This topic describes the release notes for Elastic High Performance Computing (E-HPC) and provides links to the relevant references.
September 2023
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Job submission by using a serverless cluster | New feature | The compute nodes of a serverless cluster consist of elastic container instances. You only need to provide packaged container images to use elastic container instances to run jobs. | 2023-09-08 |
August 2023
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Supported schedulers | Optimized feature | The schedulers supported by the cluster are updated. | 2023-08-29 |
June 2023
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Job submission by using CLIs | Optimized feature | The sample commands are optimized. | 2023-06-21 | |
Cluster creation by using a template | Optimized feature | The parameters that you need to configure when you create a cluster by using a template are updated. | 2023-06-14 |
May 2023
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Molecular structure calculation by using Schrodinger | New feature | Best practice on how to use Schrodinger in an E-HPC cluster to calculate molecular structure is added. | 2023-05-19 | |
Disabling HT for compute nodes | New feature | Each compute node in an E-HPC cluster is an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. By default, Hyper-Threading (HT) is enabled for each ECS instance. In some high-performance computing (HPC) scenarios, you can disable HT to improve the performance of instances. | 2023-05-08 |
March 2023
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Ubuntu support for E-HPC clusters | New feature | Public image for Ubuntu 20.04 is released. E-HPC clusters of the Ubuntu operating system can be created. | 2023-03-15 |
Release notes in 2022
December 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Automatic RAM role binding to added nodes | New feature | If you authorized RAM roles in the Authorized Instance Configuration section during cluster creation, the RAM roles are automatically bound to the nodes that are added during cluster scale out. | 2022-12-07 | N/A |
October 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
E-HPC clusters equipped with Yitian chips | New feature | E-HPC clusters equipped with Yitian chips can be created. A complete HPC software stack is provided, including the HPC scheduler, MPI library, and HPC software. The g8m instance family is in invitational preview. You can go to the g8m Instance Free Trial Application Form page to apply for a free trial use. | 2022-10-26 |
September 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Operation logs | Optimized feature | The query of operation logs is optimized:
| 2022-09-01 | |
Global search in the E-HPC console | New feature | E-HPC clusters and node resources can be queried in the top search bar of the E-HPC console. In the search result list, you can click a resource to open the corresponding page to view the resource details. | 2022-09-01 | N/A |
August 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Reports of E-HPC Slurm clusters | New feature | The core hours of E-HPC Slurm clusters can be queried by user or queue. | 2022-08-31 | N/A |
June 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
E-HPC client | New feature | An E-HPC client can be used to submit jobs, query jobs, and manage job files. This way, you can manage jobs with enhanced efficiency and user experience. | 2022-6-16 | |
Job monitoring | New feature | The number of running, submitted, queuing, and completed jobs can be viewed in the E-HPC console to monitor the jobs. | 2022-06-07 |
May 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
E-HPC cluster creation | Optimized feature | Software can no longer be installed when you use the wizard of the E-HPC console to create an E-HPC cluster. This helps you create E-HPC clusters with higher efficiency. After the cluster is created, you can install software in the Software Manage panel based on your needs. | 2022-05-16 |
April 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Storage resource monitoring | New feature | The cluster storage performance and storage usage of a time period can be viewed to monitor the status of storage resources. | 2022-04-27 | |
Auto scaling | Optimized feature | The maximum and minimum number of compute nodes that you want to add in each round of scale-out can be configured. | 2022-04-01 |
March 2022
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
User management | Optimized feature | The console permissions of RAM users can be modified. This feature is used to specify the modules that are visible to RAM users after they log on to the E-HPC console. | 2022-03-15 |
Releases before 2022
Release notes in 2021
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Hybrid cloud cluster | Optimized feature | The proxy mode is supported for hybrid cloud clusters. The proxy nodes on the cloud can be used to manage cloud cluster resources for on-premises clusters. | 2021-12-07 | |
Job submission | Optimized feature | The Submit Job tab of the Job module is updated. Workbench can be used to log on to E-HPC clusters and edit job files. | 2021-11-25 | |
Hybrid cloud cluster scale-out | Optimized feature | Hybrid cloud clusters can be scaled out within a zone or across multiple zones based on your needs. | 2021-10-26 | |
User management | New feature | A RAM user can be bound to an E-HPC cluster to facilitate cluster management. | 2021-09-29 | |
Scheduler management | New feature | Scheduler settings, such as queue resource limits and job scheduling cycles, can be configured to improve resource usage. | 2021-09-17 | |
Homepage customization | New feature | The Cluster, Job, or Nodes page can be configured as the homepage of the E-HPC console. | 2021-08-30 | N/A |
New region | New feature | E-HPC is available in the China (Heyuan) region. | 2021-05-13 | |
New region | New feature | E-HPC is available in the China (Ulanqab) region. | 2021-03-12 |
Release notes in 2020
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
E-HPC cluster creation | Optimized feature | The file system type can be selected when you create an E-HPC cluster. | 2020-11-23 | |
Hybrid cloud cluster | New feature | Open Grid Scheduler is supported for hybrid cloud clusters. | 2020-06-02 | |
Image change | New feature | The default image of a cluster can be changed in the E-HPC console. | 2020-05-07 | |
Template-based E-HPC cluster creation | New feature | E-HPC clusters can be created based on a template. Template files can be imported and exported. | 2020-04-24 |
Feature | Type | Description | Release date | Reference |
Auto scaling | Optimized feature | Auto scaling can be configured by queue for an E-HPC cluster. | 2018-09-27 | |
GPU performance monitoring | New feature | The GPU performance of an E-HPC cluster can be monitored. | 2018-09-27 | |
E-HPC cluster scale-out | Optimized feature | The compute nodes of an instance type that is different from the existing instance type can be added to an E-HPC cluster when you scale out the cluster. | 2018-07-12 | |
Job submission | New feature | Jobs can be submitted in the E-HPC console. | 2018-06-29 | |
Auto scaling | Optimized feature | Auto scaling is supported by the E-HPC clusters that use the LSF scheduler. | 2018-06-05 | |
Auto scaling | Optimized feature | Preemptible instances are supported by auto scaling policies. | 2018-05-22 | |
Billing method | New feature | Subscription E-HPC clusters can be created and scaled out. | 2018-04-26 | |
E-HPC cluster status | New feature | The Stopped state and Deploying state are added for E-HPC clusters. | 2018-04-18 | |
New region | New feature | E-HPC is available in the China (Qingdao) region. | 2018-01-25 | |
E-HPC | New feature | E-HPC is released. | 2018-01-11 |