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Quick BI:Timeline Chart

Last Updated:May 22, 2024

The timeline can dynamically display changes in behavior and status, and describe an event that changes over time, such as portraits of different stages of enterprise development. This topic describes how to add data to a timeline and configure a style.


A dashboard is created. For more information, see Create a dashboard.



You can clearly display the events that occurred at a specific time. You can customize the event content.

Rendering example


Create a chart

On the dashboard editing page, configure the chart data by following the instructions shown in the following figure.


The timeline supports multiple time dimensions and node tag combinations. The data configurations and renderings vary based on the combinations.




Scenario 1: You can use only the time dimension to statically display major events that occurred within a specified time range.

For example, you can view events that occurred within a specified time interval.

  1. On the Fields tab, select the required fields.

    In the Dimensions list, double-click Year. You can also drag this dimension to the Timeline (Time Dimension) field.

  2. On the Style tab, enter a description for the time node.

  3. Click Update to create the LBS heat map.


Scenario 2: You can use the time dimension and a single non-time dimension to dynamically display events that occurred within a specified time interval.

For example, you can view the cities that have order records within a specified time range.

  1. On the Fields tab, select the required fields.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click Order Date (day). You can also drag this dimension to the Timeline (Time Dimension) field.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click City. You can also drag this dimension to the node tag (Dimensions) field.

  2. Click Update to create the LBS heat map.


Scenario 3: You can use the time dimension and a single measure to dynamically display the changes of a single piece of data within a specified time range.

For example, you can view the change in the average daily order amount over a specified time period.

  1. On the Fields tab, select the required fields.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click order_date (day). You can also drag this dimension to the Timeline (Time Dimension) field.

    • In the Measures list, double-click Average Daily Order Amt. You can also drag this measure to the node tag (Mea.) field.

  2. Click Update to create the LBS heat map.


Scenario 4: You can use the time dimension and multiple measure fields to dynamically display the changes of multiple data records within a specified time range.

For example, you can view changes in the number of insurance orders and the monthly fulfillment rate within a certain time interval.

  1. On the Fields tab, select the required fields.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click time (month). You can also drag this dimension to the Timeline (Time Dimension) field.

    • In the Measures list, double-click Guarantees and Monthly Achievements Rate. You can also drag these measures to the node tag (Mea.) field.

  2. Click Update to create the LBS heat map.


Scenario 5: Use a time dimension, a single non-time dimension field, and a single measure field to dynamically display the measure data that changes by dimension within a specified time range.

For example, you can view the change in the monthly achievement rate of a province within a specified time range.

  1. On the Fields tab, select the required fields.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click time (month). You can also drag this dimension to the Timeline (Time Dimension) field.

    • In the Dimensions list, double-click province. You can also drag this dimension to the node tag (Dim.) field.

    • In the Measures list, double-click Monthly Achievements Rate. You can also drag this measure to the node tag (Mea.) field.

  2. Click Update to create the LBS heat map.


Configure the styles of the LBS heat map

The following section describes how to configure the styles of an LBS heat map. For information about the common style settings of charts, see Configure the chart title.

You can enter a keyword in the search box at the top of the configuration section to search for configuration items. Click image..pngExpand /Collapse All Categories in the right-side chart.


  • In the Graph section, configure the chart style. You can set the color, visual style, and empty values of the time node to automatically fill in the display.


    Chart configuration items


    Mark Time Node Color

    Set the time node color.


    Visual Style

    Supports Time Granularity and Milestones.


    node tag layout

    Sets the layout of the node tag.

    Staggered and Above Axis are supported.



    This parameter is required if you specify only Timeline /Time Dimension in the Field field.

    Empty Value Auto-fill Display

    If the time of the selected time field in the Timeline/Time Dimension section is earlier than the system time, the system automatically fills in the gap.


    You need to configure Empty Value Auto-fill Display only when Visual Style is set to Time Granularity.

  • In the Time Node and Description section, configure Style and Description Content.

    • Show time node icon: specifies whether to display or adjust the icon of the time node.

    • Mark Time Node: Specify the icon and event description for each time node.


  • In the Series Settings section, configure Series and Prefix and Suffix for Data Value.



    The following parameters are required only when data is specified in node tag /Measures.

Chart analysis configuration




Interaction analysis


If the data that you want to analyze belongs to different charts or tables, you can configure this feature to associate the charts and tables, and then analyze the data. For more information, see Linkage,


A timeline consists of Timeline /Time Dimension, node tag /Dimension, and node tag /Measure.

  • Only 1 date dimension can be selected for the timeline

  • Dimensions or metrics that node tag data:

    • When you select a dimension field, you can select a maximum of one dimension.

    • When you select a measure field, you can select a maximum of three measures.

    • After you select one node tag dimension, you can select only one more measure. By default, the calculation of the measure value within the specified date is split by dimension.

What to do next

  • You can share your dashboard with others. For more information, see Share a dashboard.

  • If you want to create a navigation menu for thematic analysis, you can integrate your dashboard into a business intelligence (BI) portal. For more information, see Create a BI portal.