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Data Transmission Service:DescribeDtsJobs

Last Updated:Jun 27, 2024

Queries Data Transmission Service (DTS) tasks and the details of each task.

The frequency of calling this operation is limited. Requests that exceed the limit are dropped.

  • You can call this operation up to 200 times per second in each region.
  • You can call this operation up to 20 times per second per account in each region.


OpenAPI Explorer automatically calculates the signature value. For your convenience, we recommend that you call this operation in OpenAPI Explorer. OpenAPI Explorer dynamically generates the sample code of the operation for different SDKs.

Request parameters






Action String Yes DescribeDtsJobs

The operation that you want to perform. Set the value to DescribeDtsJobs.

Type String No instance

The type of the query condition. Valid values:

  • instance: queries DTS tasks based on the ID of a DTS instance.
  • name: queries DTS tasks based on the name of a DTS instance. Fuzzy match is supported.
  • srcRds: queries DTS tasks based on the ID of an ApsaraDB RDS instance. The ApsaraDB RDS instance is the source instance of a DTS task.
  • rds: queries DTS tasks based on the ID of an ApsaraDB RDS instance. The ApsaraDB RDS instance is the destination instance of a DTS task.
Note You must specify the Params parameter to specify the content of the query condition.
Params String No dtspk3f13r731m****

The content of the query condition.

Note You must specify the Type parameter to specify the type of the query condition.
Region String Yes cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region in which the DTS instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

Status String No Migrating

The state of the DTS task.

Valid values for a data migration task:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • MigrationFailed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

Valid values for a data synchronization task:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Initializing: Initial data synchronization is in progress.
  • InitializeFailed: Initial data synchronization failed.
  • Synchronizing: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed to synchronize data.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Modifying: The objects to be synchronized are being modified.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

Valid values for a change tracking task:

  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • Starting: The task is being started.
  • Normal: The task is running as expected.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Abnormal: The task is not running as expected.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.
OrderDirection String No ASC

The order in which the returned DTS tasks are sorted. Valid values:

  • ASC (default): sorts the DTS tasks in ascending order.
  • DESC: sorts the DTS tasks in descending order.
OrderColumn String No CreateTime

The basis on which the returned DTS tasks are sorted. Valid values:

  • CreateTime: sorts DTS tasks based on the time when they are created.
  • FinishTime: sorts DTS tasks based on the time when they are complete.
  • duLimit: sorts DTS tasks based on the upper limits on DTS Units (DUs) that the DTS tasks can use. This option applies only to the DTS tasks that are run on a DTS dedicated cluster.
Note You can also specify the OrderDirection parameter to specify whether to sort DTS tasks in ascending or descending order.
Tags String No [ { \"key\": \"testK\", \"value\": \"testV\" } ]

The tags that are used as query conditions. Specify tags in the JSON format.

Note You can call the ListTagResources operation to query the tag key and tag value.
PageSize Integer No 30

The number of entries per page. Valid values: 30, 50, and 100. Default value: 30.

PageNumber Integer No 1

The page number. Specify an integer that is greater than 0 and does not exceed the maximum value of the Integer data type. Default value: 1.

JobType String No MIGRATION

The type of the DTS task. Valid values:

  • MIGRATION (default): data migration task.
  • SYNC: data synchronization task.
  • SUBSCRIBE: change tracking task.
RegionId String No N/A

A deprecated parameter.

GroupId String No pk13r731m****

The DTS task ID.

Note In most cases, you do not need to specify this parameter.
DedicatedClusterId String No dtscluster_atyl3b5214uk***

The ID of the DTS dedicated cluster on which a DTS task runs.

DtsJobId String No qa110wq5r93hb49

The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task.

DtsInstanceId String No dtsi03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance.

ResourceGroupId String No rg-acfmzawhxxc****

The resource group ID.

WithoutDbList Boolean No true

Specifies whether to exclude the DbObject parameter in the response. The DbObject parameter indicates the objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. Valid values:

  • true: does not return DbObject.
  • false: returns DbObject. If you set this parameter to false, the response time is shortened.
DtsBisLabel String No normal

The environment tag of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • normal
  • online
ZeroEtlJob Boolean No false

Specifies whether to query only zero-extract, transform, load (ETL) integration tasks. Valid values:

  • false
  • true
InstanceType String No RDS

The type of the source or destination database instance.

InstanceId String No rm-bp1966yuut4w3****

The ID of the source or destination database instance whose type is specified by InstanceType.

Response parameters





HttpStatusCode Integer 200

The returned HTTP status codes.

RequestId String 621BB4F8-3016-4FAA-8D5A-5D3163CC****

The request ID.

ErrCode String InternalError

The error code returned if the call failed.

Success Boolean true

Indicates whether the call was successful.

