Community Blog When OpenTelemetry Meets Alibaba Cloud Prometheus

When OpenTelemetry Meets Alibaba Cloud Prometheus

This article focuses on the construction of system observability, specifically the metric monitoring system.

By Qikai Yang

1. Background

In the current booming era of cloud-native observability, OpenTelemetry and Prometheus are well-known names. OpenTelemetry, an open-source project under CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation), aims to become the industry standard for application performance monitoring in the cloud-native era. It provides a unified set of APIs and SDKs for generating, collecting, and processing telemetry data from distributed systems. In summary, OpenTelemetry sets the standard for observability and is language-independent, supporting various programming languages and frameworks while integrating with different observability platforms.

Prometheus is the most popular open-source monitoring system currently in use, adopted by widely-used cloud-native projects such as Kubernetes and Envoy. Although Prometheus has a powerful query language, its data format is specific to Prometheus and can only integrate with the Prometheus server, not other systems.

However, OpenTelemetry aims to establish a unified standard among traces, logs, and metrics. This results in a unified data format that offers sufficient flexibility and interactivity while being fully compatible with Prometheus. As a result, more developers and operations and maintenance personnel are attracted to using OpenTelemetry for carrying traces and logs, along with metrics. Through integration with the Prometheus ecosystem, OpenTelemetry enables enhanced observability and monitoring capabilities.


This article focuses on the construction of system observability, specifically the metric monitoring system. It compares the similarities and differences between OpenTelemetry and Prometheus and briefly provides personal opinions on choosing between the two. The article also explores how to connect OpenTelemetry metrics in applications to Prometheus and the underlying principles. Finally, it introduces Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus and related practices. The goal of this article is to provide readers with a better understanding of the integration between OpenTelemetry and Prometheus within the ecosystem.

2. At the Crossroads of OpenTelemetry and Prometheus

If you are an R&D and O&M personnel, you may be confused about whether to choose OpenTelemetry or Prometheus when performing system observation, especially when building a metric monitoring system. Before answering this question, we need to have a clear understanding of the differences between OpenTelemetry and Prometheus.

Before comparing, it is still necessary to give an in-depth introduction to the OpenTelemetry data model for metrics.

2.1 Introduction to OpenTelemetry Data Model for Metrics

OpenTelemetry fragments metrics into three interacting models: the Event model, the Timeseries model, and the Metric Stream model. An Event model represents how instrumentation reports metric data. A Timeseries model represents how backends store metric data. A Metric Stream model defines the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) and represents how metric data streams are manipulated and transmitted between the Event model and the Timeseries storage. This is the model specified in this document.

2.1.1 Event Model

The Event model is where the recording of data happens. Its foundation is made of Instruments[1], which are used to record data observations via events. These raw events are then transformed in some fashion before being sent to some other system. OpenTelemetry metrics are designed such that the same instruments and events can be used in different ways to generate metric streams.


Even though observation events could be reported directly to a backend, in practice this would be infeasible due to the sheer volume of data used in observability systems, and the limited amount of network/CPU resources available for telemetry collection purposes. The best example of this is the Histogram metric where raw events are recorded in a compressed format rather than individual timeseries.

Note: The above diagram shows how one instrument can transform events into more than one type of metric stream.

2.1.2 Timeseries Model

In this low-level metrics data model, a Timeseries is defined by an entity consisting of several metadata properties:

  • Metric name
  • Attributes (dimension)
  • Value type of the point, such as integer and floating point
  • Unit of measurement

The primary data of each timeseries are ordered (timestamp, value) points, with one of the following value types:

  • Counter
  • Gauge
  • Histogram
  • Exponential Histogram

2.1.3 OpenTelemetry Protocol Data Model

The OpenTelemetry protocol (OTLP) data model is composed of Metric data streams. These streams are in turn composed of metric data points. Metric data streams can be converted directly into Timeseries. Metric streams are grouped into individual Metric objects, identified by:

  • The originating Resource attributes
  • The instrumentation Scope, such as the instrumentation library name and version
  • The metric stream's name

