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ApsaraVideo VOD:ProduceEditingProjectVideo

Last Updated:Jul 19, 2024

Produces a video from one or more source files. You can directly specify source files by configuring the Timeline parameter. Alternatively, you can specify source files after you create an online editing project.

Operation description

  • Make sure that you understand the billing methods and price of ApsaraVideo VOD before you call this operation. You are charged for using the online editing feature. For more information, see Billing .

  • This operation returns only the submission result of a video production task. When the submission result is returned, video production may still be in progress. After a video production task is submitted, the task is queued in the background for asynchronous processing.

  • The source files that are used in the timeline of an online editing project can be materials directly uploaded to the online project or selected from the media asset library.

  • Videos are produced based on ProjectId and Timeline. The following content describes the parameter configurations:

    • You must specify ProjectId or Timeline. If you leave both parameters empty, the video cannot be produced.
    • If you specify Timeline and leave ProjectId empty, the system automatically creates an online editing project based on Timeline and adds the materials specified in the Timeline to the project to produce videos.
    • If you specify ProjectId and leave Timeline empty, the system automatically uses the latest timeline information of the project to produce videos.
    • If you specify both ProjectId and Timeline, the system automatically uses the timeline information that you specified to produce videos and updates the project timeline and materials. You can also specify other parameters to update the corresponding information about the online editing project.
  • After a video is produced, the video is automatically uploaded to ApsaraVideo VOD. Then, the ProduceMediaComplete and FileUploadComplete event notifications are sent to you. After the produced video is transcoded, the StreamTranscodeComplete and TranscodeComplete event notifications are sent to you.

  • You can add special effects to the video. For more information, see Special effects.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The ID of the online editing project. You can use one of the following methods to obtain the ID of the online editing project:

  • Log on to the ApsaraVideo VOD console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Production Center > Video Editing to view the ID of the online editing project.
  • Obtain the value of ProjectId from the response to the AddEditingProject operation.

The timeline of the online editing project. The value must be in JSON format. For more information about the parameter structure, see Timeline .


The title of the online editing project.

editing project test

The description of the online editing project.

description test

The thumbnail URL of the online editing project.****.png

The video metadata. The value must be in JSON format. For more information about the parameter structure, see MediaMetadata .

{"Description":"video description","Title":"userData test"}

The configuration of video production. The value must be in the JSON format. For more information about the parameter structure, see ProduceConfig .

Note StorageLocation is required if you produce videos in a region other than China (Shanghai).

The custom configurations, such as the callback configuration. The value must be a JSON string. For more information about the parameter structure, see UserData .

Note The callback configurations take effect only after you specify an HTTP URL for receiving callback notifications and select the event types in the ApsaraVideo VOD console.

The ID of the application. Default value: app-1000000. For more information, see Multi-application service.


Response parameters


The returned result.


The ID of the request.


The ID of the produced video.

  • This parameter is returned for each request.
  • If a value is returned for this parameter, the video production task is being asynchronously processed.
  • 006204a11bb386bb25491f95f****

    The ID of the online editing project.

    Note ApsaraVideo VOD sends a FileUploadComplete event notification after video production is complete, which is similar to the action that is performed after video upload. After the produced video is transcoded, ApsaraVideo VOD sends the StreamTranscodeComplete and TranscodeComplete event notifications.


    Sample success responses


      "RequestId": "25818875-5F78-4AF6-D7393642CA58****",
      "MediaId": "006204a11bb386bb25491f95f****",
      "ProjectId": "fb2101bf24b4cb318787dc****"

    Error codes

    For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

    Change history

    Change timeSummary of changesOperation
    2023-11-02The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details