PageRecordCount Integer 20

The number of entries per page.

TotalRecordCount Integer 15

The total number of DTS tasks that meet the query conditions.

ErrMessage String The Value of Input Parameter %s is not valid.

The error message returned if the call failed.

DynamicMessage String Type

The dynamic part in the error message. This parameter is used to replace the %s variable in the value of ErrMessage.

Note For example, if the value of ErrMessage is The Value of Input Parameter %s is not valid and the value of DynamicMessage is Type, the specified Type parameter is invalid.
PageNumber Integer 2

The page number.

DynamicCode String 403

The dynamic error code. This parameter will be removed in the future.

DtsJobList Array of DtsJobStatus

The DTS tasks and the details of each task.

Status String Migrating

The state of the DTS task.

Valid values for a data migration task:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • MigrationFailed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

Valid values for a data synchronization task:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Initializing: Initial data synchronization is in progress.
  • InitializeFailed: Initial data synchronization failed.
  • Synchronizing: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed to synchronize data.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Modifying: The objects to be synchronized are being modified.
  • ModifyFailed: The objects to be synchronized failed to be modified.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

Valid values for a change tracking task:

  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • Starting: The task is being started.
  • Normal: The task is running as expected.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Abnormal: The task is not running as expected.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.
OriginType String DTS

The source of the task. Valid values:

  • PTS
  • DMS
  • DTS

The name of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task.

Delay Long 0

The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization.

Note If you query data migration tasks, the unit of this parameter is milliseconds. If you query data synchronization tasks, the unit of this parameter is seconds.
ErrorMessage String DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by [com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.][com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.][ timed out (Connection timed out)] About more information in [].

The error message returned if the task failed.

ExpireTime String 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid.
DtsJobId String i03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task.

CreateTime String 2021-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

PayType String PrePaid

The billing method of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • PrePaid: subscription.
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go.
Reserved String {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"}

The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved.

ConsumptionClient String 114...:dts******

The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>.

DbObject String {"dtstestdata": { "name": "dtstestdata", "all": true }}

The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks.

DtsJobClass String large

The instance class.

Note For more information about the description and test performance of each instance class, see Specifications of data migration instances and Specifications of data synchronization instances.
ConsumptionCheckpoint String 2021-03-23T07:30:31Z

The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

EndTimestamp String 2021-03-26T14:03:21Z

The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

AppName String new

Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used.

Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version.
BeginTimestamp String 2021-03-15T08:25:34Z

The beginning of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

DtsInstanceID String dtsi03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance.

DtsJobDirection String Forward

The synchronization direction. Valid values:

  • Forward
  • Reverse
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization.
Checkpoint String 1616899019

The start offset of incremental data migration or incremental data synchronization. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.

TagList Array of DtsTag

The tags of the task.

TagValue String testvalue

The tag value.

TagKey String testkey

The tag key.

DataInitializationStatus Object

The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of full data migration or synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data migration or synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of full data migration or synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if full data migration or initial full data synchronization failed.

Progress String 44755

The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or initial full data synchronization.

DataSynchronizationStatus Object

The state of incremental data migration or synchronization.

Status String Catched

The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Catched: The task has no latency.
NeedUpgrade Boolean true

Indicates whether the instance needs to be upgraded. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Note To upgrade a DTS instance, call the TransferInstanceClass operation.
Percent String 95

The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: percentage.

Progress String 0/0

The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during incremental data migration or synchronization.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if incremental data migration or synchronization failed.

DataEtlStatus Object

The state of the ETL task.

Note This parameter collection is returned only if an ETL task is configured.
Status String Finished

The state of the ETL task. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Catched: The task has no latency.
Percent String 95

The progress of the ETL task. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if the task failed.

Progress String 0/0

The number of entries that are processed by the ETL task.

DestinationEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the destination instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection to a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The system ID (SID) of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the destination instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****

The destination instance ID.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the destination instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the destination instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the destination instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the destination instance.

MigrationMode Object

The migration types or initial synchronization types.

DataInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether full data migration or full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
DataSynchronization Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
StructureInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
FullDataCheck Boolean true

Indicates whether full data verification is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
IncDataCheck Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data verification is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Performance Object

The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance.

Rps String 100

The number of times SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE.

Flow String 1

The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: MB/s.

PrecheckStatus Object

The precheck state.

Status String Finished

The precheck state. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The precheck is not started.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Checking: The precheck is in progress.
  • Failed: The precheck failed.
  • Finished: The precheck is complete.
Percent String 100

The precheck progress. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ.

The error message returned if the precheck failed.

Detail Array of PrecheckDetail

The result of each precheck item.

