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ApsaraDB RDS:CreateDBInstance

Last Updated:Jan 09, 2025

Creates an instance.

Operation description


You can run this interface directly in OpenAPI Explorer, saving you the trouble of calculating signatures. After running successfully, OpenAPI Explorer can automatically generate SDK code samples.

Authorization information

The following table shows the authorization information corresponding to the API. The authorization information can be used in the Action policy element to grant a RAM user or RAM role the permissions to call this API operation. Description:

  • Operation: the value that you can use in the Action element to specify the operation on a resource.
  • Access level: the access level of each operation. The levels are read, write, and list.
  • Resource type: the type of the resource on which you can authorize the RAM user or the RAM role to perform the operation. Take note of the following items:
    • The required resource types are displayed in bold characters.
    • If the permissions cannot be granted at the resource level, All Resources is used in the Resource type column of the operation.
  • Condition Key: the condition key that is defined by the cloud service.
  • Associated operation: other operations that the RAM user or the RAM role must have permissions to perform to complete the operation. To complete the operation, the RAM user or the RAM role must have the permissions to perform the associated operations.
OperationAccess levelResource typeCondition keyAssociated operation
*All Resources
  • rds:ResourceTag

Request parameters


The region ID. You can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the most recent region list.


The database engine of the instance. Valid values:

  • MySQL
  • SQLServer
  • PostgreSQL
  • MariaDB

The database engine version of the instance. Valid values:

  • Regular instance

    • Valid values when you set Engine to MySQL: 5.5, 5.6, 5.7, and 8.0
    • Valid values when you set Engine to SQLServer: 08r2_ent_ha (cloud disks, discontinued), 2008r2 (local disks, discontinued), 2012 (SQL Server EE Basic), 2012_ent_ha, 2012_std_ha, 2012_web, 2014_ent_ha, 2014_std_ha, 2016_ent_ha, 2016_std_ha, 2016_web, 2017_ent, 2017_std_ha, 2017_web, 2019_ent, 2019_std_ha, 2019_web, 2022_ent, 2022_std_ha, and 2022_web
    • Valid values when you set Engine to PostgreSQL: 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, and 16.0
    • Valid value if you set Engine to MariaDB: 10.3
  • Serverless instance

    • Valid values when you set Engine to MySQL: 5.7 and 8.0
    • Valid values when you set Engine to SQLServer: 2016_std_sl, 2017_std_sl, and 2019_std_sl
    • Valid values when you set Engine to PostgreSQL: 14.0, 15.0, and 16.0
  • ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB does not support serverless instances.
  • RDS instances that run SQL Server: _ent specifies SQL Server EE (Always On), _ent_ha specifies SQL Server EE, _std_ha specifies SQL Server SE, and _web specifies SQL Server Web.
  • RDS instances that run SQL Server 2014 are not available for purchase on the international site (
  • Babelfish is supported only for RDS instances that run PostgreSQL 15.
  • 5.6

    The instance type of the instance. You can specify an instance type of the standard or YiTian product type. For more information, see Primary ApsaraDB RDS instance types.

    To create a serverless instance, set this parameter to one of the following values:

    • If you want to create a serverless instance that runs MySQL on RDS Basic Edition, set this parameter to mysql.n2.serverless.1c.
    • If you want to create a serverless instance that runs MySQL on RDS High-availability Edition, set this parameter to mysql.n2.serverless.2c.
    • If you want to create a serverless instance that runs SQL Server, set this parameter to mssql.mem2.serverless.s2.
    • If you want to create a serverless instance that runs PostgreSQL on RDS Basic Edition, set this parameter to pg.n2.serverless.1c.
    • If you want to create a serverless instance that runs PostgreSQL on RDS High-availability Edition, set this parameter to pg.n2.serverless.2c.

    The storage capacity of the instance. Unit: GB. The storage capacity increases in increments of 5 GB. For more information, see Primary ApsaraDB RDS instance types.


    A deprecated parameter. You do not need to specify this parameter.


    The network connection type of the instance. The value of this parameter is fixed as Intranet, indicating an internal network connection.


    The instance name. The name must be 2 to 255 characters in length and can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The name must start with a letter.

    Note The name cannot start with http:// or https://.
    Test database

    The IP address whitelist of the instance. For more information, see Use a database client or the CLI to connect to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. If the IP address whitelist contains more than one entry, separate the entries with commas (,). Each entry must be unique. The IP address whitelist can contain up to 1,000 entries. The entries in the IP address whitelist must be in one of the following formats:

    • IP addresses, such as 10.10.XX.XX.
    • CIDR blocks, such as 10.10.XX.XX/24. In this example, 24 indicates that the prefix of each IP address in the IP address whitelist is 24 bits in length. You can replace 24 with a value within the range of 1 to 32.

    The client token that is used to ensure the idempotence of the request. You can use the client to generate the token, but you must make sure that the token is unique among different requests. The token can contain only ASCII characters and cannot exceed 64 characters in length.


    The billing method of the instance. Valid values:

    Note The system automatically generates a purchase order and completes the payment.

    The zone ID of the primary instance.

