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Auto Scaling:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Jan 26, 2025
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Scaling groups

CreateScalingGroupCreateScalingGroupCreates a scaling group. You can call the CreateScalingGroup operation to automate the adjustment of computing power of a specific type based on your business requirements and scaling polices.
ModifyScalingGroupModifyScalingGroupModifies a scaling group. If you want to enable policy-based automatic addition or removal of instances of a specific type to meet evolving business requirements, you can modify scaling groups to adjust your computing power with ease. The computing power refers to the instances that provide the computing capability. When your scaling group cannot meet your business requirements, you can call the ModifyScalingGroup operation to modify scaling group attributes such as the maximum, minimum, and expected numbers of instances. This prevents repeated creation and configuration of scaling groups, which saves you a lot of time and resource costs.
EnableScalingGroupEnableScalingGroupEnables a scaling group. If a scaling group is in the Disabled state and contains an instance configuration source such as a launch template or a scaling configuration, you can call the EnableScalingGroup operation to enable the scaling group. This operation permits Auto Scaling to dynamically adjust the computing power (also known as the number of instances) in the scaling group based on your business requirements.
DisableScalingGroupDisableScalingGroupDisables a scaling group. If you temporarily do not require a scaling group that is in the Enabled state, you can call the DisableScalingGroup operation to disable it.
SetGroupDeletionProtectionSetGroupDeletionProtectionSets deletion protection for a scaling group. If you enable deletion protection for a scaling group, you cannot delete the scaling group. If you disable deletion protection for a scaling group, you can directly delete the scaling group. You can call the SetGroupDeletionProtection operation to enable or disable deletion protection.
DeleteScalingGroupDeleteScalingGroupDeletes a scaling group. If you want to enable policy-based automatic addition or removal of instances of a specific type to meet evolving business requirements, you can create scaling groups to manage your computing power with ease. The computing power refers to the instances that provide the computing capability. If you no longer require a scaling group, you can call the DeleteScalingGroup operation to delete it to free up the scaling group quota.
DescribeScalingGroupsDescribeScalingGroupsQueries information about scaling groups, such as the basic information, instances, and scaling configurations.
DescribeScalingGroupDetailDescribeScalingGroupDetailQueries a scaling group. You can call the DescribeScalingGroupDetail operation to query the basic information, instances, and scaling configurations of a scaling group. If you set OutputFormat to YAML for a scaling group of the Elastic Container Instance type, the output is a Kubernetes Deployment file in the YAML format.
DescribeScalingInstancesDescribeScalingInstancesQueries instances in a scaling group. You can call the DescribeScalingInstances operation to query instance details, such as the number of preemptible instances in the Running state, the number of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, the warm-up status of ECS instances, and the lifecycle status of ECS instances in a scaling group. You can specify the scaling group whose instances you want to query by scaling group ID. If you want to filter instances based on conditions, such as the instance health status, lifecycle status, or creation method, you can also call this operation.
DescribeScalingActivitiesDescribeScalingActivitiesQueries scaling activities. You can call the DescribeScalingActivities operation to query the results of scaling activities triggered by scheduled tasks, event-triggered tasks, or manual execution of scaling rules. For example, you can query the status and cause of a scaling activity. You can also query the total number of instances after a scaling activity is complete.
DescribeScalingActivityDetailDescribeScalingActivityDetailQueries the details of a scaling activity. You can query a scaling activity by its ID. The scaling activity details include the scaling activity status, error code, and error message. You can efficiently troubleshoot issues and analyze service performance based on the error message.
AttachLoadBalancersAttachLoadBalancersAttaches load balancers to a scaling group. Auto Scaling supports the attachment of load balancers to scaling groups. Load balancers help distribute the access traffic to the instances in scaling groups, which effectively improves the service performance of the scaling groups. You can call the AttachLoadBalancers operation to attach one or more load balancers to your scaling group.
DetachLoadBalancersDetachLoadBalancersDetaches Classic Load Balancer (CLB, formerly known as Server Load Balancer or SLB) instances from a scaling group. If the current CLB instance no longer meets your business requirements, you can call the DetachLoadBalancers operation to detach it from your scaling group. When you call this operation, you can use ScalingGroupId, LoadBalancer.N, and ForceDetach to specify one or more CLB instances to detach. You can also determine whether to call this operation asynchronously and whether to remove the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances acting as backend servers from the backend server groups of the CLB instance. You can call this operation to detach only CLB instances from a scaling group.
AttachDBInstancesAttachDBInstancesAssociates one or more ApsaraDB RDS instances with a scaling group.
