Community Blog Project Showcase | Narapikarya

Project Showcase | Narapikarya

This project is from Ahmad Ridlo Fadlli Robbi, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

This project is from Ahmad Ridlo Fadlli Robbi, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Introduction

Narapikarya are Marketplace Sites for products made by prisoners. The result of this work is the result of Self-Independence Development by Correctional Institution.


Solution and Project Value

Benefits for Correctional Institutions:

  • Helping prisons to distribute the results of inmates' work on skills training
  • Helping agencies to determine what skills training is appropriate and needed in the community, so that prisoners who have finished their sentences actually have skills
  • Obtaining sales proceeds for the development of training facilities and infrastructure

Benefits for Prisoners:

  • Developing Skills through Skills Training from Prisons
  • Get appreciation from the results of his work by selling the products he produces
  • Get some of the proceeds from the sale to be used as premiums/savings
  • Received provision to return to the midst of society, to be economically independent by working with the skills he got from training or developing a business (entrepreneur)

Benefits for the Community:

  • Can buy products made by prisoners with high quality and affordable prices - Take part in social actions for buying Products for the social good of prisoners

Through prisoners, prisons can use them to distribute products and works made by prisoners through a training program (independence development) conducted by prisons so that people can appreciate them by buying these products and works. Narapikarya's dream is that all prisoners can produce high quality products and can compete in the market. So that later the prisoner has finished serving his sentence, the inmate can be skillfully independent and can be economically useful. So avoid the desire to commit crimes again as before.

Narapikarya - Marketplace Site for Products made by Prisoners All around Indonesia. Please visit https://narapikarya.kumhamjogja.id/

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