    • If you specify a virtual private cloud (VPC) and a vSwitch, you must specify the ID of the zone to which the specified vSwitch belongs. Otherwise, the instance cannot be created.
    • If the instance runs RDS High-availability Edition, you must specify the ZoneIdSlave1 parameter. The ZoneIdSlave1 parameter specifies whether to use the single-zone deployment method or the multi-zone deployment method.
    • If the instance runs RDS Enterprise Edition, you must specify the ZoneIdSlave1 and ZoneIdSlave2 parameters. The ZoneIdSlave1 and ZoneIdSlave2 parameters specify whether to use the single-zone deployment method or the multi-zone deployment method.
    • If the instance runs MySQL on RDS Cluster Edition, you must specify the ZoneIdSlave1 parameter for the RDS cluster that has two nodes and the ZoneIdSlave1 and ZoneIdSlave2 parameters for the RDS cluster that has three nodes.

    The zone ID of the secondary instance.

    • If you set this parameter to Auto, the multi-zone deployment method is used and the zone of the secondary instance is automatically configured.
    • If you set this parameter to the same value as the ZoneId parameter, the single-zone deployment method is used.
    • If you set this parameter to a value that is different from the value of the ZoneId parameter, the multiple-zone deployment method is used.

    The zone ID of the other secondary node. When you create an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL cluster, you can create one to two secondary nodes for the cluster. This parameter applies if you create a cluster that contains two secondary nodes.


    The network type of the instance. Valid values:

    • VPC: a virtual private cloud (VPC)
    • Classic: the classic network
    • If the instance runs MySQL and uses cloud disks, you must set this parameter to VPC.

    • If the instance runs PostgreSQL or MariaDB, you must set this parameter to VPC.

    • If the instance runs SQL Server Basic or SQL Server Web, you can set this parameter to VPC or Classic. If the instance runs other database engine, you must set this parameter to VPC.


    The connection mode of the instance. Valid values:

    • Standard: standard mode
    • Safe: database proxy mode

    ApsaraDB RDS automatically assigns a connection mode to the instance.

    Note SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2016, and SQL Server 2017 support only the standard mode.

    The ID of the VPC to which the instance belongs.

    Note This parameter is available when you set the InstanceNetworkType parameter to VPC.

    The vSwitch ID. The vSwitch must belong to the zone that is specified by ZoneId.

    • If you set InstanceNetworkType to VPC, you must also specify this parameter.
    • If you set the ZoneSlaveId1 parameter to a value that is not Auto, you must specify the IDs of two vSwitches for this parameter and separate the IDs with a comma (,). The ZoneSlaveId1 parameter specifies the zone ID of the secondary node.
    • The value cannot contain spaces, exclamation points (!), or special characters such as number signs (#), dollar signs ($), ampersands (&), and percent signs (%).

    The private IP address of the instance. The private IP address must be within the CIDR block that is supported by the specified vSwitch. ApsaraDB RDS automatically assigns a private IP address to the instance based on the values of the VPCId and vSwitchId parameters.


    The subscription duration of the instance. Valid values:

    • If you set the Period parameter to Year, the value of the UsedTime parameter ranges from 1 to 5.
    • If you set the Period parameter to Month, the value of the UsedTime parameter ranges from 1 to 11.
    Note If you set the PayType parameter to Prepaid, you must also specify this parameter.

    The unit of the subscription duration. Valid values:

    • Year
    • Month
    Note If you set the PayType parameter to Prepaid, you must also specify this parameter.

    The ID of the resource group.


    The storage type of the instance. Valid values:

    • local_ssd: local SSD. This is the recommended storage type.
    • general_essd: general Enterprise SSD (ESSD). This is the recommended storage type.
    • cloud_essd: PL1 ESSD
    • cloud_essd2: PL2 ESSD
    • cloud_essd3: PL3 ESSD
    • cloud_ssd: standard SSD. This storage type is not recommended. Standard SSDs are no longer available for purchase in some Alibaba Cloud regions.

    The default value of this parameter is determined by the instance type specified by the DBInstanceClass parameter.

    • If the instance type specifies the local SSD storage type, the default value of this parameter is local_ssd.
    • If the instance type specifies the standard SSD or ESSD storage type, the default value of this parameter is cloud_essd.
    Note Serverless instances support only PL1 ESSDs and general ESSDs.

    The additional business information about the instance.


    The ID of the key that is used for cloud disk encryption in the region in which the instance is deployed. If this parameter is specified, cloud disk encryption is enabled and you must also specify the RoleARN parameter. Cloud disk encryption cannot be disabled after it is enabled.

    You can obtain the ID of the key in the Key Management Service (KMS) console or create a key. For more information, see Create a key.

  • This parameter is not required when you create an instance that runs MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQL Server. You need to only specify the RoleARN parameter to create an instance that has cloud disk encryption enabled by using the obtained key ID.
  • You can configure RAM authorization to require a RAM user to enable cloud disk encryption when the RAM user is used to create an instance. If cloud disk encryption is disabled during the instance creation, the creation operation fails. To complete the configuration, you can attach the following policy to the RAM user: {"Version":"1","Statement":[{"Effect":"Deny","Action":"rds:CreateDBInstance","Resource":"*","Condition":{"StringEquals":{"rds:DiskEncryptionRequired":"false"}}}]}
  • Warning The configuration also affects the CreateOrder operation that is called to create instances in the console.


    The Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) that is provided by your Alibaba Cloud account for RAM users. RAM users can use the ARN to connect ApsaraDB RDS to KMS. You can call the CheckCloudResourceAuthorized operation to query the ARN.