DetachDBInstancesDetachDBInstancesDetaches one or more ApsaraDB RDS instances from a scaling group. If you want to decrease the number of ApsaraDB RDS instances attached to your scaling group, you can call the DetachDBInstance operation. This operation liberates ApsaraDB RDS instances from your scaling group, thereby significantly boosting the agility and efficiency in managing and allocating your resources.
SuspendProcessesSuspendProcessesSuspends scaling processes. This operation empowers you to selectively pause distinct scaling processes within a particular scaling group, enabling you to carry out alternative tasks and achieve more granular management over your scaling operations.
ResumeProcessesResumeProcessesResumes suspended processes in a scaling group. This operation allows Auto Scaling to proceed with executing these processes according to their predefined rules and logic. For example, if you resume the health check process in your scaling group, Auto Scaling automatically detects and removes any instances deemed unhealthy from the scaling group.
AttachVServerGroupsAttachVServerGroupsAttaches vServer groups to a scaling group. After a Classic Load Balancer (CLB) instance is attached to your scaling group, the instances in the scaling group are automatically added as backend servers of the CLB instance. These servers then handle requests forwarded by the CLB instance, streamlining the processing of incoming traffic. To direct varying access requests to separate backend servers or to distribute requests based on domain names or URLs, you can call the AttachVServerGroups operation. This operation enables the addition of multiple vServer groups, allowing for efficient management of various backend server configurations tailored to your routing preferences.
DetachVServerGroupsDetachVServerGroupsDetaches vServer groups from a scaling group. Auto Scaling supports the attachment of load balancers to scaling groups to improve service performance. If the load balancer currently attached to your scaling group is no longer needed to distribute the access traffic to the instances in your scaling group, you can call the DetachVServerGroups operation to detach one or more vServer groups of this load balancer from the scaling group.
AttachAlbServerGroupsAttachAlbServerGroupsAttaches Application Load Balancer (ALB) server groups to a scaling group. To seamlessly adjust the number of instances in response to changes in your business workload or to maintain the uninterrupted accessibility of your application, you can call the AttachAlbServerGroups operation. By attaching ALB server groups to your scaling group, this operation enables Auto Scaling to automatically tailor your computing capacity to your business needs. Furthermore, it optimizes traffic routing by dynamically allocating incoming requests based on current workload patterns, which significantly improves the stability and performance of your application.
DetachAlbServerGroupsDetachAlbServerGroupsDetaches Application Load Balancer (ALB) server groups from a scaling group. When you call the DetachAlbServerGroups operation, you can specify the scaling group ID, ALB server group ID, and port used by Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in the desired ALB server group to detach one or more ALB server groups from your scaling group.
AttachServerGroupsAttachServerGroupsAttaches server groups to a scaling group. To seamlessly adjust the number of instances in response to changes in your business workload or to maintain the uninterrupted accessibility of your application, you can call the AttachServerGroups operation. By attaching Application Load Balancer (ALB) or Network Load Balancer (NLB) server groups to your scaling group, this operation enables Auto Scaling to automatically tailor your computing capacity to your business needs. Furthermore, it optimizes traffic routing by dynamically allocating incoming requests based on current workload patterns, which significantly improves the stability and performance of your application.
DetachServerGroupsDetachServerGroupsDetach server groups from a scaling group. To seamlessly adjust the number of instances in response to changes in your business workload or to maintain the uninterrupted accessibility of your application, you can call the DetachServerGroups operation. By detaching Application Load Balancer (ALB) or Network Load Balancer (NLB) server groups from your scaling group, this operation enables Auto Scaling to automatically tailor your computing capacity to your business needs. Furthermore, it optimizes traffic routing by dynamically allocating incoming requests based on current workload patterns, which significantly improves the stability and performance of your application.
ChangeResourceGroupChangeResourceGroupChanges a resource group. Resource groups are a means to categorize and manage cloud resources, such as scaling groups, based on specific objectives, permissions, or ownership. In large, multifaceted organizations that manage numerous projects and users, this feature adopts a tiered management approach, simplifying management tasks and improving the effectiveness and oversight of resource allocation. You can call the ChangeResourceGroup operation to move your scaling groups from one resource group to another resource group, which facilitates streamlined monitoring and management within the context of the new group. This operation eliminates the need for repetitive and time-consuming cross-service resource queries, thereby enhancing operational efficiency.
ApplyScalingGroupApplyScalingGroupCreates and manages scaling groups by using configuration files. You can call the ApplyScalingGroup operation to create and manage scaling groups by using configuration files with efficiency.
DescribeElasticStrengthDescribeElasticStrengthQueries the scaling strength of a scaling configuration. The success rate of scale-out events depends on the scaling strength of the scaling configuration that you want to use. By checking the scaling strength of a scaling configuration, you can enable Auto Scaling to measure its performance and improve specific configurations.

