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ApsaraDB RDS:Release notes for AliSQL

Last Updated:Jan 06, 2025

This topic describes the release notes for AliSQL. AliSQL is a MySQL branch that is developed by Alibaba Cloud. AliSQL provides all features of MySQL Community Edition. AliSQL also provides features that are similar to the features of MySQL Enterprise Edition. These similar features include the enterprise-grade backup and restoration, thread pool, and parallel query. ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL together with AliSQL provides a wide range of advanced features, such as security control, backup, restoration, monitoring, performance optimization, and read-only instances. This topic describes the release notes for AliSQL and provides links to the relevant references.

Usage notes

If the AliSQL version of an RDS instance is outdated, the workloads that are run on the RDS instance may be interrupted. We recommend that you update the minor engine versions of your RDS instances on a regular basis or immediately after you receive O&M notifications from Alibaba Cloud.

  • For more information about how to update the AliSQL version of an RDS instance, see Update the minor engine version.

  • This topic describes all AliSQL versions that are released. When an AliSQL version is in maintenance, the AliSQL version may be unavailable in the ApsaraDB RDS console. You can select only the AliSQL versions that are displayed in the ApsaraDB RDS console.

  • For more information about the database proxy versions of ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL, see Release notes for the database proxy version.

  • If the expiration time is specified for a minor engine version, the setting is updated in the Expiration date column of the following table. If N/A is displayed in the Expiration date column, the minor engine version does not expire. For more information about the status of minor engine versions, see Update the minor engine version.

RDS instances that run MySQL 8.0 on RDS Basic Edition, RDS High-availability Edition, or RDS Cluster Edition

  • RDS Cluster Edition is supported by AliSQL versions of 20220730 and later.

  • MySQL group replication (MGR) is supported by AliSQL versions of 20221231 and later.

AliSQL version


Expiration date


  • New features:

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.15.

    • curl is upgraded to curl 8.9.1.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The period of time that is required for the automatic remediation of general logs is reduced to improve the RTO of the instance.

    • The scanning of double-write operations during instance recovery is optimized to reduce the RTO of the instance. For more information, see Community Bug #116209.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the instance crashes when the data type of the column on which an INSTANT DROP operation is performed is converted to BLOB is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance crashes due to tables archived in OSS is fixed.

    • The bug that the ciphertext in the EncDB column collides is fixed.

    • The bug that binary logs are recorded for failed optimization is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance becomes unavailable because the buffer pool is used up by internal temporary tables is fixed. For more information, see Community Bug #96236.

    • The bug that the instance may crash when the buffer pool size is reduced is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance crashes or invalid query results are returned when the common table expression (CTE) column is referenced and the CTE table is materialized is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance crashes when the view definition includes a subquery and the user who defines the view does not exist or have required permissions is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance may crash when multi-value indexes are used is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance crahses when ranking is performed in full-text searches is fixed.


  • Bug fix:

    • The bug that data may be lost during the execution of INPLACE DDL is fixed. For more information, see Community Bug #115608.


  • New features:

    • The innodb_instant_ddl_enabled parameter is supported to control whether to enable instant DDLs.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The community bug (#36840107) due to which the instance halts when UPDATE operations are performed on columns added by using instant DDLs is fixed.

    • The community bug (#36723117) due to which the instance halts when DELETE or UPDATE operations are performed on columns deleted by using instant DDLs is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The empty events that are generated by the binlog cache free flush feature can be skipped by the binary log dump thread.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The global transaction identifier (GTID) allocation is optimized to improve performance in high concurrency scenarios.

    • The performance issue of the MD5 algorithm in high-concurrency scenarios is fixed.

    • The issue that the RDS instance fails to be connected because of the automatic remediation of general logs is fixed.

    • The process to obtain and verify the tablespace metadata during instance startup is optimized, which helps accelerate the startup of RDS instances with a large number of tables.

    • The duration of a lock that occurs when you execute the DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE statement is shortened. The innodb_rds_drop_ahi_ahead parameter is supported. If you enable the parameter, the adaptive hash indexes created for InnoDB tables are deleted before you drop or truncate the InnoDB tables. This shortens the duration of the metadata lock on the InnoDB tables during the execution of the DROP TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE statement and prevents other SQL statements from being blocked.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system that has the parser component does not respond during the creation of full-text indexes is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system does not respond when NULL parameters are passed to a plug-in after EncDB is enabled is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system does not respond when tables are archived to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket is fixed.

    • The bug due to which page caches are consumed during DDL execution is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the number of updated rows in audit logs is inaccurate when INSERT and UPDATE statements fail to be executed is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system does not respond when the ALTER TABLE statement is executed to add an auto-increment column as a primary key in descending order is fixed.

    • The bug due to which binary logs are recorded even if the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement fails to be executed is fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug of the unexpected internal permission management of system tables is fixed to allow the TRUNCATE operation on tables in Performance Schema by using a user account.

  • The following bug is fixed: Memory leaks may occur when the redo logs of the tables on which the INSTANT DDL statement is executed are recorded.



Bug fixes:

The bug that redo logs fail to be written because the sequence of non-INSTANT columns are changed for the instant DDL feature is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 8.0.35 and MySQL 8.0.36 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.35 and Changes in MySQL 8.0.36.

    • The NET::buff memory for persistent connections is automatically released to reduce the use of memory resources and reduce the risks of out-of-memory (OOM) errors.

  • Feature improvements:

    • Asynchronous read I/O operations are supported by Buffer Pool Extension.

    • The process to scan and verify data files during the instance startup is optimized to improve the startup speed of an RDS instance that has a large number of tables.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes invalid timestamps recorded by GTID Log Event is fixed. This bug is triggered when users execute the SHOW BINLOG EVENTS statement.

    • The following issue is fixed: If a column named FTS_DOC_ID is explicitly created in an InnoDB table, the major version upgrade from 5.7 to 8.0 fails.

    • The bug due to which data types returned by EncDB are disordered is fixed.

    • The following issue is fixed: After the recycle_bin parameter is disabled, read-only instances still trigger a reclaim.

    • Fixed an issue where innodb_activity_count may be negative. For more information, see Community Bug

    • The following issue is fixed: The parallel read partition table causes the parallel thread count to leak and causes parallel read failures. For more information, see Community Bug



  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that redo logs are disordered because non-Instant columns are changed for the Instance DDL feature is fixed.



  • New features:

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.12.

    • The fault diagnostics logging feature is supported to record DDL operations.

    • The always-confidential feature is supported to implement end-to-end data encryption and protect data security. For more information, see Use the always-confidential feature.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which semi-synchronous replication fails when an error occurs in the comparison of binary log file names is fixed.

    • The bug that compatibility issues of the backup sets occur due to IPK is fixed.



  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the memory of the performance_schema.memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name table is overcommitted after the thread pool feature is enabled is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the duplicate entry error frequently occurs in the auto-increment column after an RDS instance using X-Engine is restarted is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the “ERROR 1878 (HY000): Temporary file write failure." error message is displayed when the innodb_disable_sort_file_cach=ON setting is used and a full-text index is created is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the full-text index parser recreated in a statement by using the INPLACE DDL statement is invalid is fixed. For more information, see Community Bug #110976.

    • The bug that the auto cleanup feature for read-only RDS instances cannot be used as expected after the recycle_bin parameter is modified is fixed.

    • The bug that the instance does not respond when you run the create sequence command in the PREPARE STATEMENT statement is fixed.




After you upgrade OpenSSL to OpenSSL 3.0.10, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are automatically disabled. For compatibility purposes, the ssl_cipher parameter is defaulted to ALL:@SECLEVEL=0 in ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL to enable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 again.

If your service uses TLS 1.2 or later, we recommend that you set the ssl_cipher parameter to an empty string "" in the ApsaraDB RDS console to ensure higher security.

  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 8.0.32, MySQL 8.0.33, and MySQL 8.0.34 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.32, Changes in MySQL 8.0.33, and Changes in MySQL 8.0.34.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded from OpenSSL 1.1.1u to OpenSSL 3.0.10.

    • The built-in SM3() function is supported.

    • Online resizing is supported by the buffer pool extension feature.

    • The ssl_cipher parameter is defaulted toALL:@SECLEVEL=0.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The binlog cache free flush feature is supported.

      During the transaction commit phase, this feature converts the temporary binary log cache files of large transactions into binary log files. This reduces the time that the global binlog lock is held when large transactions are committed, reduces the I/O pressure on the RDS instance, and prevents the workload switchover of the RDS instance. The workload switchover is triggered because the binary logs cannot be written to the RDS instance or I/O hangs occur on the instance for a long period of time.

    • The replication latency of 1s is optimized.

    • The memory used by the buffer pool extension feature is optimized.