    Specifies whether to enable auto-renewal for the instance. You must specify this parameter only if the instance uses the subscription billing method. Valid values:

    • true
    • false
  • The auto-renewal cycle is one month for a monthly subscription.
  • The auto-renewal cycle is one year for a yearly subscription.
  • true

    The RDS edition of the instance. Valid values:

    • Regular RDS instance

      • Basic: RDS Basic Edition
      • HighAvailability: RDS High-availability Edition
      • cluster: RDS Cluster Edition for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL or PostgreSQL
      • AlwaysOn: RDS Cluster Edition for ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server
      • Finance: RDS Basic Edition for serverless instances
    • Serverless instance

      • serverless_basic: RDS Basic Edition for serverless instances. This edition is available only for instances that run MySQL and PostgreSQL.
      • serverless_standard: RDS High-availability Edition for serverless instances. This edition is available only for instances that run MySQL and PostgreSQL.
      • serverless_ha: RDS High-availability Edition for serverless instances. This edition is available only for instances that run SQL Server.
    Note This parameter is required when you create a serverless instance.

    The ID of the dedicated cluster to which the instance belongs.

    If you create the instance in a dedicated cluster, you must specify this parameter.

    • You can call the DescribeDedicatedHostGroups operation to query the information about the dedicated cluster.
    • If no dedicated clusters are created, you can call the CreateDedicatedHostGroup operation to create a dedicated cluster.

    The ID of the host to which the instance belongs in the specified dedicated cluster.

    If you create the instance in a dedicated cluster, you must specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically assigns a host.

    • You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the host in the dedicated cluster.
    • If no hosts are created, you can call the CreateDedicatedHost operation to create a host.

    The ID of the host to which the secondary instance belongs in the specified dedicated cluster.

    If you want to create an instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition or RDS Enterprise Edition in a dedicated cluster, you must specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically assigns a host.

    • You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the host in the dedicated cluster.
    • If no hosts are created, you can call the CreateDedicatedHost operation to create a host.

    The ID of the host to which the logger instance belongs in the specified dedicated cluster.

    If you want to create an instance that runs RDS Enterprise Edition in a dedicated cluster, you must specify this parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically assigns a host.

    • You can call the DescribeDedicatedHosts operation to query the host in the dedicated cluster.
    • If no hosts are created, you can call the CreateDedicatedHost operation to create a host.

    The parameter template ID. You can call the DescribeParameterGroups operation to query the parameter template ID.

    Note This parameter is available if you want to create an instance that runs MySQL or PostgreSQL. If you do not configure this parameter, the default parameter template is used. If you want to use a custom parameter template, you can customize a parameter template and set this parameter to the ID of the custom template.

    The time zone of the instance. This parameter takes effect only when you set the Engine parameter to MySQL or PostgreSQL.

    • If you set Engine to MySQL:

      • The time zone of the instance is in UTC. Valid values: -12:59 to +13:00.
      • If the instance uses local SSDs, you can specify the name of the time zone. Example: Asia/Hong_Kong. For more information, see Time zones.
    • If you set Engine to PostgreSQL:

      • The time zone of the instance is not in UTC. For more information, see Time zones.
      • You can specify this parameter only when the instance runs PostgreSQL with standard SSDs or ESSDs.
  • You can specify the time zone when you create a primary instance. You cannot specify the time zone when you create a read-only instance. Read-only instances inherit the time zone of their primary instance.
  • If you do not specify this parameter, the system automatically assigns the default time zone of the region in which the instance resides.
  • +08:00

    Specifies whether the table name is case-sensitive. Valid values:

    • true: Table names are not case-sensitive. This is the default value.
    • false: Table names are case-sensitive.

    The minor engine version of the instance. This parameter is required only when you create an instance that runs MySQL or PostgreSQL. The value format varies based on the database engine of the instance.

    • If you create an instance that runs MySQL, the value is in the following format: <RDS edition>_<Minor engine version>. Examples: rds_20200229, xcluster_20200229, and xcluster80_20200229.

      • rds: The instance runs RDS Basic Edition or RDS High-availability Edition.

      • xcluster: The instance runs MySQL 5.7 on RDS Enterprise Edition.

      • xcluster80: The instance runs MySQL 8.0 on RDS Enterprise Edition.

      Note You can call the DescribeDBMiniEngineVersions operation to query the minor engine version. For more information about the differences between minor engine versions of AliSQL, see Release notes.
    • If you create an instance that runs PostgreSQL, the value is in the following format: rds_postgres_<Major engine version>00_<Minor engine version>. Example: rds_postgres_1400_20220830.

      • 1400: The major engine version is PostgreSQL 14.

      • 20220830: the AliPG version. You can call the DescribeDBMiniEngineVersions operation to query the AliPG version. For more information about minor engine versions, see Release notes for AliPG.

      Note If you configure the BabelfishConfig parameter for your instance that runs PostgreSQL and set the babelfishEnabled field to true, the value of this parameter is in the following format: rds_postgres_Major engine version00_AliPG version_babelfish.

    Specifies whether to enable the automatic storage expansion feature for the instance. If the instance runs MySQL or PostgreSQL, this feature is supported. Valid values:

    • Enable
    • Disable (default)
    Note After the instance is created, you can call the ModifyDasInstanceConfig operation to adjust the settings. For more information, see Configure automatic storage expansion.

