This product(
) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts. Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.
API | Title | Description |
RunInstances | RunInstances | Purchases instances. |
CreateInstance | CreateInstance | Creates an instance. |
ReleasePostPaidInstance | ReleasePostPaidInstance | Deletes a pay-as-you-go instance. |
ReleasePrePaidInstance | ReleasePrePaidInstance | Call ReleasePrePaidInstance to delete a subscription instance. |
RenewInstance | RenewInstance | Renews a subscription instance. |
ReinitInstance | ReinitInstance | Resets an instance based on specific parameters. |
ModifyInstanceAttribute | ModifyInstanceAttribute | Changes the attributes of an instance, such as the name and the password. |
ModifyPrepayInstanceSpec | ModifyPrepayInstanceSpec | Upgrades or downgrades the instance type of a subscription Edge Node Service (ENS) instance. The new instance type takes effect for the remaining lifecycle of the instance. |
ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | ModifyInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | Configures auto-renewal for instances. |
AttachEnsInstances | AttachEnsInstances | Adds an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance to Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK). |
RebootInstance | RebootInstance | Reboots an instance. |
StartInstance | StartInstance | Starts an instance. |
StopInstance | StopInstance | Stops an instance. |
AddNetworkInterfaceToInstance | AddNetworkInterfaceToInstance | Adds an IPv6 network interface controller (NIC). A public IP address is automatically assigned at the same time. |
DescribeAvailableResource | DescribeAvailableResource | Queries the resources that can be created. |
DescribeInstances | DescribeInstances | Queries the details of one or more Edge Node Service (ENS) instances. |
DescribeAvailableResourceInfo | DescribeAvailableResourceInfo | Queries the specifications of resources that you can purchase when you create an instance. |
DescribeEnsNetSaleDistrict | DescribeEnsNetSaleDistrict | Queries the information about ISPs and number of ISPs in an area. |
DescribeEnsNetLevel | DescribeEnsNetLevel | Queries the supported network levels. |
DescribeBandWithdChargeType | DescribeBandWithdChargeType | Queries available bandwidth metering methods. |
DescribeInstanceSpec | DescribeInstanceSpec | Queries the instance specifications that you can purchase. |
DescribeEnsRegionIdIpv6Info | DescribeEnsRegionIdIpv6Info | Queries whether a node supports IPv6. |
DescribeRegionIsps | DescribeRegionIsps | Queries information about the Internet service providers (ISPs) of edge nodes. |
DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | DescribeInstanceAutoRenewAttribute | You can call this operation to query whether auto-renewal is enabled for an instance. |
DescribeInstanceMonitorData | DescribeInstanceMonitorData | Queries the vCPU and memory usage of an instance. |
DescribeInstanceTypes | DescribeInstanceTypes | Queries the specifications of instance types. |
DescribeInstanceVncUrl | DescribeInstanceVncUrl | Queries the Virtual Network Computing (VNC) URL of an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance. |
DescribeCreatePrePaidInstanceResult | DescribeCreatePrePaidInstanceResult | Queries the results of creating an instance. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateImage | CreateImage | Creates an image from an instance. |
ExportImage | ExportImage | Exports a custom image to an Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket in the same region. |
DescribeSelfImages | DescribeSelfImages | Queries custom images. |
DeleteImage | DeleteImage | Deletes a custom image. |
ModifyImageAttribute | ModifyImageAttribute | Modifies the image attributes. |
ModifyImageSharePermission | ModifyImageSharePermission | Shares or unshares an image. |
DescribeImages | DescribeImages | Queries the information about available images. |
DescribeImageInfos | DescribeImageInfos | Queries available images. |
DescribeImageSharePermission | DescribeImageSharePermission | Queries the accounts with which you share an image specified by the ImageId parameter. |
DescribeExportImageStatus | DescribeExportImageStatus | Queries the export status of an image. |
DescribeExportImageInfo | DescribeExportImageInfo | Queries the export result of an image. |