    • The I/O efficiency of parallel reads is optimized when innodb_use_native_aio is set to off. For more information, see Community Bug #112137.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the pfs metric does not collect statistics on the buffer pool and buffer pool extension is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the major engine version cannot be upgraded because the case sensitivity of the names of fields in indexes at the server layer is inconsistent with that at the InnoDB layer is fixed.




The minor engine versions 20230630 and 20230914 are discontinued. If your RDS instances run 20230630 or 20230914, we recommend that you update the minor engine version to 20230930 at the earliest opportunity.

Bug fixes:

The bug due to which INSTANT rather than INPLACE is automatically used to add or delete fields is fixed. Using INPLACE helps prevent stability issues caused by INSTANT.


The bug is temporarily fixed, and the fix applies only to the minor engine version 20230914.



  • Starting MySQL 8.0.29, the query results of INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables use utf8mb3 instead of UTF-8. MySQL Connector/NET versions earlier than 8.0.28 do not support utf8mb3. If utf8mb3 is used, the Character Set 'utf8mb3' is not supported by .Net Framework error message is displayed.

    If MySQL Connector/NET is used for your application, you must upgrade MySQL Connector/NET to MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.28 or later before you update the minor engine version of the RDS instance. For more information, see MySQL 8.0.29 Character Set Support and Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.28.

  • If your RDS instance runs MySQL 8.0.31, stability issues that are caused by instant ADD COLUMNS or DROP COLUMNS operations may occur. The issues include data corruption, unexpected instance restart, and backup failures. MySQL 8.0.31 is equivalent to version 20230630 of AliSQL. For more information, see Percona XtraBackup 8.0.29 Troubleshoot and MySQL 8.0 INSTANT ADD and DROP Column(s).

    We recommend that you do not update the minor engine version of your RDS instance to this version. If you encounter backup failures, you can resolve the issue based on What do I do if I fail to back up an ApsaraDB RDS instance that runs MySQL 8.0.31.

  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 8.0.31 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.31.

    • The in-progress online buffer pool resizing can be canceled.

    • The template-level concurrency control is supported by the statement concurrency control feature. This feature allows you to limit the execution of SQL statements in the same template. For more information, see Statement concurrency control.

    • zlib 1.2.13 is supported.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1u.

    • The Innodb_redo_file_used_ratio status item is supported to show the ratio of used redo files to the total redo files.

    • X-Engine is supported for the ARM architecture.

  • Feature improvements:

  • is optimized to accelerate instance startup.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which extended architecture (XA) transactions cannot be resumed after an RDS instance is restarted is fixed. For more information, see Community bug #110533.

    • The bug that an RDS instance is unexpectedly restarted because sql_type for the thread pool is not correctly configured is fixed.

    • The bug due to which debugging information is lost in the installation package is fixed. For more information, see Community bug #109560.

    • The bug that the upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 fails due to temporary tables generated in MySQL 5.6 is fixed.

    • The bug due to which X-Engine transactions are occasionally lost in deadlock scenarios is fixed.

    • The bug due to which transactions cannot be committed when Binlog in Redo and Binlog Parallel Flush work under heavy workloads for a long period of time is fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which an RDS cluster cannot be managed when the RDS cluster is quickly restarted and connected is fixed by starting MGR at a specific latency.

  • The bug due to which transactions cannot be committed when Binlog in Redo and Binlog Parallel Flush work under heavy workloads for a long period of time is fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The issue due to which deadlocks occur when you execute the COM_STATISTICS, COM_CHANGE_USER, or SHOW PROCESSLIST statement is fixed. The deadlocks cause the issue that your RDS instance cannot be connected. For more information, see Community Bug#110494.

  • The issue due to which backup tasks cannot be executed because the background reclamation tasks of X-Engine unexpectedly exit is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug that the Binlog in Redo feature is unexpectedly enabled in semi-synchronous replication mode is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The parallel write feature can be enabled to write binary logs when the value of the sync_binlog parameter is not 1. After the parallel write feature is enabled, binary logs can be concurrently written to your RDS instance. This improves the write performance of your RDS instance.

    • In standalone mode, MGR can be used to forcefully delete authentication information. By default, the feature for forcefully deleting authentication information is enabled. You can disable the feature. This feature helps you resolve the issues such as periodic performance jitters, high memory usage, and complete performance loss due to new nodes in a cluster in high-concurrency and high-latency business scenarios.

    • When the SQL statement for MGR to proactively select the primary node is initiated, if the execution duration of a transaction exceeds the timeout period that is configured for the SQL statement, the transaction is forcefully rolled back. This prevents primary node selection from being blocked and improves the success rate of primary node selection.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1s.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The Purge Large File Asynchronously feature is enhanced for ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL. This accelerates the execution of the DROP TABLE and TRUNCATE TABLE statements for tables that have a large number of dirty pages.

    • The purge statistical items are added to Performance Agent. The following list describes the statistical items.

      • INNODB_UNDO_SIZE_USED: the size of used undo slots

      • INNODB_PURGE_LIMIT_TRX_NO: the purge offset, which indicates the largest transaction number among purged transactions

      • INNODB_PURGE_ITER_TRX_NO: the maximum number of transactions that can be purged

  • Bug fixes:

    • The following issue is fixed: When the EXPLAIN statement and the multi-table update statement that involves derived tables are executed at the same time, the server may stop responding.

    • The bug due to which the execution result of the SELECT COUNT(*) statement is inaccurate when multi-value indexes are used is fixed. For more information, see Bug #104898 in MySQL Community Edition.

    • The bug due to which only partial result sets are returned for a query after you add multi-value indexes to tables with JSON columns is fixed. For more information, see Bug #106621 in MySQL Community Edition.

    • The bug due to which a memory leak is caused by the Clone_persist_gtid thread is fixed. For more information, see Bug #107991 in MySQL Community Edition.

    • The bug due to which the number of updated rows in the audit logs is inaccurate when the UPDATE and INSERT statements are executed and the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is enabled is fixed. By default, the CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is disabled.

    • The bug due to which the major engine version cannot be upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 because the names of table columns at the server layer and the InnoDB layer do not match is fixed. The names of table columns at the server layer and InnoDB layer are case-sensitive.

    • The bug due to which the major engine version cannot be upgraded from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 because invalid strings exist in tables, fields, and index comments is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug due to which the reference to a temporary table cannot be properly applied to a common table expression (CTE) when you perform a query by using the CTE in some scenarios is fixed.



  • New features:

  • Feature improvements:

    The parallel initialization performance of the buffer pool is optimized.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that redo logs are recorded in a temporary tablespace is fixed.



Feature improvements:

The Buffer Pool Free Resize feature is optimized.



  • New features:

    • If your database system consists of only one RDS instance that uses cloud disks, redo logs can be used to perform incremental backups and restore data to any point in time.

    • The Persist Binlog Into Redo V2 feature is supported. High concurrency capabilities are optimized to deliver better performance.

    • The SSL encryption feature is optimized, and a few bugs of the feature are fixed.

    • The permissions to manage the sys or performance_schema database are revoked from standard accounts.

    • The FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and UNLOCK TABLES logs are added to error logs, which facilitates online troubleshooting.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The performance of buffer pool initialization is improved.

    • During the recovery from a system downtime, the rollback method of pending transactions is changed from synchronous rollback to asynchronous rollback to improve the recovery time objective (RTO).

    • The memory usage and update speed of the adaptive hash index (AHI) is optimized.

    • Bidirectional circular replication is optimized. When a secondary RDS instance sends binary logs to its primary RDS instance, the secondary RDS instance skips transactions that belong to the primary RDS instance. This reduces the network traffic of circular replication.

    • The time to recover from an instance downtime is reduced.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the table fails to be migrated during an upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 is fixed.

    • The bug that may cause a system downtime when a full-text index table is deleted during an upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 8.0 is fixed.

    • The bug that a system downtime may occur due to high Mini Drive-Lock (MDL) competition is fixed.

    • The bug that causes xengine_record parsing errors is fixed.

    • The bug that causes compression failures when X-Engine creates indexes is fixed.

    • The data in the start_time column of the slow_log table is amended.

    • The compilation speed is improved. Compilation warnings are fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug that the execution speed of the SELECT COUNT(*) statement without the WHERE clause is slow is fixed.

  • The bug that the system fails because the stored procedures with the WITH ROLLUP modifier are called multiple times is fixed.



  • New features:

    • If the value of innodb_buffer_pool_size is less than 1 GB, the value of innodb_buffer_pool_instances can be greater than 1.

    • If the native flashback feature is enabled for an RDS instance, the impact on the performance of the RDS instance is reduced.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the Unknown thread id message is displayed when a user terminates a session is fixed.

    • The bug that the settings of the rds_expose_priv_list parameter do not take effect after an RDS instance restarts is fixed.

    • The bug that the Binlog in Redo feature blocks the checkpoint push is fixed.

