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CloudMonitor:Establish host monitoring capabilities

Last Updated:Jun 06, 2024

Host monitoring is the top priority for maintaining and managing IT systems. You can use CloudMonitor to easily establish host monitoring capabilities. For an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance on which the CloudMonitor agent is installed, you can view the monitoring data in a visualized manner on the Host Monitoring page. You can also configure alert rules for key metrics of the ECS instance by using the initiative alerting feature.


An ECS instance is created. For more information, see Creation methods.

Step 1: Install the CloudMonitor agent

After you create an ECS instance in the ECS console, the ECS instance is displayed on the Host Monitoring page in the CloudMonitor console. You must install the CloudMonitor agent for the ECS instance before you can monitor the instance.

  1. Log on to the CloudMonitor console.

  2. In the left-side navigation pane, click Cloud Service Monitoring > Host Monitoring.

  3. On the Host Monitoring page, find the ECS instance and click the image icon in the argusagent Status column.

  4. In the Confirm Automatic Installation message, click OK.

    The installation process requires about 5 minutes to complete. When the agent status changes from Installing to Running, the CloudMonitor agent is installed or upgraded.


    You can turn on Automatically Install CloudMonitor Agent on Newly Purchased ECS Instances in the upper-right corner. If you turn on the switch, the CloudMonitor agent is automatically installed on newly purchased ECS instances.

Step 2: View monitoring data

You can view the monitoring data of key metrics of an ECS instance in a visualized manner.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, click Cloud Service Monitoring > Host Monitoring.

  2. On the Host Monitoring page, click the name of the ECS instance or click Monitoring Charts in the Actions column of the ECS instance.

    You can view the monitoring data of an ECS instance in the following dimensions: OS Monitoring, Basic Monitoring, GPU Monitoring, Process Monitoring, Network Monitoring, and Cloud Disks.


    You can also use dashboards to view the monitoring data of ECS instances in a visualized manner. For more information, see View the monitoring dashboard of a cloud service.

Step 3: Enable initiative alerting

ECS instances support the initiative alerting feature. You can use the feature to easily configure alert rules for ECS instances.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Initiative Alert.

  2. On the Initiative Alert page, turn on Initiative Alert next to Elastic Compute Service (ECS).

    CloudMonitor sends alert notifications to you based on the default alert rules for ECS instances.


    You can also create alert rules for a metric of an ECS instance. For more information, see Create an alert rule.

Step 4: View the resources for which alerts are triggered

You can view the number of resources for which alerts are triggered on ECS instances and the alert history by cloud service.

  1. In the left-side navigation pane, choose Alerts > Alerts.

  2. On the Cloud Services tab of the Alerts page, view the number of resources for which alerts are triggered by Elastic Compute Service (ECS).
