Community Blog Alibaba Cloud Serverless | Practice 2: Two Minutes to Deploy Serverless Application

Alibaba Cloud Serverless | Practice 2: Two Minutes to Deploy Serverless Application

In this episode, we'll introduce how to deploy Serverless applications in 2 minutes.

In the previous episodes, we talked about the low threshold and multi-language support of Alibaba Cloud Serverless App Engine (SAE).

Now let's get some hands-on experience and feel how easy it is to deploy applications using SAE.

We will practice deploying three different languages: Java, PHP, and Node. For Java and PHP, we will deploy them directly using program packages, while for Node, we will use image deployment. The deployment for each language can be completed within 2 minutes.

Hello and welcome to this episode of Cloud Forward. In this episode, we'll introduce deployment of Java, PHP, Node, and other languages using SAE.

Related Links

Alibaba Cloud Function Compute (FC) is a FaaS product that is an event-driven, fully managed computing service.

Serverless App Engine (SAE) is the first Serverless PaaS platform for applications in the industry. SAE shields the complexity of underlying IaaS and Kubernetes and provides zero-code transformation, cost-effective, and high-efficiency application hosting solutions to help users achieve Serverless transformation for monolithic web applications, microservices, and scheduled tasks.

Alibaba Cloud took the lead in the industry and launched the Serverless Container Service - Alibaba Cloud Serverless Kubernetes (ASK), which is based on Elastic Container Instance (ECI) and can scale up to 2,000 Pods in 1 minute.

This series provides a comprehensive introduction to Alibaba Cloud Serverless products, including the design concepts, technical concepts, product usage, and best practices for Function Compute (FC) and Serverless Application Engine (SAE), allowing learners to fully understand Serverless technology and master the skills of using Serverless.

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