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CDN:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Oct 23, 2024
This product(Cdn/2018-05-10) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Domain name management

Adding or removing domain namesAdding or removing domain names
AddCdnDomainAddCdnDomainAdds a domain name to accelerate.
BatchAddCdnDomainBatchAddCdnDomainAdds one or more domain names to Alibaba Cloud CDN. You can add a maximum of 50 domain names at a time.
DeleteCdnDomainDeleteCdnDomainRemoves an accelerated domain name from Alibaba Cloud CDN.
DescribeCdnDeletedDomainsDescribeCdnDeletedDomainsQueries the domain names that are deleted from your account.
Domain name ownership verificationDomain name ownership verification
VerifyDomainOwnerVerifyDomainOwnerVerifies the ownership of a specified domain name.
DescribeVerifyContentDescribeVerifyContentQueries the ownership verification content of an accelerated domain name.
DescribeDomainVerifyDataDescribeDomainVerifyDataQueries the verification content of a domain name, including the host record and record value.
Enabling or disabling domain namesEnabling or disabling domain names
StartCdnDomainStartCdnDomainEnables a disabled domain name. After the domain name is enabled, the value of the DomainStatus parameter is changed to Online.
BatchStartCdnDomainBatchStartCdnDomainEnables one or more domain names at a time. After a domain name is enabled, the value of the DomainStatus parameter is changed to Online.
StopCdnDomainStopCdnDomainDisables an accelerated domain name. After the domain name is disabled, the value of the DomainStatus parameter is changed to Offline.
BatchStopCdnDomainBatchStopCdnDomainDisables one or more accelerated domain names at a time. After an accelerated domain name is disabled, the value of the DomainStatus parameter is changed to Offline.
Domain name configurationDomain name configuration
DescribeUserDomainsDescribeUserDomainsQueries all accelerated domain names in your Alibaba Cloud account and the status of the accelerated domain names. You can filter domain names by name or status. Fuzzy match is supported.
DescribeDomainCnameDescribeDomainCnameDetects the CNAME for an accelerated domain name. You can check the resolution result to determine whether the CNAME is configured.
DescribeDomainsBySourceDescribeDomainsBySourceQueries accelerated domain names by origin server.
DescribeCdnUserDomainsByFuncDescribeCdnUserDomainsByFuncQueries accelerated domain names that have specified features configured and the status of the domain names.
DescribeCdnDomainDetailDescribeCdnDomainDetailQueries the basic information about an accelerated domain name.
DescribeCdnDomainConfigsDescribeCdnDomainConfigsQueries the configurations of an accelerated domain name. You can query the configurations of one or more features at the same time.
BatchSetCdnDomainConfigBatchSetCdnDomainConfigConfigures multiple accelerated domain names at a time.
BatchDeleteCdnDomainConfigBatchDeleteCdnDomainConfigDeletes configurations of multiple accelerated domain names at a time.
BatchUpdateCdnDomainBatchUpdateCdnDomainUpdates the configurations of multiple accelerated domain names at a time.
DeleteSpecificConfigDeleteSpecificConfigDeletes specified configurations of an accelerated domain name.
ModifyCdnDomainSchdmByPropertyModifyCdnDomainSchdmByPropertyChanges the acceleration region for an accelerated domain name.
ModifyCdnDomainModifyCdnDomainModifies the configuration of an accelerated domain name.
Domain name configuration management in the staging environmentDomain name configuration management in the staging environment
DescribeCdnDomainStagingConfigDescribeCdnDomainStagingConfigQueries the configurations of features in the staging environment.
SetCdnDomainStagingConfigSetCdnDomainStagingConfigConfigures a domain name to be accelerated in the staging environment.
RollbackStagingConfigRollbackStagingConfigRolls back configurations in the staging environment. After you call this operation, all configurations in the staging environment are cleared.
PublishStagingConfigToProductionPublishStagingConfigToProductionPublishes the configurations of the staging environment to the production environment.
DeleteSpecificStagingConfigDeleteSpecificStagingConfigDeletes a specified configuration of the staging environment.
Security settingsSecurity settings
SetWaitingRoomConfigSetWaitingRoomConfigConfigures the virtual waiting room feature for an accelerated domain name. This operation is available only for accelerated domain names of the Dynamic CDN workload type.
DescribeCdnUserConfigsDescribeCdnUserConfigsQueries configurations of security features.
DescribeBlockedRegionsDescribeBlockedRegionsQueries countries and regions that can be added to the blacklist.

