Community Blog Processing a Cartoon Style Avatar Applet Based on Serverless Architecture

Processing a Cartoon Style Avatar Applet Based on Serverless Architecture

This article explains the code behind a cartoon applet built with Serverless architecture.

By Liu Yu (This article is originally from Go Serverless.)

I have always wanted a cartoon version of my avatar, but I cannot make it. Therefore, I wonder if I can implement this function using AI and deploy it to Serverless architecture for more people to try it out.

Project Development

Backend Project

The backend project adopts the v2 version of AnimeGAN, a famous animation-style conversion filter library in the industry. The following is the effect:


Specific information about this model will not be introduced and explained in detail here. AI models are exposed through interfaces by combining with the Python Web framework:

from PIL import Image
import io
import torch
import base64
import bottle
import random
import json

cacheDir = '/tmp/'
modelDir = './model/bryandlee_animegan2-pytorch_main'
getModel = lambda modelName: torch.hub.load(modelDir, "generator", pretrained=modelName, source='local')
models = {
    'celeba_distill': getModel('celeba_distill'),
    'face_paint_512_v1': getModel('face_paint_512_v1'),
    'face_paint_512_v2': getModel('face_paint_512_v2'),
    'paprika': getModel('paprika')
randomStr = lambda num=5: "".join(random.sample('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', num))
face2paint = torch.hub.load(modelDir, "face2paint", size=512, source='local')

@bottle.route('/images/comic_style', method='POST')
def getComicStyle():
    result = {}
        postData = json.loads(bottle.request.body.read().decode("utf-8"))
        style = postData.get("style", 'celeba_distill')
        image = postData.get("image")
        localName = randomStr(10)

        # Image Acquisition
        imagePath = cacheDir + localName
        with open(imagePath, 'wb') as f:

        # Content Prediction
        model = models[style]
        imgAttr = Image.open(imagePath).convert("RGB")
        outAttr = face2paint(model, imgAttr)
        img_buffer = io.BytesIO()
        outAttr.save(img_buffer, format='JPEG')
        byte_data = img_buffer.getvalue()
        result["photo"] = 'data:image/jpg;base64, %s' % base64.b64encode(byte_data).decode()
    except Exception as e:
        print("ERROR: ", e)
        result["error"] = True

    return result

app = bottle.default_app()
if __name__ == "__main__":
    bottle.run(host='localhost', port=8099)

The code is partially improved based on the Serverless architecture:

  1. When the instance is initialized, the model is loaded, which may reduce the impact of frequent cold starts.
  2. Only the /tmp directory is writable in function mode, so the picture will be cached to the /tmp directory.
  3. Function Compute is said to be stateless, but there are cases of reuse. All data are randomly named when stored in the tmp.
  4. Some cloud vendors support binary file upload, but most Serverless architectures are not friendly to binary upload, so the Base64 upload scheme is still adopted here.

The preceding code is more AI-related. In addition, there needs to be an interface to obtain the model list, model path, and other related information:

import bottle

@bottle.route('/system/styles', method='GET')
def styles():
    return {
      "AI动漫风": {
        'color': 'red',
        'detailList': {
          "风格1": {
            'uri': "images/comic_style",
            'name': 'celeba_distill',
            'color': 'orange',
            'preview': 'https://serverless-article-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/1647773808708_20220320105649389392.png'
          "风格2": {
            'uri': "images/comic_style",
            'name': 'face_paint_512_v1',
            'color': 'blue',
            'preview': 'https://serverless-article-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/1647773875279_20220320105756071508.png'
          "风格3": {
            'uri': "images/comic_style",
            'name': 'face_paint_512_v2',
            'color': 'pink',
            'preview': 'https://serverless-article-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/1647773926924_20220320105847286510.png'
          "风格4": {
            'uri': "images/comic_style",
            'name': 'paprika',
            'color': 'cyan',
            'preview': 'https://serverless-article-picture.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/1647773976277_20220320105936594662.png'

app = bottle.default_app()
if __name__ == "__main__":
    bottle.run(host='localhost', port=8099)

I added a new function as a new interface to be exposed to the public. Why don't we add such an interface in the project just now to maintain one more function?