Including the name, the Metric object is defined by the following properties:

  • The data point type, such as Sum, Gauge, Histogram, ExponentialHistogram, and Summary
  • The metric stream's unit
  • The metric stream's description
  • Intrinsic data point properties, where applicable, such as AggregationTemporality and Monotonic

The data point type, unit, and intrinsic properties are considered identifying, whereas the description field is explicitly not identifying in nature. Extrinsic properties of specific points are not considered identifying; these include but are not limited to:

  • Bucket boundaries of a Histogram data point
  • Scale or bucket count of an ExponentialHistogram data point

The Metric object contains individual streams, identified by the set of Attributes. Within the individual streams, points are identified by one or two timestamps, details vary by data point type.

2.1.4 Introduction to Point Types Sum

Sums[2] in OTLP consist of the following:

  1. An Aggregation Temporality of delta or cumulative.
  2. A flag denoting whether the Sum is monotonic[3].
  • For delta monotonic Sums, this means the reader should expect non-negative values.
  • For cumulative monotonic Sums, this means the reader should expect values that are not less than the previous value.

A set of data points, each containing:

  • An independent set of Attribute name-value pairs.
  • A time window time for which the Sum was calculated.
  • (Optional) A set of exemplars [4]

When the aggregation temporality is delta, we expect to have no overlap in time windows for metric streams. For example,


Contrast with cumulative aggregation temporality where we expect to report the full sum since start (usually start means a process/application start):


There are various tradeoffs between using Delta vs. Cumulative aggregation, in various use cases. For example,

  • Detecting process restarts
  • Calculating rates
  • Push vs Pull based metric reporting

OTLP supports both models, and allows APIs, SDKs and users to determine the best tradeoff for their use case. Gauge

A Gauge[5] in OTLP represents a sampled value at a given time. A Gauge stream consists of a set of data points, each containing:

  • An independent set of Attribute name-value pairs
  • A sampled value, for example, the current CPU temperature
  • A timestamp when the value was sampled (time_unix_nano)
  • (Optional) A Timestamp (start_time_unix_nano)which best represents the first possible moment a measurement could be recorded. This is commonly set to the timestamp when a metric collection system started
  • (Optional) A set of exemplars

In OTLP, a point within a Gauge stream represents the last-sampled event for a given time window.


In this example, we can see an underlying timeseries we are sampling with our Gauge. While the event model can sample more than once for a given metric reporting interval, only the last value is reported in the metric stream via OTLP.

Gauges do not provide an aggregation semantic, instead “last sample value” is used when performing operations like temporal alignment or adjusting resolution. Gauges can be aggregated through transformation into histograms, or other metric types. These operations are not done by default, and require direct user configuration. Histogram

Histogram[6] metric data points convey a population of recorded measurements in a compressed format. A histogram divides a set of events into several populations and provides an overall event count and aggregate sum for all events.


Histogram consists of the following:

  1. ADelta or Cumulative Aggregation Temporality.
  2. A set of data points, each containing:
  • An independent set of Attribute name-value pairs.
  • A time window ((start, end]) bundled with the Histogram
  • A count of the total population of points in the histogram.
  • A sum of all the values in the histogram.
  • (Optional) The min of all values in the histogram.
  • (Optional) The max of all values in the histogram.
  • (Optional) A series of buckets with: Explicit boundary values. These values denote the lower and upper bounds for buckets and whether or not a given observation would be recorded in this bucket; A count of the number of observations that fell within this bucket.
  • (Optional) A set of exemplars

Like Sums, Histograms also define an aggregation temporality. The picture above denotes Delta temporality where accumulated event counts are reset to zero after reporting and a new aggregation occurs. Cumulative continues to aggregate events, resetting with the use of a new start time. The aggregation temporality also has implications on the min and max fields. Min and max are more useful for Delta temporality, since the values represented by Cumulative min and max will stabilize as more events are recorded. Additionally, it is possible to convert min and max from Delta to Cumulative, but not from Cumulative to Delta. When converting from Cumulative to Delta, min and max can be dropped, or captured in an alternative representation such as a gauge.

