Community Blog Gembira for Kueh: Dessert Puzzle

Gembira for Kueh: Dessert Puzzle

This project is from Nicholas Ryan Farm, which was awarded third place (shared) in the Alibaba Cloud Developer Initiative 2021.

This project is from Nicholas Ryan Farm, which was awarded third place (shared) in the Alibaba Cloud Developer Initiative 2021.

Project Introduction

"What Is Malaysia to You?" had an immense gravitational pull on us as a team during our theme selection for the Developer Initiative. Eventually, we decided to build a website called Gembira for Kueh, an exciting project that acknowledges the beauty of Malaysia through desserts!

In Malay, the word "gembira" means happy or excitement and "kuih" are flavourful bite-sized desserts. It is a fun effort to preserve the history and beauty in the creation of Malaysian "kueh". Everyone who enters the website gets to play a variety of "kueh" puzzle games and claim the winning spot on the scoreboard! They can also explore and get to know more about other Malaysian desserts through their history and step-by-step process.


This website provides information about all the beautiful and delicious kuihs of Malaysia that are sometimes rare and difficult to find online. The puzzle attached to each kuih also entertains people by giving them a sense of achievement when they complete the puzzle and are able to achieve a good spot on the scoreboard!

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

Alibaba Cloud's ECS product was used to host the project on the cloud. An Ubuntu Instance was launched along with the WordPress Image which was later on used to develop the website.

The domain name gembiraforkueh.xyz was also bought using Alibaba Cloud DNS which was later on assigned to the project.

About the Developer

The team behind Gembira for Kueh is a duo from Malaysia who are aspiring web developers and software engineers. Both are currently in their second year of Bachelor's in Computer Science (Hons) at Taylor's University.

Nicholas Ryan Farm - the lead executes and back-end of Gembira for Kueh. He loves learning and enhancing his knowledge and skills on multiple technologies and programming languages, and is always seeking the most efficient way to solve problems. If he's not learning, he'll be challenging his physical and mental strength by rock climbing indoors and outdoors.

Sofia Farina Abu Bakar - the creative behind the idea and front-end of Gembira for Kueh. She has immense passion for UI/UX. Always finding solutions for functionality and merging it with beautification.

More about Nicholas here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicholas-farm/

More about Sofia here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sofia-farina-abu-bakar-6baa31133/

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Alibaba Cloud Project Hub

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5717111045164418 May 13, 2021 at 12:45 pm

Hi! Just wanted to inform that the link in the blog might not work. So do use this link instead: https://gembiraforkueh.xyz

Alibaba Cloud Project Hub

113 posts | 22 followers

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