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Database Autonomy Service:Enable and manage DAS Enterprise Edition

Last Updated:Jun 27, 2024

Database Autonomy Service (DAS) Enterprise Edition provides powerful database O&M features. This helps you effectively identify and resolve database issues, improves database performance and efficiency, and significantly reduces operational costs. This topic describes how to enable and manage DAS Enterprise Edition.


The AliyunHDMFullAccess policy is attached to the Resource Access Management (RAM) user that is used to purchase DAS Enterprise Edition if you access DAS as a RAM user. You can contact the owner of the Alibaba Cloud account to attach the AliyunHDMFullAccess policy to the RAM user. For more information, see Grant permissions to a RAM user.

Supported databases and regions

For more information, see Editions and supported features.

Enable DAS Enterprise Edition

  • If you want to enable DAS Enterprise Edition for a database instance, you can enable only DAS Enterprise Edition of the latest version that is supported by the database instance. The latest version provides a more flexible billing method that reduces your costs. We recommend that you use DAS Enterprise Edition of the latest version.

  • You cannot enable DAS Enterprise Edition V0 in the DAS console.

  1. Log on to the DAS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click DAS Enterprise Edition Management.

  3. On the DAS Enterprise Edition Management page, click the Instances with DAS Enterprise Edition Disabled tab.

  4. Find the database instance that you want to manage and click Enable Enterprise Edition in the Actions column.

  5. In the Set SQL Storage Duration panel, enable the features of DAS Enterprise Edition and configure the data storage duration.

    If the database instance supports only DAS Enterprise Edition V1, you must increase the quota of available instances for DAS Enterprise Edition V1 on the Unified Billing tab before you enable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for the database instance on the Instances with DAS Enterprise Edition Disabled tab.

  6. Click Submit.

Manage DAS Enterprise Edition

Manage DAS Enterprise Edition V3

You can modify the data storage duration for database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V3 is enabled. You can also enable or disable the features of DAS Enterprise Edition V3 for the database instances.

  1. Log on to the DAS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click DAS Enterprise Edition Management.

  3. On the DAS Enterprise Edition Management page, click the Tiered Billing tab.

  4. Find the database instance that you want to manage and click Settings in the Actions column. In the panel that appears, configure the data storage duration and enable or disable the features of DAS Enterprise Edition V3.

Manage DAS Enterprise Edition V2

You can modify the data storage duration for database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V2 is enabled, or disable the SQL Explorer and Audit feature for these database instances.

  1. Log on to the DAS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click DAS Enterprise Edition Management.

  3. On the DAS Enterprise Edition Management page, click the Unified Billing tab.

  4. Find the database instance that you want to manage and click Settings in the Actions column. In the panel that appears, configure the data storage duration or disable the SQL Explorer and Audit feature based on your business requirements.

Manage DAS Enterprise Edition V1

You can enable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for your database instances, upgrade, downgrade, or renew DAS Enterprise Edition V1, or unsubscribe from DAS Enterprise Edition V1. You can also modify the data storage duration for database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V1 is enabled, or disable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for database instances.

  1. Log on to the DAS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click DAS Enterprise Edition Management.

  3. On the DAS Enterprise Edition Management page, click the Unified Billing tab.

  4. Manage DAS Enterprise Edition V1 based on your business requirements.

    • Add Instance: Click Add Instance in the Actions column to enable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for database instances.

    • Upgrade: Click Upgrade in the Actions column to increase the number of database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V1 can be enabled.

    • Downgrade: Click Downgrade in the Actions column to reduce the number of database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V1 can be enabled.


      The number of available database instances after a downgrade cannot be less than the number of database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V1 is enabled.

    • Renew: Click Renew in the Actions column to extend the subscription duration of DAS Enterprise Edition V1.

    • Unsubscribe: Click Unsubscribe in the Actions column to unsubscribe from DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for your Alibaba Cloud account. Before you unsubscribe from DAS Enterprise Edition V1, you must disable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for all database instances within your Alibaba Cloud account. For more information, see Disable DAS Enterprise Edition.

    • Manage DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for a specific database instance:

      • Click Set Duration in the Actions column. In the panel that appears, disable the SQL Explorer and Audit feature to disable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for the database instance.


        After you disable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for a database instance, the SQL Explorer and Audit feature is disabled, and all data related to DAS Enterprise Edition V1 is deleted. For more information, see Disable DAS Enterprise Edition.

      • Click Settings in the Actions column to modify the data storage duration of the database instance.

Manage DAS Enterprise Edition V0

You can modify the data storage duration for database instances for which DAS Enterprise Edition V0 is enabled, or disable the SQL Explorer and Audit feature for these database instances.

  1. Log on to the DAS console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click DAS Enterprise Edition Management.

  3. On the DAS Enterprise Edition Management page, click the Audit tab on the Unified Billing tab.

  4. Find the database instance that you want to manage and click Settings in the Actions column. In the panel that appears, configure the data storage duration or disable the SQL Explorer and Audit feature based on your business requirements.

Related operations




Enables DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for a database instance.


If your database instance supports DAS Enterprise Edition V3, you cannot call this operation to enable DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for the database instance. In this case, call the ModifySqlLogConfig operation to enable DAS Enterprise Edition V3 for the database instance.


Disables DAS Enterprise Edition V1 for a database instance.


Queries whether DAS Enterprise Edition V1 or DAS Enterprise Edition V2 is enabled for a database instance.


Queries the storage usage of a database instance for which DAS Enterprise Edition V1 or DAS Enterprise Edition V2 is enabled.


Enables or configures DAS Enterprise Edition for a database instance.


By default, DAS Enterprise Edition of the latest version supported by the database instance is enabled.


Queries the data statistics of DAS Enterprise Edition.


Queries the DAS Enterprise Edition configurations of a database instance.


Queries the offline tasks of a database instance for which DAS Enterprise Edition is enabled.


Queries the details of an offline task of a database instance for which DAS Enterprise Edition is enabled.