    • The fixes for Bug#33341080 and Bug#32962511 in MySQL 8.0.25 of MySQL Community Edition are incorporated.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 8.0.25 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.25.

    • The recovery_apply_binlog mechanism is provided. This mechanism enables XA transactions to support the crash-safe feature.

    • The audit log feature is upgraded to version 3. In version 3, a column is added to store transaction IDs, and a field named ext is added to store the identifiers that are used to mark where SQL statements are truncated.

    • A new sequence can be defined as a timestamp sequence. The format of a timestamp sequence is different from the format of a digital sequence. Digital sequences are an outdated type of sequence.

      Users can use the following syntax to create a timestamp sequence: CREATE SEQUENCE seq CACHE [Cache size] TIMESTAMP;

    • The TRUNCATE permission on the mysql.slow_log table and the mysql.general_log table is granted to privileged accounts.

    • The Native Flashback Query feature is supported. This feature allows users to query the data that is rolled back and restore the data by using SQL statements.

    • A proprietary X-tree structure is provided. This structure is used to create indexes in X-Engine MemTable. This structure also supports writes, point queries, and range queries at high performance.

    • The size of the buffer pool can be adjusted. The adjustment process is optimized to prevent impacts on instance performance.

    • Multiple blocks can be asynchronously read at a time. Users can add the /*+ MULTI_BLOCKS(n) */ hint to SQL statements to prefetch multiple data pages.

    • The logic that is used to scan the linked list of the buffer pool and obtain idle pages is optimized. The least recently used (LRU) algorithm is used to manage the linked list.

    • The UPDATE and DELETE statements that contain a primary key or a unique key can automatically enter a CCL queue.

    • The amount of time that an RDS instance needs to wait before the RDS instance can process a TCP-based write request can be recorded in the performance_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest_supplement table.

    • DDL operations that are performed by using the in-place method can be recorded in the redo log.

    • By default, MyISAM is added to the value of the disabled_storage_engines parameter to prevent you from creating MyISAM tables.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the execution result of the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS statement is abnormal is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance cannot start when the profiling feature of JeMalloc is enabled for the RDS instance is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance with the sequence feature is enabled unexpectedly exits when the INSERT INTO SELECT statement is executed is fixed.

    • The dbms_recycle.restore_table permission is revoked.

    • The metric that specifies the number of index scans is supported for the I_S.INDEX_STATISTICS table.

    • More metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance are supported for the I_S.PERF_STATISTICS table.

    • The bug that affects the performance of an RDS instance when the user-defined function nextval or currval conflicts with the system function SEQUENCE on the RDS instance is fixed.

    • The bug due to which X-Engine cannot immediately respond to KILL SESSION requests is fixed.

    • The bug that causes inconsistency errors if specific DDL operations fail in extreme circumstances is fixed.

    • The bug that causes a stack overflow is fixed by using a protection mechanism.

    • The bug that prevents the mysqld program from starting when persist_binlog_to_redo and X-Engine are used at the same time is fixed.

    • The bug that causes memory leaks when the pthread_getattr_np function is called is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system automatically deletes cached pages that are generated by the performance agent feature is fixed.

    • The bug of the statement outline feature is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system resets the used session tracker when errors occur during the execution of statements is fixed.

    • The ccl_wait_timeout variable is renamed.


      ccl_wait_timeout indicates the maximum waiting time in seconds for a statement that is throttled.

    • The bug due to which an instance restart fails because socket files are not deleted when the database process stops is fixed.

    • The priorities of the user-defined functions nextval and currval are adjusted.

    • The bug due to which the net_length_size function returns error 251 is fixed.


Open source MySQL 8.0.22 provides the derived_condition_pushdown feature. The feature can reduce the amount of data scanned in derived tables and accelerate queries. However, the feature ignores user variables. As a result, null values are returned for user variables, and queries cannot be completed. For more information, see the official MySQL documentation.

To resolve this issue, users must connect to their RDS instances and run the set optimizer_switch="derived_condition_pushdown=off"; command to disable the feature. For more information, see Use a database client or the CLI to connect to an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.



  • New features:

    • Tables can be restored from the recycle bin. For more information, see Recycle bin.

    • The slow query log files of an RDS instance can be automatically restored when the instance is initialized.

  • Feature improvements:

    If X-Engine is used, the Binlog in Redo feature cannot be enabled. For more information, see Binlog in Redo.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes errors during the execution of the ASSERT statement when the value of the key for the unique index is abnormally large is fixed.

    • The bug that prevents the COM_DAEMON process from stopping is fixed.

    • The bug that causes a cache overflow when Full-Text Search (FTS)-based queries are run is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors in rollbacks when instant DDL operations become abnormal is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The innodb_parallel_read_threads parameter is added to specify whether to allow the count(*) function to run scans in parallel. If this parameter is set to 0, this function cannot run scans in parallel. For more information, see Modify the parameters of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

    • Start GTIDs and end GTIDs are supported by mysqlbinlog.

    • LSNs are supported in the redo log.

      • innodb_lsn: the LSN of each record in the redo log.

      • innodb_log_checkpoint_lsn: the LSN of the last checkpoint.

      • innodb_log_write_lsn: the LSN of each record that is written to the log.

      • innodb_log_ready_for_write_lsn: the LSN of the last record that is written to the log buffer

      • innodb_log_flush_lsn: the LSN of each record that is flushed from the redo log to the disk

      • innodb_log_dirty_pages_added_up_to_lsn: the LSN of each record that logs a page as dirty

      • innodb_log_oldest_lsn: the LSN of each record that logs an update to a page

  • Feature improvements:

    • The Concurrency Control (CCL) feature is optimized to schedule and concurrently run transactions in a more efficient manner.

    • The CCL feature is optimized to prioritize stored procedures in a more efficient manner.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the recursively called interpreter does not check the memory size is fixed.

    • The bug due to which table definitions cannot be modified when Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the event scheduler causes memory leaks is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The faster DDL feature is supported. This feature provides an optimized buffer pool management mechanism to reduce the impacts of DDL operations on database performance and to increase the number of online DDL operations that can be concurrently run. For more information, see Faster DDL.

    • The maximum number of connections that are allowed is increased to 500,000.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The thread pool feature is optimized.

    • The memory allocation mechanism is optimized. You can specify the maximum memory consumption that is allowed for PERFORMANCE SCHEMA based on the instance type.

    • Audit log files are no longer analyzed.

    • TDE is optimized to cache the keys that are provided by Key Management Service (KMS).

    • The statuses of threads that are managed by the CCL feature are renamed. For more information, see Statement concurrency control.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system considers semicolons (;) as part of the statements that are used to create outlines is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits when tables are modified is fixed.

    • The bug due to which earlier versions do not support the keywords that are supported in later versions is fixed. The keywords are memory and array.

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly counts the number of waits when commands are read from a database client is fixed.

    • The bug that causes failures in updating the minor engine version of an RDS instance is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The Binlog in Redo feature is supported. This feature allows the system to write binary log records to the redo log before the binary log records are flushed to the disk. This improves database performance. For more information, see Binlog in Redo.

    • A restructured row caching mechanism is supported for X-Engine.

    • The XA_RECOVER_ADMIN permission is supported.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The code that is used to scan data when operations are performed on a temporary InnoDB table is optimized. This allows the system to scan only dirty pages rather than all pages in the buffer pool.

    • The global parameter opt_readonly_trans_implicit_commit is renamed as rds_disable_explicit_trans to ensure compatibility with MySQL 5.6.

    • The upgrades to an RDS instance are no longer recorded by the audit log feature.

    • The memory resources that are consumed by DDL operations on X-Engine tables are reduced.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the sizes of X-Engine tables on the disk are inconsistent with the statistics in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system initializes X-Engine logs when the error log file is re-opened is fixed.



  • New features:

    The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is supported. After the statement is executed on a table, the system moves the table to a dedicated directory that is used for the recycle bin, and then creates a table that uses the same schema as the truncated table. For more information, see Recycle bin.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The output of TCP errors is disabled by default.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to provide higher performance when the default configurations are used.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes invalid databases and tables is fixed. This bug is triggered when the names of partitioned tables are separated by the combination of a pound key and a letter p (#p).

    • The bug due to which CCL-managed statements are case-sensitive is fixed.

  • The updates to the features in open source MySQL 8.0.17 and MySQL 8.0.18 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.17 and Changes in MySQL 8.0.18.



  • New features:

    • The performance agent feature is supported to collect performance data in a more efficient manner. For more information, see Performance Agent. This feature is provided as a MySQL extension. This feature allows the system to compute and analyze the metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance.

    • A metric is provided to measure the round trip time over the network. This metric helps you monitor the performance of an RDS instance that runs in semi-synchronous mode.