    The threshold in percentage based on which automatic storage expansion is triggered. Valid values:

    • 10
    • 20
    • 30
    • 40
    • 50
    Note If you set the StorageAutoScale parameter to Enable, you must also specify this parameter.

    The maximum storage capacity that is allowed for automatic storage expansion. The storage capacity of the instance cannot exceed the maximum storage capacity. Unit: GB.

  • Valid values: an integer greater than or equal to 0.
  • If you set StorageAutoScale to Enable, you must specify this parameter.
  • 2000

    Specifies whether to perform a dry run. Valid values:

    • true: performs a dry run but does not create the instance. The system checks items such as the request parameters, request format, service limits, and available resources.
    • false (default): performs a dry run and sends the request. If the request passes the dry run, the instance is created.

    The ID of the full backup file. You can call the ListUserBackupFiles operation to query the ID of the full backup file. If you want to create an instance by using the data of a backup file, you must specify this parameter.

    This parameter is supported only when the following requirements are met:

    • The PayType parameter is set to Postpaid.
    • The Engine parameter is set to MySQL.
    • The EngineVersion parameter is set to 5.7.
    • The Category parameter is set to Basic.

    The number of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances that you want to create. The parameter takes effect only when you create multiple ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances at a time by using a single request.

    Valid values: 1 to 20. Default value: 1.

  • If you want to create multiple ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances at a time by using a single request, you can add tags to all the instances by using the Tag.Key parameter and the Tag.Value parameter. After the instances are created, you can manage the instances based on the tags.
  • After you submit a request to create multiple ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances, this operation returns TaskId, RequestId, and Message. You can call the DescribeDBInstanceAttribute operation to query the information about an instance.
  • If the value of the Engine parameter is not MySQL and the value of the Amount parameter is greater than 1, this operation fails and returns an error code InvalidParam.Engine.
  • 2

    The policy based on which multiple instances are created. The parameter takes effect only when the value of the Amount parameter is greater than 1. Valid values:

    • Atomicity (default): atomicity. The instances are all created together. If one instance cannot be created, none of the instances are created.
    • Partial: non-atomicity. Each instance is independently created. The failure in creating an instance does not affect the creation of the other instances.

    The tags that are added to instances.


    The details of the tag.


    The tag key. You can use this parameter to add tags to the instance.

    • If the specified tag key is an existing key, the system directly adds the tag key to the instance. You can call the ListTagResources to query the existing tag.
    • If the specified tag key does not exist, the system creates the tag key and adds the tag key to the instance.
    • The value cannot be an empty string.
    • This parameter must be used together with the Tag.Value parameter.

    The tag value. You can use this parameter to add tags to the instance.

    • If the specified tag value is found in the specified tag key, the system directly adds the tag value to the instance. You can call the ListTagResources to query the existing tag.
    • If the specified tag value is not found in the specified tag key, the system creates the tag value and adds the tag value to the instance.
    • This parameter must be used together with the Tag.Key parameter.

    Specifies whether to enable the release protection feature for the instance. This feature is available only for pay-as-you-go instances. Valid values:

    • true
    • false (default)

    The configuration of the Babelfish feature for the instance that runs PostgreSQL.


    The following list describes the fields in the format:

    • babelfishEnabled: specifies whether to enable Babelfish for the instance. If you set this field to true, you enable Babelfish for the instance. If you leave this parameter empty, Babelfish is disabled for the instance.
    • migrationMode: The migration mode of the instance. Valid values: single-db and multi-db.
    • masterUsername: The username of the administrator account. The username can contain lowercase letters, digits, and underscores (_). It must start with a letter and end with a letter or digit. It can be up to 63 characters in length and cannot start with pg.
    • masterUserPassword: The password of the administrator account. The password must contain at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters. It must be 8 to 32 characters in length. The password can contain any of the following characters: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - =.
    Note This parameter applies only to ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instances. For more information about Babelfish for ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL, see Introduction to Babelfish.

    The settings of the serverless instance. This parameter is required when you create a serverless instance.

    Note ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB does not support serverless instances.

    The maximum number of RDS Capacity Units (RCUs). Valid values:

    • Serverless ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances: 1 to 32
    • Serverless ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instances: 2 to 8
    • Serverless ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instances: 1 to 14
    Note The value of this parameter must be greater than or equal to the value of the MinCapacity parameter and can be set only to an integer.

    The minimum number of RCUs. Valid values:

    • Serverless ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances: 0.5 to 32.
    • Serverless ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instances: 2 to 8. Only integers are supported.
    • Serverless ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instances: 0.5 to 14
    Note The value of this parameter must be less than or equal to the value of the MaxCapacity parameter.

    Specifies whether to enable the automatic startup and stop feature for the serverless instance. Valid values:

    • true
    • false (default)
    Note This parameter is required only for serverless instances that run MySQL and PostgreSQL. After the automatic start and stop feature is enabled, if no connections to the instance are established within 10 minutes, the instance is suspended. After a connection to the instance is established, the instance is resumed.

    Specifies whether to enable the forced scaling feature for the serverless instance. Valid values:

    • true
    • false (default)
    • This parameter is required only for serverless instances that run MySQL and PostgreSQL. If you set this parameter to true, a service interruption that lasts approximately 30 to 120 seconds occurs during forced scaling. Process with caution.

