This topic describes the release notes for ApsaraDB for MongoDB in 2019 and provides links to the relevant references.

November 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
Security groups added to whitelists

Elastic Compute Service (ECS) security groups can be added to the whitelists of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance to facilitate O&M.

After an ECS security group is added to a whitelist of an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance, ECS instances within the group can access the ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance over an internal network or the Internet. For access over an internal network, the two types of instances must have the same network type. If the network type is Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), the two types of instances must be in the same VPC. For access over the Internet, you must apply for a public endpoint for the ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.

2019-11-25 All Configure an ECS security group for a standalone instance, replica set instance, or sharded cluster instance
Tag management The tag management feature is added. Multiple tags can be created and added to ApsaraDB for MongoDB instances. The instances to which tags are added can be filtered by tag. This is suitable for scenarios in which the number of instances is large. 2019-11-15 All Create a tag

Bind existing tags

Filter instances by tag

Unbind or delete a tag

June 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
Service availability On the new Service Availability page, the distribution of primary and secondary node roles can be customized across zones to implement fine-grained deployment of nodes for zone-disaster recovery. 2019-06-27 All View zones of nodes

Switch node roles

May 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
Export of the instance list The instance list can be exported to facilitate export management and business reconciliation. 2019-05-23 All Export the list of instances
Zone-disaster recovery for sharded cluster instances Sharded cluster instances support zone-disaster recovery to avoid business interruption caused by single-zone failures. 2019-05-07 All Create a multi-zone sharded cluster instance

April 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
Password-free access within a VPC Password-free access within a VPC is supported. No modification is required after you migrate data to the cloud. 2019-04-18 All Enable or disable password-free access for an ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance

March 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
Single-database backup and restoration Physical backup and restoration of a single database is supported. In most cases, the efficiency of single-database backup and restoration is three to five times higher than that of full data backup and restoration. Single-database backup and restoration can significantly reduce the wait time for backup and restoration. 2019-03-22 All Restore data to a new ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance

February 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
New console The new console provides a more user-friendly experience and optimizes user access paths for features such as backup, monitoring, and security settings. This way, instances can be managed more efficiently. 2019-02-14 All N/A

January 2019

Feature Description Release date Supported region References
New zone Zone B is added in the Japan (Tokyo) region. 2019-01-24 Japan (Tokyo) N/A

More features

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