CheckResult String Success

The precheck result. Valid values:

  • Success
  • Failed
CheckItemDescription String CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL

The description of the precheck item.

CheckItem String CHECK_CONN_SRC

The name of the precheck item.


The method that is used to fix a precheck failure.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed.
FailedReason String Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES)

The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed.
ReverseJob Object

The details of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction.

Note This parameter is returned only for two-way data synchronization tasks.
Status String Synchronizing

The state of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Initializing: Initial data synchronization is in progress.
  • InitializeFailed: Initial data synchronization failed.
  • Synchronizing: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed to synchronize data.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Modifying: The objects to be synchronized are being modified.
  • ModifyFailed: The objects to be synchronized failed to be modified.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

The name of the data synchronization task.

Delay Long 0

The latency of incremental data synchronization. Unit: seconds.

ErrorMessage String DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by [com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.][com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.][ timed out (Connection timed out)] About more information in [].

The error message returned if the task failed.

DtsJobId String i03e3zty16i****

The synchronization task ID.

ExpireTime String 2023-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid.
CreateTime String 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

PayType String PostPaid

The billing method of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • PrePaid: subscription.
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go.
Reserved String {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"}

The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved.

DbObject String {"dtstestdata": { "name": "dtstestdata", "all": true }}

The schema of the objects that you want to synchronize. The value is a JSON string and can contain regular expressions. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks.

DtsJobClass String large

The instance class.

Note For more information about the description and test performance of each instance class, see Specifications of data synchronization instances.
DtsInstanceID String dtsi03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data synchronization instance.

DtsJobDirection String Reverse

The synchronization direction. The value is Reverse.

Checkpoint String 1616980369

The start offset of incremental data synchronization. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.

DataInitializationStatus Object

The state of initial full data synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of full data synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The synchronization is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of full data synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if full data synchronization failed.

Progress String 43071

The number of entries that are synchronized during initial full data synchronization.

DataSynchronizationStatus Object

The state of incremental data synchronization.

Status String Migrating

The state of incremental data synchronization.

NeedUpgrade Boolean true

Indicates whether the instance needs to be upgraded. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Note To upgrade a DTS instance, call the TransferInstanceClass operation.
Percent String 100

The progress of incremental data synchronization. Unit: percentage.

Progress String 20001

The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during incremental data migration or synchronization.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if incremental data synchronization failed.

DestinationEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the destination instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the objects are synchronized in the destination instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the destination instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1162kryivb8****

The ID of the destination instance.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the destination instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the destination instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the destination instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the destination instance.

MigrationMode Object

The initial synchronization types.

DataInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
DataSynchronization Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
StructureInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
FullDataCheck Boolean true

Indicates whether full data verification is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
IncDataCheck Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data verification is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Performance Object

The performance of the data synchronization instance.

Rps String 100

The number of times SQL statements are synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE.

Flow String 1

The size of data that is synchronized per second. Unit: MB/s.

PrecheckStatus Object

The precheck state.

Status String Finished

The precheck state. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The precheck is not started.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Checking: The precheck is in progress.
  • Failed: The precheck failed.
  • Finished: The precheck is complete.
Percent String 100

The precheck progress. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ.

The error message returned if the precheck failed.

Detail Array of PrecheckDetail

The result of each precheck item.

CheckResult String Success

The precheck result. Valid values:

  • Success
  • Failed
CheckItemDescription String CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL

The description of the precheck item.

CheckItem String CHECK_CONN_SRC

The name of the precheck item.


The method that is used to fix a precheck failure.

FailedReason String Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES)

The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck.

SourceEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the source instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the source instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the source instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the source instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****

The source instance ID.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the source instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the source instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the source instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the source instance.

StructureInitializationStatus Object

The state of initial schema synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of schema synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The synchronization is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of schema synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: ERROR: type "geometry" does not exist;

The error message returned if schema synchronization failed.

Progress String 1

The number of tables that are synchronized during initial schema synchronization.

DuUsage Long 15

The number of DUs that are used.

CpuUsage String 90

The CPU utilization of the instance. Unit: percentage.

MemUsage String 500

The memory that is used. Unit: MB.

DedicatedClusterId String dtscluster_dpwl3**********

The ID of the DTS dedicated cluster on which a DTS task runs.

ErrorDetails Array of ErrorDetail

The error message returned.

ErrorCode String DTS-31009

The HTTP status code.

HelpUrl String https://**.ali**.com/**

The URL of the documentation.

EtlSafeCheckpoint String 1610540493

The checkpoint of the ETL task.

MinDu double 1

The lower limit on the DUs of the serverless instance.

MaxDu double 16

The upper limit on the DUs of the serverless instance.

FullDataCheckStatus Object

The state information about the full data verification task.