    • The RCU scaling for a serverless instance immediately takes effect. In some cases, such as the execution of large transactions, the scaling does not immediately take effect. In this case, you can enable this feature to forcefully scale the RCUs of the instance.


    The internal endpoint that is used to connect to the instance.


    The port. You can initialize the port when you create the instance.

    • Valid values if the instance runs MySQL: 1000 to 65534
    • Valid values if the instance runs PostgreSQL, SQL Server, or MariaDB: 1000 to 5999

    Specifies whether to enable the automatic payment feature. Valid values:

    • true: enables the feature. Make sure that your account balance is sufficient.
    • false: disables the feature. An unpaid order is generated.
    Note Default value: true. If your account balance is insufficient, you can set the AutoPay parameter to false to generate an unpaid order. Then, you can log on to the ApsaraDB RDS console to complete the payment.

    Specifies whether to enable the I/O acceleration feature of general ESSDs. Valid values:

    • 1: enabled
    • 0: disabled
    Note For more information about the I/O acceleration feature of general ESSDs, see Introduction .

    Specifies whether to enable the data archiving feature of general ESSDs. Valid values:

    • true
    • false
    Note For more information about the data archiving feature of general ESSDs, see Use the data archiving feature of general ESSDs.

    The entries in the whitelist. If you enter multiple IP addresses or CIDR blocks, you must separate the IP addresses or CIDR blocks with commas (,). Do not add spaces preceding or following the commas. Example:,


    Specifies whether to automatically create a database proxy. Valid values:

    • true: automatically creates a database proxy. By default, a general-purpose database proxy is created.
    • false: does not automatically create a database proxy.

    Specifies whether to use a coupon. Valid values:

    • true: uses a coupon.
    • false (default): does not use a coupon.

    The coupon code.


    Specifies whether to enable the write optimization feature. Valid values:

    • optimized: enables the feature.
    • none: disables the feature.
    Note For more information about the write optimization feature, see Write optimization.

    Response parameters


    The response parameters.


    Indicates whether the request passed the dry run. Valid values:

    • true
    • false
  • If the system does not perform a dry run, this parameter is not returned.
  • If the request failed the dry run, an error message is returned.
  • true

    Indicates whether the specified tag is added to the instance. Valid values:

    • true: The specified tag is added to the instance.
    • false: The specified tag fails to be added to the instance.
    Note If you do not add a tag to the instance, this parameter is not returned.

    The ID of the request.


    The internal endpoint of the instance.


    The message that indicates whether multiple instances are created.

    Note The parameter is returned only when the value of the Amount parameter is greater than 1.
    Batch Create DBInstance Task Is In Process.

    The instance ID. If the value of the Amount parameter is greater than 1, more than one instance ID is returned. The number of instance IDs that are returned is the same as the value of the Amount parameter. The returned instance IDs are separated by commas (,).

    For example, if the value of the Amount parameter is 3, three instance IDs are returned. Examples: rm-uf6wjk5*****1,rm-uf6wjk5*****2,rm-uf6wjk5*****3


    The internal IP address and port number that are used to connect to the instance.


    The ID of the task that is run to create multiple instances.

    • This parameter is returned only when the value of Amount is greater than 1.
    • The TaskID parameter cannot be used to query a task.

    Indicates that the system performed a dry run.

    • The value is fixed as true.
    • If the system does not perform a dry run, this parameter is not returned.

    The order ID.

    Note In the latest version of SDK, the default timeout period on the client side is different from the default timeout period on the instance. If you use the latest version of SDK to call this operation, a timeout error may be reported even if this operation is successfully called. To prevent this issue, you can set ReadTimeout to 20000 before you call this operation. Configure ReadTimeout


    Sample success responses


      "DryRunResult": true,
      "TagResult": true,
      "RequestId": "1E43AAE0-BEE8-43DA-860D-EAF2AA0724DC",
      "ConnectionString": "rm-uf6wjk5*****",
      "Message": "Batch Create DBInstance Task Is In Process.",
      "DBInstanceId": "rm-uf6wjk5*****",
      "Port": "3306",
      "TaskId": "s2365879-a9d0-55af-fgae-f2*****",
      "DryRun": true,
      "OrderId": "1007893702*****"

