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Data Transmission Service:ConfigureDtsJob

Last Updated:Jul 04, 2024

Configures a data migration, synchronization, or verification task.

  • When you configure a task in the Data Transmission Service (DTS) console, you can move the pointer over Next: Save Task Settings and Precheck in the Advanced Settings step and click Preview OpenAPI parameters to view the parameters that are used to configure the task by calling an API operation.
  • If you want to run a DTS task on a DTS dedicated cluster, you must configure the task before you purchase a DTS instance. In addition, DTS dedicated clusters do not support cross-region DTS tasks.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes ConfigureDtsJob

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to ConfigureDtsJob.

DtsJobName String Yes rdsmysql_to_mysql

The name of the DTS instance.

SourceEndpointInstanceType String Yes RDS

The type of the source instance. Valid values:

Alibaba Cloud database instance
  • RDS: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance, or ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB instance
  • PolarDB: PolarDB for MySQL cluster.
  • REDIS: ApsaraDB for Redis instance.
  • DISTRIBUTED_POLARDBX10: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance (formerly DRDS).
  • POLARDBX20: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance.
  • MONGODB: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.
  • DISTRIBUTED_DMSLOGICDB: Data Management (DMS) logical database
Self-managed database
  • OTHER: self-managed database with a public IP address.
  • ECS: self-managed database hosted on an ECS instance.
  • EXPRESS: self-managed database connected over Express Connect.
  • CEN: self-managed database connected over Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN).
  • DG: self-managed database connected over Database Gateway.
  • If the source instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle) cluster, you must connect the cluster to DTS as a self-managed database by using a public IP address or Express Connect and set this parameter to OTHER or EXPRESS.
  • For more information, see Supported sources and targets.
  • If the source instance is a self-managed database, you must deploy the network environment for the database. For more information, see Preparation overview.
SourceEndpointInstanceID String No rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****

The source instance ID.

If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, you must specify the database instance ID. For example, if the source instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must specify the ID of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

If the source instance is a self-managed database, the value of this parameter varies with the value of SourceEndpointInstanceType.

  • If SourceEndpointInstanceType is set to ECS, you must specify the ECS instance ID.
  • If SourceEndpointInstanceType is set to DG, you must specify the database gateway ID.
  • If SourceEndpointInstanceType is set to EXPRESS or CEN, you must specify the ID of the virtual private cloud (VPC) that is connected to the source instance.
Note If SourceEndpointInstanceType is set to CEN, you must also specify the ID of the CEN instance in Reserve. For more information, see Reserve parameter.
SourceEndpointEngineName String No MYSQL

The database type of the source instance.

  • MYSQL: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or self-managed MySQL database.
  • MARIADB: ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB instance.
  • PolarDB: PolarDB for MySQL cluster.
  • POLARDB_O: PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle) cluster.
  • POLARDBX10: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance (formerly DRDS).
  • POLARDBX20: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance.
  • ORACLE: self-managed Oracle database.
  • POSTGRESQL: ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance or self-managed PostgreSQL database.
  • MSSQL: ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance or self-managed SQL Server database.
  • MONGODB: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance or self-managed MongoDB database.
  • DB2: self-managed Db2 for LUW database.
  • AS400: self-managed Db2 for i database.
  • DMSPOLARDB: DMS logical database.
  • HBASE: self-managed HBase database.
  • TERADATA: Teradata database.
  • TiDB: TiDB database.
  • REDIS: ApsaraDB for Redis instance or self-managed Redis database.
  • Default value: MYSQL.
  • If this parameter is set to MONGODB, you must also specify the architecture type of the MongoDB database in Reserve. For more information, see Reserve parameter.
SourceEndpointRegion String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region in which the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

Note If the source instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, this parameter is required.
SourceEndpointIP String No 172.16.**.***

The IP address of the source instance.

Note This parameter is valid and required only if SourceEndpointInstanceType is set to OTHER, EXPRESS, DG, or CEN.
SourceEndpointPort String No 3306

The port number of the source instance.

Note This parameter is required only if the source instance is a self-managed database.
SourceEndpointOracleSID String No testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is valid and required only if SourceEndpointEngineName is set to ORACLE and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-Real Application Cluster (RAC) architecture.
SourceEndpointDatabaseName String No dtstestdatabase

The name of the database from which the objects are migrated or synchronized in the source instance.