Bucket counts are optional. A Histogram without buckets conveys a population only in terms of the sum and count, and may be interpreted as a histogram with a single bucket covering (-Inf, +Inf).

The following is sample data of a Cumulative Histogram:

2023-11-29T13:43:45.238Z  info  ResourceMetrics #0
Resource SchemaURL: 
Resource attributes:
     -> service.name: Str(opentelemetry-metric-demo-delta-or-cumulative)
     -> service.version: Str(0.0.1)
     -> telemetry.sdk.language: Str(java)
     -> telemetry.sdk.name: Str(opentelemetry)
     -> telemetry.sdk.version: Str(1.29.0)
ScopeMetrics #0
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL: 
InstrumentationScope aliyun 
Metric #0
     -> Name: cumulative_long_histogram
     -> Description: ot cumulative demo cumulative_long_histogram
     -> Unit: ms
     -> DataType: Histogram
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
HistogramDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2023-11-29 13:43:15.181 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2023-11-29 13:43:45.182 +0000 UTC
Count: 2
Sum: 141.000000
Min: 62.000000
Max: 79.000000
ExplicitBounds #0: 0.000000
ExplicitBounds #1: 5.000000
ExplicitBounds #2: 10.000000
ExplicitBounds #3: 25.000000
ExplicitBounds #4: 50.000000
ExplicitBounds #5: 75.000000
ExplicitBounds #6: 100.000000
ExplicitBounds #7: 250.000000
ExplicitBounds #8: 500.000000
ExplicitBounds #9: 750.000000
ExplicitBounds #10: 1000.000000
ExplicitBounds #11: 2500.000000
ExplicitBounds #12: 5000.000000
ExplicitBounds #13: 7500.000000
ExplicitBounds #14: 10000.000000
Buckets #0, Count: 0
Buckets #1, Count: 0
Buckets #2, Count: 0
Buckets #3, Count: 0
Buckets #4, Count: 0
Buckets #5, Count: 1
Buckets #6, Count: 1
Buckets #7, Count: 0
Buckets #8, Count: 0
Buckets #9, Count: 0
Buckets #10, Count: 0
Buckets #11, Count: 0
Buckets #12, Count: 0
Buckets #13, Count: 0
Buckets #14, Count: 0
Buckets #15, Count: 0 ExponentialHistogram

ExponentialHistogram data points are an alternate representation to the Histogram data point, used to convey a population of recorded measurements in a compressed format. ExponentialHistogram compresses bucket boundaries using an exponential formula, making it suitable for conveying high dynamic range data with small relative error, compared with alternative representations of similar size.

Statements about Histogram that refer to aggregation temporality, attributes, and timestamps, as well as the sum, count, min, max and exemplars fields, are the same for ExponentialHistogram. These fields all share the same interpretation as for Histogram, only the bucket structure differs between these two types. The following is a data format of a delta ExponentialHistogram:

