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ApsaraDB RDS:Upgrade the major engine version

Last Updated:Jun 20, 2024

ApsaraDB RDS allows you to upgrade the major engine version of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance in the ApsaraDB RDS console. You can also migrate the data of an RDS instance to a new RDS instance that runs the required major engine version to upgrade the major engine version. For example, you can migrate the data of an RDS instance for which the Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) feature is enabled.

Upgrade methods


If you fail to upgrade the major engine version of your RDS instance by using Method 1, try Method 2.

For more information about how to upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs a different database engine, see the following topics:

Method 1: Upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance in the ApsaraDB RDS console


You can perform the following upgrades in the ApsaraDB RDS console:

  • Upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0

  • Upgrade from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7

  • Upgrade from MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 5.6





  • You can upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition with local SSDs.

  • You can upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs RDS Basic Edition with Enterprise SSDs (ESSDs).

  • You can upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition with ESSDs.

  • When you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition with local SSDs, take note of the following items:

    • You can upgrade the major engine version of a primary RDS instance that has multiple read-only RDS instances only if the instance types of the read-only RDS instances are the same. The instance types of the read-only RDS instances can be different from the instance type of the primary RDS instance.

    • A primary RDS instance can have up to eight read-only RDS instances.

    • We recommend that you release the read-only RDS instances, upgrade the major engine version of the primary RDS instance, and then re-create the read-only RDS instances. For more information, see Release or unsubscribe from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance and Create a read-only ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

  • When you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition with ESSDs, take note of the following items:

    • You can upgrade the major engine version of a primary RDS instance that does not have read-only RDS instances.

Before you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance, make sure that the RDS instance is in the Running state. If the RDS instance is in a different state, such as Restarting or Creating Network Connection, you must wait until the ongoing task is complete before you can upgrade the major engine version.

If an RDS instance runs RDS High-availability Edition, the major engine version upgrade is supported only when both the primary RDS instance and the secondary RDS instance run as expected and no replication latency exists between the instances. You can check the Node Replication Thread Status and Node Replication Latency(second) metrics on the Monitoring and Alerts page in the ApsaraDB RDS console.


You can upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance only to the next major engine version. For example, if you want to upgrade MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 8.0, you must first upgrade MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 and then to MySQL 8.0.

You cannot downgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance after the major engine version is upgraded.


After you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance, you cannot use the data backup files that are generated before the upgrade to restore the data of the RDS instance. You can restore the data of the RDS instance only by using the data backup files that are generated after the upgrade.


If a stored procedure, trigger, view, or function in a database involves features that are not supported by MySQL 8.0, the upgrade to MySQL 8.0 fails. For more information, see Changes in MySQL 8.0.

If more than 200,000 tables are created in databases on an RDS instance that runs RDS High-availability Edition with local SSDs, you cannot upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance. You must delete the tables that you no longer require to ensure that the number of tables in the databases does not exceed 200,000 before a major engine version upgrade.

If the storage engine of an RDS instance is MyISAM, MEMORY, TokuDB, Sphinx, or RocksDB, you must change the storage engine of the RDS instance to InnoDB before a major engine version upgrade.


If your RDS instance runs the InnoDB storage engine but some tables still run a different storage engine, you can execute the ALTER TABLE <Table name> engine=InnoDB; statement to change the storage engine of the tables to InnoDB before you upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance.

Before the upgrade, check whether your workloads depend on system tables in the sys, mysql, information_schema, and performance_schema databases in MySQL 5.7. Some system tables in MySQL 5.7 may change after the major engine version is upgraded to MySQL 8.0. For example, the tables are removed, table names are changed, or table schemas are changed. If your workloads depend on changed tables, errors may occur.

Instance types

If an RDS instance uses a phased-out instance type, you must upgrade the instance type of the RDS instance before you upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance. For more information, see Primary ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance types and Change instance specifications.

Database proxy

If the RDS instance uses a database proxy, the major engine version upgrade is supported only when the database proxy version is 1.13.41 or later. If the database proxy version does not meet the requirement, you must upgrade the database proxy version before you upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance.