Note This parameter is valid and required only if the source instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle) cluster, a PostgreSQL database, or a MongoDB database.
SourceEndpointUserName String No dtstest

The username of the account that is used to log on to the source database.

SourceEndpointPassword String No Test123456

The password of the account that is used to log on to the source database.

SourceEndpointOwnerID String No 140692647406****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source database belongs.

Note You can specify this parameter to migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this case, you must specify SourceEndpointRole.
SourceEndpointRole String No ram-for-dts

The name of the Resource Access Management (RAM) role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the source instance belongs.

Note This parameter is required if you migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. For information about the permissions and authorization methods of the RAM role, see Configure RAM authorization for cross-account DTS tasks.
DestinationEndpointInstanceType String Yes EXPRESS

The type of the destination instance. Valid values:

Alibaba Cloud database instance
  • RDS: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance, ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance, or ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB instance.
  • PolarDB: PolarDB for MySQL cluster.
  • DISTRIBUTED_POLARDBX10: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance (formerly DRDS).
  • POLARDBX20: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance.
  • REDIS: ApsaraDB for Redis instance.
  • ADS: AnalyticDB for MySQL V2.0 cluster or AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 cluster.
  • MONGODB: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance.
  • GREENPLUM: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance.
  • DATAHUB: DataHub project.
  • ELK: Elasticsearch cluster.
  • Tablestore: Tablestore instance.
  • ODPS: MaxCompute project.
Self-managed database
  • OTHER: self-managed database with a public IP address.
  • ECS: self-managed database hosted on an ECS instance.
  • EXPRESS: self-managed database connected over Express Connect.
  • CEN: self-managed database connected over Cloud Enterprise Network (CEN).
  • DG: self-managed database connected over Database Gateway.
  • If the destination instance is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle) cluster, you must connect the cluster to DTS as a self-managed database by using a public IP address or Express Connect and set this parameter to OTHER or EXPRESS.
  • If the destination instance is an ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance, you must connect the instance to DTS as a self-managed database by using ECS or Express Connect and set this parameter to ECS or EXPRESS.
  • For more information, see Supported source and destination databases.
  • If the destination instance is a self-managed database, you must deploy the network environment for the database. For more information, see Preparation overview.
DestinationEndpointInstanceID String No vpc-bp1opxu1zkhn00gzv****

The destination instance ID.

If the destination instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, you must specify the database instance ID. For example, if the destination instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance, you must specify the ID of the ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

If the destination instance is a self-managed database, the value of this parameter varies with the value of DestinationEndpointInstanceType.

  • If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to ECS, you must specify the ECS instance ID.
  • If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to DG, you must specify the database gateway ID.
  • If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to EXPRESS or CEN, you must specify the ID of the VPC that is connected to the source instance.
Note If DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to CEN, you must also specify the ID of the CEN instance in Reserve. For more information, see Reserve parameter.
DestinationEndpointEngineName String No MYSQL

The type of the destination database. Valid values:

  • MYSQL: ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance or self-managed MySQL database.
  • MARIADB: ApsaraDB RDS for MariaDB instance.
  • PolarDB: PolarDB for MySQL cluster.
  • POLARDB_O: PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle) cluster.
  • POLARDBX10: PolarDB-X 1.0 instance (formerly DRDS).
  • POLARDBX20: PolarDB-X 2.0 instance.
  • ORACLE: self-managed Oracle database.
  • POSTGRESQL: ApsaraDB RDS for PostgreSQL instance or self-managed PostgreSQL database.
  • MSSQL: ApsaraDB RDS for SQL Server instance or self-managed SQL Server database.
  • ADS: AnalyticDB for MySQL V2.0 cluster.
  • ADB30: AnalyticDB for MySQL V3.0 cluster.
  • MONGODB: ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance or self-managed MongoDB database.
  • GREENPLUM: AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance.
  • KAFKA: ApsaraMQ for Kafka instance or self-managed Kafka cluster.
  • DATAHUB: DataHub project.
  • DB2: self-managed Db2 for LUW database.
  • AS400: Db2 for i database.
  • ODPS: MaxCompute project.
  • Tablestore: Tablestore instance.
  • ELK: Elasticsearch cluster.
  • REDIS: ApsaraDB for Redis instance or self-managed Redis database.
  • Default value: MYSQL.
  • If this parameter is set to KAFKA, MONGODB, or PolarDB, you must also specify the database information in Reserve. For more information, see Reserve parameter.
DestinationEndpointRegion String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region in which the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

Note If the destination instance is an Alibaba Cloud database instance, this parameter is required.
DestinationEndpointIP String No 172.16.**.***

The IP address of the destination instance.

