Community Blog MVP #FridayFive: January 2020 Edition 4

MVP #FridayFive: January 2020 Edition 4

Alibaba Cloud MVP Friday Five is a blog column to share interesting and helpful content brought by global Alibaba Cloud MVPs.

MVP #FridayFive is a blog series to celebrate and highlight some of the pronounced contributions from Alibaba Cloud MVP's towards making the Alibaba Cloud technologies more adaptable #FridayFive.

Every Friday, we will delve into various contributions from our experts around the globe and share the top five remarkable activities of the week through this platform with rest of the world.

Below are the top five technological activities of this week specially curated from Alibaba Cloud communities:

1. [Blog] My Story: Alibaba Cloud MVP Harpreet Singh

By Harpreet Singh, India MVP
What is it like to be an Alibaba Cloud MVP? India MVP, Harpreet Singh, shares his career aspirations and explains how Alibaba Cloud has helped him innovate in the medical field.
Link to Blog

2. [Blog] Hyperscale Cloud in China? Gotchas, pitfalls and directions to successfully navigate it

By Ulv Bjørnsson, Norway MVP
When Westerners think of hyperscale cloud providers, seldom do you hear another name, which tends to be odd since it is already the world's third-biggest cloud service provider according to the numbers: Alibaba Cloud. And with yearly revenue growth between 60 and 140%, they sure are catching up fast.
Link to Blog

3. [Blog] How to Install Docker CE and Docker-Compose on CentOS 8

By Ghulam Qadir, Oman MVP
Docker is a set of Platform as a Service (PaaS) products that uses operating system level virtualizations to deliver software in the form of containers.
Link to Blog

4. [Blog] Building a Serverless REST API with Function Compute and MongoDB

By Nhi Ha, Australia MVP
This tutorial will show you how to deploy a MongoDB database on Alibaba Cloud and use Function Compute to develop a back-end API system to interact with the database.
Link to Blog

5. [Blog] How to Install and Configure Virtualmin on Alibaba Cloud

By Sajid Qureshi, India MVP
In this tutorial, you will learn how to install and configure Virtualmin on Alibaba Cloud, and learn how to create other things like a sub-server and subdomain.
Link to Blog

About Alibaba Cloud MVP

Here at Alibaba Cloud, we always strive towards making a digitally connected world and to ease your information technology challenges. Our handpicked industry experts, Alibaba Cloud MVPs, contribute towards this vision in their own way by enabling the world on how Alibaba Cloud technologies are transforming businesses in a day to day basis.
Alibaba Cloud Most Valuable Professional (MVP) is an award given to the technical leaders in the community for their contributions towards helping others understand and adopt Alibaba Cloud technologies.
Learn more about Alibaba Cloud MVP at https://mvp.alibabacloud.com

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