For more information about how to upgrade the database proxy version, see Upgrade the database proxy version.

  • When you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that uses local SSDs, the system first upgrades the major engine version of the secondary RDS instance, performs a primary/secondary switchover, and then upgrades the original primary RDS instance. During the upgrade, your database system may become unavailable for up to 5 minutes. We recommend that you upgrade the major engine version during off-peak hours.

  • When you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that uses ESSDs, the system creates an RDS instance and upgrades the major engine version of the new RDS instance. After the upgrade, your workloads on the original RDS instance are switched over to the new RDS instance. During the upgrade, your database system may become unavailable for up to 5 minutes. We recommend that you upgrade the major engine version during off-peak hours.


  • Make sure that you understand the differences between the current major engine version and the major engine version to which you want to upgrade. Before an upgrade, we recommend that you create an RDS instance that runs the required major engine version and test the syntax to ensure that the features and syntax that are used by your application are supported in the new major engine version. For example, you can create an RDS instance that runs MySQL 8.0. For more information about the differences between major engine versions, see the following topics:

  • Before you upgrade the major engine version of your RDS instance, we recommend that you understand the benefits of the major engine version to which you want to upgrade. For more information, see Appendix 1: Advantages of MySQL 8.0 over MySQL 5.7 or Appendix 2: Advantages of MySQL 5.7 over MySQL 5.6.

  • We recommend that you check the reserved keywords and do not use the reserved keywords when you create user-defined functions (UDFs). For more information, see Reserved keywords of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

  • Before a major engine version to MySQL 5.7, check full-text indexes and the version information. This helps prevent data damage. For more information, see FAQ.

  • RDS instances that run MySQL 8.0 no longer support old data types, such as old style decimals, old style varchar, old style TIME, DATETIME, and TIMESTAMP. You can execute the REPAIR TABLE statement or use the logical export and import method to fix issues in your tables before you perform an upgrade. For more information, see Preparing Your Installation for Upgrade.

  • Before a major engine version upgrade to MySQL 8.0, check whether the comments in your database tables are garbled. Garbled comments are deleted during the upgrade.


    In 20221231 and later minor engine versions of MySQL 8.0, the loose_upgrade_clear_invalid_comment parameter is introduced. The default value of the parameter is ON. If the parameter is set to ON, the system deletes garbled comments from tables, fields, and indexes during an upgrade to prevent upgrade failures.

  • We recommend that you clone the original RDS instance before a major engine version upgrade and use the cloned RDS instance to test whether the new major engine version is compatible with your workloads. Make sure that the cloned RDS instance with the new major engine version runs as expected before you upgrade the major engine version of the original RDS instance.

  • Before a major engine version upgrade, check whether full data backup files were generated over the last seven days. If no full data backup files have been generated over the last seven days, perform a full data backup.

  • When you upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance, an instance switchover may occur. We recommend that you upgrade the major engine version during off-peak hours or make sure that your application is configured to automatically reconnect to the RDS instance. For more information about the impacts of an instance switchover, see Impacts of an instance switchover.

  • Make sure that the amount of available storage is sufficient before a major engine version upgrade.

  • We recommend that you modify the retention policies for log files. You can increase the retention period and maximum storage usage of log files. For more information, see Manage binary log files.

  • To ensure the stability and performance of the RDS instance that runs the required major engine version, the system no longer allows you to view or modify the parameters that are deprecated in the later version after the major engine version of the RDS instance is upgraded. Before you upgrade the major engine version of your RDS instance, we recommend that you back up the modification records of related parameters for subsequent operations and auditing.


  1. Go to the Instances page. In the top navigation bar, select the region in which the RDS instance resides. Then, find the RDS instance and click the ID of the instance.
  2. In the Configuration Information section of the Basic Information page, click Upgrade Database.


    If Upgrade Database is not displayed, check whether the major engine version of the RDS instance meets the upgrade requirements.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, select Switch Immediately or Switch Within Maintenance Window and click OK.

    • Switch Immediately: After the upgrade is complete, the system immediately switches your workloads.