Note This parameter is valid and required only if DestinationEndpointInstanceType is set to OTHER, EXPRESS, DG, or CEN.
DestinationEndpointPort String No 3306

The port number of the destination instance.

Note This parameter is valid and required only if the destination instance is a self-managed database.
DestinationEndpointDataBaseName String No dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the objects are migrated or synchronized in the destination instance.

  • This parameter is valid and required only if the destination database is a PolarDB for PostgreSQL (Compatible with Oracle) cluster, an AnalyticDB for PostgreSQL instance, a PostgreSQL database, a MaxCompute project, or a MongoDB database.
  • If the destination instance is a MaxCompute project, you must specify the MaxCompute project ID.
DestinationEndpointUserName String No dtstest

The username of the account that is used to log on to the destination database.

DestinationEndpointPassword String No Test123456

The password of the account that is used to log on to the destination database.

Note If the destination database is a MaxCompute project, you must specify the AccessKey secret of your Alibaba Cloud account. For information about how to obtain an AccessKey pair, see Create an AccessKey pair.
DestinationEndpointOwnerID String No 140692647406****

The ID of the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance belongs.

  • This parameter is available only if the destination instance is an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.
  • You can specify this parameter to migrate or synchronize data across different Alibaba Cloud accounts. In this case, you must specify DestinationEndpointRole.
DestinationEndpointRole String No ram-for-dts

The name of the RAM role configured for the Alibaba Cloud account to which the destination instance belongs.

Note This parameter is required if you migrate or synchronize data across Alibaba Cloud accounts. For information about the permissions and authorization methods of the RAM role, see Configure RAM authorization for cross-account DTS tasks.
StructureInitialization Boolean Yes true

Specifies whether to perform schema migration or schema synchronization. Valid values:

  • true (default)
  • false
Note If JobType is set to CHECK, set this parameter to false.
DataInitialization Boolean Yes true

Specifies whether to perform full data migration or full data synchronization. Valid values:

  • true (default)
  • false
Note If JobType is set to CHECK, set this parameter to false.
DataSynchronization Boolean Yes true

Specifies whether to perform incremental data migration or incremental data synchronization. Valid values:

  • false (default)
  • true
Note If JobType is set to CHECK, set this parameter to false.
DbList String Yes {"dtstest":{"name":"dtstest","all":true}}

The objects that you want to migrate or synchronize. The value is a JSON string. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks.

Reserve String No { "srcInstanceId": "cen-9kqshqum*******" }

The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to add more configurations of the source or destination instance to the DTS task. For example, you can specify the data storage format of the destination Kafka database and the CEN instance ID. For more information, see Reserve parameter.

Checkpoint String No 1610540493

The start offset of incremental data migration or incremental data synchronization. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.

DestinationEndpointOracleSID String No testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is valid and required only if DestinationEndpointEngineName is set to ORACLE and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
JobType String Yes SYNC

The type of the task. Valid values:

  • MIGRATION: data migration task.
  • SYNC: data synchronization task.
  • CHECK: data verification task. You must separately purchase a data verification instance.
Note If you set this parameter to MIGRATION or SYNC, you can also enable data verification in the data migration or synchronization task.
DtsJobId String No k2gm967v16f****

The ID of the data migration or synchronization task.

Note You can call the DescribeDtsJobs operation to query the task ID.
DtsInstanceId String No dtsk2gm967v16f****

The ID of the data migration or synchronization instance.

Note You can call the DescribeDtsJobs operation to query the instance ID.
DelayPhone String No 1361234****,1371234****

The mobile phone numbers to which latency-related alerts are sent. Separate multiple mobile phone numbers with commas (,).

  • This parameter is available only for users of the China site ( Only mobile phone numbers in the Chinese mainland are supported. You can specify up to 10 mobile phone numbers.
  • Users of the international site ( cannot receive alerts by using mobile phone numbers, but can configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console. For more information, see Configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console.
DelayRuleTime Long No 10

The threshold for latency alerts. Unit: seconds. The value must be an integer. You can set the threshold based on your business requirements. To prevent unstable latency caused by network and database overloads, we recommend that you set the threshold to more than 10 seconds.