Status String Checking

The state of the full data verification task. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The verification is not started.
  • Checking: The verification is in progress.
  • Failed: The verification failed.
  • Finished: The verification is complete.
  • Inconsistency: The verification is complete. Inconsistent data is found.
Percent String 100

The progress of the full data verification task. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if the task failed.

Progress String 1 rows/s (row: 5/5, table: 1/1)

The progress of the full data verification task.

IncDataCheckStatus Object

The state information about the incremental data verification task.

Status String Checking

The state of the incremental data verification task. Valid values:

  • Catched: The task has no latency.
  • NotStarted: The verification is not started.
  • Checking: The verification is in progress.
  • Failed: The verification failed.
  • Inconsistency: The verification is complete. Inconsistent data is found.
Percent String 95

The progress of the incremental data verification task. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if the task failed.

Progress String 1 rows/s (row: 5/5, table: 1/1)

The progress of the incremental data verification task.

SourceEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the source instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the source instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the source instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the source instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1162kryivb8****

The source instance ID.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the source instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the source instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the source instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the source instance.

StructureInitializationStatus Object

The state of schema migration or initial schema synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of schema migration or schema synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data migration or synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of schema migration or schema synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: ERROR: type "geometry" does not exist;

The error message returned if schema migration or schema synchronization failed.

Progress String 1

The number of tables that are migrated or synchronized during schema migration or initial schema synchronization.

RetryState Object

The information about the retries performed by DTS due to an exception.

RetryCount Integer 5

The number of retries.

MaxRetryTime Integer 7200

The maximum duration of a retry. Unit: seconds.

ErrMessage String Unexpected error

The error message returned if the retry failed.

RetryTarget String srcDB

The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:

  • srcDB: the source database
  • destDB: the destination database
  • inner_module: an internal module of DTS
RetryTime Integer 3600

The time that has elapsed from the point in time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds.

Module String 03

The progress of the instance when DTS retries.

JobId String bi6e22ay243****

The task ID.

Retrying Boolean false

Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
MigrationErrHelpDocId String 462133

The ID of the error code-related help document.

MigrationErrHelpDocKey String DTS-RETRY-ERR-0046

The key of the error code-related help document.

MigrationErrCode String dts.retry.err.0046

The error code.

MigrationErrType String ForeignKey

The error type.

MigrationErrMsg String dts.retry.err.0046.msg

The error message.

MigrationErrWorkaround String dts.retry.err.0046.workaround

The solution to the error.

JobType String MIGRATION

The type of the DTS task. Valid values:

  • MIGRATION: data migration task.
  • SYNC: data synchronization task.
  • SUBSCRIBE: change tracking task.
DuUsage Long 15

The number of DUs that are used.

CpuUsage String 1

The CPU utilization of the instance. Unit: percentage.

MemUsage String 500

The memory that has been used. Unit: MB.

DedicatedClusterId String dtscluster_ft7y3**********

The ID of the DTS dedicated cluster on which a DTS task runs.

ErrorDetails Array of ErrorDetail

The error message returned.

ErrorCode String DTS-31009

The error code.

HelpUrl String https://**.ali**.com/**

The URL of the help document.

DataCloudStatus Object

The state of the physical gateway-based migration task.

Status String Migrating

The state of the task. For more information about the valid values, see the description of the request parameter Status.

NeedUpgrade Boolean false

Indicates whether the instance needs to be upgraded. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Percent String 85

The progress of the task. Unit: percentage.

Progress String 1

The number of tables that are migrated.

ErrorMessage String framework: DTS-31009: In process of processing data ****

The error message returned if the task failed.

ResourceGroupId String rg-acfmzawhxxc****

The resource group ID.

ResourceGroupDisplayName String default resource group

The name of the resource group.

MigrationErrMsg String dts.retry.err.0046.msg

The error message.

MigrationErrHelpDocId String 462133

The ID of the error code-related help document.

MigrationErrWorkaround String dts.retry.err.0046.workaround

The solution to the error.

MigrationErrCode String dts.retry.err.0046

The error code.

MigrationErrHelpDocKey String DTS-RETRY-ERR-0046

The key of the error code-related help document.

MigrationErrType String ForeignKey

The error type.

EtlSafeCheckpoint String 1610540493

The checkpoint of the ETL task.

FullDataCheckStatus Object

The state information about the full data verification task.

Status String Checking

The state of the full data verification task. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The verification is not started.
  • Checking: The verification is in progress.
  • Failed: The verification failed.
  • Finished: The verification is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of the full data verification task. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if the task failed.

Progress String 1 rows/s (row: 5/5, table: 1/1)

The progress of the full data verification task.

IncDataCheckStatus Object

The state information about the incremental data verification task.