SSH key pairs
API | Title | Description |
CreateKeyPair | CreateKeyPair | Creates an SSH key pair. |
DeleteKeyPairs | DeleteKeyPairs | Deletes SSH key pairs. |
ImportKeyPair | ImportKeyPair | Imports the public key of a Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA)-encrypted key pair that is generated by a third-party tool. |
DescribeKeyPairs | DescribeKeyPairs | Queries one or more key pairs. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateDisk | CreateDisk | Creates a pay-as-you-go or subscription data disk. |
DeleteDisk | DeleteDisk | Deletes a disk. |
AttachDisk | AttachDisk | Attaches a disk to an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance. |
DetachDisk | DetachDisk | Detaches a pay-as-you-go disk from an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance. You cannot call this operation to detach a disk that is created together with an instance. |
ResizeDisk | ResizeDisk | Resizes a pay-as-you-go disk that you purchase. |
DescribeDisks | DescribeDisks | Queries the information about one or more disks. |
ReInitDisk | ReInitDisk | Initializes a disk. |
ResetDisk | ResetDisk | Rolls back a disk by using a snapshot. |
DescribeDiskIopsList | DescribeDiskIopsList | Queries the disk IOPS monitoring data. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateSnapshot | CreateSnapshot | Creates a snapshot. |
DeleteSnapshot | DeleteSnapshot | Deletes a snapshot. |
ModifySnapshotAttribute | ModifySnapshotAttribute | Modifies the information about a snapshot. |
DescribeSnapshots | DescribeSnapshots | Queries information about snapshots. |
CopySnapshot | CopySnapshot | Copies a snapshot across nodes. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateNetwork | CreateNetwork | Creates a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
CreateClassicNetwork | CreateClassicNetwork | Creates a classic network |
DeleteNetwork | DeleteNetwork | Deletes a virtual private cloud (VPC). |
ModifyNetworkAttribute | ModifyNetworkAttribute | Modifies the network information. |
DescribeNetworkInterfaces | DescribeNetworkInterfaces | Queries Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs). |
DescribeNetworkAttribute | DescribeNetworkAttribute | Queries the configuration of a specified network. |
DescribeNetworks | DescribeNetworks | Query the network list. |
CreateEnsRouteEntry | CreateEnsRouteEntry | Creates a custom route entry. |
DeleteEnsRouteEntry | DeleteEnsRouteEntry | Deletes a custom route entry. |
DescribeEnsRouteEntryList | DescribeEnsRouteEntryList | Queries route entries. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateVSwitch | CreateVSwitch | Creates a vSwitch. |
DeleteVSwitch | DeleteVSwitch | Deletes a vSwitch. |
ModifyVSwitchAttribute | ModifyVSwitchAttribute | Modifies information about a vSwitch. |
DescribeVSwitches | DescribeVSwitches | Queries information about available vSwitches. |
Security groups
API | Title | Description |
CreateSecurityGroup | CreateSecurityGroup | Creates a security group. |
DeleteSecurityGroup | DeleteSecurityGroup | Deletes a security group. |
JoinSecurityGroup | JoinSecurityGroup | Adds an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance to a specified security group. |
LeaveSecurityGroup | LeaveSecurityGroup | Removes an instance from a security group. |
ModifySecurityGroupAttribute | ModifySecurityGroupAttribute | Modifies the information about a security group. |
DescribeSecurityGroups | DescribeSecurityGroups | Queries details about created security groups. |
AuthorizeSecurityGroup | AuthorizeSecurityGroup | Creates an inbound security group rule. This operation allows or denies the inbound traffic from other devices to instances in the security group. |
RevokeSecurityGroup | RevokeSecurityGroup | Deletes an inbound security group rule. After the rule is deleted, the access control implemented by the rule is removed. |
AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress | AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress | Creates an outbound security group rule. This operation allows or denies the outbound traffic from the instances in the security group to other devices. |
RevokeSecurityGroupEgress | RevokeSecurityGroupEgress | Deletes an outbound security group rule. After the rule is deleted, the access control implemented by the rule is removed. |
DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute | DescribeSecurityGroupAttribute | Queries the rules of a security group. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateEipInstance | CreateEipInstance | Applies for an elastic IP address (EIP). |
AssociateEnsEipAddress | AssociateEnsEipAddress | Associates an elastic IP address (EIP) with a cloud resource that is deployed in the same region. |
UnAssociateEnsEipAddress | UnAssociateEnsEipAddress | Disassociates an elastic IP address (EIP) from an instance. |
ModifyEnsEipAddressAttribute | ModifyEnsEipAddressAttribute | Modifies the name, description, and peak bandwidth of a specified elastic IP address (EIP). |
DescribeEnsEipAddresses | DescribeEnsEipAddresses | Queries elastic IP addresses (EIPs). |
NAT gateways
API | Title | Description |
CreateNatGateway | CreateNatGateway | Creates a network address translation (NAT) gateway. |
DeleteNatGateway | DeleteNatGateway | Deletes an Internet network address translation (NAT) gateway. |
DescribeNatGateways | DescribeNatGateways | Queries created Network Address Translation (NAT) gateways. |
CreateForwardEntry | CreateForwardEntry | Adds a Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) entry to a DNAT table. |
DeleteForwardEntry | DeleteForwardEntry | Deletes a Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) entry from a specified DNAT table. |
ModifyForwardEntry | ModifyForwardEntry | Modifies a Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) rule. |
DescribeForwardTableEntries | DescribeForwardTableEntries | Queries Destination Network Address Translation (DNAT) entries that you created. |
CreateSnatEntry | CreateSnatEntry | Adds a source network address translation (SNAT) entry to a specified SNAT table. |
DeleteSnatEntry | DeleteSnatEntry | Deletes a source network address translation (SNAT) entry from a specified SNAT table. |
DescribeSnatTableEntries | DescribeSnatTableEntries | Queries source network address translation (SNAT) entries. |
DescribeSnatAttribute | DescribeSnatAttribute | Queries the details of a specific source network address translation (SNAT) entry. |
AddSnatIpForSnatEntry | AddSnatIpForSnatEntry | Adds an elastic IP address (EIP) to a Source Network Address Translation (SNAT) entry. |
DeleteSnatIpForSnatEntry | DeleteSnatIpForSnatEntry | Deletes an elastic IP address (EIP) from a source network address translation (SNAT) entry. |
StartSnatIpForSnatEntry | StartSnatIpForSnatEntry | Starts the elastic IP address (EIP) specified in a source network address translation (SNAT) entry. |
StopSnatIpForSnatEntry | StopSnatIpForSnatEntry | Disables an elastic IP address (EIP) in a source network address translation (SNAT) entry. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateLoadBalancer | CreateLoadBalancer | Creates an Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instance. |
ModifyLoadBalancerAttribute | ModifyLoadBalancerAttribute | Modifies the information about an Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instance. |
SetLoadBalancerStatus | SetLoadBalancerStatus | Modifies the status of the listener for an Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instance. |
DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute | DescribeLoadBalancerAttribute | Queries detailed information about an Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instance. |
DescribeLoadBalancers | DescribeLoadBalancers | Queries the Edge Load Balance (ELB) instances that you have created. |
CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener | CreateLoadBalancerUDPListener | Creates a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener. |
SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute | SetLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a UDP listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute | DescribeLoadBalancerUDPListenerAttribute | Queries the configuration of a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener | CreateLoadBalancerTCPListener | Creates a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) listener. |
SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute | SetLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of a TCP listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute | DescribeLoadBalancerTCPListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener | CreateLoadBalancerHTTPListener | Creates an HTTP listener. |
SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute | SetLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of an HTTP listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute | DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPListenerAttribute | Queries the configuration of an HTTP listener. |
CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener | CreateLoadBalancerHTTPSListener | Creates an HTTPS listener. |
SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute | SetLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute | Modifies the configurations of an HTTPS listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute | DescribeLoadBalancerHTTPSListenerAttribute | Queries the configurations of an HTTPS listener. |
StartLoadBalancerListener | StartLoadBalancerListener | Enables a listener. |
StopLoadBalancerListener | StopLoadBalancerListener | Disables a listener. |
DeleteLoadBalancerListener | DeleteLoadBalancerListener | Deletes a listener. |
DescribeLoadBalancerListeners | DescribeLoadBalancerListeners | Queries listeners of Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instances. |
AddBackendServers | AddBackendServers | Adds backend servers. |
RemoveBackendServers | RemoveBackendServers | Removes backend servers. |
SetBackendServers | SetBackendServers | Sets the weights of backend servers. |
DescribeLoadBalancerListenMonitor | DescribeLoadBalancerListenMonitor | Queries monitoring data of an edge load balancer (ELB) instance. |
DescribeServerLoadBalancerMonitor | DescribeServerLoadBalancerMonitor | Queries the request monitoring data of an edge load balancer (ELB) instance. |
DescribeServerLoadBalancerListenMonitor | DescribeServerLoadBalancerListenMonitor | Queries the monitoring data of an edge load balancer (ELB) instance based on the listener. |
API | Title | Description |
AttachNetworkInterface | AttachNetworkInterface | Attaches an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) to an Edge Node Service (ECS) instance. |
DetachNetworkInterface | DetachNetworkInterface | Detach an elastic network interface (ENI) from an instance. |
ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute | ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute | Modifies the attributes of an elastic network interface (ENI), such as its name and description. |
DescribeSecondaryPublicIpAddresses | DescribeSecondaryPublicIpAddresses | Queries created secondary public IP addresses. |
API | Title | Description |
ModifyHaVipAttribute | ModifyHaVipAttribute | Modifies the name of a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP). |
DescribeHaVips | DescribeHaVips | Queries high-availability virtual IP addresses (HAVIPs). |
AssociateHaVip | AssociateHaVip | Associates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) with an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance or elastic network interface (ENI). |
UnassociateHaVip | UnassociateHaVip | Disassociates a high-availability virtual IP address (HAVIP) from an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance or Elastic Network Interface (ENI). |
Network ACL
API | Title | Description |
CreateNetworkAcl | CreateNetworkAcl | Creates a network access control list (ACL). |
DeleteNetworkAcl | DeleteNetworkAcl | Deletes a network access control list (ACL). |
DescribeNetworkAcls | DescribeNetworkAcls | Queries network access control lists (ACLs). |
AccosicateNetworkAcl | AccosicateNetworkAcl | Associates a network access control list (ACL) with a network. |
UnassociateNetworkAcl | UnassociateNetworkAcl | Disassociates a network access control list (ACL) from a network. |
CreateNetworkAclEntry | CreateNetworkAclEntry | Creates a network access control list (ACL) rule. |
DeleteNetworkAclEntry | DeleteNetworkAclEntry | Deletes a network access control list (ACL) rule. |
NAS collaborative storage
API | Title | Description |
CreateFileSystem | CreateFileSystem | Creates a NAS file system. |
DeleteFileSystem | DeleteFileSystem | Deletes a File Storage NAS file system. |
ModifyFileSystem | ModifyFileSystem | Modifies the description of a NAS file system. |
