Community Blog Weforthem: Weather Condition Prediction

Weforthem: Weather Condition Prediction

This project is from the team Forsee, which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Global AI Innovation Challenge 2021 - Intelligent Weather Forecast for Better life.

This project is from the team Forsee, which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Global AI Innovation Challenge 2021 - Intelligent Weather Forecast for Better life.

Project Introduction

Covid-19 virus has created a global pandemic for about 2 years. Almost all the countries around the world are facing the problem caused by the virus. In Indonesia, the number of positive cases is reaching more than 4 million, and the death number has kept increasing until this day.

Recent researches show that there are several aspects that could affect the spread of Covid-19 virus, aside from the direct contact between humans. One of the aspects that could affect the spread of the virus is the climate condition. Climate indicator, such as temperature and humidity, has a high correlation with the number of positive cases in Indonesia. Therefore, the weather condition from an area must be monitored, and alert should be issued whether the condition could increase the spread of the virus or not. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been such system created in Indonesia, as for today.

We introduce Weforthem to help the government to monitor the weather condition from a city/district in Indonesia, providing an analysis on how the condition is affecting the number of positive cases on those areas. Not only providing a prediction for current condition, Weforthem is also able to predict the condition and the positive rate for the future condition, giving alerts whether there is extreme change in the weather or not. In addition, Weforthem also provides a dashboard visualization to make the monitoring process easier.


Solution and Project Value

Recent researches have shown that there are positive correlations between the weather conditions of an area and the number of Covid-19 patient. Unfortunately, there are only a few products that could help by providing the analysis between the connections of climate condition with the distribution of Covid-19 positive cases.

Our solution, Weforthem, aims to increase the coverage of government’s monitoring process by using the latest technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing. Weforthem captures the weather condition from the surrounding environment, using a device that we specifically designed for this process. This device is integrated with the cloud platform to process the data using Artificial Intelligence, to predict the positive rate based on the current weather condition. Weforthem also provides a forecast to help the government, as a preventive when the extreme change is detected. Lastly, Weforthem also provides a dashboard to make the monitoring process become easier.

Technology Highlights

As the main processing part, we trained two kinds of Artificial Intelligence model:

  • The first model is called MISO (Multiple Input, Single Output). It is used to predict the current number of covid-19 positive rate.
  • The second model is called MIMO (Multiple Input, Multiple Output). It is used to forecast the climate condition, as well as the positive cases.

We are still developing and testing the prototype so that it can be applied in real case and for mass production.

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

About the Developer

  • R Rizki Rachmadi, responsible for data collecting, training the AI model, making the system pipeline, implementing the model on cloud platform, and integrating with the hardware part.
  • M. Anwar Sanusi, responsible for making the 3d Design for the system, doing research related to it, making the concept of the product as well as supervising teammates work.
  • Kadek Reda Setiawan, responsible to make the BMC (Business Model Canvas) and do research on the competitors.
  • Evianita, responsible to make the introduction video from the project, and help with the 3D design.
  • Nurul, responsible to create the design of the presentation, and help with the research on implementation using Alibaba platform.
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