    • Switch Within Maintenance Window: After the upgrade is complete, the system switches your workloads over within the specified maintenance window. For more information, see Set the maintenance window of an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance. You can also click Configure to the right of Maintenance Window to change the maintenance window.


    During the upgrade, the RDS instance is in the Migrating Version state.

Method 2: Upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance in the DTS console

If the major engine version of an RDS instance cannot be upgraded in the ApsaraDB RDS console, you can perform the following operations to upgrade the major engine version:

  1. Create an RDS instance that runs the new major engine version. For more information, see Create an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

  2. Migrate the data of the original RDS instance to the new RDS instance. For more information, see Migrate data between ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instances.

  3. Release the original RDS instance. For more information, see Release or unsubscribe from an ApsaraDB RDS for MySQL instance.

For example, if you want to upgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.7 and has TDE enabled to MySQL 8.0, you must first create an RDS instance that runs MySQL 8.0 and migrate the data of the original RDS instance to the new RDS instance. After you confirm that your workloads run as expected on the new RDS instance, you can release the original RDS instance.


You must verify that the new major engine version is compatible with your workloads after you upgrade your RDS instance by migrating data. You must also monitor the new RDS instance for a period of time. After you confirm that your workloads run as expected on the new RDS instance, you can release your original RDS instance.

Appendix 1: Advantages of MySQL 8.0 over MySQL 5.7

  • The security of your database system is enhanced. You can manage accounts in a more flexible manner.

  • You can create and manage resource groups.

  • The features of the InnoDB storage engine are enhanced.

  • New character sets, data types, and syntax are supported. Backup locks and optimizer_switch flags are introduced.

  • JSON and XML expressions are enhanced.

  • Optimizers are enhanced.

  • Replication performance is enhanced.

  • Multi-value indexes can be created. Derived condition pushdown is optimized.

  • MySQL grant tables can be read.

  • Resource allocation control is supported.

Appendix 2: Advantages of MySQL 5.7 over MySQL 5.6

  • New features such as password management, account locking, and connection encryption are introduced. These new features help improve the security of your database system.

  • Online DDL operations are supported. For example, you can use RENAME INDEX to rename an index.

  • The scalability of the InnoDB storage engine and the performance of temporary InnoDB tables are optimized to accelerate data loading.

  • JSON expressions are supported.

  • Index Condition Pushdown (ICP) is supported for partitioned tables, and spatial indexes are supported for InnoDB tables.

  • Most of the used parsers, optimizers, and cost models are optimized to improve the maintainability, scalability, and performance of your database system.

  • New character sets are supported. The character sets include the gb18030 character set that is defined in the Chinese National Standard GB 18030-2005: Information technology - Chinese coded character set.

  • The ngram full-text parser plug-in is provided. The plug-in supports Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK).

  • Dump threads are optimized to reduce lock contention and increase throughput.

  • The replication latency is significantly reduced.

  • The sys system database is added to support multiple metrics. These metrics help reduce storage usage and simplify database management.

Appendix 3: Differences between MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0


The following table provides only the major differences between MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0. For more information, see MySQL Release Notes.


MySQL 5.7

MySQL 8.0



Not supported

PASSWORD() function


Not supported



Not supported



Not supported

GROUP BY for automatic sorting


Not supported

Syntax that contains the EXTENDED or PARTITIONS keyword


Not supported

Encryption functions such as ENCODE(), DECODE(), and ENCRYPT()


Not supported

Functions related to spatial analysis For more information, see Open source MySQL documentation.


Not supported

Functions that previously accepted either well-known binary (WKB) strings or geometry arguments but no longer accept geometry arguments


Not supported

Resolution of \N to NULL


Not supported



Not supported

Creation of partitioned tables by using the NDB storage engine


Not supported

Compression of temporary tables by using the InnoDB storage engine


Not supported

JSON_APPEND() function


Not supported

Placing of table partitions in shared tablespaces


Not supported



Not supported

Appendix 4: Differences between MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7


The following table provides only the major differences between MySQL 5.6 and MySQL 5.7. For more information, see MySQL Release Notes.