2023-11-29T13:13:09.866Z  info  ResourceMetrics #0
Resource SchemaURL: 
Resource attributes:
     -> service.name: Str(opentelemetry-metric-demo-delta-or-cumulative)
     -> service.version: Str(0.0.1)
     -> telemetry.sdk.language: Str(java)
     -> telemetry.sdk.name: Str(opentelemetry)
     -> telemetry.sdk.version: Str(1.29.0)
ScopeMetrics #0
ScopeMetrics SchemaURL: 
InstrumentationScope aliyun 
Metric #0
     -> Name: cumulative_long_e_histogram
     -> Description: ot cumulative demo cumulative_long_e_histogram
     -> Unit: ms
     -> DataType: ExponentialHistogram
     -> AggregationTemporality: Cumulative
ExponentialHistogramDataPoints #0
StartTimestamp: 2023-11-29 13:11:54.858 +0000 UTC
Timestamp: 2023-11-29 13:13:09.86 +0000 UTC
Count: 3
Sum: 191.000000
Min: 15.000000
Max: 89.000000
Bucket (14.993341, 15.321652], Count: 1
Bucket (15.321652, 15.657153], Count: 0
Bucket (15.657153, 16.000000], Count: 0
Bucket (16.000000, 16.350354], Count: 0
Bucket (16.350354, 16.708381], Count: 0
Bucket (16.708381, 17.074246], Count: 0
Bucket (17.074246, 17.448124], Count: 0
Bucket (17.448124, 17.830188], Count: 0
Bucket (17.830188, 18.220618], Count: 0
Bucket (18.220618, 18.619598], Count: 0
Bucket (18.619598, 19.027314], Count: 0
Bucket (19.027314, 19.443958], Count: 0
Bucket (19.443958, 19.869725], Count: 0
Bucket (19.869725, 20.304815], Count: 0
Bucket (20.304815, 20.749433], Count: 0
Bucket (20.749433, 21.203786], Count: 0
Bucket (21.203786, 21.668089], Count: 0
Bucket (21.668089, 22.142558], Count: 0
Bucket (22.142558, 22.627417], Count: 0
Bucket (22.627417, 23.122893], Count: 0
Bucket (23.122893, 23.629218], Count: 0
Bucket (23.629218, 24.146631], Count: 0
Bucket (24.146631, 24.675373], Count: 0
Bucket (24.675373, 25.215694], Count: 0
Bucket (25.215694, 25.767845], Count: 0
Bucket (25.767845, 26.332088], Count: 0
Bucket (26.332088, 26.908685], Count: 0
Bucket (26.908685, 27.497909], Count: 0
Bucket (27.497909, 28.100035], Count: 0
Bucket (28.100035, 28.715345], Count: 0
Bucket (28.715345, 29.344129], Count: 0
Bucket (29.344129, 29.986682], Count: 0
Bucket (29.986682, 30.643305], Count: 0
Bucket (30.643305, 31.314306], Count: 0
Bucket (31.314306, 32.000000], Count: 0
Bucket (32.000000, 32.700709], Count: 0
Bucket (32.700709, 33.416761], Count: 0
Bucket (33.416761, 34.148493], Count: 0
Bucket (34.148493, 34.896247], Count: 0
Bucket (34.896247, 35.660376], Count: 0
Bucket (35.660376, 36.441236], Count: 0
Bucket (36.441236, 37.239195], Count: 0
Bucket (37.239195, 38.054628], Count: 0
Bucket (38.054628, 38.887916], Count: 0
Bucket (38.887916, 39.739450], Count: 0
Bucket (39.739450, 40.609631], Count: 0
Bucket (40.609631, 41.498866], Count: 0
Bucket (41.498866, 42.407573], Count: 0
Bucket (42.407573, 43.336178], Count: 0
Bucket (43.336178, 44.285116], Count: 0
Bucket (44.285116, 45.254834], Count: 0
Bucket (45.254834, 46.245786], Count: 0
Bucket (46.245786, 47.258437], Count: 0
Bucket (47.258437, 48.293262], Count: 0
Bucket (48.293262, 49.350746], Count: 0
Bucket (49.350746, 50.431387], Count: 0
Bucket (50.431387, 51.535691], Count: 0
Bucket (51.535691, 52.664175], Count: 0
Bucket (52.664175, 53.817371], Count: 0
Bucket (53.817371, 54.995818], Count: 0
Bucket (54.995818, 56.200069], Count: 0
Bucket (56.200069, 57.430690], Count: 0
Bucket (57.430690, 58.688259], Count: 0
Bucket (58.688259, 59.973364], Count: 0
Bucket (59.973364, 61.286610], Count: 0
Bucket (61.286610, 62.628612], Count: 0
Bucket (62.628612, 64.000000], Count: 0
Bucket (64.000000, 65.401418], Count: 0
Bucket (65.401418, 66.833522], Count: 0
Bucket (66.833522, 68.296986], Count: 0
Bucket (68.296986, 69.792495], Count: 0
Bucket (69.792495, 71.320752], Count: 0
Bucket (71.320752, 72.882473], Count: 0
Bucket (72.882473, 74.478391], Count: 0
Bucket (74.478391, 76.109255], Count: 0
Bucket (76.109255, 77.775831], Count: 0
Bucket (77.775831, 79.478900], Count: 0
Bucket (79.478900, 81.219261], Count: 0
Bucket (81.219261, 82.997731], Count: 0
Bucket (82.997731, 84.815145], Count: 0
Bucket (84.815145, 86.672355], Count: 0
Bucket (86.672355, 88.570232], Count: 1
Bucket (88.570232, 90.509668], Count: 1 Exponential Scale