DescribeFileSystems | DescribeFileSystems | Queries the information about file systems. |
CreateMountTarget | CreateMountTarget | Creates a mount target. |
DeleteMountTarget | DeleteMountTarget | Deletes a mount target. |
DescribeMountTargets | DescribeMountTargets | Queries the information about mount targets. |
EOS collaborative storage
API | Title | Description |
PutBucket | PutBucket | Creates an Edge Object Storage (EOS) bucket. |
DeleteBucket | DeleteBucket | Deletes a bucket. |
GetBucketInfo | GetBucketInfo | Queries the detailed information about a bucket. |
PutBucketAcl | PutBucketAcl | Modifies the access control list (ACL) of a bucket. |
GetBucketAcl | GetBucketAcl | Queries the access control list (ACL) of a bucket. |
PrepareUpload | PrepareUpload | Prepares the upload and obtains the location of the bucket. |
DeleteObject | DeleteObject | Deletes an object. |
ListObjects | ListObjects | Queries the information about all objects in a bucket. |
PutBucketLifecycle | PutBucketLifecycle | Configures lifecycle rules for objects. |
DeleteBucketLifecycle | DeleteBucketLifecycle | Deletes the lifecycle rules for objects in a bucket. |
GetBucketLifecycle | GetBucketLifecycle | Queries lifecycle rules. |
ListBuckets | ListBuckets | Queries all buckets of a user. |
GetOssUsageData | GetOssUsageData | Queries the storage and bandwidth usage within a specific time range. |
GetOssStorageAndAccByBuckets | GetOssStorageAndAccByBuckets | Queries the storage usage in the previous billing cycle and the cumulative number of calls in this month. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeStorageGateway | DescribeStorageGateway | Queries storage gateways. |
CreateStorageGateway | CreateStorageGateway | Creates a storage gateway. |
DeleteStorageGateway | DeleteStorageGateway | Deletes a storage gateway. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeStorageVolume | DescribeStorageVolume | Queries volumes. |
CreateStorageVolume | CreateStorageVolume | Creates a storage volume. |
DeleteStorageVolume | DeleteStorageVolume | Deletes a storage volume. |
Secondary IP
API | Title | Description |
AssignPrivateIpAddresses | AssignPrivateIpAddresses | Assigns secondary private IP addresses to an elastic network interface (ENI). |
UnassignPrivateIpAddresses | UnassignPrivateIpAddresses | Unassigns secondary private IP addresses from an elastic network interface (ENI). |
API | Title | Description |
CreateCluster | CreateCluster | A Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) edge cluster is created. |
DescribeCluster | DescribeCluster | Queries Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) edge clusters. |
DescribeClusterKubeConfig | DescribeClusterKubeConfig | Queries the certificate of a Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) edge cluster. |
API | Title | Description |
CreateSDG | CreateSDG | Creates a shared data group (SDG) on an Android in Container (AIC) instance. |
DeploySDG | DeploySDG | Deploys shared data groups (SDGs). |
DeployInstanceSDG | DeployInstanceSDG | Deploys a shared data group (SDG) to compute instances. |
CopySDG | CopySDG | Copies a shared data group (SDG) across nodes. |
PreloadRegionSDG | PreloadRegionSDG | Preloads a shared data group (SDG). |
DescribeSDGs | DescribeSDGs | Queries information about created shared data groups (SDGs). |
DescribeSDG | DescribeSDG | Queries basic information about shared data groups (SDGs), including node preload information. |
DescribeSDGDeploymentStatus | DescribeSDGDeploymentStatus | Queries the deployment status of the shared data group (SDG). |
DeleteSDG | DeleteSDG | Deletes a shared data group (SDG). |
UnloadRegionSDG | UnloadRegionSDG | Deletes preloaded data. |
RemoveSDG | RemoveSDG | Removes shared data groups (SDGs) that are deployed on instances. |
RemoveInstanceSDG | RemoveInstanceSDG | Removes a shared data group (SDG) that is attached to the compute instance. |
SaveSDG | SaveSDG | Saves the disk of a specific device as a shared data group (SDG). |
API | Title | Description |
ResetAICInstance | ResetAICInstance | Resets an Android in Container (AIC) instance. |
UpgradeAICInstanceImage | UpgradeAICInstanceImage | Updates the image of an Android in Container (AIC) instance. |
RebootAICInstance | RebootAICInstance | Restarts an Android in Container (AIC) instance. |