    • Online DDL operations are supported by X-Engine.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The CCL feature is optimized to control the concurrency of statements on read-only RDS instances.

    • The outline feature is optimized to support outlines on secondary RDS instances.

    • The database proxy feature is enhanced to optimize short-lived connections.

    • The amount of time that is required to execute the PAUSE statement is reduced in various CPU architectures.

    • A memory summary table is added to provide the statuses of thread pools.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system forbids the ppoll function and replaces the ppoll function with the poll function is fixed. This bug is found in Linux kernel versions earlier than 4.9.

    • The bug that causes errors when the wrap_sm4_encrypt function is invoked is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system locks global variables during the rotation of audit logs is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors during restoration inconsistency checks is fixed.

    • The bug that causes inaccurate time values in the io_statistics table is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits when invalid compression algorithms are used is fixed.

    • The bug that causes user columns in MySQL 8.0 and MySQL 5.6 are incompatible is fixed.

  • Optimized programs:

    • The faster DDL feature is supported. This feature provides an optimized buffer pool management mechanism to reduce the impacts of DDL operations on database performance and to increase the number of online DDL operations that can be concurrently run. For more information, see Faster DDL.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to improve database performance.

    • The mechanism that is used for reference counting is optimized to prevent memory leaks in buffers.



  • New features:

    Three hints are added. These hints can be used in the following statements to commit transactions and roll back transactions at high speeds: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE. This increases the throughput of applications. For more information, see Inventory Hint.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The CCL feature is optimized. When an RDS instance starts, CCL queue structures are initialized before CCL rules are initialized.

    • The file deletion mechanism is optimized. When the system asynchronously deletes files, the links to small files are removed.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized. For more information, see Thread Pool.

    • The restoration inconsistency check feature is disabled by default.

    • The permissions that are required to configure variables are changed.

      • Standard accounts can be granted the permissions to configure the following variables:

        • auto_increment_increment

        • auto_increment_offset

        • bulk_insert_buffer_size

        • binlog_rows_query_log_events

      • Superuser accounts and system variable administrators can be granted the permissions to configure the following variables:

        • binlog_format

        • binlog_row_image

        • binlog_direct

        • sql_log_off

        • sql_log_bin



  • New features:

    The recycle bin feature is supported. All tables that are deleted are moved to the recycle bin. Users can specify a retention period within which tables can be retrieved from the recycle bin. For more information, see Recycle bin.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The mechanism that is used to process short-lived connections is optimized.

    • A dedicated thread is used for the maintain_user variable. This prevents high-availability failures.

    • The locking mechanism is optimized. If an error occurs when the redo mechanism is used to flush binary log records, the system can explicitly release the locks that are triggered by file synchronization.

    • Unnecessary TCP error logs can be deleted.

    • The thread pool feature is enabled by default.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes errors during the updates of slow query logs is fixed.

    • The bug that causes an inappropriate lock scope is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors in core dumps when the select() function is called for TDE is fixed.



New features:

The statement queue feature is supported. This feature allows statements to be queued in the same bucket. These statements can be executed on the same resources. For example, these statements can be executed on the same row of a table. This feature helps reduce the overhead that is caused by conflicts. For more information, see Statement Queue.



  • New features:

    • The SM4 encryption algorithm is supported for TDE. For more information, see Configure TDE for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

    • Data protection is supported for secondary RDS instances. Only the accounts that have the SUPER permission or the REPLICATION_SLAVE_ADMIN permission are authorized to insert, delete, and modify data in the slave_master_info, slave_relay_log_info, and slave_worker_info tables.

    • A mechanism is provided to increase the priorities of auto-increment keys. If a table does not have a primary key or the table does not have a unique key without a null value, the auto-increment key without a null value is assigned the highest priority.

    • A mechanism is provided to prevent the automatic conversion of tables from the MEMORY storage engine to the MyISAM storage engine. These tables include system tables and the tables that are called by threads in the initializing state.

    • A mechanism is provided to flush binary log records to the disk before redo log records.

    • A mechanism is provided to stop the creation of temporary tables on an RDS instance when the RDS instance is locked.

    • X-Engine that is based on a log-structured merge (LSM) tree is provided to store transactions.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to reduce mutual exclusions (mutexes). For more information, see Thread Pool.

    • The performance insight feature is optimized to support thread pools. For more information, see Performance Insight.

    • The following parameters are adjusted:

      • primary_fast_lookup: a session parameter. Default value: true.

      • thread_pool_enabled: a global parameter. Default value: true.



  • New features:

    • The TDE feature is provided to support real-time I/O encryption and decryption of data files. This feature encrypts data before the data is written to the disk and decrypts data before the data is read from the disk and written to the memory. For more information, see Configure TDE for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

    • The returning feature is provided. This feature allows DML statements to return result sets. The DBMS_TRANS package is provided for users to use this feature with ease. For more information, see Returning.

    • Forced conversion from the MyISAM or MEMORY storage engine to the InnoDB storage engine is supported. If the global variable force_mysiam_to_innodb or force_memory_to_innodb is set to ON, tables are automatically converted from the MyISAM or MEMORY storage engine to the InnoDB storage engine when the tables are created or modified.

    • A mechanism is provided to prevent accounts that are not privileged accounts from performing primary/secondary switchovers. Only privileged accounts are granted the permissions to perform primary/secondary switchovers.

    • A performance proxy plug-in is provided. This plug-in obtains performance data and saves the data as TXT files to on-premises computers. A round-robin algorithm is used to retain only the most recent files that contain performance data at the single-digit second level.

    • A timeout period can be configured for mutexes in InnoDB. Users can change the timeout period by using the global variable innodb_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold. The default value of the global variable is 600.

    • Index hint errors can be ignored. Users can configure an RDS instance to ignore index hint errors by using the global variable ignore_index_hint_error. The default value of the global variable is false.

    • The SSL encryption feature can be disabled. For more information, see Configure SSL encryption for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

    • The output of TCP errors is supported. TCP read, read-wait, and write-wait errors are returned together with error codes in end_connection events. Log records that contain the information about the errors are also generated.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which a Linux operating system cannot merge local asynchronous I/O (AIO) requests before linear Read Ahead is triggered is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system inaccurately collects statistics about tables and indexes is fixed.

    • The bug that prevents direct access to the primary key index of a table when a primary key is specified for the table is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug that causes memory leaks when the Cmd_set_current_connection process runs is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The thread pool feature is provided to separate threads from sessions. If a large number of sessions are created, the system can run a small number of threads to complete the tasks in active sessions. For more information, see Thread Pool.

    • The CCL feature is supported. Users can specify the maximum number of concurrent requests that are allowed for an RDS instance. This way, the RDS instance can handle traffic bursts, process statements that consume an excessive number of resources, and adapt to the changes in SQL models. The CCL feature helps ensure the continuity and stability of RDS instances. For more information, see Statement concurrency control.

    • The statement outline feature is provided to support optimizer hints and index hints. These hints are used to ensure that the system can run query plans in a stable manner. For more information, see Statement outline.

    • The Sequence engine is provided to simplify the generation of sequence values. For more information, see Sequence Engine.

    • The Purge Large File Asynchronously feature is provided to asynchronously delete files. Before a tablespace is deleted, the system renames the files in the tablespace as temporary files. Then, the system starts background threads to asynchronously delete the temporary files. For more information, see Purge Large File Asynchronously.

    • The performance insight feature is provided to support load monitoring, association analysis, and performance optimization at the instance level. This feature allows you to evaluate the loads on an RDS instance and troubleshoot performance issues. This way, the stability of the RDS instance can be ensured. For more information, see Performance Insight.

    • The instance lock status is optimized. If an RDS instance is locked, the DROP or TRUNCATE operation can still be performed on tables.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly calculates file sizes is fixed.

    • The bug due to which irrelevant processes can reuse idle memory resources is fixed.

    • The bug due to which a host unexpectedly exits when the available cache size on the host is 0 is fixed.

    • The bug that causes conflicts between implicit primary keys and CTS statements is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly generates logs for slow queries is fixed.



  • Feature improvements:

    • Metadata locking on logging tables is reduced.

    • The code for termination options is restructured.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which precompiled statements are not recorded by the audit log feature is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system cannot mask error log records in logging tables when the names of the logging tables are invalid is fixed.


RDS instances that run MySQL 8.0 on RDS Enterprise Edition

AliSQL version



Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which security issues occur in large transaction scenarios is fixed.

  • The bug that the value of the Seconds_Behind_Master parameter is not 0 when no traffic exists is fixed.


Feature improvements:

The faster DDL feature is optimized. When a session exits, if temporary tables are generated by user operations or the optimizer, the default process to evict pages is optimized from traversing the entire buffer pool to traversing only pages related to the temporary tables. This reduces the waiting time for the buffer pool to evict temporary tables, reduces conflicts, and improves the overall performance.