The resolution of the ExponentialHistogram is characterized by a parameter known as scale, with larger values of scale offering greater precision. Bucket boundaries of the ExponentialHistogram are located at integer powers of the base, also known as the "growth factor", where:

base = 2**(2**(-scale))

The symbol ** in these formulas represents exponentiation, thus 2**x is read as Two to the power of x, typically computed by an expression like math.Pow(2.0, x). Calculated base values for selected scales are shown below:


An important property of this design is described as perfect subsetting. Buckets of an exponential Histogram with a given scale map exactly into buckets of exponential Histograms with lesser scales, which allows consumers to lower the resolution of a histogram (i.e., downscale) without introducing error. The data of the preceding Delta ExponentialHistogram uses the default Base2ExponentialHistogramAggregation, where max scale is 20.

private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_BUCKETS = 160;
    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SCALE = 20;
    private static final Aggregation DEFAULT = new Base2ExponentialHistogramAggregation(160, 20);
    private final int maxBuckets;
    private final int maxScale;

    private Base2ExponentialHistogramAggregation(int maxBuckets, int maxScale) {
        this.maxBuckets = maxBuckets;
        this.maxScale = maxScale;

    public static Aggregation getDefault() {
        return DEFAULT;

    public static Aggregation create(int maxBuckets, int maxScale) {
        Utils.checkArgument(maxBuckets >= 1, "maxBuckets must be > 0");
        Utils.checkArgument(maxScale <= 20 && maxScale >= -10, "maxScale must be -10 <= x <= 20");
        return new Base2ExponentialHistogramAggregation(maxBuckets, maxScale);
} Exponential Buckets

The ExponentialHistogram bucket identified by index, a signed integer, represents values in the population that are greater than baseindex and less than or equal to base(index+1). The positive and negative ranges of the histogram are expressed separately. Negative values are mapped by their absolute value into the negative range using the same scale as the positive range. Note that in the negative range, therefore, histogram buckets use lower-inclusive boundaries. Each range of the ExponentialHistogram data point uses a dense representation of the buckets, where a range of buckets is expressed as a single offset value, a signed integer, and an array of count values, where array element i represents the bucket count for bucket index offset+i.

For a given range, positive or negative:

  • Bucket index 0 counts measurements in the range (1, base]
  • Positive indexes correspond with absolute values greater than the base
  • Negative indexes correspond with absolute values less than or equal to 1
  • There are 2**scale buckets between successive powers of 2

For example, with scale=3 there are 2**3 buckets between 1 and 2. Note that the lower boundary for bucket index 4 in a scale=3 histogram maps into the lower boundary for bucket index 2 in a scale=2 histogram and maps into the lower boundary for bucket index 1 (i.e., the base) in a scale=1 histogram —these are examples of perfect subsetting.


Note: Summary is not recommended for new applications in the latest version, so this article will not introduce this point in detail.

2.2 OpenTelemetry VS Prometheus

This article will not introduce the metric types of Prometheus in detail. For more information, see the Prometheus official website[7]. By comparing the OpenTelemetry metric types and the Prometheus metric types, we can find that:

  • OpenTelemetry can represent metrics as deltas instead of cumulatives, and store the difference between each data point instead of a cumulative sum, while Prometheus is not designed to allow this.
  • OpenTelemetry allows metric values to be integers, while Prometheus cannot express floating-point numbers.
  • OpenTelemetry can attach some additional metadata to the histogram, allowing you to track the maximum and minimum values, which is useful in some scenarios.
  • OpenTelemetry supports exponential histogram aggregation type (using a formula and a scale to calculate the bucket size). Prometheus does not support this type, but is compatible with it.

