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ApsaraDB for Redis:Change the VPC or vSwitch of an instance

Last Updated:Apr 30, 2024

ApsaraDB for Redis allows you to change the virtual private cloud (VPC) or vSwitch of an instance. For example, you can change the VPC of an ApsaraDB for Redis instance to the VPC in which an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance is deployed. This way, the ApsaraDB for Redis instance can communicate with the ECS instance over the internal network.


  • The instance does not have a private endpoint. If the instance is a local disk-based cluster instance that has a private endpoint allocated, release the private endpoint, change the VPC of the instance, and then re-enable the direct connection mode. For more information, see Enable the direct connection mode.

  • The password-free access feature is disabled for the instance. If the password-free access feature is enabled for the instance, disable the feature. For more information, see Enable password-free access.

  • No Data Transmission Service (DTS) data migration tasks or synchronization tasks that involve the instance are running. Otherwise, an error is reported. For more information about DTS, see What is DTS?




Change the VPC of an instance

Clients are unable to communicate with your ApsaraDB for Redis instance because the clients and the instance belong to different VPCs.

For example, the ECS instance on which your workloads are running is deployed in VPC A and the ApsaraDB for Redis instance is deployed in VPC B. To connect the ApsaraDB for Redis instance to the ECS instance, you can change the VPC of the instance to VPC A.

Change the vSwitch of an instance

To manage cloud resources and IP address whitelists in a centralized manner, you can group the cloud resources based on workloads and then allocate IP addresses.

For example, you can connect cloud resources that are related to database services, such as ECS instances and ApsaraDB for Redis instances, to the same vSwitch. Then, these cloud resources are assigned IP addresses that belong to the same CIDR block.


  • If you change the VPC or vSwitch of an instance, a transient connection that lasts approximately 30 seconds occurs. Make sure that you perform the operation during off-peak hours and your applications can automatically reconnect to the instance.

  • If you change the VPC or vSwitch of an instance, the virtual IP address (VIP) of the instance is changed. If your applications are connected to the VIP of the instance, the connections are closed after the VIP is changed.


    After you change the VPC or vSwitch of a Tair instance, the endpoint of the instance, such as r-hp3bpn39cs1vu****, remains unchanged. We recommend that you connect your applications to instances by using endpoints.

  • A VIP change interrupts Data Management (DMS) for a short period of time. After the VIP is changed, the connections are resumed.

  • After you change the VPC or vSwitch of an instance, clear the cache on clients. Otherwise, clients may be unable to write data to the instance and can only read data from the instance.


  1. Log on to the ApsaraDB for Redis console and go to the Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the instance that you want to manage resides. Then, find the instance and click the instance ID.

  2. In the Basic Information section, click Modify next to the VPC ID.


    If you want to change only the vSwitch, you can click Modify next to the vSwitch ID.

  3. In the panel that appears, select the VPC and the vSwitch that you want to use.


    If no VPC or vSwitch is available in the drop-down list, create a VPC and a vSwitch. The vSwitch and the instance must belong to the same zone. For more information, see Create and manage a VPC and Create and manage a vSwitch.

  4. Click OK.


    If you change the VPC or vSwitch of an instance, a transient connection that lasts approximately 30 seconds occurs. Make sure that you perform the operation during off-peak hours and your applications can automatically reconnect to the instance.

  5. In the message that appears, read the content and click OK.

Related API operations

API operation



Changes the VPC or vSwitch of an ApsaraDB for Redis instance. If the instance is deployed in the classic network, the network type of the instance is changed from the classic network to VPC.