    Error codes

    HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
    400InvalidInstanceLevel.DiskTypeSpecified instance level not support request disk typeThe current instance type does not support the specified storage type.
    400RR309We have detected a security risk with your payment method. Please proceed with verification via the link in your email or console message and re-submit your order after verification.We have detected a security risk with your payment method. Please proceed with verification via the link in your email or console message and re-submit your order after verification.
    400InvalidZoneId.NotSupportedThe Specified vpc Zone not supported.VPC-hosted RDS instances cannot be created in the zone. Specify a different zone.
    400InvalidZone.NotSupportedForStorageTypeThe specified zone is closed or invalid for Specified DBInstanceStorageType.-
    400InvalidNetworkTypeClassicWhenCloudStorageThe Specified InstanceNetworkType value Classic is not valid when choose cloud storage type.When selecting a cloud storage type, specifying a InstanceNetworkType value of Classic is not valid.
    400InvalidZone.NotSupportedThe Specified Zone not supported.The zone is invalid.
    400InvalidEssdStorageSizeinvalid cloud essd storage size.The storage size of cloud disks is invalid. Check the storage size.
    400InvalidParameterSome Reuquest Parameters Is Invalid. Check or Try It Again Later.-
    400Pay.AmountLimitExceededPay amount limit exceeded.-
    400IncompleteAccountInfoYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.The operation failed. Items that are marked with an asterisk (*) in the account information must be specified. Make sure that you specify these items on the Basic Information page in Account Center.
    400IncompleteTaxInfoYour tax information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.The operation failed. Your tax information is incomplete. Complete your tax information.
    400InvalidPaymentMethod.IncompleteNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.No valid payment method is specified for your Alibaba Cloud account. Add a valid payment method.
    400InvalidPaymentMethod.MissingNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.No valid payment method is specified for your Alibaba Cloud account. Add a valid payment method.
    400InsuffcientBalanceOrBankAccountAdd a payment method or add funds to the prepayment balance. Get started by creating an instance.No valid payment method is specified within your Alibaba Cloud account. Add a valid payment method or add funds to your Alibaba Cloud account.
    400InvalidPaymentMethod.NoAccessNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method.-
    400InvalidPaymentMethod.InsufficientBalanceNo payment method is specified for your account. We recommend that you add a payment method or add funds to the prepayment balance.-
    400Pay.LowFundsThe balance of the advance payment is insufficient or there is no balance of the advance payment.-
    400Pay.ChargeChannelNotFoundFailure to obtain the first external payment channel if the advance balance is insufficient.-
    400VswitchIpExhaustedVswitch IP exhausted.The operation failed. No vSwitch IP addresses are available.
    400InvalidPrivateIpAddress.AlreadyUsedThe specified IP is already used.The IP address has been used.
    400InvalidEcsImage.NotFoundSepcified ecs image does not exist-
    400InvalidMinorVersion.NotFoundSepcified minor version does not exists.-
    400InvalidConcurrentOperateConcurrent operation is detected.Concurrent operations exist. Wait until the previous operation is complete and try again.
    400ZoneId.NotMatchWithCategoryThe number of ZoneId specified does not match with category.The number of zones is not supported for the database engine or the RDS edition of the RDS instance. Modify the zone settings.
    400InvalidSecurityIPList.FormatThe specified parameter securityIPList is not valid.The format of the IP address whitelist does not meet the requirements. Check the IP address whitelist.
    400InvalidDBParamGroupId.FormatThe specified parameter dbParamGroupId is not valid.-
    400InvalidTargetMinorVersion.FormatThe specified parameter targetMinorVersion is not valid.-
    400InvalidDedicatedHostGroupId.FormatThe specified parameter dedicatedHostGroupId is not valid.-
    400InvalidDBInstanceClass.MalformedThe specified parameter DBInstanceClass is not valid.-
    400InvalidEngineVersion.MalformedThe specified parameter EngineVersion is not valid.The database engine version is invalid. Check the database engine version and try again.
    400CreditPayInsufficientBalanceInsufficient credit pay limit. Please contact your channel partner to increase the limit.The quota runs out. Contact your customer service representatives to increase the quota.
    400InvalidTagKey.MalformedThe Tag.N.Key parameter is empty.The Tag.N.Key parameter is left unspecified.
    400InvalidTagValue.MalformedThe Tag.N.Value parameter is empty.The Tag.N.Value parameter is left unspecified.
    400Duplicate.TagKeyThe Tag.N.Key contains duplicate keys.The values of two Tag.N.Key parameters are duplicate.
    400NumberExceed.TagsThe maximum number of Tags is exceeded. The maximum is 20.The number of tags exceeds 20.
    400MissingParameter.ResourceIdsThe parameter ResourceIds.N must not be null.The ResourceIds.N parameter cannot be empty.
    400InvalidParameter.TagKeyThe Tag.N.Key parameter is invalid.The value of the Tag.N.Key parameter is invalid.
    400InvalidParameter.TagValueThe Tag.N.Value parameter is invalid.The Tag.N.Value parameter is invalid.
    400NoPermission.SystemTagYou have no permission to use system tags.You have no permission to use the system tag.
    400InvalidParam.AmountAmount is allowed from 1 to 20.Amount is allowed from 1 to 20.
    400InvalidParam.CreateStrategyOnly Atomicity and Partial are allowed.Only the Atomicity and Partial parameters are supported.
    400InvalidParam.EngineOnly MySQL is allowed when Amount > 1.-
    400InvalidMultiZoneInfoListThe Specified Zone Info List is Invaild.-
    400InvalidKmsConfigStatusThe Kms Service Config is Invalid.-
    400InvalidConnectionString.DuplicateSpecified connection string already exists in the Aliyun RDS.The endpoint is duplicate. Specify a different endpoint.
    400InvalidPort.MalformedSpecified port is not valid.The port number is invalid.
    400InvalidUsedTimeUsedTime can not Less than or equal to zero.The value of the UsedTime parameter must be greater than 0.
    400Kms.UnauthorizedKMS has not been authorized.KMS is not authorized.
    400InvalidDBInstanceClass.OfflineThe specified instance type is no longer provided. Please specify another instance type.The instance type that you select is no longer available. Select another instance type.