Refresh and prefetch

PushObjectCachePushObjectCachePrefetches content from origin servers to points of presence (POPs). This reduces loads on origin servers because users can directly hit cache upon their first visits.
RefreshObjectCachesRefreshObjectCachesRefreshes files on Alibaba Cloud CDN points of presence (POPs). After files are refreshed, the original file content immediately becomes invalid. If clients request the original file content, Alibaba Cloud CDN forwards the requests to the origin server. Then, Alibaba Cloud CDN caches the latest content to the POPs and returns the content to the clients. Alibaba Cloud CDN allows you to refresh content from multiple URLs at the same time.
DescribeRefreshTasksDescribeRefreshTasksQueries the status of refresh or prefetch tasks that belong to an accelerated domain name.
DescribeRefreshTaskByIdDescribeRefreshTaskByIdQueries the statuses of refresh or prefetch tasks by task ID.
DescribePreloadDetailByIdDescribePreloadDetailByIdQueries the prefetch details of a task, including the prefetch progress of all resources in the task. Only users who are included in the whitelist can use this operation. If your bandwidth is greater than 100 Gbit/s, contact your business manager to apply for the whitelist.
DescribeCdnUserQuotaDescribeCdnUserQuotaQueries the quotas and usage of Alibaba Cloud CDN resources.

Monitoring and usage analytics

Resource monitoringResource monitoring
Visit dataVisit data
DescribeDomainPathDataDescribeDomainPathDataQueries monitoring data including the amount of network traffic and the number of visits by directory.
DescribeDomainQpsDataDescribeDomainQpsDataQueries the number of queries per second (QPS) for an accelerated domain name. The data is collected every 5 minutes. You can query data collected within the last 90 days.
DescribeDomainQpsDataByLayerDescribeDomainQpsDataByLayerQueries the number of queries per second (QPS) at a specific layer for one or more accelerated domain names. You can query data collected within the last 90 days.
DescribeDomainBpsDataDescribeDomainBpsDataQueries bandwidth monitoring data for one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainBpsDataByLayerDescribeDomainBpsDataByLayerQueries bandwidth data by protocol.
DescribeDomainBpsDataByTimeStampDescribeDomainBpsDataByTimeStampQueries the bandwidth data at a specified time for an accelerated domain.
DescribeDomainTrafficDataDescribeDomainTrafficDataQueries network traffic for one or more accelerated domain names. You can query data that is collected in the last 90 days.
DescribeDomainHttpCodeDataDescribeDomainHttpCodeDataQueries the total number and proportions of HTTP status codes returned from an accelerated domain name. The data is collected every 5 minutes.
DescribeDomainHttpCodeDataByLayerDescribeDomainHttpCodeDataByLayerQueries HTTP status codes by protocol.
DescribeDomainHitRateDataDescribeDomainHitRateDataQueries byte hit ratios that are measured in percentage.
DescribeDomainReqHitRateDataDescribeDomainReqHitRateDataQueries the request hit ratio in percentage.
DescribeDomainsUsageByDayDescribeDomainsUsageByDayQueries the monitoring data of an accelerated domain name. Data is collected every day. You can query data collected within the last 90 days.
DescribeDomainDetailDataByLayerDescribeDomainDetailDataByLayerThe domain name that you want to query. You can specify multiple domain names and separate them with commas (,). You can specify at most 30 domain names in each call.
DescribeRangeDataByLocateAndIspServiceDescribeRangeDataByLocateAndIspServiceQueries the bandwidth values by Internet service provider (ISP) and region.
Source dataSource data
DescribeDomainSrcBpsDataDescribeDomainSrcBpsDataQueries bandwidth monitoring data of requests that are redirected to origin servers for one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainSrcHttpCodeDataDescribeDomainSrcHttpCodeDataQueries the proportions of HTTP status codes that are returned during back-to-origin routing.
DescribeDomainSrcTrafficDataDescribeDomainSrcTrafficDataQueries origin traffic for one or more specified accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainSrcQpsDataDescribeDomainSrcQpsDataQueries the number of queries per second (QPS) that are sent to the origin server. You can query data collected in the last 90 days.
Real-time MonitoringReal-time Monitoring
Visit dataVisit data
DescribeDomainRealTimeTrafficDataDescribeDomainRealTimeTrafficDataQueries the monitoring data of network traffic for one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainRealTimeBpsDataDescribeDomainRealTimeBpsDataQueries the bandwidth data about one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainRealTimeHttpCodeDataDescribeDomainRealTimeHttpCodeDataQueries the total number and proportions of HTTP status codes returned from an accelerated domain name.
DescribeDomainRealTimeQpsDataDescribeDomainRealTimeQpsDataQueries the number of queries per second for one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainRealTimeReqHitRateDataDescribeDomainRealTimeReqHitRateDataQueries the request hit ratios for one or more accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainRealTimeByteHitRateDataDescribeDomainRealTimeByteHitRateDataQueries the byte hit ratios of accelerated domain names.
Source dataSource data
DescribeDomainRealTimeSrcBpsDataDescribeDomainRealTimeSrcBpsDataQueries origin bandwidth data for accelerated domain names.
DescribeDomainRealTimeSrcHttpCodeDataDescribeDomainRealTimeSrcHttpCodeDataQueries the total number and proportions of HTTP status codes returned during back-to-origin routing.
DescribeDomainRealTimeSrcTrafficDataDescribeDomainRealTimeSrcTrafficDataQueries the monitoring data of back-to-origin traffic for one or more specified accelerated domains. The data is collected every minute.
EdgeScript (ES) monitoringEdgeScript (ES) monitoring
DescribeEsExecuteDataDescribeEsExecuteDataQueries the execution status of scripts in EdgeScript (ES).
DescribeEsExceptionDataDescribeEsExceptionDataQueries the execution errors of a script in EdgeScript (ES).