Note If DelayNotice is set to true, this parameter is required.
DelayNotice Boolean No true

Specifies whether to monitor task latency. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
ErrorPhone String No 1361234****,1371234****

The mobile phone numbers to which status-related alerts are sent. Separate multiple mobile phone numbers with commas (,).

  • This parameter is available only for users of the China site ( Only mobile phone numbers in the Chinese mainland are supported. You can specify up to 10 mobile phone numbers.
  • Users of the international site ( cannot receive alerts by using mobile phone numbers, but can configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console. For more information, see Configure alert rules for DTS tasks in the CloudMonitor console.
ErrorNotice Boolean No true

Specifies whether to monitor task status. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
SynchronizationDirection String No Forward

The synchronization direction. Valid values:

  • Forward
  • Reverse
  • The default value is Forward.
  • The value Reverse takes effect only if the topology of the data synchronization task is two-way synchronization.
RegionId String No cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region in which the DTS instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

DedicatedClusterId String No dtscluster_atyl3b5214uk***

The ID of the DTS dedicated cluster on which the task runs.

Note If this parameter is specified, the task is scheduled to the specified DTS dedicated cluster.
FileOssUrl String No**********_79dd3aeabe2f43cdb**************

The URL of the Object Storage Service (OSS) bucket that stores the files related to the DTS task.

DataCheckConfigure String No {"fullCheckModel":1,"fullCheckRatio":20,"checkMaximumHourEnable":1,"checkMaximumHour":1,"fullCheckErrorNotice":true,"fullCheckValidFailNotice":true,"fullCheckNoticeValue":8,"incrementalCheckErrorNotice":true,"incrementalCheckValidFailNotice":true,"incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeTimes":2,"incrementalCheckValidFailNoticePeriod":1,"incrementalCheckValidFailNoticeValue":1,"incrementalCheckDelayNotice":true,"incrementalCheckDelayNoticeTimes":2,"incrementalCheckDelayNoticePeriod":1,"incrementalCheckDelayNoticeValue":60,"fullDataCheck":true,"incrementalDataCheck":true,"dataCheckNoticePhone":"13126800****","dataCheckDbList":"{"dts":{"name":"dts","all":true}}"}

The parameters for data verification, including the configurations for data verification and alerts. The value is a JSON string. For more information, see DataCheckConfigure parameter description.

DisasterRecoveryJob Boolean No true

Specifies whether the instance is a disaster recovery instance. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
SourceEndpointVSwitchID String No vsw-bp10df3mxae6lpmku****

The ID of the vSwitch that is used for data shipping.

DtsBisLabel String No normal

The environment tag of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • normal
  • online
SrcCaCertificateOssUrl String No ****

The path of the certificate authority (CA) certificate that is used if the connection to the source database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
SrcCaCertificatePassword String No ****

The key of the CA certificate that is used if the connection to the source database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
DestCaCertificateOssUrl String No ****

The path of the CA certificate that is used if the connection to the destination database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
DestCaCertificatePassword String No ****

The key of the CA certificate that is used if the connection to the destination database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
MinDu double No 1

The minimum number of DTS Units (DUs).

Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances.
MaxDu double No 16

The maximum number of DUs.

Note This parameter is supported only for serverless instances.
SrcClientCertOssUrl String No ****

The path to the client certificate that is used if the connection to the source database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
SrcClientKeyOssUrl String No ****

The path to the private key of the client certificate that is used if the connection to the source database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
SrcClientPassword String No ****

The password of the private key of the client certificate that is used if the connection to the source database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
DestClientCertOssUrl String No ****

The path to the client certificate that is used if the connection to the destination database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
DestClientKeyOssUrl String No ****

The path to the private key of the client certificate that is used if the connection to the destination database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
DestClientPassword String No ****

The password of the private key of the client certificate that is used if the connection to the destination database is encrypted by using SSL.

Note This feature is not supported. Do not specify this parameter.
ResourceGroupId String No rg-acfmzawhxxc****

The resource group ID.

Response parameters





HttpStatusCode String 200

The returned HTTP status codes.

RequestId String 224DB9F7-3100-4899-AB9C-C938BCCB****

The request ID.

ErrCode String InternalError

The error code returned if the request failed.

DtsJobId String k2gm967v16f****

The ID of the data migration or synchronization task.

DtsInstanceId String dtsk2gm967v16f****

The ID of the data migration or synchronization instance.