  1. The AI model loading speed is slow. If the interface to obtain the AI processing list is integrated, it is bound to affect the performance of the interface.
  2. The AI model needs more memory to be configured, while the interface to obtain the AI processing list needs little memory. Memory will have a certain relationship with billing, so separation helps reduce the cost.

The second interface (the interface for obtaining the AI processing list) is simple. However, there are more problems with the interface of the first AI model.

  1. The dependencies required by the model may involve some binary compilation processes, so they cannot be used across platforms.
  2. The model file is large (Pytorch alone is more than 800M). The Function Compute upload code is only 100M at most, so this project cannot be uploaded.

Therefore, the Serverless Devs project needs to be used for processing:

Please refer to: https://docs.serverless-devs.com/en/fc/yaml/readme

Complete the s.yaml writing:

edition: 1.0.0
name: start-ai
access: "default"

vars: # Global Variable
  region: cn-hangzhou
    name: ai
    nasConfig:                  # After configuration, the function can access the specified NAS.
      userId: 10003             # userID, Default Vaule: 10003
      groupId: 10003            # groupID, Default Vaule: 10003
      mountPoints:              # Directory Configuration
        - serverAddr: 0fe764bf9d-kci94.cn-hangzhou.nas.aliyuncs.com # NAS Server Address
          nasDir: /python3
          fcDir: /mnt/python3
      vpcId: vpc-bp1rmyncqxoagiyqnbcxk
      securityGroupId: sg-bp1dpxwusntfryekord6
        - vsw-bp1wqgi5lptlmk8nk5yi0

    component:  fc
    props: #  Attribute Value
      region: ${vars.region}
      service: ${vars.service}
        name: image_server
        description: Image Processing Service
        runtime: python3
        codeUri: ./
        ossBucket: temp-code-cn-hangzhou
        handler: index.app
        memorySize: 3072
        timeout: 300
          PYTHONUSERBASE: /mnt/python3/python
        - name: httpTrigger
          type: http
            authType: anonymous
              - GET
              - POST
              - PUT
        - domainName: avatar.aialbum.net
          protocol: HTTP
            - path: /*


  1. Dependency installation: s build --use-docker
  2. Project deployment: s deploy
  3. Create a directory in NAS and upload the dependencies:
s nas command mkdir /mnt/python3/python
s nas upload -r Local Dependency Path /mnt/python3/python

After completion, the project can be tested through the interface.

In addition, WeChat Mini Program need an https background interface, so https-related certificate information needs to be configured here, which is not explained in detail.

WeChat Mini Program Project

I will deploy my code on WeChat Mini Program. You can try on other platforms too, but the specific implementation may be different. The project still uses colorUi, and the entire project only has one page:


Page Related Layout:

<scroll-view scroll-y class="scrollPage">
  <image src='/images/topbg.jpg' mode='widthFix' class='response'></image>

  <view class="cu-bar bg-white solid-bottom margin-top">
    <view class="action">
      <text class="cuIcon-title text-blue"></text>Step 1: Select an image
  <view class="padding bg-white solid-bottom">
    <view class="flex">
      <view class="flex-sub bg-grey padding-sm margin-xs radius text-center" bindtap="chosePhoto">Upload an image locally</view>
      <view class="flex-sub bg-grey padding-sm margin-xs radius text-center" bindtap="getUserAvatar">Obtain the current avatar</view>
  <view class="padding bg-white" hidden="{{!userChosePhoho}}">
    <view class="images">
      <image src="{{userChosePhoho}}" mode="widthFix" bindtap="previewImage" bindlongpress="editImage" data-image="{{userChosePhoho}}"></image>
    <view class="text-right padding-top text-gray">* Click the image to preview, long press the image to edit</view>