Bug fixes:

The bug that causes memory leaks for PERFORMANCE SCHEMA is fixed.


New features:

SSL encryption can be enabled for the dedicated proxy of an RDS instance.


Bug fixes:

A metadata-related bug is fixed.


  • New features:

    The TRUNCATE TABLE statement is supported. After the statement is executed on a table, the system moves the table to a dedicated directory that is used for the recycle bin, and then creates a table that uses the same schema as the truncated table. For more information, see Recycle bin.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The output of TCP errors is disabled by default.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to provide higher performance when the default configurations are used.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes invalid databases and tables is fixed. This bug is triggered when the names of partitioned tables are separated by the combination of a pound key and a letter p (#p).

    • The bug due to which CCL-managed statements are case-sensitive is fixed.

  • The updates to the features in open source MySQL 8.0.17 and MySQL 8.0.18 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.17 and Changes in MySQL 8.0.18.


  • New features:

    • The performance agent feature is supported to collect performance data in a more efficient manner. For more information, see Performance Agent. This feature is provided as a MySQL extension. This feature allows the system to compute and analyze the metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance.

    • A metric is provided to measure the round trip time over the network. This metric helps you monitor the performance of an RDS instance that runs in semi-synchronous mode.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The CCL feature is optimized to control the concurrency of statements on read-only RDS instances.

    • The outline feature is optimized to support outlines on secondary RDS instances.

    • The database proxy feature is enhanced to optimize short-lived connections.

    • The amount of time that is required to execute the PAUSE statement is reduced in various CPU architectures.

    • A memory summary table is added to provide the statuses of thread pools.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system forbids the ppoll function and replaces the ppoll function with the poll function is fixed. This bug is found in Linux kernel versions earlier than 4.9.

    • The bug that causes errors when the wrap_sm4_encrypt function is invoked is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system locks global variables during the rotation of audit logs is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors during restoration inconsistency checks is fixed.

    • The bug that causes inaccurate time values in the io_statistics table is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits when invalid compression algorithms are used is fixed.

    • The bug that causes user columns in MySQL 8.0 and MySQL 5.6 are incompatible is fixed.

  • Optimized programs:

    • The faster DDL feature is supported. This feature provides an optimized buffer pool management mechanism to reduce the impacts of DDL operations on database performance and to increase the number of online DDL operations that can be concurrently run. For more information, see Faster DDL.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to improve database performance.

    • The mechanism that is used for reference counting is optimized to prevent memory leaks in buffers.

RDS instances that run MySQL 5.7 on RDS Basic Edition, RDS High-availability Edition, or RDS Cluster Edition


RDS Cluster Edition is supported by AliSQL versions of 20220731 or later.

AliSQL version


Expiration date


New feature:

The native replication feature is supported.



  • New features:

    • The ignorable log events that are generated by the binlog cache free flush feature can be skipped by the binary log dump thread.

    • The EncDB parameter can be dynamically modified.

  • Performance improvement

    • Unnecessary server hooks can be deleted to reduce unnecessary lock contention during DML execution.

    • The duration of a lock that occurs when you execute the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is shortened. If you enable the innodb_rds_drop_ahi_ahead parameter, the adaptive hash indexes created for InnoDB tables are deleted before you truncate the InnoDB tables. This shortens the duration of the metadata lock on the InnoDB tables during the execution of the TRUNCATE TABLE statement and prevents other SQL statements from being blocked.

    • The period of time that is required for the automatic remediation of general logs during the recovery from a system breakdown is reduced.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the recovery from a system breakdown is stuck at 99% is fixed.

    • The bug due to which a large number of SQL statements are stuck in the "Waiting for table flush" state during the execution of the ANALYZE TABLE statement is fixed.

    • The bug due to which end_log_pos for the binlog cache free flush feature is inaccurate is fixed.

    • The bug due to which a verification error occurs when data is written to pages during the recovery from a system breakdown is fixed.

    • The bug due to which memory information is not collected by Performance Schema when multiple threads are used to initialize a buffer pool is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system does not respond during EncDB timestamp processing is fixed.

    • The bug due to which binary logs are recorded even if the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement fails to be executed is fixed.

    • The bug due to which unnecessary AUTO_INC locks may be obtained during the execution of UPDATE statements is fixed.



  • Performance improvement

    • The duration of a lock that occurs when you execute the DROP TABLE statement is shortened. The innodb_rds_drop_ahi_ahead parameter is added. If you enable the parameter, the adaptive hash indexes created for InnoDB tables are deleted before you delete the InnoDB tables. This shortens the duration of the metadata lock on the InnoDB tables during the execution of the DROP TABLE statement and prevents other SQL statements from being blocked.

    • The Binlog Cache Free Flush feature is supported. During the transaction commit phase, this feature converts the temporary binary log cache files of large transactions into binary log files. This reduces the duration of a global lock on binary logs when large transactions are committed, reduces the I/O pressure on RDS instances, and prevents primary/secondary switchovers triggered when the binary logs cannot be written to the RDS instances for a long period of time or unresponsive I/O operations occur on the RDS instances.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that the value of the AUTO_INCREMENT parameter of the InnoDB table on the secondary RDS instance is inconsistent with the actual value due to the execution of the REPLACE INTO statement is fixed.

    • The bug that the data incompatible with the data of the GEOMETRY type can be inserted by using the INSERT ... SELECT statement is fixed.

    • The bug due to which data types returned by EncDB are disordered is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the "error 1305: savepoint does not exist." error message is reported when you use Percona mysqldump to add the --lock-for-backup option for backup is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.44 are incorporated.

    • Statement Outline is added to support ps-protocol.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.12.

    • Encryption rules and users can be queried by using EncDB.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The issue that causes second-level replication latency is optimized.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which irrelevant errors are reported after the tablespace is discarded is fixed.

    • The following issue is fixed: After the recycle_bin parameter is disabled, read-only instances still trigger a reclaim.

    • Fixed the information_schema of querying common tables and system tables at the same time. Possible CRASH issues when PARAMETERS or ROUTINES occur.

    • Fix the issue caused by slow_log. CSV is lost and slow logs fail to be written.

    • Fixed the issue of occasional null pointer access caused by rapid unloading after query cache plugin loading.

    • The following issue is fixed: When multiple statements are merged into one query, the truncation position of multiple statements recorded in audit log V3 is inaccurate.

    • The following issue is fixed: The drop table force is invalid for tables that have foreign key dependencies.

    • The more_result field in OK packets is exception in multi-statement scenarios. This issue is fixed. You can use multiple statements to restore the session status in MaxScale.

    • The following issue is fixed: In semi-synchronous replication, binlog file names are incorrectly compared and semi-synchronous replication fails.

    • The following issue is fixed: When the explicit_defaults_for_timestamp parameter is set, EncDB writes a null value as the timestamp.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which EncDB cannot identify which columns contain sensitive information when table aliases are used in SQL queries is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the system fails when the constructor of the DesensitizationAlgo class in EncDB receives invalid input is fixed.

  • The bug that disk space may be exhausted by the logs generated by EncDB when sensitive rule configuration is empty is fixed.

  • The bug that EncDB returns an error when the calculated size of ciphertext and the actual size of generated ciphertext do not match during the handling of users of the noneAccess type is fixed.




After you upgrade OpenSSL to OpenSSL 3.0.9, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are automatically disabled. For compatibility purposes, the ssl_cipher parameter is defaulted to ALL:@SECLEVEL=0 in ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL to enable TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 again.

If your service uses TLS 1.2 or later, we recommend that you set the ssl_cipher parameter to an empty string "" in the ApsaraDB RDS console to ensure higher security.

Bug fixes:

The bug due to which you cannot connect to the server by using TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 after you upgrade OpenSSL to OpenSSL 3.0.9 is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug due to which the EncDB parameter settings do not take effect is fixed.




After you upgrade OpenSSL to OpenSSL 3.0.9, TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 are automatically disabled. If you want to use TLSv1 and TLSv1.1, you can add the "@SECLEVEL=0" setting to the configuration of the ssl_cipher parameter to lower the default security level.

  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.43 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.43.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 3.0.9.

    • The shell built-in functions are used to parse parameters, which accelerates instance startup by using mysqld_safe.

    • The always-confidential feature is supported to implement end-to-end data encryption and protect data security.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that an RDS instance is unexpectedly restarted because sql_type for the thread pool is not correctly configured is fixed.

    • The bug due to which a self-looping issue is caused by an incorrect fil_addr pointer during the restoration of the undo table lock is fixed.

    • The bug that audit logs do not record multi-statement queries is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.41 and MySQL 5.7.42 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.41 and Changes in MySQL 5.7.42.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1u.

    • During the recovery from a system downtime, the release of the undo table space lock is accelerated.

    • The resizing of online buffer pools can be cancelled to save time.