Success String true

Indicates whether the request is successful.

ErrMessage String The request processing has failed due to some unknown error.

The error message returned if the request failed.


Sample requests

&DtsJobName=ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL to self-managed MySQL database connected over Express Connect
&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "DtsJobId" : "k2gm967v16f****",
  "RequestId" : "224DB9F7-3100-4899-AB9C-C938BCCB****",
  "HttpStatusCode" : 200,
  "DtsInstanceId" : "dtsk2gm967v16f****",
  "Success" : true

Error codes


Error code

Error message


403 InvalidParameter.KafkaBrokerInvalid kafka broker configuration must be intranet IP The node name of a self-managed Kafka cluster hosted on ECS is set to a hostname instead of an IP address.
403 InvalidParameter.KafkaHostInvalid kafaka host name should be intranet IP The Kafka hostname must be an IP address accessed over an internal network.
403 UpdateJob.OperationDenied.InitStatus The operation is not permitted due to Dts job status is init. The task is already started and cannot be modified. Reconfigure the task or modify the objects to be synchronized. If you reconfigure the task, the old task configurations are deleted.
403 GetMongoDbShardInfo.NoShardAddress MongoDb has not yet opened the shard connection address, please try again after opening. The shard connection information cannot be obtained. Check the parameter settings. Make sure that the database is an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance and that an endpoint is applied for a shard node.
403 GetMongoDbShardInfo.EmptyInstances Failed to get MongoDb shard information, the return is empty. The shard information cannot be obtained. Check the parameter settings and make sure that the database is an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance.
403 CheckJobFailed.ServerUnAvailable Unable to check whether the node can connect to the database because the node service is unavailable. The connection to specific DTS servers cannot be established. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support.
403 DbTypeNotSupport.PolarDBRDS The current rds instance is of type PolarDB, which is not supported for the time being. Only rds instances under drds are supported. DTS does not support data synchronization that involves a PolarDB-X 1.0 instance with a PolarDB for MySQL database shard.
403 DbTypeNotSupport.OnlyReadRDS Synchronization is not currently supported due to latency issues with read-only DRDS instances. DTS does not support data synchronization that involves a PolarDB-X 1.0 instance with a read-only database shard.
403 DTS.Msg.InvalidParameter.KafkaBrokerInvalid kafka broker configuration must be intranet IP The node name of a self-managed Kafka cluster hosted on ECS is set to a hostname instead of an IP address.
403 DTS.Msg.InvalidParameter.KafkaHostInvalid kafaka host name should be intranet IP The Kafka hostname must be an IP address accessed over an internal network.
403 DTS.Msg.UpdateJob.OperationDenied.InitStatus The operation is not permitted due to Dts job status is init. The task is already started and cannot be modified. Reconfigure the task or modify the objects to be synchronized. If you reconfigure the task, the old task configurations are deleted.
403 DTS.Msg.GetMongoDbShardInfo.NoShardAddress MongoDb has not yet opened the shard connection address, please try again after opening. The shard connection information cannot be obtained. Check the parameter settings. Make sure that the database is an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance and that an endpoint is applied for a shard node.
403 DTS.Msg.GetMongoDbShardInfo.EmptyInstances Failed to get MongoDb shard information, the return is empty. The shard information cannot be obtained. Check the parameter settings and make sure that the database is an ApsaraDB for MongoDB sharded cluster instance.
403 DTS.Msg.CheckJobFailed.ServerUnAvailable Unable to check whether the node can connect to the database because the node service is unavailable. The connection to specific DTS servers cannot be established. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support.
403 DTS.Msg.DbTypeNotSupport.PolarDBRDS The current rds instance is of type PolarDB, which is not supported for the time being. Only rds instances under drds are supported. DTS does not support data synchronization that involves a PolarDB-X 1.0 instance with a PolarDB for MySQL database shard.
403 DTS.Msg.DbTypeNotSupport.OnlyReadRDS Synchronization is not currently supported due to latency issues with read-only DRDS instances. DTS does not support data synchronization that involves a PolarDB-X 1.0 instance with a read-only database shard.
403 InvalidSecurityToken.Expired Specified SecurityToken is expired. The signature expired. Use a new signature.
400 Throttling.User Request was denied due to user flow control. The number of requests exceeded the limit, and the request was rejected. Try again later.
500 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. The response of the server timed out or the server was unavailable. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.