Resource usage management

DescribeCdnUserBillHistoryDescribeCdnUserBillHistoryQueries the billing history under your Alibaba Cloud account.
DescribeCdnUserBillPredictionDescribeCdnUserBillPredictionEstimates resource usage of the current month.
CreateUserUsageDataExportTaskCreateUserUsageDataExportTaskCreates a task to export your resource usage history to a PDF file.
DescribeUserUsageDataExportTaskDescribeUserUsageDataExportTaskQueries usage export tasks that were created in the last three months.
DeleteUserUsageDataExportTaskDeleteUserUsageDataExportTaskDeletes a task that was used to export usage history.
CreateUsageDetailDataExportTaskCreateUsageDetailDataExportTaskCreates a task to export resource usage details to an Excel file.
DescribeUserUsageDetailDataExportTaskDescribeUserUsageDetailDataExportTaskQueries tasks that were used to export resource usage details of one or more accelerated domain names that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account. Resource usage information is collected every five minutes.
DeleteUsageDetailDataExportTaskDeleteUsageDetailDataExportTaskDeletes a task that was used to export usage details.
DescribeDomainUsageDataDescribeDomainUsageDataQueries the resource usage data of specific domain names in a specified billable region.
DescribeCdnUserResourcePackageDescribeCdnUserResourcePackageQueries the resource plans that you have purchased for Alibaba Cloud CDN.

