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Anti-DDoS:Functions and features

Last Updated:Feb 05, 2025

Anti-DDoS Proxy





Security overview

Security overview

The Security Overview page displays trends of service and attack traffic, alert events, connection trends, and service traffic distribution by location.

Security Overview

Integration management

Website configuration

Anti-DDoS Proxy protects your website only after you add the website to Anti-DDoS Proxy and complete the forwarding settings.

Add one or more websites

Port configuration

To use Anti-DDoS Proxy to protect your non-website services, such as client-based applications, you must create port forwarding rules. Then, Anti-DDoS Proxy scrubs traffic that is destined for your services and forwards only service traffic to your origin server based on the port forwarding rules.

Configure port forwarding rules

Sec-Traffic Manager

You can use Sec-Traffic Manager to configure interaction rules between Anti-DDoS Proxy and other Alibaba Cloud services. The rules take effect only in specific scenarios. This feature ensures service continuity and provides protection against DDoS attacks. Sec-Traffic Manager provides features such as cloud service interaction, tiered protection, Alibaba Cloud CDN (CDN) interaction, Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN) interaction, network acceleration, and secure acceleration.

Overview of Sec-Traffic Manager

Asset management

Instance management

You can change the burstable protection bandwidth and configure the burstable clean bandwidth and the burstable queries per second (QPS) of instances. You can also upgrade and renew instances.

Manage instances

Anti-DDoS plans

Anti-DDoS Proxy (Chinese Mainland) provides Anti-DDoS plans free of charge to users who meet specific requirements. The plans can be used to offset the fees that are generated for burstable protection.

Anti-DDoS plans


Attack analysis

After you add your service to your Anti-DDoS Proxy instance, you can view the events and details of attacks that are detected on the instance, to obtain information such as the source IP addresses of attacks, distribution of attack types, and distribution of source locations. This helps ensure a transparent protection process and improve user experience with protection analysis. You can also specify custom configurations.

Attack awareness

Log analysis

Anti-DDoS Proxy is integrated with Simple Log Service to collect and analyze full logs of website access. Log analysis is a value-added feature. You must enable this feature before you can use it. After you enable the log analysis feature, Simple Log Service collects the access logs of the website that is protected by Anti-DDoS Proxy in real time. Then, you can query and analyze the logs, and view the log reports.

Log analysis overview

System logs

You can query the bills for the burstable clean bandwidth and burstable QPS of an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance within 90 days. You can also query alerts on exceeded upper limits and destination rate limit events within 90 days.

Query system logs

Operation logs

You can view the logs of important operations on an Anti-DDoS Proxy instance within 180 days.

Operation log

CloudMonitor alerts

Anti-DDoS Proxy is integrated with the alert monitoring feature of CloudMonitor. You can configure alert rules and real-time dashboards in the CloudMonitor console. After you configure an alert rule, CloudMonitor reports an alert when the rule is triggered. This way, you can handle exceptions and recover your business at the earliest opportunity. You can also view the monitoring details in real-time dashboards and troubleshoot exceptions.

Use the alert monitoring feature of CloudMonitor

Advanced mitigation logs

If advanced mitigation sessions are provided free of charge for your instance, or if you purchased global advanced mitigation sessions, you can view the usage of the sessions on the Adv. Mitigation Logs page.

Query advanced mitigation logs

Packet capture feature

You can use the packet capture feature of Anti-DDoS Proxy to capture packets and session details and analyze attacks and troubleshoot issues effectively.

Use the packet capture feature

Mitigation Settings

Protection for infrastructure

You can configure the following features to improve DDoS mitigation capabilities at the instance level: blacklist and whitelist (IP address-based), location blacklist, blackhole filtering deactivation, near-origin traffic diversion, and UDP reflection attack mitigation.

Protection for infrastructure

Protection for website services

You can configure the following features to improve mitigation capabilities for website services: intelligent protection, anti-DDoS global mitigation policy, blacklist/whitelist (domain names), location blacklist (domain names), and HTTP flood protection.

Protection for website services

Protection for non-website services

You can configure the intelligent protection feature and anti-DDoS mitigation policies to improve DDoS mitigation capabilities. The policies include rate limit for source.

Protection for non-website services

Scenario-specific policies

Anti-DDoS Proxy allows you to create custom mitigation policies. A custom mitigation policy allows you to apply a scenario-specific template for high-traffic scenarios, such as new service launches and Double 11.