Scaling configurations

CreateScalingConfigurationCreateScalingConfigurationCreates scaling configurations. When you call the CreateScalingConfiguration operation, you can specify the scaling group ID, instance type, and image to create a scaling configuration of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) type.
DescribeScalingConfigurationsDescribeScalingConfigurationsQueries scaling configurations.
ModifyScalingConfigurationModifyScalingConfigurationModifies a scaling configuration.
DeleteScalingConfigurationDeleteScalingConfigurationDeletes a scaling configuration that is used to create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
CreateEciScalingConfigurationCreateEciScalingConfigurationCreates a scaling configuration of the Elastic Container Instance type. Auto Scaling uses the scaling configuration as a template to create elastic container instances to meet your business requirements during scale-out events.
DescribeEciScalingConfigurationsDescribeEciScalingConfigurationsQueries scaling configurations of the Elastic Container Instance type. When you call the DescribeEciScalingConfigurations operation, you can specify ScalingGroupId, ScalingConfigurationIds, or ScalingConfigurationNames to query details about the desired scaling configurations, such as the instance bidding policy, instance type, image pulling policy, and load balancing weight of each elastic container instance. This can help you select a suitable template for creating elastic container instances or reference existing scaling configurations before you modify the automatic scaling policy for elastic container instances.
DescribeEciScalingConfigurationDetailDescribeEciScalingConfigurationDetailQueries the details of a scaling configuration. You can query a scaling configuration by its ID to learn about its details such as the temporary storage size, number of IPv6 addresses, and bandwidth of the elastic IP address (EIP). The scaling configuration details can be obtained as a YAML file.
ModifyEciScalingConfigurationModifyEciScalingConfigurationModifies a scaling configuration of the Elastic Container Instance type. When you call the ModifyEciScalingConfiguration operation, you can specify the ID, name, and instance properties of the scaling configuration whose information you want to modify. You can modify the instance restart policy, instance bidding policy, and elastic IP address (EIP) bandwidth.
ApplyEciScalingConfigurationApplyEciScalingConfigurationApplies a scaling configuration of the Elastic Container Instance type. If you want to create and manage scaling configurations of the Elastic Container Instance type by using a configuration file, you can call the ApplyEciScalingConfiguration operation.
DeleteEciScalingConfigurationDeleteEciScalingConfigurationDeletes a scaling configuration of the Elastic Container Instance type. If the scaling configuration of a scaling group is in the Inactive state and the scaling group contains no elastic container instances created from the scaling configuration, you can call the DeleteEciScalingConfiguration operation to delete the scaling configuration to free up the scaling configuration quota.
DescribePatternTypesDescribePatternTypesQueries instance types. When you call the DescribePatternTypes operation, you can specify attributes such as the vSwitch ID, number of vCPUs, memory size, instance family, and maximum acceptable price to filer instance types that meet your business requirements.