Log management

Log operationsLog operations
DeleteRealTimeLogLogstoreDeleteRealTimeLogLogstoreDeletes the Logstore that is used by a specified configuration record of real-time log delivery.
CreateRealTimeLogDeliveryCreateRealTimeLogDeliveryEnables real-time log delivery for specific accelerated domain names.
ModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryModifyRealtimeLogDeliveryModifies the configurations of real-time log delivery for a specific domain name. Each domain name supports only one Logstore.
DeleteRealtimeLogDeliveryDeleteRealtimeLogDeliveryDeletes the configurations of real-time log delivery for specific accelerated domain names.
DisableRealtimeLogDeliveryDisableRealtimeLogDeliveryDisables real-time log delivery for specific accelerated domain names.
EnableRealtimeLogDeliveryEnableRealtimeLogDeliveryEnables real-time log delivery for an accelerated domain name.
DescribeDomainRealtimeLogDeliveryDescribeDomainRealtimeLogDeliveryQueries the real-time log delivery information about an accelerated domain name.
DescribeRealtimeDeliveryAccDescribeRealtimeDeliveryAccQueries the number of real-time log deliveries.
ListRealtimeLogDeliveryInfosListRealtimeLogDeliveryInfosQueries the information about the real-time log delivery feature in a specified region.
ListRealtimeLogDeliveryDomainsListRealtimeLogDeliveryDomainsQueries all domain names that are associated with a specific real-time log delivery configuration record.
Offline logsOffline logs
DescribeDomainCustomLogConfigDescribeDomainCustomLogConfigQueries the custom log configuration of an accelerated domain name.
DescribeCustomLogConfigDescribeCustomLogConfigQueries the details about a custom logging configuration.
DescribeCdnDomainLogsDescribeCdnDomainLogsQueries the address where you can download the log data of a specific domain name.
ListDomainsByLogConfigIdListDomainsByLogConfigIdQueries domain names by log configuration ID.
ListUserCustomLogConfigListUserCustomLogConfigQueries all custom log configurations in your account.

Service management

OpenCdnServiceOpenCdnServiceActivates Alibaba Cloud CDN. You must activate Alibaba Cloud CDN before you can manage domain names in Alibaba Cloud CDN.
DescribeCdnRegionAndIspDescribeCdnRegionAndIspQueries Internet service providers (ISPs) and regions that are supported by Alibaba Cloud CDN.
DescribeCdnOrderCommodityCodeDescribeCdnOrderCommodityCodeQueries the code of a commodity by account UID.
DescribeCdnServiceDescribeCdnServiceQueries the status of your Alibaba Cloud CDN service. The information includes the service activation time, the current service status, the current metering method, and the metering method for the next cycle.

Certificate management

SetDomainServerCertificateSetDomainServerCertificateConfigures an SSL certificate for an accelerated domain name.
BatchSetCdnDomainServerCertificateBatchSetCdnDomainServerCertificateEnables, disables, or configures the SSL certificates of one or more accelerated domain names at a time.
DescribeCdnDomainByCertificateDescribeCdnDomainByCertificateQueries accelerated domain names by SSL certificate.
DescribeDomainCertificateInfoDescribeDomainCertificateInfoQueries the certificate information of an accelerated domain name.
DescribeCdnCertificateDetailDescribeCdnCertificateDetailQueries the detailed information about an SSL certificate.
DescribeCdnCertificateListDescribeCdnCertificateListQueries the certificates of accelerated domain names.
DescribeCdnSSLCertificateListDescribeCdnSSLCertificateListQueries the certificate list by domain name.
DescribeCdnHttpsDomainListDescribeCdnHttpsDomainListQueries the information about SSL certificates that belong to your Alibaba Cloud account.
DescribeCertificateInfoByIDDescribeCertificateInfoByIDQueries the information about a specific certificate by certificate ID.
DescribeCdnCertificateDetailByIdDescribeCdnCertificateDetailByIdQueries certificate details by certificate ID.
DescribeUserCertificateExpireCountDescribeUserCertificateExpireCountQueries the number of domain names whose SSL certificates are about to expire or have already expired.
CreateCdnCertificateSigningRequestCreateCdnCertificateSigningRequestCreates a certificate signing request (CSR).
SetCdnDomainCSRCertificateSetCdnDomainCSRCertificateYou can call this operation to configure an SSL certificate for a specific domain name.
SetCdnDomainSMCertificateSetCdnDomainSMCertificateEnables or disables a ShangMi (SM) certificate for a domain name.
DescribeCdnSMCertificateListDescribeCdnSMCertificateListQueries the ShangMi (SM) certificates of an accelerated domain name.
DescribeCdnSMCertificateDetailDescribeCdnSMCertificateDetailQueries the details about a ShangMi (SM) certificate.
SetCdnDomainSSLCertificateSetCdnDomainSSLCertificateEnables or disables the certificate for a domain name and updates the certificate information.

