"We are exhilarated to have joined Alibaba Cloud's infrastructure and ecosystem. The team is fantastic and continues to provide us support for scaling and growing our business."
Lim Huijie, CEO & Founder, VisionTech Pte. Ltd.

Featured Products

Elastic Compute Service - ECSApsaraDB for MongoDBApsaraDB for RedisObject Storage Service - OSSCloudMonitorContainer Service for Kubernetes - ACKFunction ComputeKey Management Service - KMS

About VisionGroup

VisionGroup is a leading technology group that offers "Innovation-as-a-Service" solutions to future-proof enterprises and bring their vision to reality. VisionGroup focuses on accelerating the adoption of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, and cybersecurity, among enterprises and the masses by making them simpler, faster, and more efficient. Focus sectors include commerce, finance, digital assets, robotics, ESG, and e-government.


Prior to adopting Alibaba Cloud in its infrastructure, VisionGroup faced a host of challenges, including high costs, delayed technical support, lack of coverage, and limited industry expertise.
As a result, the company needed a trusted cloud partner that could offer:
• Lower total cost of ownership (TCO).
• Superior and faster technical support.
• Extended regional coverage to help efficiently serve clients across the globe.
• Better cloud ecosystem and financial industry best practices for faster access to the market.

Why Alibaba Cloud

While experimenting with services from various cloud providers, VisionGroup noticed a 10-20% reduction in TCO when using Alibaba Cloud. For VisionGroup, the cost reduction as well as the quick and robust technical support, was a deciding factor in choosing Alibaba Cloud over other cloud providers.
Alibaba Cloud also provided VisionGroup with a variety of training and enablement opportunities, offering a thorough walkthrough of its cloud solutions and services through dedicated channels. This helped boost the company's overall productivity and operational efficiency.


VisionGroup deployed a wide variety of cloud solutions to inject agility, scalability, and flexibility into its blockchain solution. Elastic Compute Service (ECS) was used to elastically power the blockchain solution on-demand, while Object Storage Service (OSS) helped store and retrieve data objects securely and efficiently. VisionGroup also benefitted from Alibaba Cloud’s Function Compute and Container Service for Kubernetes (ACK) offering, allowing it to build up its cloud native capabilities quickly and conveniently.
To protect VisionGroup’s blockchain service from cyber-attacks, the team deployed Alibaba Cloud Key Management Service (KMS), to encrypt and protect sensitive data assets. VisionGroup also took advantage of the free-tier Anti-DDoS service and multiple other cost-efficient security solutions to safeguard its data.
The company further deployed CloudMonitor and set up a real-time dashboard to view and analyze the usage and availability of different cloud resources. This helped the team keep track of the overall health of the application infrastructure and mitigate performance issues or potential downtime.

Looking Forward

Partnering with Alibaba Cloud enabled VisionGroup to securely host its blockchain solution on the cloud, while also benefitting from the deep financial domain expertise to boost the awareness of its blockchain service. Through this successful partnership, VisionGroup hopes to deliver more value to its customers, foster innovation, and increase operational excellence.