Scaling rules

CreateScalingRuleCreateScalingRuleCreates a scaling rule. The purpose of a scaling rule varies based on its type. You can use a scaling rule to trigger a scaling activity or adjust the boundary values for a scaling group. You can call the CreateScalingRule operation to create different types of scaling rules based on your business requirements. For example, if your business requires only automatic adjustment of the boundary values for your scaling group, you can call this operation to create a predictive scaling rule.
ModifyScalingRuleModifyScalingRuleModifies a scaling rule. If an existing scaling rule cannot meet your business requirements, you can call the ModifyScalingRule operation to modify the scaling rule, without the need to create a new one. This streamlines your workflow, enhancing operational efficiency while also contributing to cost optimization by avoiding redundant steps.
DescribeScalingRulesDescribeScalingRulesQueries scaling rules. When you call this operation, you can specify the ID, name, or Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of a scaling rule to query the details of the scaling rule. For example, you can query the adjustment method, instance warm-up period, and associated event-triggered tasks of the desired scaling rule.
DeleteScalingRuleDeleteScalingRuleDeletes a scaling rule.

Scaling tasks

ExecuteScalingRuleExecuteScalingRuleExecutes a scaling rule. To adjust the number of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances, you can manually execute a scaling rule or enable Auto Scaling to execute a scaling rule. You can call the ExecuteScalingRule operation to execute simple scaling rules or step scaling rules. Auto Scaling automatically executes target tracking scaling rules and predictive scaling rules on your behalf without requiring explicit execution calls.
ScaleWithAdjustmentScaleWithAdjustmentScales instances. The ScaleWithAdjustment operation differs from the ExecuteScalingRule operation in that ScaleWithAdjust can directly scale instances without requiring you to create a scaling rule in advance.
AttachInstancesAttachInstancesAdds instances to a scaling group to provide services or restarts Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances stopped in Economical Mode to provide services. You can call the AttachInstances operation to add ECS instances, elastic container instances, or third-party instances managed by Alibaba Cloud to your scaling group to provide services. You can also call this operation to restart ECS instances stopped in Economical Mode in your scaling group to provide services.
RemoveInstancesRemoveInstancesRemoves one or more instances from a scaling group. If your scaling group is enabled and contains no ongoing scaling activities, you can call the RemoveInstances operation to remove instances that you no longer require from the scaling group.
DetachInstancesDetachInstancesRemoves instances from a scaling group. If an enabled scaling group has no ongoing scaling activities, you can call the DetachInstances operation to remove one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, elastic container instances, or Alibaba Cloud-hosted third-party instances from the scaling group.

Scheduled tasks

CreateScheduledTaskCreateScheduledTaskCreates a scheduled task. A scheduled task is a type of scaling task that enables automatic execution of a specific scaling rule at a specified point in time. You can call the CreateScheduledTask operation to create a scheduled task to implement automatic scaling of computing resources. This ensures your business continuity and minimizes resource costs.
ModifyScheduledTaskModifyScheduledTaskModifies a scheduled task. If an existing scheduled task cannot meet your business requirements, you can call the ModifyScheduledTask operation to adjust its parameter settings including the scaling rule to execute and the boundary values of your scaling group, without the need to create a new scheduled task. This operation provides a flexible way to optimize scheduled tasks.
DescribeScheduledTasksDescribeScheduledTasksQueries scheduled tasks. A scheduled task is a predefined task that triggers the automatic execution of a scaling rule at the specified point in time. It ensures an automatic scaling of computing resources to fulfill your business demands at a minimum cost. After you create a scheduled task, you can call the DescribeScheduledTasks operation to query the details of the task, such as the execution time point and the scaling group ID. You can also call this operation to query the total number of existing scheduled tasks.
DeleteScheduledTaskDeleteScheduledTaskDeletes scheduled tasks. For workloads with predictable patterns, you can create scheduled tasks to align with your business requirements and optimize resource utilization for cost savings. These tasks automatically ensure that sufficient computing resources are provisioned in anticipation of peak hours and efficiently release unused resources during off-peak hours, thereby streamlining operational efficiency and reducing expenses. If you no longer require a scheduled task, you can call the DeleteScheduledTask operation to delete it.

