Community Blog Batch System: Batch Compute and Cloud-native Serverless Argo Workflows

Batch System: Batch Compute and Cloud-native Serverless Argo Workflows

This article uses a data processing example to compare the key features and use cases of Batch Compute and Argo Workflows, helping decision-makers choose the best option.

By Shuangkun Tian

With the deepening of technical requirements in fields such as autonomous driving and scientific computing and the increasing richness of the Kubernetes ecosystem, containerization has become the mainstream mode of batch task execution. In response to this trend, the market offers two broad categories of solutions: one is a closed platform independently developed by cloud service providers represented by Batch Compute, and the other is an open and compatible platform built for the open-source project Argo Workflows.

For enterprise R&D teams, it is crucial to choose a batch task platform that meets their business needs, which is directly related to development efficiency, cost control, and scalability of future technologies. This article uses a typical data processing application scenario as an example to compare the core features and applicable scenarios of Batch Compute and Argo Workflows to assist technology decision-makers in making more appropriate choices.

1. Case

The following figure shows a typical data processing task. In the first step, 64 pods are used for data processing to merge 128 files into 64 files. In the second step, 32 pods are used for data processing to merge 64 files into 32 files. In the last step, a pod is started to calculate the final result and output it to OSS.

Architecture diagram:


2. Batch Compute Usage

1) Principle


Batch Compute is a fully managed service that allows you to run batch workloads at any scale. The following procedure describes how Batch Compute runs each job.

  1. Create a job definition that specifies how to run the job, providing configuration options such as permissions, memory, and CPU requirements.
  2. Submit the job to a managed Batch Compute job queue, where it will reside until it is scheduled for processing in the compute environment.
  3. Batch Compute calculates the CPU, memory, and GPU requirements of each job in the queue and schedules compute resources in the compute environment to process the job.
  4. The Batch Compute scheduler places the job into the corresponding batch compute environment for processing.
  5. If the job exits on success or failure, the output result is written to the user-defined storage space.

2) Create a task definition

The first step is to create task definitions such as process-data and merge-data. You need to prepare images, startup parameters, and required resources. The Batch Compute service usually provides user-friendly console interaction. To facilitate programming and avoid frequent console demonstrations, we directly use JSON to define tasks.

a. process-data

  "type": "container",
  "containerProperties": { # Execution command
    "command": [
    "image": "python:3.11-amd", # Image address
    "resourceRequirements": [ # Resource requirements
        "type": "VCPU", 
        "value": "1.0"
        "type": "MEMORY",
        "value": "2048"
    "runtimePlatform": {
      "cpuArchitecture": "X86_64", # CPU architecture
      "operatingSystemFamily": "LINUX"
    "networkConfiguration": {
      "assignPublicIp": "DISABLED"
    "executionRoleArn": "role::xxxxxxx", # Permission
  "platformCapabilities": [ # Backend resources: server or serverless container
    "Serverless Container"
  "jobDefinitionName": "process-data" # Job definition name

b. merge-data

  "type": "container",
  "containerProperties": { # Execution command,merge.py
    "command": [
    "image": "python:3.11-amd", # Image
    "resourceRequirements": [ # Resource requirements
        "type": "VCPU",
        "value": "1.0"
        "type": "MEMORY",
        "value": "2048"
    "runtimePlatform": {
      "cpuArchitecture": "X86_64",
      "operatingSystemFamily": "LINUX"
    "networkConfiguration": {
      "assignPublicIp": "ENABLED"
    "executionRoleArn": "role::xxxx", # Permission
    "repositoryCredentials": {},
  "platformCapabilities": [ # Backend resources: server or serverless container
    "Serverless Container"
  "jobDefinitionName": "merge-data" # Job definition name

3) Submit tasks and build dependencies

a. Define and submit process-data-l1 Job

Job definition:

  "jobName": "process-data-l1",
  "jobDefinition": "arn::xxxx:job-definition/process-data:1", # Definition used by the job
  "jobQueue": "arn::xxxx:job-queue/process-data-queue", # Queue used by the job
  "dependsOn": [],
  "arrayProperties": { # Number of started tasks
    "size": 64
  "retryStrategy": {},
  "timeout": {},
  "parameters": {},
  "containerOverrides": {
    "resourceRequirements": [],
    "environment": []

Submit to get the Job ID:

# batch submit process-data-l1 | get job-id
job-id: b617f1a3-6eeb-4118-8142-1f855053b347

b. Submit process-data-l2 Job

This job depends on process-data-l1 Job.