From the preceding summary of model comparison, OpenTelemetry can represent all Prometheus metric types, including counter, gauge, summary, and histogram, while Prometheus cannot represent certain configurations of OpenTelemetry metrics, including delta representations and exponential histograms (although these will be added to Prometheus soon) as well as integer values. In other words, Prometheus metrics are a strict subset of OpenTelemetry metrics.


Despite this, there are still some differences between the two that need to be emphasized here.

  • Prometheus provides metric collection, storage, and query. It collects metrics by capturing targets or by using pushgateway, stores data in the local database or other remote databases, and reads data by using PromQL (Prometheus Query Language). Therefore, Prometheus is a complete observability solution that integrates data collection, calculation, storage, alerting, and query.
  • The scope of OpenTelemetry is much smaller. It uses the integrated API through push or pull to collect metrics (as well as traces and logs) and send them to other systems for storage or query. So OpenTelemetry focuses only on the observability of the application interaction, decoupling the creation of signals from the storing and querying signals. Therefore, OpenTelemetry metrics are usually stored in Prometheus or Prometheus-compatible systems.

2.3 How to Choose

It is undeniable that both OpenTelemetry and Prometheus are excellent, and sometimes it is difficult to make a choice between the two. The general principle is to adopt measures suiting your business scenarios and handle problems with a developmental perspective. The following is my personal opinion. Comments and suggestions are welcome.

  • If you try to build a unified observability system that includes traces, logs, and metrics, OpenTelemetry will allow you to use the same library to detect all three signal types, which reduces package dependencies and facilitates O&M management. This is a significant benefit. You can send three identical signals to one backend or to different backends. OpenTelemetry supports both.
  • If you want the monitoring metrics of your application, system, or component to be better observed in cloud-native and containerized scenarios, especially in open source and third-party scenarios, I recommend that you use Prometheus. Common middleware such as Redis, MySQL, and Zookeeper all support Prometheus Exporter to expose metrics.
  • For example, when the Prometheus pull mode cannot be used under special network environments or other restrictions, and the Prometheus pushgateway mode has various disadvantages, you can try the OpenTelemetry push mode.

However, even if you choose OpenTelemetry as the client, the metrics are in turn stored in Prometheus. This is a bit awkward. The current situation is that most organizations are likely to use a mix of these two standards: Prometheus for infrastructure monitoring, which has a more mature integration ecosystem to extract metrics from hundreds of components, and OpenTelemetry for developed services.


The next section focuses on how to connect OpenTelemetry metrics to Prometheus.

3 How to connect OpenTelemetry Metrics to Prometheus

3.1 Implementation Principles

The key to connecting OpenTelemetry metrics to Prometheus is to convert OpenTelemetry metrics to Prometheus metrics. Therefore, be it OpenTelemetry collector or Prometheus exporter bridge on the client, the essence is format conversion.

1) OpenTelemetry Official Website

The following figure shows the conversion paths from OpenTelemetry metrics to Prometheus metrics suggested in the documentation on the OpenTelemetry official website.

For more information, see otlp-metric-points-to-prometheus[8]


2) Implementation of OpenTelemetry Collector

The specific implementation of OpenTelemetry Collector is slightly different from the recommended implementation of the official website. For more information, see prometheus-client-bridge[9]. The following figure shows the conversion relationship. The key differences between OpenTelemetry and OpenTelemetry are as follows:

  • The official documentation of OpenTelemetry recommends that you convert monotonic and delta sums to Prometheus cumulative counters. In the Prometheus bridge of OpenTelemetry Collector, you can directly convert sums to Prometheus gauges.
  • The official documentation of OpenTelemetry recommends that you convert delta histograms to cumulative histograms, and then convert cumulative histograms to Prometheus histograms. Although the code of OpenTelemetry Collector does not distinguish between cumulative and delta histograms, only cumulative histograms are supported to be converted to Prometheus histograms.
  • The official documentation of OpenTelemetry recommends that you convert cumulative exponential histograms to Prometheus histograms. In OpenTelemetry Collector, both cumulative and delta exponential histograms are discarded.


