Community Blog Project Showcase | An Online Learning and College Information Application

Project Showcase | An Online Learning and College Information Application

This project is from GAVASKAR S (Clouders), which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Alibaba Cloud Low-Code Development Contest 2022.

This project is from GAVASKAR S (Clouders), which was awarded with the Third Prize in the Alibaba Cloud Low-Code Development Contest 2022.

Project Introduction

Online learning has its own arrangement of up-sides and negatives. Unraveling and understanding these up-sides and negatives will help foundations in making systems for more effective conveyance of the illustrations, guaranteeing a continuous learning venture for the understudies in cloud.

Our Project is Online Education provides an online learning and college information application created using ALICMS and the Metaverse of Alibaba Cloud. Through this application online education and details of the college has been provided to the students.


Project Value

This project contributes its huge part in developing the existing educational resources and services with security and ease accessibility over the educational forum. Education Resources and Services the executives – For overseeing assets and services offered by Clouds a system is required. This must be able to enlist, find, record, allot and reassign, monitor and arrange assets and administrations. Compatibility among assets, administrations and their compactness are the significant issues which can be looked at in this dimension. To furnish clients with an abnormal state service oriented perspective of the registering framework, a deliberation is needed. The frontend gives an extremely special and uniform access point to the Cloud. A client must be permitted to submit a utilitarian processing demand which just provides requirements and determinations, without any knowledge of the framework assets arrangement. Private Security is the powerful instrument required to give: verification, assets and data insurance, information classification and trustworthiness. Education asset and administration accessibility, reliability and information consistency is important to implement repetition of asset administrations and hosts' recuperation arrangements since clients voluntarily contribute to the registration. Along these lines they can log out or disconnect from the Cloud at any quantum of time.

Functionality and Creativity


The services are provided to consumers through the Internet by the cloud providers with the help of huge databases or physical data centers. The cloud provider’s regularly check the authentication for providing the data. The public and private clouds are connected through cloud management systems to provide the required data from the database. Virtualization plays an important role in the cloud scenario. The database provides the data from the residing virtual machines. The end users in cloud computing in education may be the students, teachers, researchers or the administrators using the cloud. Users potentially can use any OS supported by the virtual machines used.


In ALCMS, we have utilized Bootstrap, which is a great front-end tool which helps in creating effective and efficient websites. It also provides quick access to web development platform components in a single place. The best part is bootstrap is supported on all web browsers and even has compatibility on IE 7. It creates responsive platforms so there’s no need for writing codes for different screen sizes. The website will automatically scale the text and images according to the size of the smartphone or tablet or laptop. Together with Components and JavaScript plugins ALCMS provides interface for: buttons, Labels, navigation bars, alerts, thumbnails, badges, Progress bars, tooltips etc. It offers basic templates which can be used initially and then later make changes if needed. This tool uses a jQuery Mobile theme based on Bootstrap using Bootstrap UI library. This theme will override current jQuery Mobile A – E swatches with colors and styles found in Bootstrap.

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

About the Developer

Our Team Name: Clouders

  1. S.Gavaskar B.Tech., M.E. Mr.S.
    Gavaskar has completed M.E (Network and Internet Engineering) from Karunya University, Coimbatore in the year 2009 and B.Tech (I.T) from St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering affiliated to Anna University in the year 2005. He has around 14 Years of Software experience, where he worked with various .net technologies Has 10 years of teaching experience as Assistant Professor at St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering. Presently he is working as Cloud/Software Consultant in GM Software, Nagercoil, India. He is an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in Alibaba Cloud with more 75+ Clouder certifications and four Associate Certifications in Cloud Computing and Cloud Security of Enterprise Database Cloud Transformation Architect o Cloud-Native. He got "DevOps Engineer Certification" From Alibaba Cloud. He is Oracle Academy Certified Trainer for Oracle Certification Courses. He is active Writer of Alibaba Cloud in Quora and Reddit. He is an active writer in LinkedIn and published 4 articles in linkedin.
  2. Ms. R. Jeny B.E, a native of Kanyakumari District
    Ms. R. Jeny received her undergraduate degree Bachelor of Engineering on the stream of Computer science and Engineering from Rajas Institute of Technology for women affiliated under Anna University Chennai. She is currently working as a Technical Assistant in YMCA Nagercoil. She has experience as a Software Developer in software design, analysis, development, testing and implementation of web and client server applications using Microsoft Technologies. She hands on in application development using with C#, Web Forms in ASP.NET using C# as the code-behind language. Extensive experience in the design and development of applications using .NET and Web technologies like XML, CSS, Ajax, JavaScript and HTML in n-tier architecture.
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