This topic describes how to use an Enterprise Edition transit router to create and manage a multicast network.
Background information
Before you create a multicast network, we recommend that you understand how multicast works, the billing rules for multicast, and the limits of multicast. For more information, see Multicast overview.
Step 1: Prepare the environment
Create an Enterprise Edition transit router in the region where you want to create a multicast network, and enable multicast for the transit router. For more information, see Create a transit router.
ImportantMulticast is supported by Enterprise Edition transit routers only in the following regions: China (Hangzhou), China (Shanghai), China (Beijing), China (Shenzhen), China (Chengdu), China (Hong Kong), Japan (Tokyo), Singapore, Germany (Frankfurt), Australia (Sydney), UK (London), US (Virginia), and US (Silicon Valley).
In regions that support multicast, Enterprise Edition transit routers created before you enable multicast in the regions do not support multicast. To enable multicast, you can delete the transit routers and create a new one. For more information about how to delete an Enterprise Edition transit router, see Delete a transit router.
Use the Enterprise Edition transit router to connect the virtual private clouds (VPCs) for which you want to enable multicast. For more information, see Use Enterprise Edition transit routers to enable intra-region communication between on-premises and cloud networks and Use Enterprise Edition transit routers to connect VPCs across regions and accounts.
Step 2: Create a multicast domain
You must create a multicast domain and associate it with one or more vSwitches to specify the scope of the multicast network. Only resources in the multicast network can transmit and receive multicast packets.
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
On the tab, click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Multicast tab, and click Create Multicast Domain.
In the Create Multicast Domain dialog box, set the following parameters and click OK.
Transit Router
The ID of the transit router in the selected region is displayed by default.
Multicast Domain Name
Enter a name for the multicast domain.
Select the VPCs that you want to associate with the multicast domain.
Select the vSwitches that you want to associate with the multicast domain.
You can select one or more vSwitches.
Enter a description for the multicast domain.
Step 3: Add a multicast source
After you create a multicast domain, you must add a multicast source and specify a multicast group for the multicast source. After you add a multicast source, it transmits multicast packets to the multicast group. Members in the multicast group can receive multicast packets sent from the multicast source.
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
On the tab, click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Multicast tab, and click the ID of the multicast domain in the left-side section on the Multicast tab.
In the Multicast Domain Details section, click the Multicast Groups tab and click Add Multicast Source.
On the Add Multicast Source page, set the following parameters and click OK.
Basic information
Transit Router
The ID of the transit router in the selected region is displayed by default.
Multicast Domain
The ID of the selected multicast domain is displayed by default.
Multicast Group Info
Multicast Group
Select the multicast group to which you want to add the multicast source. Valid values:
Create Multicast Group: If no multicast group is created in the selected multicast domain, you can select this option and enter an IP address. The system automatically creates a multicast group.
NoteThe IP address of the multicast group cannot be modified after the multicast group is created.
Select Multicast Group: If you want to use an existing multicast group in the selected multicast domain, select this option and select a multicast group.
New Multicast Group IP
Enter an IP address for the multicast group to be created. Valid values: to
Important224.0.0.0 to are reserved IP addresses for the system and cannot be used for the multicast group.
Each multicast group is identified by its IP address.
You must specify an IP address only if you select Create Multicast Group.
Multicast Group
Select an existing multicast group.
The multicast source is added to the selected multicast group.
You can select an existing multicast group only if you select Select Multicast Group.
Multicast Source Info
Resource Type
Select the type of multicast source. Default value: ENI.
You can specify only elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that are associated with Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances as multicast sources. The system uses the primary private IP address of the specified ENI to transmit multicast packets to the multicast group.
You can specify at most five ENIs as multicast sources at each time.
Select the vSwitch of the multicast source.
Select an ENI, which is the multicast source.
If you select Add as Multicast Member, the ENI is also specified as a multicast member in the multicast group.
Step 4: Add multicast members
If you do not specify a multicast member when you add a multicast source, you can perform the following operations to add multicast members. Only members in the multicast group can receive multicast packets sent from the multicast source. The multicast members receive multicast packets only from the multicast group to which the members belong.
Log on to the CEN console.
On the Instances page, click the ID of the CEN instance that you want to manage.
On the tab, click the ID of the transit router that you want to manage.
On the details page of the transit router, click the Multicast tab, and click the ID of the multicast domain in the left-side section on the Multicast tab.
In the Multicast Domain Details section, click the Multicast Groups tab, and click Add Group Member.
On the Add Group Member page, set the following parameters and click OK.
Basic information
Transit Router
The ID of the transit router in the selected region is displayed by default.
Multicast Domain
The ID of the selected multicast domain is displayed by default.
Multicast Group Info
Multicast Group
Select the multicast group to which you want to add members. Valid values:
Create Multicast Group: If no multicast group is created in the selected multicast domain, you can select this option and enter an IP address. The system automatically creates a multicast group.