Event-triggered tasks

CreateAlarmCreateAlarmCreates event-triggered tasks. If your business encounters unexpected traffic surges or has no specific patterns, you can call the CreateAlarm operation to create an event-triggered task and associate a CloudMonitor metric with the task. This allows you to dynamically adjust the number of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances in your scaling group and keep updated on the real-time metric data, which facilitates cloud resource management and maintenance.
DescribeAlarmsDescribeAlarmsQueries event-triggered tasks. You can call the DescribeAlarms operation to learn about the configurations of event-triggered tasks and keep updated on monitoring data changes. This helps you troubleshoot system resource issues at the earliest opportunity and ensures system stability and reliability.
ModifyAlarmModifyAlarmModifies an event-triggered task.
EnableAlarmEnableAlarmEnables an event-triggered task. If your business pattern is unpredictable or prone to unforeseen traffic spikes, you can create event-triggered tasks by associating CloudMonitor metrics to effectively monitor fluctuations in your business workload. Upon detecting that the criteria for alerts, as specified in event-triggered tasks, are fulfilled, Auto Scaling promptly issues alerts and executes the scaling rules predefined within those tasks. This process occurs within the predefined effective time windows of the tasks, thereby facilitating the automatic increase or decrease of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances within your scaling groups. Ultimately, this mechanism ensures the dynamic optimization of resources based on real-time workload demands. If you want to reuse an event-triggered task that is in the Disabled state, you can call the EnableAlarm operation to enable it.
DisableAlarmDisableAlarmDisables an event-triggered task. If your business pattern is unpredictable or prone to unforeseen traffic spikes, you can create event-triggered tasks by associating CloudMonitor metrics to effectively monitor fluctuations in your business workload. Upon detecting that the criteria for alerts, as specified in event-triggered tasks, are fulfilled, Auto Scaling promptly issues alerts and executes the scaling rules predefined within those tasks. This process occurs within the predefined effective time windows of the tasks, thereby facilitating the automatic increase or decrease of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances within your scaling groups. Ultimately, this mechanism ensures the dynamic optimization of resources based on real-time workload demands. If you currently do not need an event-triggered task, you can call the DisableAlarm operation to disable it.
DeleteAlarmDeleteAlarmDeletes an event-triggered task. If your business pattern is unpredictable or prone to unforeseen traffic spikes, you can create event-triggered tasks by associating CloudMonitor metrics to effectively monitor fluctuations in your business workload. Upon detecting that the criteria for alerts, as specified in event-triggered tasks, are fulfilled, Auto Scaling promptly issues alerts and executes the scaling rules predefined within those tasks. This process occurs within the predefined effective time windows of the tasks, thereby facilitating the automatic increase or decrease of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances within your scaling groups. Ultimately, this mechanism ensures the dynamic optimization of resources based on real-time workload demands. If you no longer need an event-triggered task, you can call the DeleteAlarm operation to delete it.

Instance refresh

DescribeInstanceRefreshesDescribeInstanceRefreshesQueries instance refresh tasks. If you want to view the basic information and execution progress of an instance refresh task, you can call the DescribeInstanceRefreshes operation.
StartInstanceRefreshStartInstanceRefreshStarts an instance refresh task. If you want to apply a new scaling configuration in a scaling group or update the image specified in a scaling configuration, you can call the StartInstanceRefresh operation.
CancelInstanceRefreshCancelInstanceRefreshCancels an instance refresh task. Take note that instances whose configurations were already updated by running an instance refresh task remain intact even after you cancel the task.
RollbackInstanceRefreshRollbackInstanceRefreshRolls back an instance refresh task. If an instance refresh task cannot meet your business requirements, you can call the RollbackInstanceRefresh operation. When you roll back an instance refresh task, Auto Scaling creates new instances based on the active scaling configuration to replace the instances whose configurations are already updated by running the task.
SuspendInstanceRefreshSuspendInstanceRefreshSuspends an instance refresh task. If you are not sure that you want to roll back an ongoing instance refresh task whose configurations you think has an issue, you can call the SuspendInstanceRefresh operation to suspend the task.
ResumeInstanceRefreshResumeInstanceRefreshResumes an instance refresh task.