  • Feature improvements:

    • During the instance startup, multiple threads are used to initialize the buffer pool instances at a time to speed up the startup.

    • During the recovery from a system downtime, the rollback method of pending transactions is changed from synchronous rollback to asynchronous rollback to improve the RTO.

    • The initialization performance of buffer pools is optimized. This accelerates the instance startup.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that initialization fails because the subscript of a parameter array is out of range when multiple threads are used to initialize the buffer pool instances is fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which the memory usage of your RDS instance may gradually increase in specific scenarios after you enable recycle_scheduler is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the purge_table operation cannot be executed because the recycle_scheduler thread in the background conflicts with the active purge_table operation is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.40 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.40.

    • OpenSSL is upgraded to OpenSSL 1.1.1s.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The AHI feature is optimized.

      • If you disable this feature, memory that is occupied by AHIs is released.

      • The update speed of AHIs is improved.

    • If a transaction modifies a table that does not have a primary key or contain a non-null UNIQUE key, a non-null key with auto-increment fields is preferentially used to search for the destination column when the modification is applied to the secondary RDS instance. This improves table playback efficiency and reduces replication latency in the secondary RDS instance.


      A non-null key with auto-increment fields can be a user-defined key or an implicit primary key created by the system.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the number of rows updated by the UPDATE and INSERT statements in the audit logs of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance is inaccurate is fixed.

      Bug description:

      The CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS flag is disabled by default. If the flag is enabled and the UPDATE and INSERT statements are executed, the value of the rows affected parameter is recorded as the number of updated rows in the audit logs. However, the value of the rows affected parameter indicates the number of found rows instead of the number of updated rows.

      After the bug is fixed, the value of the update rows parameter is recorded as the number of updated rows in the audit log, which is the exact number of updated rows.

    • The following bug is fixed: When a temporary table is used to create a standard table, the 13146 error is reported for the secondary RDS instance because the character set of the temporary table is missing in binary logs.

      After the bug is fixed, the character set of the temporary table is recorded in binary logs when a temporary table is used to create a standard table. The 13146 error is no longer reported for the secondary RDS instance.



  • New features:

    The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.39 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.39.

  • Bug fixes:

    The primary fast look up feature is removed.



  • New features:

    The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.38 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.38.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that causes deadlocks due to the conflict between Rename Tablespace operations required in DDL operations and ongoing I/O operations is fixed.

    • The bug that causes inaccurate statistics on the Memory/sql/String::value event in the memory_summary_global_by_event_name table of the performance_schema database is fixed.

    • The bug that causes deadlocks for XA transactions on the Replica node due to improper locking of secondary indexes when data is inserted into secondary indexes is fixed.

    • If the value of innodb_buffer_pool_instances is greater than 1 GB, the value of innodb_buffer_pool_size can be less than 1.

  • Feature improvements:

    The policy to adjust the size of a buffer pool is optimized to make the adjustment process smoother.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.37 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.37.

    • The SSL encryption feature is optimized, and a few bugs of the feature are fixed.

    • The permissions to manage the sys or performance_schema database are revoked from standard accounts.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that causes the level of the FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and UNLOCK TABLES logs to be warning in error logs is fixed. This fix facilitates online troubleshooting.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in MySQL 5.7.35 are incorporated. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 5.7.35.

    • The InnoDB buffer pool can be flexibly resized. The impact of a resizing operation is reduced, and user experience is improved.

    • The two-way replication mechanism is optimized. Unnecessary binary logs are no longer replicated. In addition, heartbeat events are no longer generated when events are skipped.

    • You no longer need to restart your RDS instance after you reconfigure the log_slave_updates parameter.

    • FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK and UNLOCK TABLES are added to error logs.

    • The innodb_control_index_page_reserve parameter is added. If this parameter is set to ON, page splitting and storage usage are reduced.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the performance agent feature cannot collect CPU usage statistics as expected in the new docker architecture is fixed.

    • The bug due to which session tracker type numbers retained in the system are incorrect is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits and cannot be restored to normal when the size of MTR logs exceeds the size of the log parsing buffer is fixed.

    • Memory pages can be marked as MADV_DONTDUMP. If the innodb_buffer_pool_in_core_file parameter is set to off, core dumps no longer contain the InnoDB buffer pool. This way, the storage that is occupied by core dumps is reduced.

    • The bug due to which the value of the start_time field in the mysql.slow_log table is incorrect is fixed. After the bug is fixed, the field records the time at which the execution of an SQL statement starts rather than the time at which the execution of an SQL statement ends.

    • The Show_db_priv permission is available to standard accounts.

    • The bug due to which memory leaks may occur when the LF_HASH_INSERT function is invoked is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the recycle bin does not support tables that contain virtual columns is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The audit log format MYSQL_V3 is supported.

    • Slow query logs and general logs can be truncated.

    • A mechanism is provided to detect out of memory (OOM) exceptions in the thread stack.

    • The thread_pool_strict_mode parameter is supported. This parameter is used to limit the maximum number of worker threads.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system deletes outdated socket lock files when the mysqld_safe script is run to start the mysqld process is fixed.

    • The bug that causes memory leaks in the recycle bin is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The recycle bin feature is supported. For more information, see Recycle bin.

    • The sequence engine feature is supported. For more information, see Sequence Engine.

  • Feature improvements:

    • More metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance are supported for the I_S.PERF_STATISTICS table.

    • The metric that specifies the number of index scans is supported for the I_S.INDEX_STATISTICS table.

    • The TDE feature is optimized to improve database performance.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that causes column generation exceptions during a rollback is fixed. This bug is found in MySQL Community Edition.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which the ROW_SEARCH_MVCC function unexpectedly exits when concurrent updates are performed is fixed.

  • The bug due to which an RDS instance cannot start when the innodb_undo_tablespaces parameter is reconfigured for the RDS instance is fixed.

  • The bug that causes a cache overflow when FTS-based queries are run is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The updates to the features in open source MySQL 5.7.30 are incorporated. For more information, visit GitHub.

    • The CCL feature is optimized to schedule and concurrently run transactions in a more efficient manner.

    • Start GTIDs and end GTIDs are supported by mysqlbinlog.

    • LSNs are supported in the redo log.

      • innodb_lsn: the LSN of each record in the redo log.

      • innodb_log_write_lsn: the LSN of each record that is written to the log.

      • innodb_log_checkpoint_lsn: the LSN of the last checkpoint.

      • innodb_log_flushed_lsn: the LSN of each record that is flushed from the redo log to the disk

      • innodb_log_Pages_flushed: the LSN of each record that logs an update to a page

  • Feature improvements:

    The CCL feature is optimized to prioritize stored procedures in a more efficient manner.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which an RDS instance may incorrectly count the number of pages that are referenced from temporary tables is fixed. This bug may cause inefficient flushing of dirty blocks from the buffer pool to the disk. As a result, no idle pages are available in the buffer pool, and database performance deteriorates. For more information, see official MySQL documentation.



  • New features:

    • Three hints are added. These hints can be used in the following statements to commit transactions and roll back transactions at high speeds: SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE. This increases the throughput of applications. For more information, see Inventory Hint.

    • The CCL feature is supported. Users can specify the maximum number of concurrent requests that are allowed for an RDS instance. This way, the RDS instance can handle traffic bursts, process statements that consume an excessive number of resources, and adapt to the changes in SQL models. The CCL feature helps ensure the continuity and stability of RDS instances. For more information, see Statement concurrency control.

    • The statement queue feature is supported. This feature allows statements to be queued in the same bucket. These statements can be executed on the same resources. For example, these statements can be executed on the same row of a table. This feature helps reduce the overhead that is caused by conflicts. For more information, see Statement queue.

    • The statement outline feature is provided to support optimizer hints and index hints. These hints are used to ensure that the system can run query plans in a stable manner. For more information, see Statement outline.

    • The faster DDL feature is supported. This feature provides an optimized buffer pool management mechanism to reduce the impacts of DDL operations on database performance and to increase the number of online DDL operations that can be concurrently run. For more information, see Faster DDL.

    • The maximum number of connections that are allowed is increased to 500,000.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The call dbms_admin.show_native_procedure(); command is provided to display all procedures of an RDS instance.

    • A new function is provided to delete orphan tables.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized.

    • Query caching is optimized.

    • The memory allocation mechanism is optimized. You can specify the maximum memory consumption that is allowed for PERFORMANCE SCHEMA based on the instance type.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which an audit update thread enters an infinite loop is fixed.



  • Feature improvements:

    Read-write locks are no longer supported in the query cache. The default hash function is changed from LF_hash to murmur3 hash.

  • Bug fixes:

    Two bugs that occur when the system hits the requested data in the query cache are fixed. These bugs are triggered if transactions at the REPEATABLE_READ isolation level are run.



