Community Blog [Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in October 2023

[Infographic] Highlights | Database New Feature in October 2023

Do you want to know what's new on database product in October? Check the infographic for details!

1. PolarDB for MySQL Enhanced the Database and Table Restoration Feature to Support 50,000+ Tables Recovery in a Single Time

Value: It improves the recovery capability of PolarDB and is more conducive to the recovery of massive data.


2. PolarDB for MySQL Allows Changing VPC and Vswitch Within the Same Availability Zone

Value: No need to migrate to a new instance to realize VPC/VSwitch reconfiguration, which facilitates the management of the resource.


3. Tair and ApsaraDB for Redis Changed the Billing of Extra Bandwidth Fees to Pay-as-you-go With Only 1/3 of the Price

Value: It provides more cost-effective service by reducing the costs.


4. DTS Synchronization Supports RDS/MongoDB->Function Compute and PolarDB for MySQL->ClickHouse

Value: By adding support for more database engines, it can provide service for more big data and real-time analytical scenarios.



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