MySQL 5.6

MySQL 5.7

CREATE...AS SELECT when global transaction identifier (GTID) is enabled


Not supported

Usage of temporary tables when GTID is enabled


Not supported

Configuration of partition keys in partitioned tables


Not supported



Not supported

Invisible indexes


Not supported

UPDATE non_affected_rows INSERT


Not supported

Proxy-related commands

Supported in SET command mode

Supported in Call Procedure mode

TokuDB, Sphinx, RocksDB, and MEMORY storage engines


Not supported

str_ord() function


Not supported

raiseerror() function


Not supported



Not supported



Not supported



Not supported

The requesting_thd_id and blocking_thd_id columns of the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS table


Not supported



Not supported



Not supported

Column compression


Not supported

Query Plan Cache


Not supported

Limit and Union syntax

Parentheses () not required

Parentheses () required


The memory and query_memory columns are removed from the results that are returned by the SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST statement in MySQL 5.7.

max_statement_time and max_execution_time

The max_statement_time parameter is removed from MySQL 5.7. The max_execution_time parameter is retained in MySQL 5.7.


The number of rows on which the UPDATE or DELETE statement is executed can no longer be specified by the RDS_SQL_MAX_AFFECTED variable in MySQL 5.7. The number of rows is specified by the rds_sql_max_affected_rows variable.

Performance optimization and adjustment for concurrency control

The following parameters can no longer be used for concurrency control in MySQL 5.7:

  • innodb_adaptive_tickets_algo

  • innodb_min_concurrency_tickets

  • rds_threads_running_ctl_mode

  • rds_threads_running_high_watermark

  • rds_filter_key_cmp_in_order

  • rds_reset_all_filter

  • rds_sql_delete_filter

  • rds_sql_select_filter

  • rds_sql_update_filter

  • rds_strict_concurrency

  • rds_thread_extra_concurrency

  • rds_strict_trx_idle_timeout

  • rds_sql_buf_read_bandwidth

  • rds_sql_buf_read_threshold_bytes

  • rds_sql_buf_write_bandwidth

  • rds_sql_buf_write_threshold_bytes

  • rds_sql_max_iops

Variables used to specify the number of connections

The following variables are deleted from MySQL 5.7:

  • extra_max_connections

  • rds_root_connections

  • rds_sysinfo_connections

  • rds_sysinfo_user_list

Replication-related adjustments

  • Compatibility adjustments in MySQL 5.7:

    • Replication between GTIDs-enabled databases and GTIDs-disabled databases is no longer supported.

    • The sql_slave_skip_counter parameter is not supported when the GTID mode is enabled.

    • The CREATE...SELECT statement is no longer supported.

  • Adjustments to secondary RDS instances that run MySQL 5.7:

    • The SHOW SLAVE LAG statement is no longer supported.

    • The SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement no longer supports timeouts.

    • The amount of information that is returned by the SHOW SLAVE STATUS statement is reduced.

    • The sql_thread thread on a secondary RDS instance no longer supports timeouts.

    • The sql_thread thread on a secondary RDS instance can no longer skip specific statements.

  • Adjustments to binary logs in MySQL 5.7:

    • The transmission speed can no longer be adjusted.

    • The rds_rpl_receive_buffer_difftime parameter is no longer supported.

    • The rds_rpl_receive_buffer_size parameter is no longer supported.

Log-related adjustments

The following adjustments are made to error logs in MySQL 5.7:

  • The IP address, user, I/O latency, and network latency are no longer recorded for the SHUTDOWN command.

  • Duplicate keys are no longer supported for table names.


  • Why does an instance switchover occur when I upgrade the major engine version of my RDS instance? Does the upgrade cause other serious risks?

    If your RDS instance uses local SSDs, the system upgrades the major engine version of the secondary RDS instance. Then, the system switches your workloads over to the secondary RDS instance before it upgrades the major engine version of the primary RDS instance. This ensures service stability. If your RDS instance uses ESSDs, the system create an RDS instance and upgrade the major engine version of the new RDS instance to the required version. Then, the system switches your workloads over from the original RDS instance to the new RDS instance In this case, a primary/secondary switchover occurs. The major engine version upgrade does not cause other serious risks. For more information about the impacts of a primary/secondary switchover, see Impacts.

