch files based on URLs and refresh files based on URLs or directories.
PreloadVodObjectCachesPreloadVodObjectCachesPrefetches resources from an origin server to L2 nodes. Users can directly hit the cache upon their first visits. This way, workloads on the origin server can be reduced.
RefreshVodObjectCachesRefreshVodObjectCachesRefreshes files on Alibaba Cloud CDN nodes. You can refresh multiple files at a time based on URLs.
RefreshMediaPlayUrlsRefreshMediaPlayUrlsSubmits media refresh or prefetch tasks based on the media IDs.
GetMediaRefreshJobsGetMediaRefreshJobsQueries the information about media refresh or prefetch jobs, such as the job status and filtering conditions.
Log managementLog management
DescribeVodDomainLogDescribeVodDomainLogQueries the information about the CDN access logs for a domain name, including the log path.

Video security

HLS encryptionHLS encryption
GenerateKMSDataKeyGenerateKMSDataKeyGenerates a random Key Management Service (KMS) data key used for HLS encryption in ApsaraVideo VOD.
DecryptKMSDataKeyDecryptKMSDataKeyDecrypts the ciphertext specified by CiphertextBlob in the Key Management Service (KMS) data key.
Digital watermarkDigital watermark
SubmitDigitalWatermarkExtractJobSubmitDigitalWatermarkExtractJobSubmits a digital watermark extraction job. You can call this operation to asynchronously extract a copyright watermark or user-tracing watermark.
GetDigitalWatermarkExtractResultGetDigitalWatermarkExtractResultQueries the results of a digital watermark extraction job. You can call this operation to obtain information such as the job status and the content of the copyright or user-tracing watermark.
Secure download and cachingSecure download and caching
GenerateDownloadSecretKeyGenerateDownloadSecretKeyGenerates a key for secure download. ApsaraVideo Player SDK provides the secure download feature. Videos that are downloaded to your local device in this mode are encrypted. You can play the encrypted videos only by using the key file generated from the app that you specified. Secure download protects your videos from malicious playback or distribution.

Data statistics

Resource usageResource usage
DescribeVodDomainUsageDataDescribeVodDomainUsageDataQueries the traffic or bandwidth data of one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeVodStorageDataDescribeVodStorageDataQueries the usage of storage-related resources, including the storage volume and outbound traffic.
DescribeVodTranscodeDataDescribeVodTranscodeDataQueries the transcoding statistics.
DescribeVodAIDataDescribeVodAIDataQueries the statistics on video AI of different types, such as automated review and media fingerprinting.
DescribeVodTieringStorageDataDescribeVodTieringStorageDataQueries the usage of tiered storage for media assets.
DescribeVodTieringStorageRetrievalDataDescribeVodTieringStorageRetrievalDataQueries the data retrieval from tiered storage.
Playback statistics (new)Playback statistics (new)
DescribeVodMediaPlayDataDescribeVodMediaPlayDataQueries the playback statistics based on the media ID. You can call this operation to query information such as the number of visits, average video views per viewer, total number of views, average playback duration per viewer, and total playback duration.
Playback statistics (old)Playback statistics (old)
DescribePlayTopVideosDescribePlayTopVideosQueries daily playback statistics on top videos, including video views, unique visitors, and total playback duration.
DescribePlayUserAvgDescribePlayUserAvgQueries the statistics on average playback each day in a specified time range.
DescribePlayUserTotalDescribePlayUserTotalQueries the daily playback statistics in a specified time range. The playback statistics include the total number of views, total number of viewers, total playback duration, and playback duration distribution.
DescribePlayVideoStatisDescribePlayVideoStatisQueries the daily playback statistics of a specified video within a specified time range. The statistical metrics include the total playback duration, number of playback times, number of playback users, and playback duration distribution.

Multi-application service

Application managementApplication management
CreateAppInfoCreateAppInfoCreates an application.
DeleteAppInfoDeleteAppInfoDeletes an application.
UpdateAppInfoUpdateAppInfoUpdates the information about an application.
GetAppInfosGetAppInfosQueries the information about one or more applications based on application IDs.
ListAppInfoListAppInfoQueries the applications that you are authorized to manage based on query conditions.
AddVodStorageForAppAddVodStorageForAppBinds a storage bucket to one or more applications in ApsaraVideo VOD.
Authorization managementAuthorization management
AttachAppPolicyToIdentityAttachAppPolicyToIdentityGrants a RAM user or RAM role permissions to access ApsaraVideo VOD applications.
DetachAppPolicyFromIdentityDetachAppPolicyFromIdentityRevokes application permissions from the specified identity. The identity may a RAM user or RAM role.
ListAppPoliciesForIdentityListAppPoliciesForIdentityQueries the application policies that are attached to the specified identity. The identity may be a RAM user or RAM role.
Resource migrationResource migration
MoveAppResourceMoveAppResourceMigrates resources between applications. The application administrator can directly migrate resources between applications. Resource Access Management (RAM) users or RAM roles must obtain the write permissions on the source and destination applications before they migrate resources between applications. Multiple resources can be migrated at a time.

Global configurations

Storage managementStorage management
SetCrossdomainContentSetCrossdomainContentUpdates the cross-domain policy file crossdomain.xml.
Event notificationsEvent notifications
DeleteMessageCallbackDeleteMessageCallbackDeletes the callback method, callback URL, and event type of an event notification.
SetMessageCallbackSetMessageCallbackSets the callback method, callback URL, and event type of an event notification.
GetMessageCallbackGetMessageCallbackQueries the callback method, callback URL, and event type for event notifications.