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Auto Scaling:List of operations by function

Last Updated:Apr 30, 2024
This product(Ess/2022-02-22) OpenAPI adopts RPC Signature style. See signature details in Description of the signature mechanism. We have packaged SDKs for common programming languages for developers. Developers can directly call the OpenAPI of this product by downloading the SDK without paying attention to the technical details. If the existing SDK cannot meet the usage requirements, you can connect through the signature mechanism. It will take about 5 working days. Therefore, it is recommended to join our DingTalk service group (11370001915) and sign under the guidance of experts.
Before using the API, you need to prepare your identity account and access key (AccessKey) to effectively access the API through client tools (SDK, CLI, etc.). For details see getAccessKey.

Scaling groups

CreateScalingGroupCreateScalingGroupCreates a scaling group.
ModifyScalingGroupModifyScalingGroupModifies a scaling group.
EnableScalingGroupEnableScalingGroupEnables a scaling group.
DisableScalingGroupDisableScalingGroupDisables a scaling group.
SetGroupDeletionProtectionSetGroupDeletionProtectionEnables or disables deletion protection for a scaling group.
DeleteScalingGroupDeleteScalingGroupDeletes a scaling group.
DescribeScalingGroupsDescribeScalingGroupsQueries scaling groups. You can call the DescribeScalingGroups operation to query the basic information about, number of instances in, and scaling configuration of your scaling group.
DescribeScalingInstancesDescribeScalingInstancesQueries the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances in a scaling group
DescribeScalingActivitiesDescribeScalingActivitiesQueries scaling activities.
DescribeScalingActivityDetailDescribeScalingActivityDetailQueries the details about a scaling activity.
AttachLoadBalancersAttachLoadBalancersAttaches load balancers to a scaling group. Auto Scaling supports the attachment of load balancers to scaling groups. Load balancers help distribute the access traffic to the instances in scaling groups, which effectively improves the service performance of the scaling groups. You can call the AttachLoadBalancers operation to attach one or more load balancers to your scaling group.
DetachLoadBalancersDetachLoadBalancersDetaches one or more Classic Load Balancer (CLB) instances from a scaling group.
AttachDBInstancesAttachDBInstancesAssociates one or more ApsaraDB RDS instances with a scaling group.
DetachDBInstancesDetachDBInstancesDisassociates one or more ApsaraDB RDS instances from a scaling group.
SuspendProcessesSuspendProcessesSuspends processes in a scaling group.
ResumeProcessesResumeProcessesResumes suspended processes in a scaling group.
AttachVServerGroupsAttachVServerGroupsAssociates Sever Load Balancer (SLB) vServer groups with a scaling group.
DetachVServerGroupsDetachVServerGroupsDetaches one or more vServer groups of a Classic Load Balancer (CLB) instance from a scaling group.
AttachAlbServerGroupsAttachAlbServerGroupsAssociates Application Load Balancer (ALB) server groups with a scaling group.
DetachAlbServerGroupsDetachAlbServerGroupsDisassociates one or more Application Load Balancer (ALB) server groups from a scaling group.
AttachServerGroupsAttachServerGroupsAttaches one or more server groups to a scaling group. You can attach the following server groups to a scaling group: Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Network Load Balancer (NLB) server groups.
DetachServerGroupsDetachServerGroupsDetaches one or more server groups from a scaling group. You can attach and detach the following server groups from a scaling group: Application Load Balancer (ALB) and Network Load Balancer (NLB) server groups.
ChangeResourceGroupChangeResourceGroupAdds a scaling group to a resource group.

Scaling configurations

CreateScalingConfigurationCreateScalingConfigurationCreates a scaling configuration.
DescribeScalingConfigurationsDescribeScalingConfigurationsQueries scaling configurations of the Elastic Compute Service (ECS) type. You can call this operation to learn about the details of scaling configurations that are used as templates to scale out ECS instances.
ModifyScalingConfigurationModifyScalingConfigurationModifies a scaling configuration.
DeleteScalingConfigurationDeleteScalingConfigurationDeletes a scaling configuration that is used to create Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
CreateEciScalingConfigurationCreateEciScalingConfigurationCreates a scaling configuration of the Elastic Container Instance type. Auto Scaling uses the scaling configuration as a template to create elastic container instances to meet your business requirements during scale-outs.
DescribeEciScalingConfigurationsDescribeEciScalingConfigurationsQueries scaling configurations of the Elastic Container Instance type to learn the scaling configuration details. This allows you to select an appropriate template when you create elastic container instances.
ModifyEciScalingConfigurationModifyEciScalingConfigurationModifies a scaling configuration for a scaling group that contains elastic container instances.
DeleteEciScalingConfigurationDeleteEciScalingConfigurationDeletes a scaling configuration that is used to create elastic container instances.