  <view class="cu-bar bg-white solid-bottom margin-top">
    <view class="action">
      <text class="cuIcon-title text-blue"></text>Step 2: Select an image processing scheme
  <view class="bg-white">
    <scroll-view scroll-x class="bg-white nav">
      <view class="flex text-center">
        <view class="cu-item flex-sub {{style==currentStyle?'text-orange cur':''}}" wx:for="{{styleList}}"
          wx:for-index="style" bindtap="changeStyle" data-style="{{style}}">
  <view class="padding-sm bg-white solid-bottom">
    <view class="cu-avatar round xl bg-{{item.color}} margin-xs" wx:for="{{styleList[currentStyle].detailList}}"
      wx:for-index="substyle" bindtap="changeStyle" data-substyle="{{substyle}}" bindlongpress="showModal" data-target="Image"> 
      <view class="cu-tag badge cuIcon-check bg-grey" hidden="{{currentSubStyle == substyle ? false : true}}"></view>
      <text class="avatar-text">{{substyle}}</text>
    <view class="text-right padding-top text-gray">* Long press the style circle to preview the template effect</view>

  <view class="padding-sm bg-white solid-bottom">
    <button class="cu-btn block bg-blue margin-tb-sm lg" bindtap="getNewPhoto" disabled="{{!userChosePhoho}}"
      type="">{{ userChosePhoho ? (getPhotoStatus ? 'AI将花费较长时间' : '生成图片') : '请先选择图片' }}</button>

  <view class="cu-bar bg-white solid-bottom margin-top" hidden="{{!resultPhoto}}">
    <view class="action">
      <text class="cuIcon-title text-blue"></text>Generate the result
  <view class="padding-sm bg-white solid-bottom" hidden="{{!resultPhoto}}">
    <view wx:if="{{resultPhoto == 'error'}}">
      <view class="text-center padding-top">The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.</view>
      <view class="text-center padding-top">Or add the developer's WeChat:<text class="text-blue" data-data="zhihuiyushaiqi" bindtap="copyData">zhihuiyushaiqi</text></view>
    <view wx:else>
      <view class="images">
        <image src="{{resultPhoto}}" mode="aspectFit" bindtap="previewImage" bindlongpress="saveImage" data-image="{{resultPhoto}}"></image>
      <view class="text-right padding-top text-gray">* Click the image to preview, long press the image to save.</view>

  <view class="padding bg-white margin-top margin-bottom">
    <view class="text-center">Proud to build with Serverless Devs</view>
    <view class="text-center">Powered By Anycodes <text bindtap="showModal" class="text-cyan" data-target="Modal">{{"<"}}Author's words{{">"}}</text></view>

  <view class="cu-modal {{modalName=='Modal'?'show':''}}">
  <view class="cu-dialog">
    <view class="cu-bar bg-white justify-end">
      <view class="content">Author's words</view>
      <view class="action" bindtap="hideModal">
        <text class="cuIcon-close text-red"></text>
    <view class="padding-xl text-left">
      Hello everyone, I am Liu Yu. Thank you very much for your attention and use of this applet. It is an avatar generation gadget I made in my spare time. It is based on the" artificialretardation "technology. Anyway, it is awkward now, but I will try my best to make this small program" intelligent ". If you have any good comments, please contact me.<text class="text-blue" data-data="service@52exe.cn" bindtap="copyData">Email</text>or<text class="text-blue" data-data="zhihuiyushaiqi" bindtap="copyData">WeChat</text>. It is worth mentioning that this project is based on Alibaba Cloud Serverless architecture and is built through Serverless Devs developer tools.

<view class="cu-modal {{modalName=='Image'?'show':''}}">
  <view class="cu-dialog">
    <view class="bg-img" style="background-image: url("{{previewStyle}}");height:200px;">
      <view class="cu-bar justify-end text-white">
        <view class="action" bindtap="hideModal">
          <text class="cuIcon-close "></text>
    <view class="cu-bar bg-white">
      <view class="action margin-0 flex-sub  solid-left" bindtap="hideModal">Disable preview</view>


The page logic is simple:

// index.js
// Instances of Application Acquisition
const app = getApp()

  data: {
    styleList: {},
    currentStyle: "动漫风",
    currentSubStyle: "v1模型",
    userChosePhoho: undefined,
    resultPhoto: undefined,
    previewStyle: undefined,
    getPhotoStatus: false
  // Event Processing Function
  bindViewTap() {
      url: '../logs/logs'
  onLoad() {
    const that = this
      title: '加载中',
    app.doRequest(`system/styles`, {}, option = {
      method: "GET"
    }).then(function (result) {
        styleList: result,
        currentStyle: Object.keys(result)[0],
        currentSubStyle: Object.keys(result[Object.keys(result)[0]].detailList)[0],

  changeStyle(attr) {
      "currentStyle": attr.currentTarget.dataset.style || this.data.currentStyle,
      "currentSubStyle": attr.currentTarget.dataset.substyle || Object.keys(this.data.styleList[attr.currentTarget.dataset.style].detailList)[0]

  chosePhoto() {
    const that = this
      count: 1,
      sizeType: ['compressed'],
      sourceType: ['album', 'camera'],
      complete(res) {
          userChosePhoho: res.tempFilePaths[0],
          resultPhoto: undefined


  headimgHD(imageUrl) {
    imageUrl = imageUrl.split('/'); //Cut the path of the avatar into an array
    //Convert 46 || 64 || 96 || 132  to 0
    if (imageUrl[imageUrl.length - 1] && (imageUrl[imageUrl.length - 1] == 46 || imageUrl[imageUrl.length - 1] == 64 || imageUrl[imageUrl.length - 1] == 96 || imageUrl[imageUrl.length - 1] == 132)) {
      imageUrl[imageUrl.length - 1] = 0;
    imageUrl = imageUrl.join('/'); //Re-concatenate as string
    return imageUrl;

  getUserAvatar() {
    const that = this
      desc: "获取您的头像",
      success(res) {
        const newAvatar = that.headimgHD(res.userInfo.avatarUrl)
          src: newAvatar,
          success(res) {
                    userChosePhoho: res.path,
                    resultPhoto: undefined


  previewImage(e) {
      urls: [e.currentTarget.dataset.image]

  editImage() {
    const that = this
      src: this.data.userChosePhoho,
      success(res) {
          userChosePhoho: res.tempFilePath

  getNewPhoto() {
    const that = this
      title: '图片生成中',
      getPhotoStatus: true
    app.doRequest(this.data.styleList[this.data.currentStyle].detailList[this.data.currentSubStyle].uri, {
      style: this.data.styleList[this.data.currentStyle].detailList[this.data.currentSubStyle].name,
      image: wx.getFileSystemManager().readFileSync(this.data.userChosePhoho, "base64")
    }, option = {
      method: "POST"
    }).then(function (result) {
        resultPhoto: result.error ? "error" : result.photo,
        getPhotoStatus: false
  saveImage() {
      filePath: this.data.resultPhoto,
      success(res) {
          title: "保存成功"
      fail(res) {
          title: "异常,稍后重试"
  onShareAppMessage: function () {
    return {
      title: "头头是道个性头像",
  onShareTimeline() {
    return {
      title: "头头是道个性头像",
  showModal(e) {
      const previewSubStyle = e.currentTarget.dataset.substyle
      const previewSubStyleUrl = this.data.styleList[this.data.currentStyle].detailList[previewSubStyle].preview
          previewStyle: previewSubStyleUrl
          title: "暂无模板预览",
          icon: "error"
      modalName: e.currentTarget.dataset.target
  hideModal(e) {
      modalName: null
  copyData(e) {
      data: e.currentTarget.dataset.data,
      success(res) {
          title: '复制完成',
          content: `已将${e.currentTarget.dataset.data}复制到了剪切板`,


The project will request multiple background interfaces, so I will abstract the request method:

// Unified Request Interface
  doRequest: async function (uri, data, option) {
    const that = this
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        url: that.url + uri,
        data: data,
        header: {
          "Content-Type": 'application/json',
        method: option && option.method ? option.method : "POST",
        success: function (res) {
        fail: function (res) {

After completion, configure the background interface and publish the audit.

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Alibaba Cloud Serverless

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