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Container Service for Kubernetes:View information about the nodes in your cluster

Last Updated:Jul 11, 2024

Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) allows you to view the detailed information about a node, including the name, instance ID, resources allocated to pods, resource capacity, container runtime, labels, annotations, taints, resource request, and resource usage.


A Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) managed cluster is created. For more information, see Create an ACK managed cluster.

Use the ACK console to view the node list

  1. Log on to the ACK console. In the left-side navigation pane, click Clusters.

  2. On the Clusters page, find the cluster that you want to manage and click its name. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Nodes > Nodes.

  3. View the node information

    • View the resource request and resource utilization of a node.

      • CPU request = sum(Amount of CPU resources requested by all pods on the node)/Total amount of CPU resources on the node

      • CPU utilization = sum(Amount of CPU resources used by all pods on the node)/Total amount of CPU resources on the node

      • Memory request = sum(Amount of memory resources requested by all pods on the node)/Total amount of memory resources on the node

      • Memory utilization = sum(Amount of memory resources used by all pods on the node)/Total amount of memory resources on the node

      • Allocatable resources = Resource capacity - Reserved resources - Eviction threshold. For more information, see Resource reservation policy.

      • You can configure resource requests for application pods based on the amount of allocatable resources. The sum of resource requests of all application pods on a node must not be greater than the amount of allocatable resources on the node. Otherwise, pod scheduling failures occur due to insufficient resources. ACK can create resource profiles for Kubernetes-native workloads to help you configure resource requests based on the historical resource usage data. For more information about how to configure resource requests for application pods, see Create a stateless application by using a Deployment.

      • If the resource request of a node reaches 100%, the system does not schedule new pods to the node.

    • View the node name, IP address, instance ID, node pool to which the node belongs, resources allocated to pods, resource capacity, and container runtime.

    • Click More > Details in the Actions column to view the labels, annotations, taints, and pods of the node.

Use kubectl to view the node list


A kubectl client is connected to the ACK cluster. For more information, see Obtain the kubeconfig file of a cluster and use kubectl to connect to the cluster.


Run the following command to view the node list:

kubectl get nodes

Expected output:

NAME                      STATUS    AGE       VERSION
iz2ze2n6ep53tch701y****   Ready     19m       v1.6.1-2+ed9e3d33a07093
iz2zeafr762wibijx39****   Ready     7m        v1.6.1-2+ed9e3d33a07093
iz2zeafr762wibijx39****   Ready     7m        v1.6.1-2+ed9e3d33a07093
iz2zef4dnn9nos8elyr****   Ready     14m       v1.6.1-2+ed9e3d33a07093
iz2zeitvvo8enoreufs****   Ready     11m       v1.6.1-2+ed9e3d33a07093


  • You can use the resource profiling feature provided by ACK to get resource configuration suggestions for containers based on the historical data of resource usage. This simplifies the configuration of resource requests and limits for containers. For more information, see Resource profiling.

    For more information about how to configure resource requests for application pods, see Create a stateless application by using a Deployment.

  • You can configure node labels and the nodeSelector to schedule a pod to a specific node. For more information, see Schedule pods to specific nodes.