Community Blog Online Course with Web Apps: Kelasweekend Indonesia

Online Course with Web Apps: Kelasweekend Indonesia

This is a featured project from Alibaba Cloud Project Hub, developed by Fauzan Taqiyuddin.

This is a featured project from Alibaba Cloud Project Hub. It is developed by Fauzan Taqiyuddin from Indonesia.

Project Introduction

Kelasweekend is a project about education where we try to create learning challenges with new things in the field of science and technology. Considering that Indonesia is currently facing with the Covid-19 pandemic, many activities are now carried out at home, be it school or work. We have created a website-based application where all people can access it anytime and anywhere. We hope that through the open online training and classes, many people will be able to learn new things such as programming and software development.


When the Covid-19 pandemic struck Indonesia, many people became unemployed. Students were not spared either, many of which had to study from home. This new normal can make people feel bored at home and with Kelasweekend, they can stay productive even at home.

The solution to this problem is to create online classes that help many people who want to learn technology and after they finish learning they will be able to apply their current learning results in real life. Of course, this can potentially improve their economic situation through upskilling or by selling their work globally and internationally.

We opened a partner for this project and the benefits we get are that we can help many people learn about the technology that exists today by using this student video from online classes.

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

  • ECS

We took advantage of an array of products by Alibaba Cloud such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS), which are able to support our project to run smoothly and made accessible to the public.

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