3.2 Traditional Connection Methods

Take Java applications as an example. Currently, Java applications, similar to other multi-language applications, can connect OpenTelemetry metrics to Prometheus in the following common ways. Of course, there are other solutions, such as using a micrometer, which are not described in detail here.

  • Method 1: Use gRpc or HTTP to report the OpenTelemetry metrics exposed by applications to the OpenTelemetry Collector. In the OpenTelemetry Collector, use the Prometheus exporter to expose Prometheus metrics. Prometheus can collect metrics by using static jobs or other service discovery types.

For specific code, see https://github.com/OuyangKevin/opentelemetry-metric-java-demo/blob/main/metric-http/README.md


  • Method 2: Use gRpc or HTTP to report the OpenTelemetry metrics exposed by applications to the OpenTelemetry Collector. In the OpenTelemetry Collector, directly convert the metrics to Prometheus metrics, and then write the metrics to Prometheus by using remote write.

For specific code, see https://github.com/OuyangKevin/opentelemetry-metric-java-demo/blob/main/metric-grpc/README.md

Note: The earlier version of OpenTelemetry Collector does not support the remote write mode. If you want to verify the method, use the latest version.


  • Method 3: Introduce OpenTelemetry-exporter-prometheus lib to Java applications. Use the Prometheus exporter to directly expose OpenTelemetry metrics. Prometheus can collect metrics by using a pull model.


The following is the core code of initialization:

For specific code, see https://github.com/OuyangKevin/opentelemetry-metric-java-demo/blob/main/metric-prometheus/README.md

PrometheusHttpServer prometheusHttpServer = PrometheusHttpServer.builder().setPort(1000).build();
Resource resource = Resource.getDefault().toBuilder().put(SERVICE_NAME, "opentelemetry-metric-demo-http").put(SERVICE_VERSION, "0.0.1").build();
SdkMeterProvider sdkMeterProvider = SdkMeterProvider.builder()

LongCounter longCounter = sdkMeterProvider
        .setDescription("ot http demo long_counter")

4. Managed Service for Prometheus Embracing OpenTelemetry

At present, Managed Service for Prometheus fully supports the connection of OpenTelemetry metrics. You only need to modify the reporting endpoint and authentication configurations to seamlessly connect to Managed Service for Prometheus. You can go to the Prometheus console for experience[10].

For more information about the use limits, see the OpenTelemetry instructions for the reporting endpoint for OpenTelemetry metrics: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/en/prometheus/user-guide/instructions-for-using-the-reporting-address-of-opentelemetry-indicator/


4.1 Preparation

Before you connect Managed Service for Prometheus, make sure that the following types of Prometheus instances are created. For more information, see

  • Prometheus instances for Container Service[11]
  • Prometheus instances for general purpose[12]
  • Prometheus instances for ECS[13]
  • Prometheus instances for cloud services[14]

4.2 Obtain the Reporting Endpoint for OpenTelemetry Metrics

  1. Log on to the Managed Service for Prometheus console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Prometheus Service > Prometheus Instances.
  3. In the top navigation bar, select the region where your Prometheus instance is deployed. Find the instance that you want to manage, and then click Settings in the Actions column. On the page that appears, click the Settings tab.
  4. On the Settings tab, copy the Internet or Intranet URL for reporting OpenTelemetry metrics as needed. Currently, only HTTP is supported. gRPC is not supported.


4.3 Application Transformation

The following example shows how to use Java to implement the instrumentation of OpenTelemetry metrics in a SpringBoot project.