Scenario-specific policies

Anti-DDoS Lab

Anti-DDoS Lab

Anti-DDoS Proxy provides scrubbing centers that are integrated with web caching techniques to protect your website services against DDoS attacks and reduce page load time.

Anti-DDoS Lab

Billing of Anti-DDoS Proxy

Burstable clean bandwidth

The burstable clean bandwidth feature provides additional bandwidth for your instance, removing service access limitations during traffic spikes that exceed the allocated clean bandwidth of the instance during peak hours.

Billing of burstable clean bandwidth

Advanced mitigation sessions

Once the default monthly quota of mitigation sessions for your Anti-DDoS Proxy instance is consumed, you can purchase additional advanced mitigation sessions to maintain effective protection during subsequent attacks.

Advanced mitigation sessions

Anti-DDoS Origin





Business monitoring

Business monitoring

The Business Monitoring page displays the protection data of the Anti-DDoS Origin instance of a paid edition to help you understand the security posture of your service. The protection data includes the traffic trends of protected assets and the DDoS attack events.

Business-related metrics

Protection object

Asset management

After you purchase an Anti-DDoS Origin instance of a paid edition, you must add your asset that is assigned a public IP address to the instance for protection.

Protected object.

WAF instance management

After you purchase an Anti-DDoS Origin instance of a paid edition, you must add your Web Application Firewall (WAF) instance to the instance for protection against DDoS attacks.

Protected object.

GA instance management

After you purchase an Anti-DDoS Origin instance of a paid edition, you must add your Global Accelerator (GA) instance to the instance for protection against DDoS attacks.

Protected object.

Assets in data centers

After you purchase an anti-DDoS diversion instance, you can manually enable traffic rerouting to the instance if DDoS attacks are detected on a server in a data center. Then, traffic is rerouted to the traffic scrubbing centers of Alibaba Cloud around the world for traffic scrubbing. After the attacks stop, you can manually disable traffic rerouting to the instance to prevent an increase in service latency.

On-demand instances

Mitigation Settings

IP-specific mitigation policy

To protect assets of regular Alibaba Cloud services or elastic IP addresses (EIPs) with Anti-DDoS (Enhanced) enabled, you can configure IP-specific mitigation policies to allow or reject traffic based on the policies and improve the mitigation effect on volumetric DDoS attacks at the network and transport layers.

Configure IP-specific mitigation policies

Port-specific mitigation policy

To protect EIPs with Anti-DDoS (Enhanced) enabled, you can configure port-specific mitigation policies to allow or discard traffic that has specific characteristics to mitigate TCP flood attacks (application-layer flood attacks on non-website services) that are launched against your non-website service and monitor and filter application-layer traffic in a fine-grained manner.

Configure port-specific mitigation policies

Attack analysis

Attack analysis

After you add your asset that is assigned a public IP address to an Anti-DDoS Origin instance, you can query the DDoS attack events that occur on the asset and the event details on the Attack Analysis page. You can view the details of the attack mitigation process in a visualized manner. This helps improve attack analysis experience.

Attack awareness

Mitigation logs

Mitigation logs

You can use the mitigation analysis feature to query and analyze mitigation logs and view mitigation reports of Anti-DDoS Origin instances.

Enable mitigation analysis

Log reports

After you enable the mitigation analysis feature, you can view mitigation reports on the DDoS BGP Mitigation Report and DDoS BGP Events Report tabs.

View mitigation reports

Operation log

Operation log

You can query the operation logs of a Anti-DDoS Origin instance.

Operation log

Instance Management

Instance Management

You can view the service monitoring data and operation logs of Anti-DDoS Origin instances. You can also upgrade and renew Anti-DDoS Origin instances.

Manage instances

CloudMonitor alerts

CloudMonitor alerts

Anti-DDoS Origin can be used together with CloudMonitor. You can configure alert notifications for the traffic of assets, blackhole filtering events, and traffic scrubbing events. This way, you can handle exceptions and recover your workloads at the earliest opportunity.

Use the alert monitoring feature of CloudMonitor

Billing management

Pay-as-you-go Instances

After you purchase an Anti-DDoS Origin (Pay-as-you-go) instance, you can query the service usage on the Billing Management page.

Subscription instance

You can view alerts generated when the burstable bandwidth usage and specifications of the instance are exceeded.