This is the third section of the DataWorks workshop. In this section, you will learn how to process log data that has been collected into MaxCompute through DataWorks. That is, through this section, you will learn how to run a data flow chart, how to create a new data table, and how to configure periodic scheduling properties. Before you begin this section, make sure that you have read the previous section Data Acquisition with DataWorks.
You can refer to Data acquisition: log data upload to create data tables.
. You can then click DDL Mode to type in the table creation SQL statements.The following are table creation statements:
ip string comment 'IP address',
time string comment 'time:yyyymmddhh:mi:ss',
status string comment 'server return status code',
bytes string comment 'the number of bytes returned to the Client',
region string comment 'region,get from IP',
method string comment 'HTTP request type',
url string comment 'url',
protocol string comment 'HTTP Protocol version number',
referer string comment 'source ures',
device string comment 'terminal type',
identity string comment 'Access type crawler feed user unknown'
tableThe method of creating a new report table is identical to that of a table statement as follows:
Create a copy table
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS dw_user_info_all_d (
gender STRING COMMENT 'Gender',
age_range STRING COMMENT 'Age range',
zodiac STRING COMMENT 'Zodiac sign',
region string comment 'region, get from IP',
device string comment 'terminal type',
identity string comment 'Access type crawler feed user unknown',
method string comment 'HTTP request type',
url string comment 'url',
referer string comment 'source url',
time string comment 'time:yyyymmddhh:mi:ss'
dt string
The following are table creation statements:
Create a copy table
Create Table if not exists rpt_user_info_d(
region string comment 'region, get from IP',
device string comment 'terminal type',
pv bigint comment 'pv',
gender STRING COMMENT 'Gender',
age_range STRING COMMENT 'Age range',
zodiac STRING COMMENT 'Zodiac sign'
dt string
Open the Workshop Business Flow and drag three ODPS SQL nodes named ods_log_info_d
, dw_user_info_all_d
, and rpt_user_info_d
into the canvas, n
, and configure dependencies.
1. Download ip2region.jar.
2. Right-click Resource, and select Create Resource > jar.
3. Click Select File, select ip2region.jar
, which has been downloaded locally, and click OK.
4. After the resource has been uploaded to dataworks, click Submit.
5. Right-click a function and select Create Function.
6. Enter the function name getregion
, select the Business Flow to which you want to belong, and click Submit.
7. Enter the function configuration in the Registry Function dialog box, specify the class name, description, command format, and parameter description.
Here are the parameters you need to enter:
IP address translation area
getregion ('IP')
IP Address
8. Click Save and submit.
node to go to the node configuration page and write the processing logic.The SQL logic is as follows:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE ods_log_info_d PARTITION (dt=${bdp.system.bizdate})
, uid
, time
, status
, bytes -- use a custom UDF to get a locale over IP
, getregion (ip) as region -- the request difference is divided into three fields through the regular
, regexp_substr(request, '(^[^ ]+ )') AS method
, regexp_extract(request, '^[^ ]+ (.*) [^ ]+$') AS url
, regexp_substr(request, '([^ ]+$)') AS protocol -- get more precise urls with regular clear refer
, regexp_extract(referer, '^[^/]+://([^/]+){1}') AS referer -- Get terminal information and access form through agent
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'android' THEN 'android'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'iphone' THEN 'iphone'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'ipad' THEN 'ipad'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'macintosh' THEN 'macintosh'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'windows phone' THEN 'windows_phone'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'windows' THEN 'windows_pc'
ELSE 'unknown'
END AS device
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE '(bot|spider|crawler|slurp)' THEN 'crawler'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) RLIKE 'feed'
OR regexp_extract(request, '^[^ ]+ (.*) [^ ]+$') RLIKE 'feed' THEN 'feed'
WHEN TOLOWER(agent) NOT RLIKE '(bot|spider|crawler|feed|slurp)'
AND agent RLIKE '^[Mozilla|Opera]'
AND regexp_extract(request, '^[^ ]+ (.*) [^ ]+$') NOT RLIKE 'feed' THEN 'user'
ELSE 'unknown'
END AS identity
SELECT SPLIT(col, '##@@')[0] AS ip
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[1] AS uid
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[2] AS time
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[3] AS request
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[4] AS status
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[5] AS bytes
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[6] AS referer
, SPLIT(col, '##@@')[7] AS agent
FROM ods_raw_log_d
WHERE dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
) a;
node to go to the node configuration page and write the processing logic.The SQL logic is as follows:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE dw_user_info_all_d PARTITION (dt='${bdp.system.bizdate}')
SELECT COALESCE(a.uid, b.uid) AS uid
, b.gender
, b.age_range
, b.zodiac
, a.region
, a.device
, a.identity
, a.method
, a.url
, a.referer
, a.time
FROM ods_log_info_d
WHERE dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
) a
FROM ods_user_info_d
WHERE dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
) b
ON a.uid = b.uid;
NodeThe SQL logic is as follows:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE rpt_user_info_d PARTITION (dt='${bdp.system.bizdate}')
, MAX(region)
, MAX(device)
, COUNT(0) AS pv
, MAX(gender)
, MAX(age_range)
, MAX(zodiac)
FROM dw_user_info_all_d
WHERE dt = ${bdp.system.bizdate}
1. Click Submit to submit the node tasks that have been configured in the Business Flow.
2. Select the nodes that need to be submitted in the Submit dialog box, and check the Ignore Warnings on I/O Inconsistency, click Submit.
1. Click Run to verify the code logic.
2. Click Queries in the left-hand navigation bar.
3. Select New > ODPS SQL.
4. Write and execute SQL statements, Query Task for results, and confirm data output.
The query statement is as follows:
--- View the data in the data box
select * From glaswhere dt ''business day'' limit 10;
After the Business Flow is submitted, it indicates that the task has entered the development environment, but the task of developing an environment does not automatically schedule, so the tasks completed by the configuration need to be published to the production environment. Before publishing to the production environment, test this task code.
1. Click Publish to go to the publish page.
2. Select the task to publish and click Add To Be-Published List.
3. Enter the list of pending releases, and click Pack and publish all.
4. View published content on the Publish Package List page.
1. After the task has been published successfully, click Operation center.
2. Select Workshop Business Flows in the Task List.
3. Right-click the workshop_start
node in the DAG graph and select Patch Data > Current and downstream nodes.
4. Check the task that needs to fill the data, enter the business date, and click OK.
When you click OK, you automatically jump to the patch data task instance page.
5. Click Refresh until the SQL task runs successfully.
Now that you've learn the content of this section, you can continue to the last section of this workshop, which is Data Quality Monitoring with DataWorks.
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