  "jobName": "process-data-l2",
  "jobDefinition": "arn::xxxx:job-definition/process-data:2", # Definition used by the job
  "jobQueue": "arn::xxxx:job-queue/process-data-queue", # Queue used by the job
  "dependsOn": [
      "jobId": "b617f1a3-6eeb-4118-8142-1f855053b347" # process-data-l1的job Id
  "arrayProperties": { # Number of started tasks
    "size": 32
  "retryStrategy": {},
  "timeout": {},
  "parameters": {},
  "containerOverrides": {
    "resourceRequirements": [],
    "environment": []

Submit to get the Job ID:

# batch submit process-data-l2 | get job-id
job-id: 6df68b3e-4962-4e4f-a71a-189be25b189c

c. Submit merge-data Job

This job depends on process-data-l2 Job.

  "jobName": "merge-data",
  "jobDefinition": "arn::xxxx:job-definition/merge-data:1", # Definition used by the job
  "jobQueue": "arn::xxxx:job-queue/process-data-queue", # Queue used to merge jobs
  "dependsOn": [
      "jobId": "6df68b3e-4962-4e4f-a71a-189be25b189c" # process-data-l2的job Id
  "arrayProperties": {},
  "retryStrategy": {},
  "timeout": {},
  "parameters": {},
  "containerOverrides": {
    "resourceRequirements": [],
    "environment": []

Submit the job:

batch submit merge-data

4) Observe task running


All tasks run normally in order.

3. Argo Workflows Usage

1) Principle


Serverless Argo Workflows is a fully managed service of Alibaba Cloud, which is built based on the open-source Argo Workflows project and fully complies with open-source workflow standards. It allows you to run batch loads of any scale on Kubernetes. It adopts the serverless mode and uses Alibaba Cloud Elastic Container Instance (ECI) to run workflows. By optimizing Kubernetes cluster parameters, it implements efficient and elastic scheduling of large-scale workflows and works with preemptible ECI instances to optimize costs. The following procedure describes how Serverless Argo runs each job:

1) Job definition, which specifies how to run a job, including the CPU, memory, image, and execution commands of each job. Job dependency definition, including serial, parallel loop, and retry.

2) Submit the workflow to the Serverless Argo cluster.

3) Serverless Argo evaluates the resources of each job and schedules elastic instances to run the job.

2) Create a task definition and build dependencies

When building a workflow, define the job and its dependencies in the same file.

In the first step, define the process-data and merge-data task templates, and describe the image and startup parameters of each task.

In the second step, define the Step/DAG template to describe the parallel and serial execution relationships of tasks.

In the third step, integrate the template dependencies, storage, and input parameters into a workflow.

You can use YAML or SDK for Python to build workflows. Their construction methods are shown respectively below.

a. Use YAML to build workflows

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Workflow
  generateName: process-data- # Data processing workflow
  entrypoint: main
  volumes: # OSS mounting
    - name: workdir
        claimName: pvc-oss
      - name: numbers
        value: "64"
    - name: main
        - - name: process-data-l1 # First-level processing: 64 pods are started and 128 files are merged.
            template: process-data
                - name: file_number
                  value: "{{item}}"
                - name: level
                  value: "1"
              count: "{{workflow.parameters.numbers}}"
        - - name: process-data-l2 # Second-level processing: 32 pods are started and 64 files are merged after the previous step is completed.
            template: process-data
                - name: file_number
                  value: "{{item}}"
                - name: level
                  value: "2"
              count: "{{=asInt(workflow.parameters.numbers)/2}}"
        - - name: merge-data # Last-level processing: a pod is started and 32 files are merged after the previous step is completed.
            template: merge-data
                - name: number
                  value: "{{=asInt(workflow.parameters.numbers)/2}}"

    - name: process-data # process-data task definition
          - name: file_number
          - name: level
        image: argo-workflows-registry.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/argo-workflows-demo/python:3.11-amd
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: [python3] # command
        args: ["process.py", "{{inputs.parameters.file_number}}", "{{inputs.parameters.level}}"]# Receive input parameters and start pods for processing.
        - name: workdir
          mountPath: /mnt/vol

