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Quick BI:Redirect

Last Updated:Apr 29, 2024

Quick BI supports the drilling feature, filter interaction feature, and hyperlink feature for multi-dimensional data analysis. This topic describes the scenarios and methods of redirection.

Use scenarios

When you view the company sales dashboard data, you can use the Quick BI to view the detailed order information of a specified field. If you click Office Supplies in the Order Information report, you are redirected to the Order Profit Details page and only all orders whose Product Type is Office Supplies are displayed.

Configure the hyperlink feature

The hyperlink settings include Intra-product Redirection, Intra-page Components, and External Links.

Operation platform

  1. On the Company Data Dashboard page of the dashboard, select Order Information from the cross table and click the Analysis (①) tab.

  2. Click the image..pngicon (②) next to Jump to go to the hyperlink Settings page (③).


Intra-product redirect

Set Redirection Mode

  1. On the Redirection page, you must select the fields to be bound in the Redirection Rule section on the left. You can use one of the following methods to redirect to a product: Redirection within a product.


  2. If you want to display custom text content during chart interaction, you can enter the content that you want to display in the Jump to display text box. If you do not set this parameter, the default value is Redirect. The following figure shows an example.


Set a redirect target

After you select a redirection method, you can configure Redirection Content, Target Location, and Open Method.

  1. In the Content section, select a workspace from the Workspace section, select a report type from the Workspace section, and select Order Profit Details from the Workspace section.


    1. When you select a report, global parameters have been configured for the report with the image..pngicon in the drop-down menu, and the parameter redirection method within the product is supported.


    2. If you do not set global parameters in the report, you can click the icon on the right side of the image..pngselection box or click Go to Configure in the Global Parameter Settings section to configure global parameters. For more information about how to set global parameters, see Configure global parameters.


  2. After you set the content, you can select the target position. By default, Default Top is selected, which indicates that the position is the top of the target report. The following figure shows the output:


    If you want to navigate to the chart that you want to navigate to. You can select Navigate to a chart or widget and select Order Profit Details from the drop-down list.


    The jump effect is as follows:


  3. You can set the Open Mode parameter to Open Current Window, Open New Window, or Open Pop-up Window.


    1. If you select Open in New Window, you can click the Back icon in the upper-left corner to return to the previous page. The following figure shows an example.


    2. If you select Pop-up Window Opening, you can set Pop-up Window Form, Default Size, Pop-up Window Title, and Page Mask. image.png

      • When the pop-up form is centered, the pop-up title can be displayed or not displayed. For other pop-up forms, the pop-up title is displayed by default and cannot be set to not displayed. image.png

      • Only the left drawer, the right drawer, and the bottom drawer support whether to display the page mask. If the page mask is not displayed, you can click to switch the dimension value.

      • The default size supports setting by percentage or by exact pixel.


      • Center the pop-up effect.


      • Left drawer effect.


      • Right drawer effect.


      • Bottom drawer effect.


      • When the pop-up window is opened, you can drag the window size and window position. Untitled.gif

Global Parameter Settings

In the Global Parameter Settings section, you must configure parameter mapping rules, filter conditions (query controls and global parameters), and other conditions (drill-down and interaction conditions). In the configuration process, you can select configurations based on your actual business requirements.


You can specify multiple types of filter conditions: Dimension, Measure, SQL Parameter, and SQL Placeholder.


  1. To jump between reports, you need to configure the mapping between the fields of the current chart and the parameters of the jump chart. Select the associated fields for the mapping method, and select product type for the chart fields to match the global parameters of the jump report.

    image.pngMatching relationships are divided into equivalence matching and multi-dimensional value matching.

    Equal Value Matching: If you set the Match Relation parameter to Equal Value Matching, the value that is transferred is equal to. Example:


    Multi-dimensional match: If you set the jump relationship parameter to Multi-dimensional match, multiple data entries that contain commas (,) are split into multiple data entries. Example:



    The matching relationship takes effect on all the icon types that can be redirected. The type of the icon is unlimited. The default value is Equivalent Matching.

  2. If you set the query control (Region) of the report to Northeast, select Region in the global control and configure the parameters in the report. You can carry this filter condition.


    • In this example, a pie chart is used to show the effect before and after you select Carry Filter.

      In the pie chart, set Product Type to Office Supplies and set the region to South China, as shown in the following figure.


      • If you do not select Bring Filter, the data of all product types in the region is displayed in the Product Type Unfiltered cross table.


      • If you select Bring Filter Condition, only the data of the Product Type Office Supplies instance in the region is displayed in the cross table.


    • You can also carry external filter conditions on multi-level pages.

      For example, when you query order information in the Northeast China region, you are redirected to the Order Details page when you click Office Supplies. The Profit Details page displays the Office Supplies in the Northeast region. If Product Category is set to Paper, you are redirected to the Order Shipping page. In this case, the Paper Shipping Data page in the Northeast region is displayed.

      The following figure shows the preceding scenario.



      The following types of charts are supported: Carry Filter Conditions and Carry Other Conditions:

      • Line /plane drawing

        Line, Area, Stacked Area, 100% Stacked Area, and Combination Chart

      • Column /Bar Chart

        column charts, 100% stacked column charts, bar charts, stacked bar charts, 100% stacked bar charts, and ranking boards

      • Pie /Ring

        Pie charts and polar diagrams

  3. If you select Link Filtering for the report, you can select the Carry Linked Conditions check box in the Other Conditions section.


    If you select 2013 as the order date in the cross table, the South China region is redirected to the pie chart. In this case, the redirected cross table displays only the data in which the region is South China and the order date is 2013.



Jump Display

Click Office in the cross table Order information, you will be redirected to the dashboard Order profit details and all the orders with product_type set to Office appear.


Intra-page components

  • When you configure redirection in a dashboard, you can select charts, tab controls, rich text, images, and embedded pages.

  • When you configure a redirection in a workbook, you can select sheet.

  • When you configure a redirect on a data dashboard, you can specify a page.

On the Redirection Settings page, you must select the fields to be bound in the Redirection Rule section on the left. After you select Widgets on Page for Redirection, you only need to select Charts and Widgets from the Target Location drop-down list.


If you select the Synchronously Trigger Linkage During Redirection configuration items in the On-page Component jump mode, if you configure both the linkage and redirection, the linkage conditions also take effect when you click the Redirection field.


External link redirection

If you set hyperlink to External Link, you can use the External Link feature to redirect to a specified URL or related parameters in the associated user system.

On the Redirection Settings page, select the fields that you want to associate with the URL. In the dialog box that appears, select External Link, enter a URL, and then click OK.


You can enter the URL in the text box. You can also double-click field names in the Add Dimensions section to add the fields to the URL.


Jump style configuration


Only text charts support jump styles.

Operation platform

You can click the Analysis tab (1) and Go (2) configuration items in the Data Interaction section, as shown in the following figure.






The text style of the field to which you want to redirect data. You can set the Color, Bold, Italic, and underscores parameters.



The metric chart is not supported.


After you select an icon, the icon appears next to the corresponding field. You can select the type of the icon.



The icon type can be set only for charts such as cross tables, details tables, heatmap tables, kanban charts, metric trend charts, metric relationships, and rankings.

Back button

If you select Back, you can return to the current interface after you click Redirected Interface. Untitled.gif


The back button setting is only for new window opening and current window opening.