DescribeARMServerInstances | DescribeARMServerInstances | Queries information about ARM servers and Android in Container (AIC) instances. |
RebootARMServerInstance | RebootARMServerInstance | Reboots an Android in Container (AIC) server. |
ReleaseARMServerInstance | ReleaseARMServerInstance | Releases an ARM server. |
CreateARMServerInstances | CreateARMServerInstances | Creates an ARM server. |
RenewARMServerInstance | RenewARMServerInstance | Renews a subscription Android in Container (AIC) instance. |
DescribeAICImages | DescribeAICImages | Queries information about images of the Android in Container (AIC) instance. |
RecoverAICInstance | RecoverAICInstance | Recovers an Android in Container (AIC) instance on the server. |
ReleaseAICInstance | ReleaseAICInstance | Releases an Android in Container (AIC) instance from the server. |
Edge App Hosting
API | Title | Description |
RunServiceSchedule | RunServiceSchedule | Schedules the nearest idle resources including instances and pods for your device based on the user ID and IP address and initializes the virtual environment. |
DescribeServcieSchedule | DescribeServcieSchedule | You can call the DescribeServcieSchedule to query the real-time status of the instance device or container that is being occupied by the UUID. |
RescaleDeviceService | RescaleDeviceService | Scales out a bare metal device. |
DescribeDeviceService | DescribeDeviceService | Queries the properties of instances and virtual devices in a specific edge application. |
DescribeDataPushResult | DescribeDataPushResult | Queries the push status of application data files on Edge Node Service (ENS) nodes. |
DescribeDataDownloadURL | DescribeDataDownloadURL | Queries the download URLs of application data on file servers and returns the file servers on which data is pushed. |
DescribeDataDistResult | DescribeDataDistResult | Queries the distribution status of data files on edge instances of an application. |
GetDeviceInternetPort | GetDeviceInternetPort | Queries the network address translation (NAT) rule details of a device such as a server or container by its ID. |
DeleteDeviceInternetPort | DeleteDeviceInternetPort | Deletes Network Address Translation (NAT) rules for a server or container based on the ID. |
AddDeviceInternetPort | AddDeviceInternetPort | Configures Network Address Translation (NAT) rules for an instance. This operation is an asynchronous API operation. For more information about the configurations, see the API documentation of GetDeviceInternetPort. |
RestartDeviceInstance | RestartDeviceInstance | Restarts applications deployed on an instance and returns the restart results in a synchronous manner. |
ResetDeviceInstance | ResetDeviceInstance | Resets an instance including its image. |
DistApplicationData | DistApplicationData | Distributes pushed data to the Edge Node Service (ENS) instances of the application. You can specify multiple canary release policies, decompress files, and restart containers. |
CreateApplication | CreateApplication | Creates an edge application that allows you to manage Edge Node Service (ENS) nodes in containers, bare metal instances, and virtual machines. |
DeleteApplication | DeleteApplication | Releases all containers and resource instances related to a specific application in an asynchronous manner. |
ListApplications | ListApplications | Queries the created applications. |
DescribeApplication | DescribeApplication | Queries the basic properties, resources, and container status of an application. |
UpgradeApplication | UpgradeApplication | Updates the container in an asynchronous manner. You can configure multiple canary release policies. |
RollbackApplication | RollbackApplication | Rolls back the container version of a specific application. |
RescaleApplication | RescaleApplication | Scales resources in an asynchronous manner and deploys or releases the container. |
PushApplicationData | PushApplicationData | Pushes the business or service data of an application to file servers. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeEnsRegions | DescribeEnsRegions | Queries the Edge Node Service (ENS) nodes that you can use. |
DescribeEnsRegionIdResource | DescribeEnsRegionIdResource | Queries node resources. |
DescribeReservedResource | DescribeReservedResource | Queries the specifications of resources that you can purchase. |
