Community Blog Hands-On Lab | Quick Backup and Restore ApsaraDB for MongoDB

Hands-On Lab | Quick Backup and Restore ApsaraDB for MongoDB

Part 2 of this 5-part series explains how to back up and restore ApsaraDB for MongoDB.

1. Get Started with ApsaraDB for MongoDB Free Trial

Once you have registered your Alibaba Cloud account and completed your account and payment information, you are ready to claim free trials of our products (such as ECS, PolarDB, RDS, and other services). You can claim all the benefits on Alibaba Cloud Free Tier Center.

If you already have existing instances for the lab, please skip this chapter.

1.  On Alibaba Cloud Free Tier Center, find ApsaraDB for MongoDB and click Try Now >


2.  Choose a region to deploy your MongoDB instance and complete all configurations of the free trial order. If this is your first order on Alibaba Cloud, you may need to configure a VPC and a VSwitch during the time.


3.  The instance will be created after placing a free tier order. It takes several minutes to complete. Come back later to check the status of the instance you just launched on the MongoDB Console by switching to the specific region that your instance is located. You can also customize the name of the instance when its status becomes Running.


2. Automatic Backup

1.  On the left-side navigation pane of the destination instance page, click Backup and Recovery. Click Full Backup > Backup Settings:


2.  In the Backup Settings panel, configure the following parameters.

Full Backup Retention Period (Days): The number of days for which full backup data is retained. Valid Values: 7 to 730. The default value is 30. Unit: Days

Backup Time: The time when the data is backed up. We recommend specifying an off-peak hour period.

Day of Week: This parameter specifies the frequency of data backup every week. Default value: 7.

Log Backup: This parameter specifies whether to enable the Log Backup feature. The Log Backup feature is enabled by default. If you need to restore data at a certain point in time, you must enable the Log Backup feature.

Log Backup Retention Period (Days): When you enable the Log Backup feature, you must specify the retention duration for log backups. Valid Values: 7 to 730. Unit: Days. Default Value: 7.


3.  Click OK to complete automatic backup settings. Then, automatic backup is performed based on the specified parameters.

3. Manual Backup

1.  On the left-side navigation pane of the destination instance page, click Backup and Recovery.


2.  On the upper-right corner of the page that appears, click Back up Instance.


3.  On the Back up Instance panel, select Snapshot-based backup for Backup Method.


4.  Click OK, and the backup is enabled. After the backup is complete, the backup sets are listed in the Backup List section.


4. Restore Backup Data to a New ApsaraDB for MongoDB Instance by Backup Point

Note: If you create an instance from a backup point, you are charged for the new instance. Please see billing methods for more information.

1.  In the Backup List section, click Create Instance from Backup Point.


2.  Select databases to recover:


3.  Click OK. On the page that appears, select the parameters and click Buy Now to restore data to a new instance by backup set.


5. Restore Backup Data to a New ApsaraDB for MongoDB Instance by Time Point

Note: If you create an instance by time point, you are charged for the new instance. Please see billing methods for more information.

1.  In the Backup List section, click Create Instance by Time Point.


2.  Select recovery time point and databases to recover:


3.  Click OK. On the page that appears, select the parameters and click Buy Now to restore data to a new instance by backup set:


6. Cleanup

● If you do not need to continue using it, don’t forget to clean up the test data and free trial resources in time:

Note: The duration of use for the ApsaraDB for MongoDB free trial is 30 days. If you want to extend the time of use, you can convert the free-tier resource to a paid plan by renewal at any time. Please see billing methods for more information.

If you are only using it for learning or testing purposes with a small amount of data (such as less than 5GB), you can let the resource automatically expire without doing anything. However, if you don't want to be charged under any circumstances, we strongly recommend cleaning up the resource immediately after finishing the test.

● ApsaraDB for MongoDB Resource Cleanup

Log on to the ApsaraDB for MongoDB console, select More > Switch to Pay-as-you-go in the Actions column of the ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance, and click OK:


Now, switch your instance to the Pay-as-you-go billing method, select More > Release in the Actions column of the ApsaraDB for MongoDB instance, and click OK.


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