  • New features:

    • The fast query cache is supported. The fast query cache is developed by Alibaba Cloud based on the native MySQL query cache. The fast query cache uses a new design and a new query mechanism to improve query performance. For more information, see Fast query cache.

    • Two metadata locks from Percona Server 5.7 are supported: LOCK TABLES FOR BACKUP (LTFB) and LOCK BINLOG FOR BACKUP (LBFB).

  • Feature improvements:

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to ensure compatibility with earlier MySQL versions.

    • The output of TCP errors is disabled by default.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to provide higher performance when the default configurations are used.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system deletes temporary files when large files are deleted is fixed.

    • The bug due to which dump threads in thread pools time out is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly counts the value of the IPK field in the procedure context is fixed.

    • The bug that causes the leak and release of PFS threads when the rds_change_user command is run is fixed.

  • The updates to the features in open source MySQL 5.7.28 are incorporated. For more information, visit GitHub.



  • New features:

    • The performance agent feature is supported to collect performance data in a more efficient manner. For more information, see Performance Agent. This feature is provided as a MySQL extension. This feature allows the system to compute and analyze the metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance.

    • A metric is provided to measure the round trip time over the network. This metric helps you monitor the performance of an RDS instance that runs in semi-synchronous mode.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The amount of time that is required to execute the PAUSE statement is reduced in various CPU architectures.

    • The database proxy feature is enhanced to optimize short-lived connections.

    • A memory summary table is added to provide the statuses of thread pools.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that compromises the security of DDL-related redo log records is fixed.

    • The bug that causes inaccurate time values in the io_statistics table is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits when tables are modified is fixed.

    • The bugs in MySQL test cases are fixed.



Feature improvements:

  • The file deletion mechanism is optimized. When the system asynchronously deletes files, the links to small files are removed.

  • The thread pool feature is optimized. For more information, see Thread Pool.

  • The default value of the thread_pool_enabled parameter is changed to OFF.



  • New features:

    The management of internal accounts is supported. This allows you to manage permissions and protect data in a more efficient manner.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The mechanism that is used to process short-lived connections is optimized.

    • A dedicated thread is used for the maintain_user variable. This prevents high-availability failures.

    • Unnecessary TCP error logs can be deleted.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the mysqld process unexpectedly exits when the read/write splitting feature is enabled is fixed.

    • The bug that causes errors in core dumps when a keyring is used is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug due to which the system displays variables in audit logs when a primary/secondary switchover is performed is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The SM4 encryption algorithm is supported for TDE. For more information, see Configure TDE for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

    • The bug that prevents direct access to the primary key index of a table when a primary key is specified for the table is fixed.

    • A mechanism is provided to prevent the automatic conversion of tables from the MEMORY storage engine to the MyISAM storage engine. These tables include system tables and the tables that are called by threads in the initializing state.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to reduce mutexes. For more information, see Thread Pool.

    • An audit log caching mechanism is provided to improve logging performance.

    • The performance insight feature is optimized to support thread pools. For more information, see Performance Insight.

    • The thread pool feature is enabled by default. For more information, see Thread Pool.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which locks on user tables are released when the user tables are being managed or maintained is fixed.

    • More TCP errors are added.



  • New features:

    • The rotation of slow query logs is supported. Each CSV slow query log file is assigned a unique name and saved as a new file. This prevents data loss during the collection of slow query logs. You can run the show variables like '%rotate_log_table%'; command to check whether the rotation of slow query logs is enabled.

    • A performance proxy plug-in is provided. This plug-in obtains performance data and saves the data as TXT files to on-premises computers. A round-robin algorithm is used to retain only the most recent files that contain performance data at the single-digit second level.

    • Forced conversion from the MEMORY storage engine to the InnoDB storage engine is supported. If the global variable rds_force_memory_to_innodb is set to ON, tables are automatically converted from the MEMORY storage engine to the InnoDB storage engine when the tables are created or modified.

    • The keyring-rds extension is supported for TDE. This extension allows the system to communicate with the administration system or KMS.

    • The output of TCP errors is supported. TCP read, read-wait, and write-wait errors are returned together with error codes in end_connection events. Log records that contain the information about the errors are also generated.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that causes error 1290 in DDL operations is fixed.



Adjusted parameters:

  • The default value of the system variable auto_generate_certs is changed from true to false.

  • The global read-only variable auto_detact_certs is added. Valid values: true and false. Default value: false. This variable is supported for an RDS instance only when OpenSSL is used to compile code on the RDS instance. This variable specifies whether the RDS instance automatically searches for SSL certificate files and key files in the data directory of the host on which the RDS instance resides.



New features:

The thread pool feature is provided to separate threads from sessions. If a large number of sessions are created, the system can run a small number of threads to complete the tasks in active sessions. For more information, see Thread Pool.



  • New features:

    • The Purge Large File Asynchronously feature is provided to asynchronously delete files. Before a tablespace is deleted, the system renames the files in the tablespace as temporary files. Then, the system starts background threads to asynchronously delete the temporary files. For more information, see Purge Large File Asynchronously.

    • The performance insight feature is provided to support load monitoring, association analysis, and performance optimization at the instance level. This feature allows you to evaluate the loads on an RDS instance and troubleshoot performance issues. This way, the stability of the RDS instance can be ensured. For more information, see Performance Insight.

    • An optimized instance locking mechanism is provided. This mechanism allows you to drop or truncate tables on an RDS instance even if the RDS instance is locked.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that allows you to set the rds_prepare_begin_id parameter in the set rds_current_connection command is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system cannot update the information about locked accounts is fixed.

    • The bug due to which actual can be used as a keyword in table names is fixed.

    • The bug that causes an overflow of timestamps in slow query logs is fixed.



New features:

The creation of temporary tables in transactions is supported.



New features:

The configuration of thread IDs for proxies in handshake packets is supported.



  • Feature improvements:

    • Open source MySQL 5.7.25 is supported.

    • JeMalloc that is used for memory management is disabled.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the system incorrectly calculates the value of the internal variable net_lenth_size is fixed.



  • New features:

    Dynamic modifications to the system variable binlog-row-event-max-size are supported. This accelerates the replication of tables that do not have a primary key.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the proxy instances of an RDS instance cannot apply for memory resources is fixed.



Feature improvements:

  • Implicit primary keys are supported.

  • The replication of tables that do not have a primary key between a primary RDS instance and its secondary RDS instance is accelerated.

  • Native AIO is provided to improve I/O performance.



New features:

  • RDS High-availability Edition is supported.

  • The SQL audit feature is supported. For more information, see SQL audit.

  • The protection for RDS instances on which snapshot backups are being created is enhanced.


RDS instances that run MySQL 5.7 on RDS Enterprise Edition

AliSQL version



Bug fixes:

When multiple sessions are inserted into a table that has an auto-increment column, IODKU is used as the unique key constraint, and an explicit value for the auto-increment column is not added to the table. As a result, the insert operation may fail due to a unique index conflict. After the bug is fixed, the auto-increment ID of the row into which IODKU fails to insert data is retained for next insert operation, and this failed insert operation is considered an update operation.


Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits or is unexpectedly stuck is fixed.

  • The bug due to which prefix indexes are considered to be invisible indexes is fixed.

  • The bug due to which a logger RDS instance is in an abnormal state based on the consensus protocol is fixed. If this bug persists, ApsaraDB RDS may fail to elect an eligible RDS instance as the primary RDS instance.


  • New features:

    The read/write splitting feature is supported.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly calculates the value of the Second_Behind_Master metric for a follower is fixed.

    • The bug that causes deadlocks when you run specific table-level parallel replication transactions for a second time is fixed.

    • XA-related bugs are fixed.


  • New features:

    • The upgrade from RDS High-availability Edition to RDS Enterprise Edition is supported for RDS instances that use local disks.

    • GTIDs that are provided by open source MySQL are supported. GTIDs are disabled by default.

    • All proprietary AliSQL features that are released by Alibaba Cloud for RDS Basic Edition and RDS High-availability Edition in 20190915 and earlier minor engine versions are incorporated.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which binary logs are disabled for a primary RDS instance when the secondary RDS instance of the primary RDS instance is reset is fixed.


  • New features:

    • A mechanism is provided to ensure that large transactions are run at high speeds when data is replicated between a primary RDS instance, its secondary RDS instance, and its logger RDS instance in synchronous mode.

    • Binary log records can be dumped from a leader or a follower.

    • Read-only RDS instances can be created.

    • The InnoDB storage engine is used for system tables by default.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that invalidates the commands that are run by a follower to delete logs is fixed.

    • The bug due to which slave threads unexpectedly exit is fixed. This bug is triggered when the slave_sql_verify_checksum parameter is set to OFF and the binlog_checksum parameter is set to crc32.


New features:

  • RDS Enterprise Edition is supported.

  • The semi-sync extension can be disabled.

