Community Blog Digiwork: Find A Job That Matches Your Passion

Digiwork: Find A Job That Matches Your Passion

This project is from Angelina Nataly Dhian, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

This project is from Angelina Nataly Dhian, which was awarded with the Innovation Award in the Re-Cloud Challenges 2022.

Project Introduction

Digiwork is built to be a hub for job seeker to either search for work or looking up for job information. It's different from any other job listing website cause, there's no different user type and easier applying system.


Solution and Project Value

Our world has been hit by COVID-19 pandemic really hard, especially on our economy sector. Some people were lucky enough to still have their job, but there are a lot who lost their job because of this COVID-19 pandemic. They crave for another opportunity, but there are just to many of them causing imbalance supply and demand in job availability. Cause of this, come an idea to create job listing website that are easier to use and available for everyone. Not just for job seeker but clients who have work to be posted.

Clients who have work to be posted can email our contact support with their job description or they can register them self to post it manually. Later, job seeker can search for a job from posted jobs and directly apply to clients with our seamless system that allow direct applying. If client agree to recruit them, they can update their submission status from our website or by contacting our contact support to do it.

Technology Highlights

In this project specifically, Alibaba Cloud can be useful if there were implementation of artificial intelligence for easier user decision making in job searching. Not only AI, but Digiwork can use security and big data features. But for this time, Digiwork only using ALICMS for front end design and later on hopefully what were hope to be implemented can be done.

Alibaba Cloud Products Used

About the Developer

Hello everyone! My name is Angelina Nataly Dhian. I'm a bachelor of system information from University of Tarumanagara. Currently I’m interested in UI/UX design and engineer. I've joined around 10 competition surrounding UI/UX and Website and win a lot. Most notable is ultigraph international competition in second place for apps design and FAITH international competition in first place for informatics engineering competition.

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