Status String Checking

The state of the incremental data verification task. Valid values:

  • Catched: The task has no latency.
  • NotStarted: The verification is not started.
  • Checking: The verification is in progress.
  • Failed: The verification failed.
Percent String 95

The progress of the incremental data verification task. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if the task failed.

Progress String 1 rows/s (row: 5/5, table: 1/1)

The progress of the incremental data verification task.

DtsBisLabel String normal

The environment tag of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • normal
  • online
MinDu double 1

The lower limit on the DUs of the serverless instance.

MaxDu double 16

The upper limit on the DUs of the serverless instance.

EtlDemoList Array of DtsJobStatus

The DTS tasks and the details of each task.

Status String Migrating

The state of the DTS task.

Valid values for a data migration task:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • MigrationFailed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

Valid values for a data synchronization task:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Initializing: Initial data synchronization is in progress.
  • InitializeFailed: Initial data synchronization failed.
  • Synchronizing: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed to synchronize data.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Modifying: The objects to be synchronized are being modified.
  • ModifyFailed: The objects to be synchronized failed to be modified.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

Valid values for a change tracking task:

  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • Starting: The task is being started.
  • Normal: The task is running as expected.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Abnormal: The task is not running as expected.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.
OriginType String DTS

The source of the task.

  • PTS
  • DMS
  • DTS

The name of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task.

Delay Long 0

The latency of incremental data migration or synchronization.

Note If you query data migration tasks, the unit of this parameter is milliseconds. If you query data synchronization tasks, the unit of this parameter is seconds.
ErrorMessage String DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by [com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.][com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.][ timed out (Connection timed out)] About more information in [].

The error message returned if the task failed.

ExpireTime String 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid.
DtsJobId String i03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task.

CreateTime String 2021-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

PayType String PrePaid

The billing method of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • PrePaid: subscription.
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go.
Reserved String {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"}

The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved.

ConsumptionClient String 114...:dts******

The downstream client information in the following format: <IP address of the downstream client>:<Random ID generated by DTS>.

DbObject String {"dtstestdata": { "name": "dtstestdata", "all": true }}

The objects of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking task. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks.

DtsJobClass String large

The instance class.

Note For more information about the description and test performance of each instance class, see Specifications of data migration instances and Specifications of data synchronization instances.
ConsumptionCheckpoint String 2021-03-23T07:30:31Z

The consumption checkpoint of the change tracking instance. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

EndTimestamp String 2021-03-26T14:03:21Z

The end of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

AppName String new

Indicates whether the new change tracking feature is used.

Note This parameter is returned only for change tracking instances of the new version.
BeginTimestamp String 2021-03-15T08:25:34Z

The start of the time range for change tracking. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

DtsInstanceID String dtsi03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data migration, data synchronization, or change tracking instance.

DtsJobDirection String Forward

The synchronization direction. Valid values:

  • Forward
  • Reverse
Note This parameter is returned only if the topology of the data synchronization instance is two-way synchronization.
Checkpoint String 1616899019

The start offset of incremental data migration or data synchronization. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.

TagList Array of DtsTag

The tags of the task.

TagValue String testvalue

The tag value.

TagKey String testkey

The tag key.

DataInitializationStatus Object

The state of full data migration or initial full data synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of full data migration or synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data migration or synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of full data migration or synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if full data migration or synchronization failed.

Progress String 44755

The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during full data migration or synchronization.

DataSynchronizationStatus Object

The state of incremental data migration or synchronization.

Status String Catched

The state of incremental data migration or synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Incremental data migration or synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Catched: The task has no latency.
NeedUpgrade Boolean true

Indicates whether the instance needs to be upgraded. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Note To upgrade a DTS instance, call the TransferInstanceClass operation.
Percent String 95

The progress of incremental data migration or synchronization. Unit: percentage.

Progress String 0/0

The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during incremental data migration or synchronization.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if incremental data migration or synchronization failed.

DataEtlStatus Object

The state of the ETL task.

Note This parameter collection is returned only if an ETL task is configured.
Status String Finished

The state of the ETL task. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Catched: The task has no latency.
Percent String 95

The progress of the ETL task. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if the ETL task failed.

Progress String 0/0

The number of entries that are processed by the ETL task.

DestinationEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the destination instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the destination instance resides. For more information, see Supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the objects are migrated in the destination instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the destination instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****

The ID of the destination instance.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the destination instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the destination instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the destination instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the destination instance.

MigrationMode Object

The migration or synchronization modes.

DataInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether full data migration or full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
DataSynchronization Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
StructureInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Performance Object

The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance.

Rps String 100

The number of times SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE.

Flow String 1

The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: MB/s.