NoteThe IP address of the multicast group cannot be modified after the multicast group is created.
Select Multicast Group: If you want to use an existing multicast group in the selected multicast domain, select this option and select a multicast group.
New Multicast Group IP
Enter an IP address for the multicast group to be created. Valid values: to
Each multicast group is identified by its IP address.
You must specify an IP address only if you select Create Multicast Group.
Multicast Group
Select an existing multicast group.
You can select an existing multicast group only if you select Select Multicast Group.
Group Member Info
Resource Type
Select the type of multicast member. Valid values:
ENI: Select the ENIs of vSwitches. This is the default value.
You can specify only ENIs that are associated with ECS instances as multicast members. The system uses the primary private IP address of the specified ENI to receive multicast packets.
You can click Add ENI to add more ENIs.
Inter-region Multicast Domain: Select a multicast domain of a transit router that supports inter-region communication.
After you select a multicast domain of a transit router that supports inter-region communication, members in the multicast group that has the same IP address as the current multicast group are added to the current multicast group.
For example, Multicast Domain 1 in the China (Hangzhou) region has a multicast group (Group A). Multicast Domain 2 in the China (Shanghai) region also has a multicast group (Group A). Group A in Multicast Domain 1 has the same IP address as Group A in Multicast Domain 2. Group A in Multicast Domain 2 contains members. You want to add members to Group A in Multicast Domain 1. You can set Resource Type to Inter-region Multicast Domain and select Multicast Domain 2 in the China (Shanghai) region. In this case, members of Group A in Multicast Domain 2 are added to Group A in Multicast Domain 1. The members can receive multicast packets from Group A in Multicast Domain 1.
ImportantBefore you select Inter-region Multicast Domain, make sure that the following requirements are met:
The regions for which you want to enable multicast can communicate with each other over inter-region connections.
The local region has a multicast group whose IP address is the same as a multicast group in the peer region. The multicast group in the peer region contains members.
You can add multicast members from a different region but you cannot add multicast sources from a different region.
Select the vSwitch of the multicast member.
You must select a vSwitch if you select ENI.
Select ENIs, which are multicast members.
You can specify ENIs as multicast members only if you select ENI.
If you select Add as Multicast Source, the ENI is also specified as a multicast source in the multicast group.
You can specify at most five multicast members at each time. If you select a resource in a VPC that belongs to another Alibaba Cloud account, you can specify one or more ENIs only in one VPC as multicast members. You cannot specify ENIs in different VPCs that belong to another Alibaba Cloud account.
Transit Router
Select the peer transit router.
You must specify a peer transit router only if you select Inter-region Multicast Domain.
Peer Multicast Domain
Select a peer multicast domain.
You must select a peer multicast domain only if you select Inter-region Multicast Domain.
What to do next
Operation | Description and prerequisite | Procedure |
Associate with a vSwitch | After you create a multicast domain, you can associate it with one or more vSwitches to specify the scope of the multicast network. |
You can repeat the preceding steps to associate the multicast domain with vSwitches of different VPCs. |
Disassociate from a vSwitch | If you want to remove a vSwitch from a multicast domain, you can disassociate the vSwitch from the multicast domain. Before you delete a vSwitch, make sure that the following requirements are met:
Remove members from a multicast group | If you no longer want a member in a multicast group to receive multicast packets, you can remove the member from the multicast group. |
Delete a multicast source | If you no longer want a multicast source to transmit multicast packets, you can delete the multicast source. |
Delete a multicast domain | If you no longer need a multicast network, you can delete the multicast domain used by the multicast network. Before you delete a multicast domain, make sure that the following requirements are met:
Management of multicast domains
CreateTransitRouterMulticastDomain: Creates a multicast domain.
ModifyTransitRouterMulticastDomain: Modifies the name and description of a multicast domain.
DeleteTransitRouterMulticastDomain: Deletes a multicast domain.
ListTransitRouterMulticastDomains: Queries multicast domains.
AssociateTransitRouterMulticastDomain: Associates a vSwitch in a VPC with a multicast domain.
DisassociateTransitRouterMulticastDomain: Disassociates a vSwitch from a multicast domain.
ListTransitRouterMulticastDomainAssociations: Queries whether vSwitches in VPCs are associated with a specified multicast domain.
ListTransitRouterMulticastDomainVSwitches: Queries the vSwitches in a VPC that are associated with a multicast domain.
Management of multicast sources and members
RegisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupSources: Adds a multicast source.
DeregisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupSources: Deletes a multicast source.
RegisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupMembers: Adds multicast members to a multicast group.
DeregisterTransitRouterMulticastGroupMembers: Removes multicast members from a multicast group.
ListGrantVSwitchEnis: Queries the ENIs in a VPC that can be specified as multicast sources or members.
ListTransitRouterMulticastGroups: Queries the multicast sources and members in a multicast domain.