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Quick BI:Butterfly Chart

Last Updated:May 22, 2024

If a conversion relationship exists, and multiple comparison metrics are specified, the system uses the butterfly chart to display data. If you want to compare the percentage of the migrant populations, employment rates, and commercial housing transactions in Beijing and Shanghai, you can use a butterfly chart to visualize the values of the comparison metrics and the conversion rates between the metrics. This topic describes how to add data to a comparison funnel chart and configure the style.


A dashboard is created. For more information, see Create a dashboard.



  • A funnel chart compares business data between different stages of a process. A funnel chart is suitable for one-way analysis of a single process that is standard, runs for a long period of time, and involves multiple stages. You can use a funnel chart to identify the stages in which issues occur and make informative decisions.

  • A funnel chart includes trapezoid areas to compare business volume between a stage and its previous stage.

  • From top to bottom, the funnel chart has a logical sequential relationship, showing the completion of business objectives as the workflow advances.

  • Funnel charts are suitable for process conversion comparisons with business implications, but not for comparisons without associated categories.


  • Computing power: A facet scatter chart automatically calculates the conversion rate.

  • Visualization effects: trapezoid, rectangle style, and custom label display.

Rendering example


Create a chart

  1. On the Fields tab, select the required dimension fields and measures.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click Area. You can also drag this dimension to the Comparison Metric (Dimensions) field.

    • In the Measures list, double-click Order Amt and Profit Amt. You can also drag these measures to the Funnel Width (Mea.) field.

  2. Click Update to create the LBS heat map.


Configure the styles of the LBS heat map

The following section describes how to configure the style of a word cloud. For more information about how to configure the style of a chart title and card, see Configure the title area of a chart.

You can enter a keyword in the search box at the top of the configuration section to search for configuration items. You can also click image..pngExpand /Collapse All Categories in the right-side chart. 111

  • If you set the Funnel Mode parameter to Standard, you can configure the Funnel Style, Legend, Category Label, label, and ToolTip. image

    • In the Funnel section, specify a funnel style. image


      configuration items example


      You can select Default, Rectangle, or Perfect trapezoid.


      Color Settings

      The color of the funnel. You can customize the color of each field. image

      Display Mode

      You can select True or Smooth. image

      Bottom Style

      You can select Flat or Sharp. image

    • In the Legend section, specify whether to show a legend and the legend style. image


      configuration items example


      Set the legend display position. The following three legend rendering methods are supported.



      Sets the display style of the legend text.

    • In the Category Label section, configure whether to display the category label and the label style. image


      configuration items example

      Full Display

      Select the check box to display all category tags.


      If you select Default or Rectangle, you can select Left or Right. 111


      Sets the display style for category label text.

    • In the label, set whether the label is displayed and the label style. image


      configuration items example

      Full Display

      Select the check box to display all category tags.


      Select Conversion Rate, Metric, or Conversion Rate + Metric.

      Conversion rate calculation method

      If you set the Display Style parameter to Default or Rectangle, you can set the Calculation Method parameter to Percentage of First Layer or Percentage of First Layer.

      If you set Display Style to Standard Ladder, the default value is Percentage of First Layer.


      You can use the following formulas to calculate the conversion rate:

      • Conversion rate from the upper adjacent layer = Measure value at the current layer/Measure value at the upper adjacent layer × 100%

      • Conversion rate from the first layer = Measure value at the current layer/Measure value at the first layer × 100%



      Sets the display style for label text.

    • In Tooltip, set the tooltip mode. image


      configuration items example


      The display mode of the prompt information. You can select Percentage of Upper Layer or Percentage of First Layer.

      Background color

      Set the background color.


      Sets the prompt text style.

  • If Funnel Mode is set to Conversion Analysis, you can set Funnel Style, label, and Tooltip. image

    • In the Funnel section, specify a funnel style. image


      configuration items example


      You can select Landscape or Portrait.


      Color Settings

      The color of the funnel. You can customize the color of each field. image

    • In the label, set whether the label is displayed and the label style. image


      configuration items example

      Full Display

      Select the check box to display all category tags.

      Conversion rate calculation method

      By default, the calculation method in Conversion Analysis mode is set to Percentage of the previous layer.


      You can use the following formulas to calculate the conversion rate:

      Conversion rate from the upper adjacent layer = Measure value at the current layer/Measure value at the upper adjacent layer × 100%


      Sets the display style for label text.

    • In the Tooltip section, configure the tooltip mode. image


      configuration items example


      The display mode of the prompt information. You can select Percentage of Upper Layer or Percentage of First Layer.

      Background color

      Set the background color.


      Sets the prompt text style.

Chart analysis configuration




If the data that you want to analyze belongs to different charts or tables, you can configure this feature to associate the charts and tables, and then analyze the data. For more information, see Linkage.


If the data that you want to analyze belongs to different dashboards, you can configure this feature to associate the dashboards, and then analyze the data. You can use Parameter Redirection or External Link to redirect requests. For more information, see Redirection.


When you create a butterfly chart, you must specify Tier Area (Mea.) and Comparison Metrics (Dim.).

  • You can specify only one dimension for Comparison Metrics (Dim.). such as area or product type.

  • You can specify 1 to 10 measures for Tier Area (Mea.). such as order_number or order_amt.

What to do next

  • You can share your dashboard with others. For more information, see Share a dashboard.

  • If you want to create a navigation menu for thematic analysis, you can integrate your dashboard into a business intelligence (BI) portal. For more information, see Create a BI portal.