PrecheckStatus Object

The precheck state.

Status String Finished

The precheck state. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The precheck is not started.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Checking: The precheck is in progress.
  • Failed: The precheck failed.
  • Finished: The precheck is complete.
Percent String 100

The precheck progress. This is expressed as a percentage.Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ.

The error message returned if the precheck failed.

Detail Array of PrecheckDetail

The result of each precheck item.

CheckResult String Success

The precheck result. Valid values:

  • Success
  • Failed
CheckItemDescription String CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL

The description of the precheck item.

CheckItem String CHECK_CONN_SRC

The name of the precheck item.


The method used to fix the precheck failure.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed.
FailedReason String Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES)

The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed.
ReverseJob Object

The details of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction.

Note This parameter is returned only for two-way data synchronization tasks.
Status String Synchronizing

The state of the data synchronization task in the reverse direction. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Prechecking: The task is in precheck.
  • PrecheckFailed: The task failed to pass the precheck.
  • PreCheckPass: The task passed the precheck.
  • NotConfigured: The task is not configured.
  • Initializing: Initial data synchronization is in progress.
  • InitializeFailed: Initial data synchronization failed.
  • Synchronizing: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed to synchronize data.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Modifying: The objects to be synchronized are being modified.
  • ModifyFailed: The objects to be synchronized failed to be modified.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
  • Retrying: The task is being retried.
  • Upgrade: The task is being upgraded.
  • Locked: The task is locked.
  • Downgrade: The task is being downgraded.

The name of the data synchronization task.

Delay Long 0

The latency of incremental data synchronization. Unit: seconds.

ErrorMessage String DTS-070211: Connect Source DB failed. cause by [com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.][com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException:Communications link failure\n\nThe last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server.][ timed out (Connection timed out)] About more information in [].

The error message returned if the task failed.

DtsJobId String i03e3zty16i****

The synchronization task ID.

ExpireTime String 2022-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the instance expires. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of PayType is PrePaid.
CreateTime String 2021-03-16T08:01:19Z

The time when the task was created. The time follows the ISO 8601 standard in the yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ format. The time is displayed in UTC.

PayType String PostPaid

The billing method of the DTS instance. Valid values:

  • PrePaid: subscription.
  • PostPaid: pay-as-you-go.
Reserved String {\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"}

The reserved parameter of DTS. The value is a JSON string. You can specify this parameter to meet specific requirements, such as whether to automatically start a precheck. For more information, see MigrationReserved.

DbObject String {"dtstestdata": { "name": "dtstestdata", "all": true }}

The schema of the objects that you want to synchronize. The value is a JSON string and can contain regular expressions. For more information, see Objects of DTS tasks.

DtsJobClass String large

The instance class.

Note For more information about the description and test performance of each instance class, see Specifications of data synchronization instances.
DtsInstanceID String dtsi03e3zty16i****

The ID of the data synchronization instance.

DtsJobDirection String Reverse

The synchronization direction. The value is Reverse.

Checkpoint String 1616980369

The start offset of incremental data synchronization. The value is a UNIX timestamp. Unit: seconds.

DataInitializationStatus Object

The state of initial full data synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of full data synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The synchronization is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of full data synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ""

The error message returned if full data synchronization failed.

Progress String 43071

The number of entries that are synchronized during initial full data synchronization.

DataSynchronizationStatus Object

The state of incremental data synchronization.

Status String Migrating

The state of incremental data synchronization.

NeedUpgrade Boolean true

Indicates whether the instance needs to be upgraded. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Note To upgrade a DTS instance, call the TransferInstanceClass operation.
Percent String 100

The progress of incremental data synchronization. Unit: percentage.

Progress String 20001

The number of entries that are migrated or synchronized during incremental data migration or synchronization.

ErrorMessage String The task has failed for a long time and cannot be recovered.

The error message returned if incremental data synchronization failed.

DestinationEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the destination instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the destination instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the destination instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database to which the objects are synchronized in the destination instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the destination instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1162kryivb8****

The ID of the destination instance.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the destination instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the destination instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the destination instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the destination instance.

MigrationMode Object

The migration or synchronization modes.

DataInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether full data migration or full data synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
DataSynchronization Boolean true

Indicates whether incremental data migration or synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
StructureInitialization Boolean true

Indicates whether schema migration or initial schema synchronization is performed. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
Performance Object

The performance of the data migration or synchronization instance.

Rps String 100

The number of times SQL statements are migrated or synchronized per second, including BEGIN, COMMIT, DML, and DDL statements. DML statements include INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE.

Flow String 1

The size of data that is migrated or synchronized per second. Unit: MB/s.

PrecheckStatus Object

The precheck state.