Tag management

TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds one or more tags to specific resources.
DescribeTagResourcesDescribeTagResourcesQueries tags that are added to specified resources.
DescribeUserTagsDescribeUserTagsQueries user tags.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from specified resources.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries the tags that are attached to a resource.

Operations reports

CreateCdnSubTaskCreateCdnSubTaskCreates a custom operations report.
DescribeCdnSubListDescribeCdnSubListQueries the tracking tasks that you have created.
UpdateCdnSubTaskUpdateCdnSubTaskUpdates one or more operations reports.
DeleteCdnSubTaskDeleteCdnSubTaskThe ID of the request.
DescribeCdnReportDescribeCdnReportQueries the content of an operations report.
DescribeCdnReportListDescribeCdnReportListQueries custom operations reports.
CreateCdnDeliverTaskCreateCdnDeliverTaskCreates a tracking task. After you create a tracking task, the system sends operations reports to you by email on a regular basis.
DescribeCdnDeliverListDescribeCdnDeliverListQueries one or more tracking tasks of operations reports.
UpdateCdnDeliverTaskUpdateCdnDeliverTaskUpdates a tracking task.
DeleteCdnDeliverTaskDeleteCdnDeliverTaskDeletes tracking tasks by task ID.

Auxiliary tool operations

DescribeIpInfoDescribeIpInfoChecks whether a specified IP address is the IP address of a CDN point of presence (POP).
DescribeStagingIpDescribeStagingIpQueries node IP addresses in the staging environment.
DescribeL2VipsByDomainDescribeL2VipsByDomainQueries the virtual IP addresses (VIPs) of L2 CDN points of presence (POPs) for a specific domain name.
DescribeUserVipsByDomainDescribeUserVipsByDomainQueries virtual IP addresses (VIPs) of CDN points of presence (POPs) by domain name.
DescribeIpStatusDescribeIpStatusQueries the status of IP addresses of points of presence (POPs). The status of an IP address of a POP indicates whether content delivery acceleration is supported by the POP.
AddFCTriggerAddFCTriggerAdds a Function Compute trigger.
UpdateFCTriggerUpdateFCTriggerUpdates a specified Function Compute trigger.
DescribeFCTriggerDescribeFCTriggerQueries a specified Function Compute trigger.
DeleteFCTriggerDeleteFCTriggerDeletes a specified Function Compute trigger.
ListFCTriggerListFCTriggerQueries the Function Compute trigger that is set for an Alibaba Cloud CDN event.

Security information query

DescribeDomainCcActivityLogDescribeDomainCcActivityLogQueries log entries of rate limiting.


ModifyCdnDomainOwnerModifyCdnDomainOwnerTransfer domain names from an Alibaba Cloud account to the current account.
DescribeCdnConditionIPBInfoDescribeCdnConditionIPBInfoQueries the Internet service provider (ISP), region, and country that are required for advanced conditions.
ChangeCdnDomainToDcdnChangeCdnDomainToDcdnTransfer a domain name from Alibaba Cloud CDN to DCDN.
DescribeCdnSecFuncInfoDescribeCdnSecFuncInfoQueries information about security features of Alibaba Cloud CDN.
CheckCdnDomainExistCheckCdnDomainExistChecks whether a domain name exists.
DescribeCdnMigrateRegisterStatusDescribeCdnMigrateRegisterStatusQueries the registration status of the dynamic routing feature of Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN) for a domain name that is added to Alibaba Cloud CDN.
CdnMigrateRegisterCdnMigrateRegisterRegisters the dynamic routing feature of Dynamic Content Delivery Network (DCDN) for an Alibaba Cloud CDN-accelerated domain name. After the registration is successful, the routing center generates the dynamic routing information and send it to DCDN points of presence (POPs). This is a prerequisite for you to transfer a domain name from Alibaba Cloud CDN to DCDN.
CheckCdnDomainICPCheckCdnDomainICPChecks whether an ICP filing is obtained for the domain name.
BatchDescribeCdnIpInfoBatchDescribeCdnIpInfoQueries whether one or more IP addresses are assigned to Alibaba Cloud CDN.