Lifecycle hooks

CreateLifecycleHookCreateLifecycleHookCreates one or more lifecycle hooks in a scaling group. A lifecycle hook allows you to execute custom actions like sending notifications or automating script execution at critical stages (such as instance startup and termination) in the lifecycle of an instance. Implementing the lifecycle hook feature allows for finer control and management of instances. For example, you can verify configurations, set up custom tasks, or back up data on your instances when lifecycle hooks take effect, thus enhancing the flexibility and reliability of application deployment.
ModifyLifecycleHookModifyLifecycleHookModifies a lifecycle hook. If an existing lifecycle hook does not meet your business requirements anymore, you can call the ModifyLifecycleHook operation to modify the information such as the scaling event, timeout period, and default action of the lifecycle hook. Before you modify a lifecycle hook, you can locate the lifecycle hook by its ID, name, or scaling group.
DescribeLifecycleHooksDescribeLifecycleHooksQueries lifecycle hooks. When you call this operation, you can specify the lifecycle hook ID or scaling group ID to query the details of the desired lifecycle hook, such as the default action after the lifecycle hook times out, scaling activity that corresponds to the lifecycle hook, Alibaba Cloud Resource Name (ARN) of the notification recipient, and effective period of the lifecycle hook.
RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatExtends the time window during which Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances stay in a Pending state. If the current time window during which an ECS instance stays in a Pending state is not sufficient for you to complete custom operations on the ECS instance, you can call the RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeat operation to extend the time window. When you call this operation, you can specify lifecycleHookId, lifecycleActionToken, and heartbeatTimeout to extend the time window for the desired ECS instance.
DescribeLifecycleActionsDescribeLifecycleActionsQueries lifecycle hook actions. When you call the DescribeLifecycleActions operation, you can specify parameters such as ScalingActivityId, NextToken, and MaxResults to query the details such as the action status and ID of a lifecycle hook. You can also call this operation to query the IDs of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances on which the lifecycle hook takes effect.
CompleteLifecycleActionCompleteLifecycleActionEnds the timeout period of a lifecycle hook ahead of schedule. If you have created a lifecycle hook for your scaling group, you can call the CompleteLifecycleAction operation to end the timeout period of the lifecycle hook ahead of schedule based on your business requirements.
DeleteLifecycleHookDeleteLifecycleHookDeletes a lifecycle hook. If you no longer require a lifecycle hook, you can call the DeleteLifecycleHook operation to delete it, which frees up the lifecycle hook quota.

Event notifications

CreateNotificationConfigurationCreateNotificationConfigurationCreates a notification rule. You can call the CreateNotificationConfiguration operation to create a notification rule to stay informed about scaling events or resource changes. This helps you learn about the dynamic status of your scaling group in real time and further automates the management of scaling events.
ModifyNotificationConfigurationModifyNotificationConfigurationModifies event notification rules. Event notification rules support automatic sending of notifications to CloudMonitor, Message Service (MNS) topics, or MNS queues when a specified type of events occur. This helps you learn about the dynamics of your scaling group at the earliest opportunity and further automate resource management. If an existing event notification rule does not meet your business requirements, you can call the ModifyNotificationConfiguration operation to modify the event notification rule, without the need to create a new rule. Take not that you cannot modify the notification method of an event notification rule by calling this operation.
DescribeNotificationConfigurationsDescribeNotificationConfigurationsQueries notification settings. You can call the DescribeNotificationConfiguration operation to query notification settings of scaling events or resource changes, including the notification types and methods.
DeleteNotificationConfigurationDeleteNotificationConfigurationDeletes event notification rules. The event notification feature facilitates efficient issue identification and event management by automatically forwarding notifications from Auto Scaling to designated endpoints such as CloudMonitor or Message Service (MNS) topics and queues. If you no longer require an event notification rule, you can call the DeleteNotificationConfiguration operation to delete it.
DescribeNotificationTypesDescribeNotificationTypesQueries notification types. You can call the DescribeNotificationTypes operation to query the types of notifications on scaling events or resource changes occurred in your scaling groups. Notifications are triggered in scenarios such as successful scale-out events, successful scale-in events, expiration of scheduled tasks, and partially successful scale-out events.

CreateDiagnoseReportCreateDiagnoseReportCreates a diagnostic report.
DescribeDiagnoseReportsDescribeDiagnoseReportsQueries the diagnostic reports.


