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Last Updated:Jul 04, 2024

Configures multiple accelerated domain names at a time.

Operation description

  • You can call this operation up to 30 times per second per account.
  • You can specify multiple domain names and must separate them with commas (,). You can specify up to 50 domain names in each call.
  • If the BatchSetCdnDomainConfig operation is successful, a unique configuration ID (ConfigId) is generated. You can use configuration IDs to update or delete configurations. For more information, see Usage notes on ConfigId.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer.

Authorization information

There is currently no authorization information disclosed in the API.

Request parameters


The accelerated domain names. You can specify multiple accelerated domain names and separate them with commas (,).

The features that you want to configure. Format:

  • functionName: the name of the feature. This parameter is required. Separate multiple values with commas (,). For more information, see Parameters for configuring features for domain names.
  • argName: the feature parameter for functionName. This parameter is required. You can specify multiple feature parameters.
  • argValue: the parameter value that is specified for functionName. This parameter is required.
  • parentid: the rule condition ID. This parameter is optional. You can use the condition rule engine to create a rule condition. For information, see Parameters for configuring features for domain names. A rule condition can identify parameters that are included in requests and filter requests based on the identified parameters. After you create a rule condition, a configid is generated. A configid can be used as parentId that is referenced by other features. This way, you can combine rule conditions and features for flexible configurations.

If the ParentId parameter is **-1**, the existing rule conditions in the configurations are deleted.

   "functionArgs": [{
     "argName": "Parameter A", 
     "argValue": "Value of parameter A"
    "argName": "Parameter B", 
    "argValue": "Value of parameter B"
 "functionName": "Feature name"
 "parentId": Optional. parentId corresponds to configid of the referenced rule condition

The following code provides a sample configuration if parentId is not used. In this example, the origin_request_header feature is used to add back-to-origin HTTP headers, and the rule condition whose configuration ID is configid=222728944812032 is referenced.

        "functionArgs": [{
            "argName": "header_operation_type",
            "argValue": "add"
        }, {
            "argName": "header_name",
            "argValue": "Accept-Encoding"
        }, {
            "argName": "header_value",
            "argValue": "gzip"
        }, {
            "argName": "duplicate",
            "argValue": "off"
        "functionName": "origin_request_header"

The following code shows a sample configuration if parentId is used. In this example, the origin_request_header feature is used to add back-to-origin HTTP headers, and the rule condition whose configuration ID is 222728944812032 is referenced.

        "functionArgs": [{
            "argName": "header_operation_type",
            "argValue": "add"
        }, {
            "argName": "header_name",
            "argValue": "Accept-Encoding"
        }, {
            "argName": "header_value",
            "argValue": "gzip"
        }, {
            "argName": "duplicate",
            "argValue": "off"
        "functionName": "origin_request_header",
        "parentId": 222728944812032

The following code provides a sample configuration that deletes the reference to parentId for a feature that uses parentId. This example shows how to delete the rule condition that has a configuration ID of 222728944812032 and is referenced when origin_request_header feature is used to add back-to-origin HTTP headers.

        "functionArgs": [{
            "argName": "header_operation_type",
            "argValue": "add"
        }, {
            "argName": "header_name",
            "argValue": "Accept-Encoding"
        }, {
            "argName": "header_value",
            "argValue": "gzip"
        }, {
            "argName": "duplicate",
            "argValue": "off"
        "functionName": "origin_request_header",
        "parentId": -1
[{"functionArgs": [{"argName": "key","argValue": "Content-Encoding"},{"argName": "value","argValue": "gzip"}],"functionName": "set_resp_header"} ]

Response parameters


The ID of the request.


The list of domain configurations.


The ID of the configuration.


The domain name.

The name of the feature.



Sample success responses


  "RequestId": "04F0F334-1335-436C-A1D7-6C044FE73368",
  "DomainConfigList": {
    "DomainConfigModel": [
        "ConfigId": 1234567,
        "DomainName": "",
        "FunctionName": "set_resp_header"

Error codes

HTTP status codeError codeError messageDescription
400InvalidFunctions.MalformedThe specified Functions is incorrectly formatted.-
400InvalidArgValue.MalformedThe specified ArgValue is invalid.Specified ArgValue is malformed.
400Invalid%s.ValueNotSupported[%s] is not supported.-
400Invalid%s.MalformedThe specified ArgValue [%s] is invalid.-
400MissingParameter%sThe specified value of ArgName[%s] is missing.You must specify this parameter.
400InvalidFunctionArgs.MalformedThe specified FunctionArgs is invalid.The specified feature parameter is invalid.
400MissingParameterThe specified ArgValue is missing.-
400InvalidHeaderKey.ValueNotSupportedThe specified value of parameter HeaderKey is not supported.The specified HTTP header is invalid. Valid values: Content-Type, Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Language, Expires, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Access-Control-Allow-Methods, Access-Control-Allow-Headers, Access-Control-Max-Age, Access-Control-Expose-Headers, and Access-Control-Allow-Credentials.
400TooManyDomainsThe count of domain is over 50.-
400ConfigurationConflictsThe staging environment has a configuration in effect and cannot modify the production environment configuration.Failed to modify the parameter settings in the production environment because the parameter settings are different from those in the stating environment. Set parameters in the staging environment before you publish them to the production environment.
400InvalidFunction.NotSupportedThe domain is not supported to set the function.This feature is not supported for domain names.
400InvalidDomain.BelongToConfigGroupThis Domain activated in configuration group and should modify by config group.-
400MissingParameterFunctionsThe specified value of Functions is missing.-
400NoPermission.SLRThe current user does not have permission to create servicelinkedrole. Please contact the Alibaba Cloud account or administrator to authorize AliyunCDNFullAccess or custom policy:Service,Role: AliyunServiceRoleForCDNAccessingDDoS,Permission: ram: CreateServiceLinkedRoleYou are not authorized to create service-linked roles. Obtain the AliyunCDNFullAccess permission or custom permission policies used to create service-linked roles from your Alibaba Cloud account or the administrator. Obtain custom permissions based on the following information: Service Name:, Service-linked Role Name: AliyunServiceRoleForCDNAccessingDDoS, Required Permission: ram:CreateServiceLinkedRole.
400ConfigExceedLimitCount of config entries exceeds the limit.The upper limit is reached.
400EdgeScriptCountExceedLimitThe number of rules exceeds the default limit (1). To increase the limit, submit a ticket.-
400EdgeScripOptionsHasInnerConfigThe extension has a background configuration or a parameter of this configuration is invalid. For more information, submit a ticket.The extension has a background configuration or a configured parameter is invalid. For more information, submit a ticket.
400EdgeScriptGrammarNotSupportA background customization rule exists or a parameter of this configuration is invalid. For more information, submit a ticket.A background custom rule exists or a configured parameter is invalid. For more information, submit a ticket.
400EdgeScriptNotSupportJsJavaScript rules are not supported. For more information, submit a ticket.JavaScript rules are not supported. For more information, submit a ticket.
400ServiceInvokeFailedFailed to invoke service.An internal server error occurred.
400ConfigParentExceedLimitConfig parent exceed limit.The referenced advanced conditional rule exceeds the threshold.

For a list of error codes, visit the Service error codes.

Change history

Change timeSummary of changesOperation
2023-06-13The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-05-25The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-05-23The Error code has changedView Change Details
2023-03-15The Error code has changedView Change Details