Community Blog [Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in May 2023

[Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in May 2023

Do you want to know what's new on database product in May? Check the infographic for details!

1. RDS MySQL ARM Series Now Available in Singapore Region

Value: The ARM series offers comparable performance and 20% lower price than x86 series, lowering the TCO of enterprises.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/apsaradb-for-rds/latest/rds-mysql-instance-types-arm#concept-2256961

2. RDS for PostgreSQL Serverless Can Automatically Pause/Resume Instances

Value: Only storage fee is billed for inactive periods, which greatly reduces cost.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/ApsaraDB-for-rds/latest/set-instance-automatic-start-and-stop

3. Tair & Redis Support TLS for Enhanced Security

Value: TLS is much more secured than SSL, which improves the security capability of the instance.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/tair/latest/setting-tls-encryption

4. MongoDB Can Archive Data Via DMS

Value: By archiving to OSS, the cost can be reduced when there is a need to keep large amounts of cold data.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/data-management-service/latest/solution-data-archiving

5. DBS Cross-Region Backup Network Traffic Fees Reduced By 40%

Value: Lower cost when doing cross-region backup.

Document: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/ApsaraDB-for-rds/latest/notice-cross-regional-backup-network-fee-reduction


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