  • Does the system upgrade the major engine version of the primary RDS instance and the secondary RDS instance at the same time?

    No. If your RDS instance uses local SSDs, the system first upgrades the major engine version of the secondary RDS instance, switches your workloads to the secondary RDS instance, and then upgrades the major engine versions of the primary RDS instance.

  • How do I upgrade the major engine version of my RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.7 on RDS Basic Edition with standard SSDs?

    You cannot directly upgrade the major engine versions of RDS instances that run MySQL 5.7 on RDS Basic Edition with standard SSDs. If you want to upgrade the major engine version of your RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.7 on RDS Basic Edition with standard SSDs, you must upgrade the RDS edition of the RDS instance from RDS Basic Edition to RDS High-availability Edition and change the storage type of the RDS instance.

  • Is the parameter template that is applied to my RDS instance changed after I upgrade the major engine version of my RDS instance?

    The answer varies. Assume that you want to upgrade the major engine of your RDS instance from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. If the RDS instance uses the system parameter template before the upgrade, the RDS instance will use the system parameter template that corresponds to the original template after the upgrade. For example, if the RDS instance uses the MySQL_InnoDB_5.7_RDS High-availability Edition_High-performance parameter template, the RDS instance will use the MySQL_InnoDB_8.0_RDS High-availability Edition_High-performance parameter template after the upgrade. If the RDS instance uses a custom parameter template before the upgrade, the RDS instance cannot use the template after the upgrade because the template is not retained.

  • Can I change the configuration items of my RDS instance when I upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance?

    You cannot change the configuration items of your RDS instance when you upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance. You can perform other operations on your RDS instance only after the major engine version is upgraded.

  • Does ApsaraDB RDS support the automatic upgrade of a major engine version?

    No, the major engine version of your RDS instance does not support automatic upgrade.

  • Can I downgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance?

    No, you cannot downgrade the major engine version of an RDS instance or roll back the major engine version upgrade.

  • When I upgrade the minor engine version of my RDS instance from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 or from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, the upgrade fails and the error message "The current instance minor version is less than 20221130. Please upgrade the minor version before deleting or rebuilding the full-text index." or "The current instance contains full-text indexes created in the system tablespace. Delete and rebuild the corresponding full-text indexes before upgrading." is displayed. What are the cause and solution of the error?

    The following list describes the cause and solution of the error:

    • Cause

      If you create a full-text index for your RDS instance that runs MySQL 5.6 and an earlier minor engine version, the full-text index is created in the system tablespace due to history reasons. After you upgrade the major engine version of your RDS instance from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 or MySQL 8.0, the full-text index that is created in the system tablespace may cause tablespace damage. Therefore, you must delete the full-text index before the upgrade to avoid issues such as data corruption and inaccessibility.


      The preceding issues are fixed for RDS instances that run MySQL 5.6 and a minor engine version of 20221130, and the full-text indexes are created in a separate tablespace for the RDS instances.

    • Solution


      If your RDS instance runs MySQL 5.6, upgrade the major engine version of the RDS instance to MySQL 5.7 or make sure that the RDS instance runs a minor engine of 20221130 or later. In this case, the full-text index is not created in the system tablespace for the RDS instance. If your RDS instance runs MySQL 5.6 and an earlier minor engine version, update the RDS instance to the most recent minor engine version.

      1. Delete the full-text index created in the system tablespace based on the mentioned table name.

        # Delete a full-text index.
        ALTER TABLE $table_name DROP INDEX $fts_name;
      2. Recreate the full-text index.

        # Recreate the full-text index.
        ALTER TABLE $table_name ADD FULLTEXT INDEX $fts_name;
      3. After the recreation, execute the following SQL statement to check the full-text index created for your RDS instance. If no full-text index created in the system tablespace is returned, the upgrade of the major engine version from MySQL 5.6 to MySQL 5.7 does not fail due to the full-text index created in the system tablespace.

        # Query the full-text index created in the system tablespace.

Related operations




Upgrades the major engine version of an instance.