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Last Updated:Jul 05, 2024

Queries the content of an operations report.

Operation description

Note You can call this operation up to three times per second per account.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The domain name that you want to query. Separate domain names with commas (,).,

The ID of the operations report that you want to query. You can specify only one ID in each request. You can call the DescribeCdnSubList operation to query report IDs.


The region. You can call the DescribeCdnRegionAndIsp operation to query regions.

  • If you do not specify a region, data in all regions is queried.
  • If you specify a region, data in the specified region is queried. You can specify one or more regions. If you specify multiple regions, separate the regions with commas (,).

Specifies whether the region is outside the Chinese mainland. Valid values:

  • 1: outside the Chinese mainland
  • 0: inside the Chinese mainland

The HTTP status code. Valid values:

  • 2xx
  • 3xx
  • 4xx
  • 5xx

If you do not specify this parameter, all HTTP status codes are queried.


The beginning of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.


The end of the time range to query. Specify the time in the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time must be in UTC.


Parameters required by each report metric

Report metricRequired parameterDescription
PV and UVAction, ReportId, DomainName, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Top client IP addresses by trafficAction, ReportId, DomainName, Area, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Top client IPs by requestAction, ReportId, DomainName, Area, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Visit distribution by regionAction, ReportId, DomainName, IsOverseas, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Distribution of Internet service providers (ISPs)Action, ReportId, DomainName, IsOverseas, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular Referers by trafficAction, ReportId, DomainName, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular Referers by requestAction, ReportId, DomainName, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular URLs by trafficAction, ReportId, DomainName, HttpCode, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular URLs by requestAction, ReportId, DomainName, HttpCode, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular back-to-origin URLs by trafficAction, ReportId, DomainName, HttpCode, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular back-to-origin URLs by requestAction, ReportId, DomainName, HttpCode, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.
Popular domain names by trafficAction, ReportId, StartTime, and EndTimeOther parameters are not supported.

Response parameters


The content of the operations report.


The ID of the request.


Fields in the data parameter

deliverreportThe type of the report.
dataString[]The content in the operations report. Example: [{"Header Field 1":"value1","Header Field 2":"value2"}, {"Header Field 1":"value3","Header Field 2":"value4"}].

Fields in the report parameter

titleStringThe title of the report.
formatStringThe format of the report. Valid values:charttable
shapeStringThe format of the chart. If format is table, ignore this field. Valid values:linepiebar
headerString[]The fields that are used as the table headers.
legendStringThe fields that are used as the legends.
xAxisStringThe x-axis of the chart. If you do not specify a value, the chart does not have an x-axis.
yAxisStringThe y-axis of the chart. If you do not specify a value, the chart does not have a y-axis.


Sample success responses


  "Content": {
    "test": "test",
    "test2": 1
  "RequestId": "04F0F334-1335-436C-A1D7-6C044FE73368"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400InvalidParameterThe specified parameter is invalid.-
400TimeParseFailedFailed to parse the time parameter.Failed to parse the time parameter.
400SubscriptionAlreadyExistsThe subscription already exists.The subscription already exists.
400SubscriptionNotFoundThe subscription is not found.The subscription is not found.
400NameAlreadyExistsThe name already exists.The specified name already exists.
400DeliverExceedLimitThe maximum number of subscribed tasks is exceeded.The number of tracking tasks has reached the upper limit.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.