Community Blog Rewind 2020: A Look Back at Alibaba Cloud's Biggest Achievements This Year

Rewind 2020: A Look Back at Alibaba Cloud's Biggest Achievements This Year

This blog highlights Alibaba Cloud's most exciting achievements and innovations in 2020.

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As cliché as it may sound, 2020 has indeed been a challenging year for all of us, perhaps the most difficult year yet. Looking back, we've done well to overcome unprecedented challenges through innovative ideas, including maintaining our position as the third largest global provider for IaaS for the third consecutive year, hosting our very first fully-digital Apsara Conference, and the wide adoption of cloud native technologies for this year's Double 11. We've weathered the storm of 2020, and we can only expect the best for 2021.

In this blog, we'd like to share some of our biggest achievements and innovations this year amid the "new normal". We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your incessant support in this eventful year. Here's to a better year ahead!

No. 1: Alibaba Cloud Named First Public Cloud Vendor in the World to Obtain Trusted Partner Network (TPN) Certification

Alibaba Cloud announced in January 2020 that it became the first public cloud vendor in the world to obtain the prestigious Trusted Partner Network (TPN) certification. This was an achievement that validated the entertainment industry's confidence in our robust security and trustworthiness as a cloud service provider. With viewing consumption habits changing rapidly, broadcast platforms constantly evolving, and new production techniques emerging globally, Alibaba Cloud has successfully helped the entertainment industry to revolutionize how it works in order to respond to and embrace these changing dynamics by offering a highly secure, dependable, flexible and scalable cloud-based platform.

Read more: https://www.alibabacloud.com/press-room/alibaba-cloud-named-first-public-cloud-vendor

No. 2: Alibaba Cloud Offers E-commerce Solutions and AI Cloud Services to Help Battle Covid-19 Globally


In the first quarter of 2020, Alibaba Cloud delivered a series of e-commerce solutions to businesses that are adversely impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, enabling retailers to launch a B2C e-commerce platform as quickly as within five days.

Alibaba Cloud also worked closely with the teams at Alibaba DAMO Academy and DingTalk to offer medical personnel around the world with advanced cloud-based technology applications in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. These artificial intelligence (AI) enhanced innovations are based on learnings and insights garnered during the initial outbreak of the virus.

Learn more:

No. 3: Alibaba Cloud Launches USD 30 Million Global SME Enablement Program

Alibaba Cloud announced the Global SME Enablement Program at its Digital Cloud Day. This program was launched to provide cloud technology relief worth more than USD 30 million to new and existing small and medium-enterprise (SME) customers around the world, and equip them with the solutions needed to maintain business continuity amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

No. 4: Alibaba Named by Gartner as Third Biggest Global Provider for IaaS and First in Asia Pacific


On 28 April, 2020, Alibaba Cloud announced that it has the third biggest market share in the global Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market and the biggest in the Asia Pacific region for the third year in a row in 2019, according to Gartner's Market Share: IT Services, 2019 report.

Alibaba's market share in the global IaaS market climbed to 9.1% in 2019, up from 7.7% the year earlier, according to the firm. The Gartner report also showed that in the Asia Pacific region, Alibaba's market share increased to 28.2% last year, from 26.1% in 2018.

View the full Gartner report: Click here (Content only accessible to Gartner subscribers. Identified in the report as Alibaba Group.)

No. 5: Alibaba Cloud Launches Free Bi-Monthly e-Magazine

Alibaba Cloud e-Magazine is a free bi-monthly digital publication produced by Alibaba Cloud Intelligence International, with the aim of helping our customers understand our brand better. The magazine features the latest news, stories, and technologies of Alibaba Cloud, which will give you a better insight into how technology is changing the world and shaping the future as exemplified by our endeavors.

Explore our e-magazines:

No. 6: The Rise of Livestreaming and Webinars

2020 has been dubbed as "the year of livestreaming" by many due to the rise of interactive video tools and platforms, such as DingTalk, which allow businesses to interact with customers virtually amid COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. In fact, Alibaba Cloud was also quick to adopt various digital channels to continually interact with our customers, hosting hundreds of webinars in the past year. This includes our Academy Day Online Conference, Digital Alibaba Cloud Day, Alibaba Cloud and DingTalk Joint Online Conference, Alibaba Cloud Summit Live!, and the Apsara Conference 2020.

Highlight 7: Apsara Conference Went Fully Digital


The Apsara Conference is an annual event hosted by Alibaba Cloud since 2009, aimed at becoming "The World's Most Influential Technology Conference". This year marked the 12th edition of the conference and was themed, "Leap into the Future of Digital Intelligence", where customers from various sectors, including aviation, leisure and hospitality, education, and e-commerce and retail, shared their growth and success stories achieved together with Alibaba Cloud.

In the face of the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting global travel restrictions, the Apsara Conference 2020 went fully digital. Sessions were presented virtually in digitally simulated conference halls, and customers were able to interact with Alibaba Cloud through live chat modules.

Explore more:

Highlight 8: 2020 Double 11 Breaks Multiple Records


This year's Double 11 shopping festival generated RMB498.2 billion (US$74.1 billion) in GMV over an 11-day period, which was made possible by Alibaba Cloud infrastructure upgrades. Right after midnight on November 11, just 26 seconds after shopping began, peak orders hit 583,000 per second – 1,400 times peak volume at the festival's debut 12 years ago on November 11, 2009.

In addition, the large deployment of cloud-native technology in the core system of this year's Double 11 helped improve resource efficiency, R&D efficiency, and delivery efficiency. Not only did Alibaba Cloud support one of the world's largest container clusters, upscaling to as many as one million containers in an hour, we were able to reduce the amount of computing resources needed for every 10,000 transactions by 80% compared to four years ago.

Highlight 9: Alibaba Cloud Named Leader in Gartner's 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems (DBMS)

Alibaba Cloud, in November, was named a leader in Gartner's 2020 Magic Quadrant for Cloud Database Management Systems, marking the first time a Chinese provider was able to achieve such a feat. According to Gartner, "Leaders demonstrate the most support for a broad range of DBMS use cases, based on support for a wide range of data types and diversity of development models (such as multicloud, intercloud and hybrid). These vendors demonstrate consistent customer satisfaction and strong customer support…generally represent the lowest risk for customers in the areas for performance, scalability, reliability and support."

This achievement is a strong endorsement on our capability, and Alibaba Cloud hopes to achieve more in the coming years with our comprehensive portfolio of database services.

Read the full report: https://www.alibabacloud.com/press-room/alibaba-cloud-named-leader-in-gartner-2020-magic-quadrant-dbms

Looking Ahead to an Exciting 2021

These achievements illustrate just some of the many ways Alibaba Cloud has strived to provide only the best for our customers. There are a lot more that you can find on our blog and the official press room. We hope to build on our achievements in the years ahead, and we hope to embark on this journey together with you in 2021.

Alibaba Cloud wishes you a Happy New Year 2021!

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