Scaling rules

CreateScalingRuleCreateScalingRuleCreates a scaling rule.
ModifyScalingRuleModifyScalingRuleModifies a scaling rule.
DescribeScalingRulesDescribeScalingRulesQueries all scaling rules in a scaling group.
DeleteScalingRuleDeleteScalingRuleDeletes a scaling rule.

Scaling tasks

ExecuteScalingRuleExecuteScalingRuleExecutes a scaling rule.
ScaleWithAdjustmentScaleWithAdjustmentScales instances in a scaling group based on the specified scaling policy.
AttachInstancesAttachInstancesAdds instances to a scaling group. You can call the AttachInstances operation to add independent Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances, elastic container instances, or non-Alibaba Cloud instances to your scaling group to provide services. You can also call this operation to change the state of ECS instances in your scaling group from Economical Mode to In Service.
RemoveInstancesRemoveInstancesRemoves one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances from a scaling group.
DetachInstancesDetachInstancesRemoves one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances or elastic container instances from a scaling group.

Scheduled tasks

CreateScheduledTaskCreateScheduledTaskCreates a scheduled task. A scheduled task is a type of scaling task that enables automatic execution of a specific scaling rule at a specified point in time. You can call the CreateScheduledTask operation to create a scheduled task to implement automatic scaling of computing resources. This ensures your business continuity and minimizes resource costs.
ModifyScheduledTaskModifyScheduledTaskModifies a scheduled task.
DescribeScheduledTasksDescribeScheduledTasksQueries scheduled tasks.
DeleteScheduledTaskDeleteScheduledTaskDeletes a scheduled task.

Event-triggered tasks

CreateAlarmCreateAlarmCreates an event-triggered task.
DescribeAlarmsDescribeAlarmsQueries event-triggered tasks.
ModifyAlarmModifyAlarmModifies an event-triggered task.
EnableAlarmEnableAlarmEnables an event-triggered task.
DisableAlarmDisableAlarmDisables an event-triggered task.
DeleteAlarmDeleteAlarmDeletes an event-triggered task.

Lifecycle hooks

CreateLifecycleHookCreateLifecycleHookCreates one or more lifecycle hooks.
ModifyLifecycleHookModifyLifecycleHookModifies a lifecycle hook.
DescribeLifecycleHooksDescribeLifecycleHooksQueries lifecycle hooks.
RecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatRecordLifecycleActionHeartbeatProlongs a lifecycle hook for Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
DescribeLifecycleActionsDescribeLifecycleActionsQueries lifecycle actions.
CompleteLifecycleActionCompleteLifecycleActionEnds a lifecycle hook ahead of schedule.
DeleteLifecycleHookDeleteLifecycleHookDeletes a lifecycle hook.

Event notifications

CreateNotificationConfigurationCreateNotificationConfigurationCreates a notification rule. You can call the CreateNotificationConfiguration operation to create a notification rule to stay informed about scaling events or resource changes. This helps you learn about the dynamic status of your scaling group in real time and further automates the management of scaling events.
ModifyNotificationConfigurationModifyNotificationConfigurationModifies a notification.
DescribeNotificationConfigurationsDescribeNotificationConfigurationsQueries event notifications.
DeleteNotificationConfigurationDeleteNotificationConfigurationDeletes a notification.
DescribeNotificationTypesDescribeNotificationTypesQueries notification types.


EnterStandbyEnterStandbyPuts an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance into the Standby state.
ExitStandbyExitStandbyMoves an Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instance out of the Standby state.
RebalanceInstancesRebalanceInstancesRebalances the distribution of Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances across zones. If ECS instances are unevenly distributed across multiple zones, you can call the RebalanceInstances operation to rebalance the distribution of the ECS instances across the zones.
SetInstanceHealthSetInstanceHealthConfigures the health check feature for Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances.
SetInstancesProtectionSetInstancesProtectionPuts one or more Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances into the Protected state.


DescribeRegionsDescribeRegionsQueries the regions in which Auto Scaling is available.


TagResourcesTagResourcesAdds tags to specified Auto Scaling resources.
ListTagResourcesListTagResourcesQueries tags that are added to one or more Auto Scaling resources.
UntagResourcesUntagResourcesRemoves tags from the specified Auto Scaling resources. If you remove a tag and the tag is not added to other resources, the tag is automatically deleted.
ListTagKeysListTagKeysQueries tag keys.
ListTagValuesListTagValuesQueries tag values.