Community Blog How to Build an E-commerce Website with WordPress

How to Build an E-commerce Website with WordPress

Nowadays a website is important for the business. In this article, you will learn how to build an e-commerce website with WordPress in an easy and reliant way.

WordPress is an open source content management system (CMS) which can get a website up and running in a fast and powerful way. And with WooCommerce plugin, you can easily build an e-commerce website. In this tutorial, you will learn how to host an e-commerce website with WordPress and WooCommerce on Alibaba Cloud.

In order to proceed you'll need an existing Alibaba Cloud Web Hosting package set up.

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1. Log into your Alibaba Cloud console. Under Domains & Websites, click on Web Hosting. Locate your Web Hosting package in the list shown, and click the Manage button to the right.

2. Click on Default Homepage Settings under Environment Settings on the left hand side of the screen. The default WordPress home page in each of its various folders is called index.php so we need to add this name as a default.

3. Add a new default homepage called index.php to the list. If there are any others, use the X button to delete them. And then click on Submit to save the changes.

4. Click on Web Hosting again from your Alibaba Cloud console under Domains and Websites, and click the Manage button to the right of the Web Hosting package in the list.

5. To install WordPress, you will also need the details of the MySQL database that is included free of charge with your web hosting package.

6. In the Database section of the screen you'll see the database name, username and connection address. Make a note of these. Click on Reset Password, choose a database password, and make a note of that too.

7. Head to the official WordPress site at www.wordpress.org and download the latest version of the software, which will be in a .ZIP file. Assuming you're using a Windows PC, right-click the downloaded file and choose Extract All. You now have a copy of the WordPress software in a folder on your computer, ready to upload to the Web Hosting server. But before you upload it there's one settings file that you need to edit.

8. Look through the folder that contains the unzipped files (make sure you're not looking in the .ZIP archive itself) and edit the wp-config-sample.php file and locate the database details section.

Change database_name_here to the name of the database that you noted earlier.

Change username_here to the database username you noted earlier.

Change password_here to the database password you chose.

Change localhost to the database connection address you noted earlier.

When you have finished, save the file as wp-config.php (note the change in filename). Then delete the wp-config-sample.php file as it is no longer needed.

9. Fire up your chosen FTP program and log into the server to upload the entire contents of the WordPress folder to your Web Hosting area. Ensure that you're in the htdocs folder or directory, as that's where you need to store all the files that make up your website. It will take a few minutes as there are around 1,800 files to upload.

10. Open a web browser and visit the WordPress installation page on your Web Hosting site, in order to complete the setup process, like http://www.my-test-domain-123.com .

11. Follow the on-screen instructions to install WordPress. When it's finished, log into your site using the username and password you created during the WordPress setup process.

12. With WordPress installed you can now add the WooCommerce plugin. From the WordPress dashboard click on Plugins and search for WooCommerce (check that the listing says that it is the version by Automattic).

13. Click on the Install Now button to install it. Then click on the Activate button to activate it.

14. You can the configure WooCommerce as you wish, to set up your collection of products that make up your online store. You can also link it to your online payment provider if you wish.

For how to "transfer in" a domain name and examine some of the advanced Alibaba Cloud DNS settings, you can check the details in E-commerce for Business with Alibaba Cloud Web Hosting.

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