You can view the status of your Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch cluster, basic information of its nodes, and node configurations on the Node Visualization or Configuration Info tab of the cluster details page. The basic information includes the IP address, status, CPU utilization, memory size, disk usage, and Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap memory usage. This topic describes how to view the cluster status and node information.

Go to the Node Visualization tab

  1. Log on to the Elasticsearch console.
  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Elasticsearch Clusters.
  3. Navigate to the desired cluster.
    1. In the top navigation bar, select a resource group and a region.
    2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Elasticsearch Clusters. On the Elasticsearch Clusters page, find the desired cluster and click its ID.
  4. On the Basic Information page, click the Node Visualization tab.

Queries the health status of a cluster.

Alibaba Cloud Elasticsearch provides the following methods for you to query the health status of a cluster:

  • Use the Elasticsearch console

    You can view the health status of a cluster on the Node Visualization tab of the Basic Information page. To view the health status of a cluster, perform the following steps:

    1. Go to the Node Visualization tab.
    2. Move the pointer over Cluster. In the popover that appears, view the cluster status. View the cluster status

      If you want to view the diagnostic report for the health status of the cluster, click Intelligent Maintenance in the popover. For more information, see Overview.

      Note The status of an Elasticsearch cluster may not be updated in real time, or the status displayed on the Node Visualization tab may be different from the real status of the cluster. In this case, you can view the cluster status on this tab when the cluster is normally running or use the GET /_cluster/health command to query the health status of the cluster.
  • Use the health API

    You can call the health API to view the health status of your Elasticsearch cluster. For more information, see View the health status of an Elasticsearch cluster.

    GET /_cluster/health

View the basic information of nodes

  1. Go to the Node Visualization tab.
  2. View the colors of nodes and determine the health statuses of the nodes based on the colors.
    Health statuses of nodes
    Note The color of a node is determined by the resource usage of the node. The resource usage thresholds are the same as those in CloudMonitor. For more information, see View cluster monitoring data.
    • Red: Warning.
    • Yellow: Alert.
    • Green: Normal.
    • Gray: Unknown. This state indicates that the system failed to retrieve the information of a node for a long period of time.
  3. Move the pointer over a node. In the popover that appears, view the information of the node.
    View the information of nodes
    Note If a node is in red or yellow color, the system displays the The nodes are not running in the Normal state. We recommend that you use Intelligent Maintenance to check your cluster message. If a node is in gray color, the system displays the The node is disconnected, and we recommend that you use Intelligent Maintenance to check your cluster message. You can click Intelligent Maintenance to go to the Intelligent Maintenance > Cluster Diagnosis page. Then, view the cluster. For more information, see Overview.
  4. Click Restart. In the Restart dialog box, configure the parameters to restart the node.
    For more information about the detailed operations and precautions, see Restart a cluster or node.

View the configurations of nodes

  1. Go to the Node Visualization tab.
  2. Click the Configuration Info tab.
  3. On the Configuration Info tab, view the configurations of the nodes.
    Configuration Info tab

    For more information, see Parameters on the buy page.