  • Table-level parallel replication and write set-level parallel replication are supported.

  • The pk_access module is provided to accelerate queries that are run based on primary keys.

  • The thread pool feature is supported.

  • All proprietary AliSQL features that are released by Alibaba Cloud for RDS Basic Edition and RDS High-availability Edition in 20190510 and earlier minor engine versions are incorporated.

RDS instances that run MySQL 5.6

AliSQL version


Expiration date


  • New features:

    Information about the occurrence and unlocking of GLOBAL READ LOCK can be recorded in error logs.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that a large amount of memory is occupied when you open a large number of partitioned tables in InnoDB is fixed.

    • The bug that the InnoDB data dictionary is not updated when the column names are changed between upper-case letters and lower-case letters is fixed.

    • The bug that an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance is locked when you rename a tablespace is fixed.

    • The bug that an RDS instance fails to recover from failures because the recovery parsing buffer is small is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the execution result of the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS; statement is inaccurate is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the start_time field of the mysql.slow_log table is inaccurate is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug due to which the values in the AUTO_INCREMENT column in InnoDB are duplicate is fixed.



  • New features:

    A mechanism is provided to detect OOM exceptions in the thread stack.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bugs in MySQL 5.6 Community Edition are fixed.

    • The operation limits on the SHOW CREATE statement in the mysql system database are removed.



  • Feature improvements:

    More metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance are supported for the I_S.PERF_STATISTICS table.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bugs that cause memory leaks in MySQL Community Edition are fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug that invalidates the subqueries that are nested in IN clauses is fixed.

  • The bug that causes errors in the permissions on processes is fixed.

  • The bug that causes errors in the permissions of users in the kill_user_list table is fixed.

  • The bug that causes errors during the execution of the DROP DATABASE statement is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the system incorrectly calculates the value of the SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER parameter due to PREVIOUS_GTID events is fixed.



  • New features:

    LSNs are supported in the redo log.

    • innodb_lsn: the LSN of each record in the redo log.

    • innodb_log_write_lsn: the LSN of each record that is written to the log.

    • innodb_log_checkpoint_lsn: the LSN of the last checkpoint.

    • innodb_log_flushed_lsn: the LSN of each record that is flushed from the redo log to the disk

    • innodb_log_Pages_flushed: the LSN of each record that logs an update to a page

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the SHOW_HA_ROWS statement returns invalid enumeration types is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly counts the value of the IPK field in the procedure context is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an RDS instance unexpectedly exits when data is queried from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA database is fixed.

    • The bug due to which an audit update thread enters an infinite loop is fixed.

    • The bug due to which secondary RDS instances cannot report data replication latencies is fixed.



  • New features:

    • The performance agent feature is supported to collect performance data in a more efficient manner. For more information, see Performance Agent. This feature is provided as a MySQL extension. This feature allows the system to compute and analyze the metrics that are used to measure the performance of an RDS instance.

    • The maximum number of connections that are allowed is increased to 500,000.

    • The faster DDL feature is supported. This feature provides an optimized buffer pool management mechanism to reduce the impacts of DDL operations on database performance and to increase the number of online DDL operations that can be concurrently run. For more information, see Faster DDL.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The global parameter max_execution_time is supported. If the amount of time that is required to execute an SQL statement exceeds the value of this parameter, the SQL statement is paused.

    • The thread pool feature is optimized.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly counts the number of waits when commands are read from a database client is fixed.

    • The bug due to which standard accounts cannot be granted the permissions to execute the DROP DATABASE statement is fixed.



  • New features:

    The mdl_info table is provided to store the information about metadata locks.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug that causes conflicts between the thread pool feature and the ic_reduce feature is fixed.



  • Feature improvements:

    • The thread pool feature is optimized to provide higher performance when the default configurations are used.

    • The output of TCP errors is disabled by default.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the system deletes temporary files when large files are deleted is fixed.



  • New features:

    The read/write splitting feature is supported for database proxies.

  • Feature improvements:

    • The thread pool feature is optimized.

    • The amount of time that is required to execute the PAUSE statement is reduced in various CPU architectures.

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the system partially commits XA transactions is fixed.



  • New features:

    The thread pool feature is provided to separate threads from sessions. If a large number of sessions are created, the system can run a small number of threads to complete the tasks in active sessions. For more information, see Thread Pool.

  • Feature improvements:

    The file deletion mechanism is optimized. When the system asynchronously deletes files, the links to small files are removed.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system incorrectly calculates the sleep time of the page cleaner is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the SELECT @@global.gtid_executed statement triggers failover failures is fixed.




Feature improvements:

Unnecessary TCP error logs can be deleted.



Bug fixes:

The bug that causes an overflow of timestamps in slow query logs is fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug due to which the system rotates slow query logs when logs are updated is fixed.

  • Some display-related bugs are fixed.



  • New features:

    • The rotation of slow query logs is supported. Each CSV slow query log file is assigned a unique name and saved as a new file. This prevents data loss during the collection of slow query logs. You can run the show variables like '%rotate_log_table%'; command to check whether the rotation of slow query logs is enabled.

    • A new SM4 encryption algorithm is provided to replace the previously used SM4 encryption algorithm.

    • The Purge Large File Asynchronously feature is provided to asynchronously delete files. Before a tablespace is deleted, the system renames the files in the tablespace as temporary files. Then, the system starts background threads to asynchronously delete the temporary files. For more information, see Purge Large File Asynchronously.

    • The output of TCP errors is supported. TCP read, read-wait, and write-wait errors are returned together with error codes in end_connection events. Log records that contain the information about the errors are also generated.

    • An audit log caching mechanism is provided to improve logging performance.

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug that prevents responses to the pstack command when a large number of connections are established is fixed by disabling the pstack command.

    • The bug that causes conflicts between implicit primary keys and the CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement is fixed.

    • The bug due to which the system cannot delete temporary files that are created from binary log files is fixed.



Feature improvements:

An optimized instance locking mechanism is provided. This mechanism allows you to drop or truncate tables on an RDS instance even if the RDS instance is locked.



Bug fixes:

The bugs that compromise database stability are fixed.



Feature improvements:

The rocksdb_ddl_commit_in_the_middle parameter is supported by MyRocks. If this parameter is set to on, some DDL statements call the COMMIT operation when they are executed.



New features:

Slow query logs can be collected at the microsecond level.



  • New features:

    Invisible indexes are supported. For more information, see AliSQL 5.6.32 Release Notes (2017-07-16).

  • Bug fixes:

    • The bug due to which the system applies threads on secondary RDS instances is fixed.

    • The bug that compromises database performance when updates to partitioned tables are applied on secondary RDS instances is fixed.

    • The bug due to which TokuDB rebuilds tables when the ALTER TABLE COMMENT statement is executed on these tables is fixed. For more information, see AliSQL 5.6.32 Release Note (2018-05-01).

    • The bug that causes deadlocks when the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement or the SHOW STATUS statement is executed is fixed.



Bug fixes:

  • The bug that causes deadlocks when the OPTIMIZE TABLE statement and the ONLINE ALTER TABLE statement are executed at the same time is fixed.

  • The bug that causes conflicts between sequences and implicit primary keys is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the system cannot correctly execute the SHOW CREATE SEQUENCE statement is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the system inaccurately collects statistics about TokuDB tables is fixed.

  • The bug that causes deadlocks when the OPTIMIZE statement is executed on multiple tables in parallel is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the system inaccurately records character sets in QUERY_LOG_EVENT is fixed.

  • The bug due to which an RDS instance cannot stop if signal processing errors occur is fixed. For more information, see AliSQL 5.6.32 Release Notes (2017-10-10).

  • The bug that causes errors when the RESET MASTER statement is executed is fixed.

  • The bug due to which secondary RDS instances are stuck in the waiting state is fixed.

  • The bug due to which the statuses of a primary RDS instance and its secondary RDS instance are incorrect after a primary/secondary switchover is fixed. This bug is found in RDS Enterprise Edition.

  • The bug due to which the database process may unexpectedly exit when the SHOW CREATE TABLE statement is executed is fixed.



Bug fixes:

The bug due to which the system queries TokuDB tables based on inappropriate indexes is fixed.



  • New features:

  • Bug fixes:

    The bug due to which the system returns an inaccurate result set for a NOT IN query is fixed.



New features:

The privileged account of an RDS instance is granted the permissions to close all connections that are established by the standard accounts of the RDS instance.



New features:

The proxy terminal feature is supported. For more information, see Enable the proxy terminal feature for an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.


RDS instances that run MySQL 5.5

AliSQL version



Bug fixes:

The bug due to which the gettimeofday(2) function returns an inaccurate time value is fixed. The returned time value is used to calculate the timeout period. If the time value that is returned is inaccurate, the timeout period cannot be correctly calculated.