Denodo Platform listed on Alibaba Cloud Marketplace

Denodo Platform is the leading data integration, management, and delivery platform using a logical approach, available on Alibaba Cloud as an hourly or annual subscription

The Denodo Platform builds data models that suit the needs of the data consumer, even across multiple sources, it provides the abstraction layer that hides the complexity of your back-end technologies from the end users.

Realizing more than 400% ROI and millions of dollars in benefits, Denodo’s customers across large enterprises and mid-market companies in 30+ industries have received payback in less than 6 months.

Technology and Business Benefits

Agile BI

· Real-time Dashboard
· Self-Service BI/Analytics
· Business Report
· Virtual Data Mart

Logical Data Warehouse / Data Lake

· Logical Data Warehouse
· Logical Data Lake
· DWH Uninstall
· Big Data / Machine Learning

Cloud Solution

· Cloud BI Analysis
· Data Services for Cloud Applications
· Cloud Modernization
· Hybrid Data Structure

Data Service

· Data as a Service
· Microservice Container
· Data Service for SCV/MDM Application
· Application Migration

Technical Benefits

· Modernize Your Information Infrastructure & Protect Data
· Accelerate Information Delivery and Reduce Costs
· Use Fewer Development Resources
· Implement Centralized Data Governance and Ensure Security

Solution Overview and Architecture

The Denodo Platform for Alibaba Cloud offers a range of data integration and management capabilities, including real-time data access, self-service data discovery, cloud-native deployment, data security and governance, AI-based query acceleration, and much more.

The Denodo Platform for Alibaba Cloud is available on the Alibaba Cloud Marketplace by the hour or through BYOL (bring your own license).

Denodo’s native connectivity with Alibaba Cloud Services and other on-premises and cloud data sources helps companies integrate petabyte-scale data in real-time by leveraging Denodo Platform’s Dynamic Query Optimizer. The optimizer automatically pushes down as much processing as possible to Alibaba cloud data sources such as ApsaraDB for RDS, ApsaraDB for OceanBase, PolarDB, and AnalyticDB, together with other out-of-the-box connectivity to 200+ cloud and on-premises data sources.

Solution Highlights

Customer 360

A holistic view of customer data for better customer segmentation and highly targeted marketing activities and a better understanding of customer preferences for upselling and cross-selling efforts.

BI Reporting for Smart Analytics

Enable self-service access to real-time data for everyone, which is key to building a modern cloud-native enterprise BI architecture to keep pace with the speed of business.

Marketing Analytics

Enhanced the ROI via data driven decision making. Get profound insights into customer preferences and trends by leveraging more qualitative data to understand the behavior taking place throughout the customer journey.

Data Virtualization For Cloud Data Migration

Enables organizations to simplify transition of on-premise data to cloud data warehouse and storage with less complexity and cost using a virtual data layer to mask complexity and avoid business disruptions.

Customer Reference

Empowering Analytics and Data Science with the Denodo Platform

To harmonize the DNB data landscape, improve the productivity of data analytics users, and leverage the latest data science use cases, DNB implemented the Denodo Platform as a data marketplace for the data science team.

  • The Denodo Platform has enabled DNB data analytics users to browse and harvest value across a complex data ecosystem.

  • Through increasing data visibility and accessibility, DNB can now solve complex business use cases.

  • The Denodo Platform enabled DNB to rapidly build reusable data assets that could be easily accessed and consumed in exploratory analytics use cases.

  • The Denodo Platform has also fulfilled DNB’s requirements for on-demand operations, auditing, and maximizing the utility of data assets and associated resources.

Accelerating Data Integration Projects with the Denodo Platform

In a quest to become data-driven, this international energy company overhauled its data architecture by implementing the Denodo Platform as a bi-directional data access and delivery layer. The new architecture accelerated the company’s data integration projects and reduced data delivery times.

  • With the new data architecture, the company improved the delivery time of full data integration projects from three months to two weeks.

  • The project also helped to reduce data integration costs, by approximately 50%.

  • The Denodo Platform enabled self-service data access, which helped to reduce business teams’ manual labor by more than 400 hours a month.

  • 11 data products of descriptive analytics and 4 Data Science solutions were delivered within the first 8 months of 2021.


  • Please note that all solutions and marketing contents presented on this page are provided by Denodo and Alibaba Cloud is not liable to or responsible for their accuracy, condition, quality, durability, performance, reliability, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.