Community Blog Blogs of the Week – Ep. 34

Blogs of the Week – Ep. 34

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful topics. Let’s take a look at the 34th episode of Blogs of the Week.

The Alibaba Cloud community strives towards making the world more digitally connected and easing your information technology challenges.

Each week, we compile the hottest and most impactful content, including the trending technologies, step-by-step tutorials, knowledge from industry professionals and important figures, and best practices with Alibaba Cloud customers.

Below are this week’s five recommended articles and sereis specially curated from Alibaba Cloud community authors:

1. Alibaba Cloud International Professional Services | One-Stop Solutions for Localized Businesses in Malaysia

By Zimao

In this blog series of Alibaba Cloud International Professional Services, we will take a look at the professional services provided by Alibaba Cloud. Today, we will start from the Customer Success Center (CSC) in Malaysia. In this blog, you will get to know the local customer service, local ecosystem partner development and local talent training powered by CSC Malaysia team.

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2. Apsara Conference | RocketMQ under the Wave of Cloud Computing & Open-Source

By Qingshan Lin

Cloud computing has changed the way software is delivered, making infrastructure and basic software service-oriented. It has reduced costs, improved efficiency for enterprise digitalization, and accelerated the process of the digital economy. In this article, we will take a look at the history of Apache RocketMQ and learn how it will evolve with cloud computing and open-source technology.

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3. Apsara Conference | The Rising of Emerging Software R&D Paradigms Promotes Cloud Computing to Become Serverless

By Haoran Yang

At the 2022 Apsara Conference in Hangzhou, Jianfeng Zhang, President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence, said, “A new computing system with the cloud as the core is taking shape. New changes are taking place in the software research and development paradigm. Serverless is one of the most important trends.” In this article, the author discusses the inevitability of cloud computing becoming serverless in an all-around way.

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4. Setup RDS for PostgreSQL LDAP Authentication with Active Directory Deployed on ECS

By Julian Zhou

Active Directory (AD) is a directory service developed by Microsoft for Windows domain networks. In this solution tutorial, the author introduces how to deploy and setup Microsoft AD on ECS Windows Server 2016 or later, and setup LDAP Authentication with this AD Domain Service for Apsara RDS for PostgreSQL on Alibaba Cloud.

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5. 【Series】ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL Tutorials

ApsaraDB RDS is a stable, reliable, and scalable online database service that is built on top of the Apsara Distributed File System and high-performance SSDs of Alibaba Cloud. In this series, you will learn basic usage and general testing methods of Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL.

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