Status String Finished

The precheck state. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The precheck is not started.
  • Suspending: The task is paused.
  • Checking: The precheck is in progress.
  • Failed: The precheck failed.
  • Finished: The precheck is complete.
Percent String 100

The precheck progress. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String CHECK__ERROR_SAME_OBJ

The error message returned if the precheck failed.

Detail Array of PrecheckDetail

The result of each precheck item.

CheckResult String Success

The precheck result. Valid values:

  • Success
  • Failed
CheckItemDescription String CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL

The description of the precheck item.

CheckItem String CHECK_CONN_SRC

The name of the precheck item.


The method used to fix the precheck failure.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed.
FailedReason String Original error: Access denied for user 'dtstest'@'100.104.***.**' (using password: YES)

The error message returned if the task failed to pass the precheck.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of CheckResult is Failed.
SourceEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the source instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the source instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the source instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the source instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****

The source instance ID.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the source instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the source instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the source instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the source instance.

StructureInitializationStatus Object

The state of initial schema synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of schema synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The synchronization is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: The task failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of schema synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: ERROR: type "geometry" does not exist;

The error message returned if schema synchronization failed.

Progress String 1

The number of tables that are synchronized during initial schema synchronization.

EtlSafeCheckpoint String 1610540493

The checkpoint of the ETL task.

SourceEndpoint Object

The connection settings of the source instance.

SslSolutionEnum String DISABLE

Indicates whether SSL encryption is enabled. Valid values:

  • DISABLE: SSL encryption is disabled.
  • ENABLE_WITH_CERTIFICATE: SSL encryption is enabled, and the CA certificate is uploaded.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_MONGODB_ALTAS: SSL encryption is enabled for the connection with an AWS MongoDB Altas database.
  • ENABLE_ONLY_4_KAFKA_SCRAM_SHA_256: SCRAM-SHA-256 is used to encrypt the connection with a Kafka cluster.
OracleSID String testsid

The SID of the Oracle database.

Note This parameter is returned only if the return value of EngineName of the source instance is Oracle and the Oracle database is deployed in a non-RAC architecture.
Region String cn-hangzhou

The ID of the region where the source instance resides. For more information, see List of supported regions.

DatabaseName String dtstestdata

The name of the database from which the objects are migrated in the source instance.

Ip String 172.16.88.***

The IP address of the source instance.

InstanceID String rm-bp1162kryivb8****

The source instance ID.

Port String 3306

The database service port of the source instance.

InstanceType String RDS

The type of the source instance.

UserName String dtstest

The database account of the source instance.

EngineName String MySQL

The database engine of the source instance.

StructureInitializationStatus Object

The state of schema migration or initial schema synchronization.

Status String Finished

The state of schema migration or schema synchronization. Valid values:

  • NotStarted: The task is not started.
  • Migrating: The task is in progress.
  • Failed: Full data migration or synchronization failed.
  • Finished: The task is complete.
Percent String 100

The progress of schema migration or schema synchronization. Unit: percentage.

ErrorMessage String DTS-1020042 Execute sql error sql: ERROR: type "geometry" does not exist;

The error message returned if schema migration or schema synchronization failed.

Progress String 1

The number of tables that are migrated or synchronized during schema migration or initial schema synchronization.

RetryState Object

DTS is retrying the task due to an exception.

RetryCount Integer 5

The number of retries.

MaxRetryTime Integer 7200

The maximum period during which retries can be performed. Unit: seconds.

ErrMessage String Unexpected error

The error message returned if the retry failed.

RetryTarget String srcDB

The object on which the retries are performed. Valid values:

  • srcDB: the source database.
  • destDB: the destination database.
  • inner_module: an internal module of DTS.
RetryTime Integer 3600

The time that has elapsed from the time when the first retry starts. Unit: seconds.

Module String 03

The progress of the instance when DTS performs retries.

JobId String bi6e22ay243****

The subtask ID.

Retrying Boolean false

Indicates whether the task is being retried. Valid values:

  • true
  • false
JobType String MIGRATION

The type of the DTS task. Default value: MIGRATION. Valid values:

  • MIGRATION: data migration task.
  • SYNC: data synchronization task.
  • SUBSCRIBE: change tracking task.
ResourceGroupId String rg-acfmzawhxxc****

The resource group ID.

ResourceGroupDisplayName String default resource group

The name of the resource group.

EtlSafeCheckpoint String 1610540493

The checkpoint of the ETL task.


