Before you use AnalyticDB for MySQL, you must create an Alibaba Cloud account. This topic describes how to create an Alibaba Cloud account.

Background information

You can log on to the AnalyticDB for MySQL console with an Alibaba Cloud account or as a Resource Access Management (RAM) user. For more information, see Log on to the Alibaba Cloud Management Console as a RAM user.
  • An Alibaba Cloud account owns Alibaba Cloud resources. Resource usage is measured and billed to the Alibaba Cloud account. You can use the Alibaba Cloud account to create RAM users for your enterprise. You can also use the Alibaba Cloud account to manage and grant permissions to RAM users.
  • RAM users are secondary accounts that are created and managed by Alibaba Cloud accounts in the RAM console. RAM users cannot retain or own resources. All resources belong and are billed only to Alibaba Cloud accounts.

Create an Alibaba Cloud account

You can use one of the following methods to create an Alibaba Cloud account:

Complete real-name verification

Log on with your Alibaba Cloud account and click Real-name Registration to complete real-name verification.

  • You must complete real-name verification before you can purchase and use Alibaba Cloud services. To ensure the continued and smooth use of Alibaba Cloud services, you must complete real-name verification.
  • If you are an enterprise user, we recommend for your convenience that you complete enterprise-level verification.