Add the Dependency


      <!-- springboot -->

      <!-- opentelemetry -->


Initialize the OpenTelemetry Bean

Modify the Endpoint parameter in the OtlpHttpMetricExporterBuilder and replace it with the reporting endpoint that is obtained in the preceding section. In this way, you can connect the OpenTelemetry metrics of your application to Managed Service for Prometheus.

For the specific demo, see https://github.com/OuyangKevin/opentelemetry-metric-java-demo/blob/main/metric-http/README.md

  public OpenTelemetry openTelemetry() {
    String endpoint = httpMetricConfig.getOetlExporterOtlpEndpoint();//自己修改
    Resource resource = Resource.getDefault().toBuilder()
                       .put("service.name", "opentelemetry-metric-demo-http")
                       .put("service.version", "0.0.1").build();

    SdkMeterProvider defaultSdkMeterProvider = SdkMeterProvider.builder()
                    .setInterval(15, TimeUnit.SECONDS).build())

    OpenTelemetry openTelemetry = OpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
    return openTelemetry;

When you initialize the OpenTelemetry bean, you can configure the parameters of the reporting client. The following table describes the parameters.

1) By default, compression is disabled for OpenTelemetry clients. It is recommended that you set the Compression parameter to gzip to reduce network transmission consumption.


2) After OpenTelemetry metrics are reported to Managed Service for Prometheus, you can add the Header "metricNamespace" if you want to add a prefix to all metrics. The following example sets the metricNamespace value to ot, and all reported metrics will be prefixed with ot_.


3) After OpenTelemetry metrics are reported to Managed Service for Prometheus, all metrics will be prefixed with the OpenTelemetry Scope Label by default. If you want to skip, you can add the Header skipGlobalLabel and set the value to true.


Define business metrics. In the following example, a LongCounter and a LongHistogram are set.

public class MetricController {

    private OpenTelemetry openTelemetry;

    public String ping(){
         long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         Meter meter = openTelemetry.getMeter("io_opentelemetry_metric_ping");

         LongCounter longCounter = meter.counterBuilder("ping_long_counter")
                 .setDescription("ot http demo long_counter")

         LongHistogram longHistogram= meter.histogramBuilder("ping_long_histogram")
             .setDescription("ot http demo histogram")

             TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(new Random().nextInt(10));
         }catch (Throwable e){

         }finally {
             longHistogram.record(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime);
         return "ping success!";

The following table shows the mappings between OpenTelemetry and Managed Service for Prometheus. Delta histograms need to be converted to cumulative histograms to be supported by Prometheus. Therefore, Managed Service for Prometheus does not support the conversion of OpenTelemetry delta histograms. OpenTelemetry cumulative histograms are recommended in this scenario.


4.4 View Monitoring Data in Grafana

  1. Log on to the Managed Service for Grafana console[15].
  2. On the Workspaces Management page, click Grafana Shared Edition, select the corresponding Internet URL, and then click Log In.
  3. In the left-side navigation pane, click the icon icon, and then choose the Datasource to the right of Explore.
  4. Configure your dashboard and alerts. The following figure shows the dashboard configured by using OpenTelemetry metrics.


5. Managed Service for Prometheus vs Open Source Prometheus

Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus is fully compatible with the open-source Prometheus ecosystem. It offers various ready-to-use preset monitoring dashboards and integrates with a comprehensive range of Kubernetes basic monitoring and common service dashboards. Additionally, it provides fully managed Prometheus services. The advantages of Alibaba Cloud Managed Service for Prometheus can be summarized as ready-to-use, cost-effective, open-source and compatible, scalable for unlimited data, high performance, and high availability.



Related Links

[1] Instruments
[2] Sums
[3] monotonic
[4] exemplars
[5] Gauge
[6] Histogram
[7] Introduction
[8] otlp-metric-points-to-prometheus
[9] prometheus-client-bridge
[10] Managed Service for Prometheus console
[11] Prometheus instances for Container Service
[12] Prometheus instances for general purpose
[13] Prometheus instances for ECS
[14] Prometheus instances for cloud services
[15] Managed Service for Grafana console

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