Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine
Issue 13

Alibaba Cloud Customer Success Stories

The Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine is a free bi-monthly digital publication produced by Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International. The e-magazine aims to present the latest news, stories, and technologies of Alibaba Cloud to offer insight into how technology is changing the world and shaping the future, as exemplified by our endeavors.

Alibaba Cloud is a global leader in cloud computing and artificial intelligence solutions, and it stands out as the most qualified cloud service provider in Asia, excelling in security compliance. Alibaba Cloud offers computing, storage, and intelligent services to billions of users worldwide. Collaborating with Alibaba Cloud is one of the fastest ways for businesses to achieve success in Asia and expand globally.

This edition of Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine features a remarkable collection of customer success stories. Explore inspiring accounts that demonstrate how Alibaba Cloud, through cutting-edge solutions, industry-leading security and compliance practices, and a diverse range of cloud services, empowers enterprises to expand their businesses worldwide. Stay tuned for the latest insights and updates in the Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine series. Discover how businesses are leveraging Alibaba Cloud to overcome challenges and unlock new opportunities for growth.

Key Contents Featured in This Issue:

Foreword by Selina Yuan

ADVANCE.AI: Running High-Performance Data Analytics and Warehousing Operations on Alibaba Cloud

THE EXNESS GROUP: Enhancing Cross-border Network Connectivity on Alibaba Cloud

GARUDA INDONESIA: Achieving a Speedy Data Migration on Alibaba Cloud

COM7: Optimizing Application Performance and Cloud Costs on Alibaba Cloud

ENISH: Empowering Uninterrupted Gaming Operations on Alibaba Cloud

STARTIMES: Improving Resource Utilization and Service Availability on Alibaba Cloud

BES GLOBAL: Accelerating Global Expansion Efforts on Alibaba Cloud

Innovate with Us

Join a global network of partners dedicated on more customer value implementation and achievement.
Alibaba Cloud Partner Network (ACPN) is the partner portal for Alibaba Cloud Channel, Technology partner, MSP partner and other partner programs. ACPN mission is to provide our partners a great journey, and reach win-win by providing our partner valuable and up-to-date support.

Meet Our Partners

Discover how we are collaborating with our partners to enable companies large and small to grow and improve their business

The successful diversification became a growth strategy for indonet, which rapidly expanded into the infrastructure services, platform services, and application services.

By partnering with Alibaba Cloud, Indonet gets to branch out and give its customers a plethora of new cloud services.

Blue Power Technology collaborates with Alibaba Cloud to give the right cloud solution for Indonesian businesses. Just like what Alibaba Cloud has done for businesses across Asia.

Blue Power Technology, one of the IT experts in Indonesia can provide various IT solutions, including IT infrastructure and IoT, all on Alibaba Cloud.

Microfusion is an Elite partner of Alibaba Cloud. We provide one-stop solutions and multi-cloud integration strategies to help customers build cloud applications such as big data and AI. It is the first choice for enterprises' digital transformation, China layout and enterprise expansion.

Asia Accelerator

The fastest way to grow in Asian market is with Alibaba Cloud. Our technology and global infrastructure will help you innovate the approach to grow business. Our ecosystem is ready to support you. Accelerate your success in Asia today with Alibaba Cloud.

Featured Content


Identifying the Opportunities, Market Barriers, and Entry Strategies to China

Download this whitepaper to learn about the challenges of entering the Chinese market and the solutions to ensure a successful business in the region.


Asia Accelerator: Unlocking Opportunities in Asia and China with Alibaba Cloud

In this whitepaper, we explain how Asia Accelerator and China Gateway can help you accelerate business growth by enriching your digital transformation capabilities.


How to Digitally Transform Your Enterprise with Alibaba Cloud

We examine how cloud computing can support your business during your digital transformation initiatives, introducing you to various digital solutions.

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