Sample requests

&<Common request parameters>

Sample success responses

XML format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK


JSON format

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "TotalRecordCount" : 15,
  "PageRecordCount" : 1,
  "DtsJobList" : [ {
    "Status" : "Migrating",
    "DataInitializationStatus" : {
      "Status" : "Finished",
      "Progress" : "44755",
      "Percent" : "100"
    "DbObject" : "{\"DTSTEST\":{\"name\":\"dtstest\",\"all\":true,\"state\":\"normal\",\"edit\":false}}",
    "CreateTime" : "2021-03-16T08:01:19Z",
    "DtsJobName": "RDS_TO_RDS_MIGRATION",
    "ReverseJob" : {
      "PrecheckStatus" : { },
      "DataInitializationStatus" : { },
      "DestinationEndpoint" : { },
      "SourceEndpoint" : { },
      "Performance" : { },
      "MigrationMode" : { },
      "StructureInitializationStatus" : { },
      "DataSynchronizationStatus" : { }
    "PayType" : "PrePaid",
    "DtsInstanceID" : "dtsi03e3zty16i****",
    "Delay" : 0,
    "MigrationMode" : {
      "DataInitialization" : true,
      "DataSynchronization" : true,
      "StructureInitialization" : true
    "PrecheckStatus" : {
      "Status" : "Finished",
      "Percent" : "100",
      "Detail" : [ {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_CONN_SRC",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_CONN_SRC_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_CONN_DEST",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_CONN_DEST_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_AUTH_SRC",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_AUTH_SRC_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_AUTH_DEST",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_AUTH_DEST_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_BINLOG_ON",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_BINLOG_ON_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_BINLOG_MODE",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_BINLOG_MODE_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_BINLOG_ROW_IMAGE_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_SERVER_ID",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_SERVER_ID_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_BINLOG_EXIST",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_BINLOG_EXIST_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_ENGINE",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_ENGINE_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_MYSQL_PASSOWRD_FORMAT",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_MYSQL_PASSOWRD_FORMAT_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_SRC",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_SRC_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_SAME_OBJ",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_SAME_OBJ_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_SQL_MODE",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_SQL_MODE_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_SAME_USER",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_SAME_USER_DETAIL"
      }, {
        "CheckItem" : "CHECK_TOPOLOGY",
        "CheckResult" : "Success",
        "CheckItemDescription" : "CHECK_TOPOLOGY_DETAIL"
      } ]
    "DtsJobClass" : "large",
    "Checkpoint" : "1616902385",
    "DtsJobId" : "i03e3zty16i****",
    "DestinationEndpoint" : {
      "UserName" : "dtstest",
      "InstanceID" : "rm-bp1imrtn6fq7h****",
      "SslSolutionEnum" : "DISABLE",
      "Port" : "3306",
      "DatabaseName" : "",
      "Region" : "cn-hangzhou",
      "InstanceType" : "RDS",
      "EngineName" : "MySQL"
    "SourceEndpoint" : {
      "UserName" : "dtstest",
      "InstanceID" : "rm-bp1162kryivb8****",
      "SslSolutionEnum" : "DISABLE",
      "Port" : "3306",
      "Region" : "cn-hangzhou",
      "InstanceType" : "RDS",
      "EngineName" : "MySQL"
    "TagList" : [ {
      "TagKey" : "testkey",
      "TagValue" : "testvalue"
    } ],
    "Performance" : { },
    "Reserved" : "{\"srcHostPorts\":\"\",\"\":false,\"filterDDL\":false,\"sqlparser.dms.original.ddl\":true,\"srcOracleType\":\"sid\",\"maxRetryTime\":43200,\"destSSL\":\"0\",\"destOracleType\":\"sid\",\"srcSSL\":\"0\",\"dbListCaseChangeMode\":\"default\",\"SourceEngineVersion\":\"8.0.18\",\"srcNetType\":\"VPC\",\"destNetType\":\"VPC\",\"srcVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:10803\",\"destVpcNetMappingInst\":\"172.16.1**.**:11077\",\"useJobTask\":\"1\"}",
    "StructureInitializationStatus" : {
      "Status" : "Finished",
      "Progress" : "1",
      "Percent" : "100"
    "DataSynchronizationStatus" : {
      "Status" : "Catched",
      "Progress" : "0/0",
      "Percent" : "95"
  } ],
  "RequestId" : "621BB4F8-3016-4FAA-8D5A-5D3163CC****",
  "PageNumber" : 2,
  "HttpStatusCode" : 200,
  "Success" : true

Error codes


Error code

Error message


400 Throttling.User Request was denied due to user flow control. The number of requests exceeded the limit, and the request was rejected. Try again later.
500 ServiceUnavailable The request has failed due to a temporary failure of the server. The error message returned because the response of the server timed out or the server was unavailable. Try again. If the error persists, contact technical support.
403 InvalidSecurityToken.Expired Specified SecurityToken is expired. The error message returned because the signature expired. Use a new signature.

For a list of error codes, see Service error codes.