    400SystemParamGroupCode.FormatSpecific DBParamGroupId is not valid.-
    400InvalidDBInstanceName.DuplicateSpecified DB instance name already exists in the Aliyun RDS.The operation failed. The instance name already exists. Specify a different name and try again.
    400ServiceLinkedRole.NotExistService linked role for RDS PostgreSQL not exist.Create the AliyunServiceRoleForRdsPgsqlOnEcs role for ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL.
    400CommodityServiceCalling.ExceptionFailed to call commodity service.Failed to call commodity service return.
    400Commodity.InvalidComponentThe module you purchased is not legal, please buy it again.The module you purchased is not legal, please buy it again.
    400Pay.InsufficientBalanceInsufficient available balance.Insufficient available balance.
    400Price.CommoditySysCommodity system call exception.Commodity system call exception.
    400RegionEndTimeDissolvedAustraliaCloud services in the Australia (Sydney) region will be discontinued. Set the validity date to September 30, 2024 or earlier than September 30, 2024.Hello customer, this area has been abolished.
    400RegionEndTimeDissolvedIndiaCloud services in the India (Mumbai) region will be discontinued. Set the validity date to July 15, 2024 or earlier than July 15, 2024.Hello customer, this area has been abolished.
    400InvalidPrivateIpAddress.FormatThe specified private IP address format is incorrect.The specified IP address is not in the correct format.
    400InvalidPrivateIpAddress.MismatchSpecified private IP address is not in the CIDR block of virtual switch.The VPC endpoint is invalid.
    400TooManyWhitelistTemplateIdscreate dbinstance can support attach to up to 10 whitelist templates.Excessive number of incoming whitelist templates! You can associate up to 10 whitelist templates.
    400UnsupportExtendDisk.NotSupportSpecified DB instance is unsupport extend disk.Disk expansion is not supported on the specified instance.
    400InvalidWhitelistTemplateIdthe template id list is invalid.The ID of the specified whitelist template is incorrect. Check the setting.
    400InvalidRequestIdThe request is copy, check your token.The request is copy, check your token.
    400InvalidParameter.MinCapacityThe specified parameter 'MinCapacity' is not valid.The specified parameter 'MinCapacity' is not valid.
    400InvalidUsedTimeThe usedTime value should be between 1 and 11.The usedTime value should be between 1 and 11.
    400UnsupportedClassCodeThe specified DB instance class stops selling.The specified DB instance class stops selling.
    400InvalidParameter.NotSupportDBInstanceStorageTypeParameter DBInstanceStorageType is invalid.Invalid DBInstanceStorageType parameter
    400InvalidParam.InstanceNetworkTypeCreation of classic network instances is not supported.Classic network offline, does not support the creation of classic network instances!
    400InvalidOrder.NotFoundSpecified order does not exist in RDS.The specified order does not exist in RDS.
    400InvalidVSwitchId.FormatThe specified vswitch Id format is incorrect.-
    400Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperateA package instance is not allowed to operate independently.A package instance is not allowed to operate independently.
    400Price.PricingPlanResultNotFoundPricing plan price result not found.Pricing plan price result not found.
    400Order.NoRealNameAuthenticationYou have not passed the real-name authentication and do not meet the purchase conditions. Please log in to the user center for real-name authentication.You have not passed the real-name authentication and do not meet the purchase conditions. Please log in to the cost and cost for real-name authentication.
    400InsufficientAvailableQuotaYour account quota limit is less than 0, please recharge before trying to purchase.Your account available limit is less than 0, please recharge before trying to purchase.
    400RegionDissolvedEOMDear customer, Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region. Cloud services in this region will cease operations. You are currently unable to operate new purchase orders. Thank you for your understanding and support.Hello, Alibaba Cloud plans to optimize and adjust the current region. Cloud services in this region will stop operating. In order to ensure your business continuity and smooth transition of data migration, you are currently unable to operate new purchase orders. Thank you for your understanding and support.
    400Order.PeriodInvalidThere is a problem with the period you selected, please choose again.There is a problem with the period you selected, please choose again.
    400pay.noCreditCardAccount not bound to credit card.-
    400Order.InstHasUnpaidOrderThere is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased. Please pay or void it before placing the order.There is an unpaid order for the service you have purchased. Please pay or void it before placing the order.
    400BasicInfoUncompletedYour information is incomplete. Complete your information before the operation.Your basic information is not complete, please complete your basic information before operation.
    400Risk.RiskControlRejectionYour account is abnormal, please contact customer service for details.Your account is abnormal, please contact customer service for details.
    400Api.NotSupportSpecified api is not supported.The current interface does not support.
    400ContainForbiddenLabelErrorThere is a label that prohibits placing orders. Please contact your distributor for assistance.You cannot place the order because a tag indicates that order placement is prohibited. Contact your distributor.
    400InvalidDBInstanceId.NotFoundThe DBInstanceId provided does not exist in records.The DBInstanceId provided does not exist.
    400InvalidParamSepcified wal level Parameter is invalid. There are still logical slots in instance, so it can not be set as replica.The specified wal_level parameter is invalid. There is still a copy slot in the instance, so it cannot be set to replica.
    400System.SaleValidateFailedSales expression validation system error.A system error occurs when the sales expression is verified.
    400Abs.InvalidAccount.NotFoundaccount is not found.The account does not exist.
    400SqlExecuteFailedOrTimeoutsql command execution failed or timed out:%s.SQL command execution failed or timed out
    400ColdData.EngineVersionNotSupportThe current instance engine version not support coldDataEnabled.The current instance engine version not support coldDataEnabled.
    400ColdData.MinorVersionNotSupportThe current instance minor version not support coldDataEnabled.The current instance minor version not support coldDataEnabled.
    400IncorrectTargetClasscodeThe current instance type does not support this operation.This operation is not supported by the instance type.
