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NAT Gateway:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Feb 14, 2025
This product(Vpc/2016-04-28) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (78410016550) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.


Nat GatewaysNat Gateways
CreateNatGatewayCreateNatGatewayCreates an enhanced Internet NAT gateway or a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) NAT gateway.
DeleteNatGatewayDeleteNatGatewayDeletes a specified Internet NAT gateway.
ModifyNatGatewayAttributeModifyNatGatewayAttributeModifies the attributes of a NAT gateway.
ModifyNatGatewaySpecModifyNatGatewaySpecUpgrades a subscription Internet NAT gateway.
DescribeNatGatewaysDescribeNatGatewaysQueries NAT gateways that meet specific conditions in a specified region.
GetNatGatewayAttributeGetNatGatewayAttributeQueries information about a NAT gateway.
ListEnhanhcedNatGatewayAvailableZonesListEnhanhcedNatGatewayAvailableZonesQueries the zones that support NAT gateways.
EnableNatGatewayEcsMetricEnableNatGatewayEcsMetricEnables Elastic Compute Service (ECS) traffic monitoring.
DisableNatGatewayEcsMetricDisableNatGatewayEcsMetricDisables traffic monitoring for an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance.
VpcDescribeVpcNatGatewayNetworkInterfaceQuotaVpcDescribeVpcNatGatewayNetworkInterfaceQuotaQueries the quota of endpoints that can be created in the reversely accessed VPC NAT gateway.
CreateSnatEntryCreateSnatEntryAdds an SNAT entry to an SNAT table.
DeleteSnatEntryDeleteSnatEntryDeletes an SNAT entry.
ModifySnatEntryModifySnatEntryModifies an SNAT entry.
DescribeSnatTableEntriesDescribeSnatTableEntriesQueries SNAT entries.
CreateForwardEntryCreateForwardEntryAdds a DNAT entry to a DNAT table.
DeleteForwardEntryDeleteForwardEntryDeletes a DNAT entry.
ModifyForwardEntryModifyForwardEntryModifies a DNAT entry.
DescribeForwardTableEntriesDescribeForwardTableEntriesQueries DNAT entries.
FullNat RuleFullNat Rule
CreateFullNatEntryCreateFullNatEntryAdds a FULLNAT entry to the FULLNAT table.
DeleteFullNatEntryDeleteFullNatEntryDeletes a FULLNAT entry.
ModifyFullNatEntryAttributeModifyFullNatEntryAttributeModifies a FULLNAT entry.
ListFullNatEntriesListFullNatEntriesQueries FULLNAT entries.
NatIp ManagementNatIp Management
CreateNatIpCreateNatIpCreates a NAT IP address.
DeleteNatIpDeleteNatIpDeletes a NAT IP address.
ModifyNatIpAttributeModifyNatIpAttributeModifies the name and description of a NAT IP address.
ListNatIpsListNatIpsQueries NAT IP addresses.
CreateNatIpCidrCreateNatIpCidrCreates a NAT CIDR block.
DeleteNatIpCidrDeleteNatIpCidrDeletes a NAT CIDR block.
ModifyNatIpCidrAttributeModifyNatIpCidrAttributeModifies the name and description of a NAT CIDR block.
ListNatIpCidrsListNatIpCidrsQueries NAT CIDR blocks.