DescribePrePaidInstanceStock | DescribePrePaidInstanceStock | The specifications of resources that can be purchased in subscription billing mode are queried. |
DescribeLoadBalancerSpec | DescribeLoadBalancerSpec | Queries the specifications of an Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instance. |
DescribeCloudDiskTypes | DescribeCloudDiskTypes | The specifications of available resources are queried when you create a disk. |
DescribeCloudDiskAvailableResourceInfo | DescribeCloudDiskAvailableResourceInfo | Queries the available resources in a region. |
API | Title | Description |
UntagResources | UntagResources | Removes tags from resources. |
TagResources | TagResources | Creates and adds tags to specific Edge Node Service (ENS) resources. |
ListTagResources | ListTagResources | Queries tags that are added to Edge Node Service (ENS) instances. |
API | Title | Description |
DescribeBandwitdhByInternetChargeType | DescribeBandwitdhByInternetChargeType | Queries the metering method for the bandwidth. |
DescribeUserBandWidthData | DescribeUserBandWidthData | Queries the bandwidth that you use within a specified period of time. |
Metering and billing
API | Title | Description |
DescribeMeasurementData | DescribeMeasurementData | Queries the metering data of the user. |
DescribePrice | DescribePrice | Queries the most recent price of an Edge Node Service (ENS) instance. |
ExportBillDetailData | ExportBillDetailData | Exports billing details within a specific time range. |
ExportMeasurementData | ExportMeasurementData | Exports the metering data within a specific time range. |
API | Title | Description |
ReleaseInstance | ReleaseInstance | Releases an instance. You can call this operation to release only Elastic IP Addresses (EIPs), Edge Load Balancer (ELB) instances, and cloud disk-based instances. We recommend that you call service-specific operations to release or unsubscribe from instances. |
CreateEnsService | CreateEnsService | Creates an edge service. |
CreateEpnInstance | CreateEpnInstance | Creates an edge private network (EPN) instance. |
DeleteEpnInstance | DeleteEpnInstance | Deletes an edge private network (EPN) instance. |
DescribeEnsNetDistrict | DescribeEnsNetDistrict | Queries regions in which ENS resources can be created. |
DescribeEpnBandWidthData | DescribeEpnBandWidthData | Queries the EPN bandwidth usage. |
DescribeEpnBandwitdhByInternetChargeType | DescribeEpnBandwitdhByInternetChargeType | Queries the metering method of the EPN bandwidth within a time period. |
DescribeEpnInstanceAttribute | DescribeEpnInstanceAttribute | Queries networking information about an EPN instance. |
DescribeEpnInstances | DescribeEpnInstances | Queries EPN instances. |
DescribeEpnMeasurementData | DescribeEpnMeasurementData | Queries the metering data of the edge private network (EPN). |
JoinPublicIpsToEpnInstance | JoinPublicIpsToEpnInstance | Assigns public IP addresses to an EPN instance. |
JoinVSwitchesToEpnInstance | JoinVSwitchesToEpnInstance | For internal connections, instances that are associated with a vSwitch automatically take effect. For public connections such as intelligent acceleration, you need to manually add the instances. |
ModifyEpnInstance | ModifyEpnInstance | Modifies an Edge Private Network (EPN) instance. |
RemovePublicIpsFromEpnInstance | RemovePublicIpsFromEpnInstance | Removes IP addresses from an edge private network (EPN) instance. |
RemoveVSwitchesFromEpnInstance | RemoveVSwitchesFromEpnInstance | Deletes the networking information. This operation is applicable only for instances that reside in the internal network. |
StartEpnInstance | StartEpnInstance | Starts an edge network instance. |
StopEpnInstance | StopEpnInstance | Stops an EPN instance. |
DescribeEnsResourceUsage | DescribeEnsResourceUsage | Queries the usage summary of ENS virtual machines (VMs), disks, and networks. |
ModifyInstanceChargeType | ModifyInstanceChargeType | Changes the billing method of Edge Node Service (ENS) instances. You can switch between the pay-as-you-go and subscription billing methods for instances. You can also change the billing method for disks that you created with pay-as-you-go instances to subscription. |
DescribeEnsRouteTables | DescribeEnsRouteTables | Queries route tables. |