    - name: merge-data # merge-data task definition
          - name: number
        image: argo-workflows-registry.cn-hangzhou.cr.aliyuncs.com/argo-workflows-demo/python:3.11-amd
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: [python3]
        args: ["merge.py", "0", "{{inputs.parameters.number}}"] # Receive input parameters and process files.
        - name: workdir
          mountPath: /mnt/vol

Submit the workflow:

argo submit process-data.yaml

b. Use SDK for Python to build workflows

from hera.workflows import Container, Parameter, Steps, Workflow, Volume
import urllib3
# Configure the access address and token
global_config.host = "https://argo.{{clusterid}}.{{region-id}}.alicontainer.com:2746"
global_config.token = "abcdefgxxxxxx" # Enter the token of the cluster
global_config.verify_ssl = ""

with Workflow(
    generate_name="process-data-", # Data processing workflow
    volumes=[m.Volume(name="workdir", persistent_volume_claim={"claim_name": "pvc-oss"})], # OSS mounting
    arguments=[Parameter(name="numbers", value="64")]
) as w:
    process-data = Container( # process-data task definition
        inputs=[Parameter(name="file_number"), Parameter(name="level")],
        args=["process.py","{{inputs.parameters.file_number}}", "{{inputs.parameters.level}}"],
            m.VolumeMount(name="workdir", mount_path="/mnt/vol"),

    merge-data = Container( # merge-data task definition
        args=["merge.py", "0", "{{inputs.parameters.number}}"],
            m.VolumeMount(name="workdir", mount_path="/mnt/vol"),

    with Steps(name="main") as s:
            arguments=[Parameter(name="file_number", value="{{item}}"), Parameter(name="level", value="1")],
        ) # First-level processing: 64 pods are started and 128 files are merged.

            arguments=[Parameter(name="file_number", value="{{item}}"), Parameter(name="level", value="2")],
        ) # Second-level processing: 32 pods are started and 64 files are started after the previous step is completed.

            arguments=[Parameter(name="number", value="{{=asInt(workflow.parameters.numbers)/2}}")],
        ) # Last-level processing: a pod is started and 32 files are merged after the previous step is completed.

# Create a workflow

Submit the job:

python process.py

3) Submit and observe task running

After you submit the workflow built by using Yaml or SDK for Python, you can view the workflow running status in the Argo Server console.


The workflow is executed in order.

4. Comparison

It can be seen that both Serverless Argo Workflows and Batch Compute have comprehensive support for container batch processing. Despite the similarity in their core goals, there are some key differences in task definition, usage scenarios, flexibility, and resource management. The following table shows a brief comparison.

Batch Compute Serverless Argo Workflows
Job Definition Console/Json definition with multiple steps and interactions. Define the template in Yaml, which is general and concise. Support definitions in Python.
Dependency Definition Enter the dependency. Tasks need to be submitted in sequence and be orchestrated with a script. Tasks are defined in Workflow Yaml and submitted once.
Scale Concurrency High with tens of thousands of tasks and thousands of concurrent tasks High with tens of thousands of tasks and thousands of concurrent tasks
Advanced Orchestration Flow orchestration capabilities of cloud vendors Natively support complex orchestration logic. It can also be combined with the flow orchestration capabilities of cloud vendors through the Kubernetes API.
Portability Weak, only applicable to specific cloud vendor ecosystems Strong, compatible with open-source ecosystems, and support cross-cloud running
Supported Resource Type Most of them are servers and resources usually need to be reserved. Serverless container, and resources can be used and perform auto scaling on demand.
Console Console, easy to use Argo Server Console, aligning with open source
Ecosystem Integration Compatible with the cloud vendor ecosystem Compatible with the open-source Kubernetes ecosystem and integrate good observability

5. Summary

Both Serverless Argo Workflows and Batch Compute offer comprehensive support for container batch processing. The choice of Argo Workflows or Batch Compute mainly depends on your technology stack, your reliance on cloud vendors, the complexity of your workflow, and the need for control. If your team is familiar with Kubernetes and needs highly customized workflows, Argo Workflows may be a better choice. Conversely, if you operate within the cloud vendor ecosystem and are looking for an easy-to-use solution that is tightly integrated with other cloud vendor services, Batch Compute may be more suitable for you.


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