EnterStandbyEnterStandbyPuts an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance into the Standby state.
ExitStandbyExitStandbyRemoves an instance from the Standby state. When a scale-in event is triggered in a scaling group, Auto Scaling does not remove Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances that are in the Standby state from the scaling group. If you want to restart the instances that are in the Standby state, you can call the ExitStandby operation to remove the instances from the Standby state and put them into the In Service state.
RebalanceInstancesRebalanceInstancesRebalances the distribution of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances across zones. If ECS instances are unevenly distributed across multiple zones, you can call the RebalanceInstances operation to rebalance the distribution of the ECS instances across the zones.
SetInstanceHealthSetInstanceHealthSets instance health. At times, the automatic health check system might not sufficiently determine the precise health status of your Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances. To overcome this, you can call the SetInstanceHealth operation to swiftly pinpoint problematic instances and resolve issues. This operation is designed to more precisely align with real-world business requirements and tackle O\\\&M hurdles efficiently.
SetInstancesProtectionSetInstancesProtectionPuts or removes Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances into or from the Protected state. After you put an ECS instance into the Protected state, the ECS instance will not be stopped or released when a scale-in event is triggered. In this case, you can manually delete the ECS instance in the Auto Scaling console or by calling the RemoveInstances operation.


DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries regions. Before you activate Auto Scaling, you can call the DescribeRegions operation to query the regions where Auto Scaling is officially launched. This preliminary step facilitates the strategic selection of both the optimal region and availability zones for activating Auto Scaling, thereby guaranteeing the finest access speeds and operational efficiency within your chosen geographical area.


TagResourcesTagResourcesCreates and adds tags. You can call the TagResources operation to uniformly create and attach tags to your Auto Scaling resources, streamlining resource management. This capability empowers you to categorize resources based on tags, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of resource allocation and utilization.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries tags. You can call the ListTagResources operation to query tags that are added to Auto Scaling resources, thereby clarifying resource utilization and facilitating efficient resource management. This operation aids in the automation of resource categorization and permission management processes.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from Auto Scaling resources simultaneously. This operation streamlines resource management activities, enhances system efficiency, and mitigates potential security vulnerabilities. Once a tag is removed from a particular resource, and if it is not re-added to any other resource, the system will automatically delete the unused tag.
ListTagKeysListTagKeysQueries the tag keys added to Auto Scaling resources. Querying tag keys facilitates easier classification, identification, and monitoring of your Auto Scaling resources, thereby enhancing the flexibility and convenience of your resource management processes.
ListTagValuesListTagValuesQueries the tag keys associated with Auto Scaling resources to facilitate a deeper comprehension of those resources. By doing so, you can categorize and manage your Auto Scaling resources more efficiently.


VerifyUserVerifyUserVerifies whether Auto Scaling is activated. This operation guarantees that in response to shifts in business workloads or variations in incoming traffic, the system will automatically adjust resource provisioning. This auto-scaling capability enhances the overall system performance, ensuring high availability and improved flexibility to accommodate dynamic demands.
VerifyAuthenticationVerifyAuthenticationChecks whether the specified Alibaba Cloud account assumes the AliyunServiceRoleForAutoScaling service-linked role. An account can be used to operate Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances and elastic container instances only after it assumes the service-linked role.
DescribeLimitationDescribeLimitationQueries resource quotas. For example, you can call the DescribeLimitation operation to query the maximum numbers of scheduled tasks that you can create in a scaling group, load balancers that you can attach to a scaling group, instances that you can add to a scaling group, and scaling configurations that you can create in a scaling group.
ModifyInstanceAttributeModifyInstanceAttributeModifies the information of an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance. When you call the ModifyInstanceAttribute operation, you can specify attributes such as the instance ID, scaling group ID, and region ID to modify the attributes of an ECS instance in a scaling group. You can modify only the hosting attributes of instances that are manually added to scaling groups.
DescribeAlertConfigurationDescribeAlertConfigurationQueries the status of scaling activities that trigger text message, internal message, or email-based notifications. When you call the DescribeAlertConfiguration operation, you must specify the scaling group ID and region ID to query the status of the desired scaling activities. A scaling activity can be in one of the following states: Successful, Failed, and Rejected.
ModifyAlertConfigurationModifyAlertConfigurationSets the status of scaling activities that prompt text message or email notifications.