    400RequiredParam.NotFoundRequired input param is not found.-
    400Parameters.InvalidParameter error, please check the parameters.Parameter error, please check the parameters.
    400BackupPolicyNotSupportCold Data won't open with CrossBackup or Flash Backup, please check Backup Policy.Cold Data won't open with CrossBackup or Flash Backup, please check Backup Policy.
    400InvalideStatus.FormatThe instance status does not support this operation.-
    400InvalidReleasedKeepPolicy.FormatSpecified Released Keep Policy is not valid.Specified Released Keep Policy is not valid.
    400InvalidDBInstanceEngineType.Formatthe DB instance engine type does not support this operation.This operation is not supported for the database engine of the instance.
    400Pay.NoCreditCardNo credit cards.No credit cards.
    400VpcNetworkTypeNotSupportThe vpc network type instance does not support this operation.The vpc network type instance does not support this operation.
    400MirrorInsExistsSpecified DB instance mirror ins already existed.Specified DB instance mirror ins already existed.
    400InvalidBackupSetThe specified database does not exist in the backup set.The specified database does not exist in the backup set.
    400OrdTCommodityQueryErrorFailed to query for product.Failed to query product.
    400ProductInstanceReleasedThe instance has been released. Please check before placing the order.The instance has been released, please verify and place an order.
    400IncorrectTargetCategoryCurrent target category does not support this operation.Current target category does not support this operation.
    401CannotDecreaseEssdPerfLevelcannot decrease cloud essd performance level.The storage type change failed the verification check. The storage type of an RDS instance that runs SQL Server with standard SSDs or ESSDs cannot be changed to local SSDs.
    403RISK.RISK_CONTROL_REJECTIONRisk control rejection.-
    403AliCroup2CloudUserCannotBuyNotInnerCommodityThere is no group cloud commodity label, and users within the group are not allowed to purchase.-
    403GroupReplicationNotSupport.InvalidEngineVersionGroup Replication requires the instance engine version to be 8.0.-
    403GroupReplicationNotSupport.InvalidNodeClassCodeGroup Replication requires the ClassCode of each node to be consistent.-
    403GroupReplicationNotSupport.InvalidNodeNumGroup Replication is not supported, the number of nodes must be an odd number greater than or equal to 3.-
    403GroupReplicationNotSupport.InvalidXengineGroup Replication is not supported because the instance has xengine tables.-
    403GroupReplicationNotSupport.MemoryTooSmallGroup Replication is not supported because the memory is too small.-
    403IncorrectMinorVersionCurrent engine minor version does not support operations.This operation is not supported for the current minor engine version.
    403CloudDiskEncryptionNotSupportThe encryption key is not allowed for general-purpose instance.Universal instances do not support cloud disk encryption.
    403CloudSSDNotSupportCloud ssd does not support this operation, please upgrade to essd.-
    403InvalidVswitchIdSpecified conn vswitch id is not valid.-
    403BasicCategoryNotSupportThe Basic category is not supported.Basic series not supported
    403OrderStatus.UnPaidThe specified db instance has unpaid order.The instance has an unpaid order. Please pay first and try again.
    403InvalidReduceDiskSizeThe storage capacity after the scale-down must be larger than the used amount.The scale-in target capacity cannot be less than the current storage space usage
    403InvalidUserOperatorPermissionThe user permission does not support this operation.The user is not authorized to perform this operation.
    403OperationDenied.ZoneResourceThere is no available zone for inventory.There is no available zone for inventory.
    403NotInFlowControllerSorry,no permission.Sorry,no permission.
    403InvalidKmsKeyKms key is disabled.-
    403InvalidInstanceLevel.MalformedCurrent DB instance level does not support this operation.The specified database instance type does not support this operation.
    403IncorrectCharacterTypeCurrent DB instance character type does not support this operation.This operation is not supported for the character type of the instance.
    404InsufficientResourceCapacityThe target availability zone does not have sufficient resources.The target Availability Zone does not have enough resources.
    404InvalidClusterKmsThe current instance does not authorized to access the Key Management Service.The instance does not have permissions to access Key Management Service (KMS).
    404Request.NotFoundThe requested resource is not available.The requested resources are unavailable.
    404HostInfo.NotFoundThe specified host info is not found.-
    500ExternalFailureThe request processing has failed due to external service failure.The request processing has failed due to external service failure.
    500RequestMetaDataFailedThe service request failed. Please try again later or contact service personnel.The service request failed. Please try again later or contact service personnel.
    500InvokeProxyFailureThe request processing has failed due to service failure of rds api.The request failed to be processed due to an RDS API failure.

    For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

    Change history

    Change timeSummary of changesOperation
    2025-01-02The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-12-03The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
    2024-11-19The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
    2024-10-31The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-10-24The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-09-24The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-08-29The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-08-27The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-08-14The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-07-25The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-07-23The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details
    2024-07-05The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-06-03The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-05-24The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-05-22The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-05-16The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-05-14The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-05-14The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-05-14The Error code has changedView Change Details
    2024-04-25The Error code has changed. The request parameters of the API has changedView Change Details